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24 Apr 2007

Butterfly or Bumblebee?: The Sting of Satire in The Importance of Being Earnest

Thesis - 5 pages - Literature

Oscar Wilde said that his play, The Importance of Being Earnest, subtitled “A Serious Comedy for Trivial People” was “written by a butterfly for butterflies” (qtd. in Stokes 115). Although this statement may be true, the subject of the play itself, while treated in a...

05 Oct 2007

The Cunning Edge

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

Each individual develops his own vision of the universe. A naïve person looks up to the sky to see the moon and strains to glimpse a shooting star, or perhaps, a distant planet. Euphoric about what appears in the distance, he becomes oblivious to what lies directly in front of him. Spending all...

05 Mar 2009

Solving the human problem: Mrs. Alving, Juno Boyle and tragic motherhood

Thesis - 6 pages - Literature

In Raymond Williams' Modern Tragedy, the famous scholar provides an outstanding explanation for the roles of tragic hero and tragic action in modern drama. He argues that "the ordinary tragic action is what happens through the hero" (79, italics are mine). In consequence, the modern tragic...

09 May 2009

Experimental marketing: Building customer associations

Dissertation - 60 pages - Services marketing

Experiential marketing uses brand relevant experiences to engage key audiences while creating a forum where these audiences interact with a brand. It involves high levels of interactivity and sensory impact and seeks to elicit an emotional response the target through a more personal level of...

16 Jan 2009

The American way of life in the fifties

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

Between 1947 and 1960, the average real income for American workers increased by as much as it had in the previous half-century. Over the same period, the GDP soared 220%. Consumption of personal services increased by 3 times. In 1960, per capita income was 35% higher than even the boom year...

10 May 2009

Impact of effective leadership in an organization

Thesis - 46 pages - Management

The success or failure of managers depends on their leadership qualities. They can be successful leaders by helping subordinates to find solutions to their problems. Managers are involved with bringing together resources, developing strategies, organizing and controlling activities in to order to...

24 Aug 2010

Death as reality: A response to Christopher S. Glover's critical analysis of Don DeLillo's White noise

Thesis - 4 pages - Literature

In this essay, I will systematically dissect Christopher S. Glover's categorization of Don DeLillo's White Noise as an example of Baudrillard's third stage of simulacrum while presenting an alternate interpretation that suggests the novel actually represents a deviation on...

27 Feb 2012

Essay on human rights

Thesis - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

"Imagine that you are creating a fabric of human destiny with the object of making men happy in the end [...], but that it was essential and inevitable to torture to death only one tiny creature [...], would you consent to be the architect on those conditions?". There, Fyodor Dostoevsky asked...

02 Aug 2013

Entrepreneurship: Case studies

Case study - 3 pages - Management

Patients like me practices execution excellence in a number of ways. First, there is the comprehensive experience profile of the staff for instance in terms of the knowledge in different areas such as sales, marketing, product development etc. Secondly, there is also the leadership as well as the...

26 May 2009

Analysis and fabrication of the model of a crane with pneumatic lift

Tutorials/exercises - 71 pages - Physics

Within this dissertation, the manufacturing and fabrication of a prototype of a crane with a pneumatic lift is explained with the help of detailed diagrams. The project is held to covert each and every drop of theoretical knowledge into a crude conceptual and practical work. This introductory...

29 Aug 2008

The President's commission on the assassination of President Kennedy and its report

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

“THE ASSASSINATION of John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22, 1963, was a cruel and shocking act of violence directed against a man, a family, a nation, and against all mankind.” This is the first statement made on page 1 of the Report of the President's Commission on the...

07 Dec 2007

The Americanization of High Fidelity

Essay - 4 pages - Film studies

Many feel that a film adaptation needs to be completely faithful to it original written format. “When viewing the film version of a novel or play they know, they want to find in the film what they valued in the literary work, without asking whether this is the sort of thing film can...

07 Oct 2008

Is she fact or fiction? : Blurring boundaries in Angela Carter's 'Nights at the Circus'

Essay - 7 pages - Literature

In Nights at the Circus, Angela Carter succeeds in creating a heroine so untraditional, so much larger than life in both physique and personality, that the topic of who Fevvers is and what she represents is discussed even more by critics than it is by the book's other characters. The winged woman...

15 Oct 2008

The FA's news rules on the regulation of player agents: A critique

Essay - 8 pages - International law

On 21 November 2006, the Football Association (FA) approved and implemented the new domestic Football Agents Regulations (the Regulations), which came into effect in September 2007. Whilst it is too early to ascertain the impact of the Regulations on conduct of player agents, they have sparked...

21 May 2009

Using research in midwifery

Thesis - 10 pages - Medical studies

Discuss the importance of research within midwifery, both in terms of appreciating and evaluating available papers and how the evidence is applied to practice. Pressure has increased on health care professionals, via government directives such as the National Health Service Plan (DOH 2002) and...

09 Feb 2008

Gender Inversion and Spectator Identity in Silence of the Lambs

Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history

Jonathan Demme's 1991 film The Silence of the Lambs centers on a young FBI trainee's attempts to catch a deranged serial killer before he kills again. Clarice Starling is a young woman determined to rise through the ranks of the male FBI. Already at a social disadvantage due to her sex, she...

07 Jul 2008

A proposal for improving the existing strategic quality management framework that is already in place in GE

Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy

The central goal of this investigation is to provide a strategic quality management (SQM) implementation plan for an organization. General Electric has been selected as the organization most in need of this type of program. Although the organization has a long history of implementing Six Sigma as...

07 Jul 2008

Amnesty International: An "Indie" Organization

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - International relations

“Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person,” states the third article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted this declaration in 1948. The members of the Non-Governmental organization, Amnesty...

21 Nov 2008

Foliage feeders in temperate and boreal forests

Essay - 7 pages - Biology

Insect consumers of tree foliage comprise one of the most abundant and diverse feeding guilds in forest ecosystems. Known as folivores, this guild is integral to the structure and functioning of forests. Folivores in?uence vital ecosystem processes in forests, including nutrient turnover,...

09 Jan 2009

The Stephen Lawrence affair

Essay - 7 pages - Journalism

Stephen Lawrence was born in 1974; he was the first child of Doreen and Neville who emigrated from Jamaica in the 1960s. He had one brother Stuart and one sister Georgina. By the age of seven he had already resolved to become an architect. He lived at Plumstead, south-east London, which is a...

16 Apr 2009

Telecommuting: The future of work

Thesis - 9 pages - Management

Telecommuting is synonymous with the Work-from-Home concept, wherein the employee, instead of physically commuting between home and the workplace rather works from home and connects with the office via channels of communication such as telephone, internet, Voice over IP, videoconferencing,...

23 Apr 2009

Theories and case studies on copyright issues in a digital environment, logo infringement and patents

Thesis - 11 pages - Other law subjects

Locke propounded the theory that protection of property is to justify it as a reward for the labor put in to create / generate it by the creator. Locke started his theory with the presumption that ‘every man has a property in his own person'. Locke claims that an individual's labor belongs...

28 Apr 2009

Material management, concept and handling in Parle India

Tutorials/exercises - 39 pages - Business strategy

Material handling is a vital component of any manufacturing and distribution System and the material handling industry is consequently active, dynamic, and Competitive. Material handling is an important practical consideration in the design of new manufacturing and distribution systems, and...

11 Aug 2009

Did popular protest have any lasting influence on the Royal Policy in the 15th century?

Case study - 10 pages - Medieval history

This was a period of immense political change, both in the way the English people were viewed by the government, and in the way they thought of themselves within it. It was characterised by popular disturbances, pieces of critical literature and seditious speech, and a corresponding increase in...

04 Mar 2010

Distinctive pleasures offered by independent features

Thesis - 8 pages - Film studies

The definition of what makes a film “independent” has been difficult to clarify with polarized opinion on whether independent status depends on finance or alternatively Andy Warhol's nihilistic perception of “independent” as meaning opposition to the dominant media on several...

11 Aug 2010

The middle finger that is Stanley Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove"

Thesis - 5 pages - Literature

By the time Churchill dropped the iron curtain across Europe, America was giving up on the idea of a cooperative relationship with the Soviet Union. Foreign policy was being dictated by such blatant anti-communist and anti-Russian works as the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, as well as the...

17 Oct 2014

Business Law Case Study

Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy

The business case study involving Jamie Clark and Joe Adamson is mainly partnership, but due to some issues arising between the two partners Jamie has decided to take legal claims against Joe in the court of law. In order to pass judgment in this case, the partnership agreement would be examined...

29 Sep 2010

American Civilization and World History: an essay on American Exceptionalism

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Alexis de Tocqueville was the first author to write that 'the position of the Americans' was 'quite exceptional.' But the modern notion of American Exceptionalism emerged in the 50s and 60s, and has been particularly challenged since then. This concept refers to the...

29 Sep 2010

Case Study: GE's growth strategy - The Immelt initiative

Case study - 10 pages - Business strategy

This report analyses GE's growth strategy, mainly regarding the new management style: since Immelt's appointment as the Chairman and CEO of the American multinational conglomerate, new initiates have been launched. We aim at analyzing GE's businesses and determine how they are driven and how they...

29 Sep 2010

Habermas and Rorty - the existence of universal human rights

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Human rights have been taken for granted in the Western world. It was asserted that they were universal and every human being was entitled to them on the ground that he or she was human. These rights are considered as inalienable since they are inseparable from the human nature. The challenge is...