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13 Jan 2009

Pluralism, democracy, and citizenship

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

‘Most people think that democratic decisions have special moral force - which we have good reasons to obey laws that are democratically chosen. If this is true, why is it true? If it's not true, why is it not?' Democracy is commonly regarded as the best, or the least bad, political system...

16 Jan 2009

Do U.S. policies towards Egypt and the Muslim Brothers' success affect the democratization process?

Essay - 10 pages - International relations

9.11 attacks and the U.S. reaction to launch a war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq, aside with the perpetuating Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the U.S policies toward Egypt triggered an increased popularity of Islamists. In the context of the up coming Anti-terrorist law due to be...

27 Aug 2014

Analysis of Women in the Military

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

For a long time recruitment of women in the military was kept at minimal. However, in the present era the face of military has taken a drastic change as more and more women join the armed forces. Currently, women make up 14 percent of US forces serving in Afghanistan and Iraq (Carreiras...

12 Nov 2014

The Ayyubid dynasty Territories

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Saladin founded this dynasty. It ruled Egypt in the late 12th century up to the early 13th century. This dynasty is what later became Iraq, Syria and Yemen. This kingdom was named after Ayyub, Saladin's father, who was a member of the Kurdish soldiers of fortune. These soldiers took...

17 Apr 2015

Just How Are We Stupid? - Book review

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

Democracy is a structure of government in which all citizens of a nation determine public policies, laws and actions of the state in unity. All citizens are expected to be involved in all issues pertaining to the wellbeing of the country. This essay is a preview of the book just How Are we...

15 Jun 2008

Analysis of the U.S and foreign media of the abu ghraib scandal

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

In April of 2004, shocking pictures from the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq began to surface in the American media. The pictures depicted members of the 372nd Military Police Company engaged in acts of torture against Iraqi prisoners. Although allegations of abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison began...

24 Jul 2006

Is the United Nations running the same risk as its predecessor the League of Nations of being made marginal or even irrelevant? Why or why not?

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

'The League is dead, long live the United Nations!' This is with these words that Lord Robert Cecil, one of the architects of the League of Nations, commented on the dissolution of the organization, in the spring 1946, expressing the apparent readiness to write the League off as a failure...

04 Nov 2008

Economic and political transition in Bahrain: Strong Rentier States and Strong Rentier Societies

Essay - 18 pages - Political science

Bahrain, often overlooked in both academic and media analyses of the Middle East, has a strategic importance hidden by its small size. As home of the American Fifth Fleet, Bahrain hosts a deterrent against Iran from blockading the Straits of Hormuz as it has recently threatened to do. As such...

18 May 2009

More than they bargained for

Thesis - 5 pages - Literature

The process of maturation from childhood to adulthood, or “coming-of-age,” is a unique experience that often shapes the way that an adult will conduct his or her life in the future. In literature, a Bildungsroman outlines the transformational experiences of a young person as they...

21 Jun 2012

Analysis of Obama's leadership abilities in relation to his policies and oratory skills

Case study - 4 pages - Political science

Since his arrival to power in 2008, after his victory in the presidential election, the domestic and foreign policies of the President Barack Obama have been the focus of extensive analysis by numerous commentators. Having inherited economic instability and two wars from the previous government...

15 Jan 2009

Oil depletion and use of vehicles: what are the alternative energies?

Essay - 13 pages - Journalism

In our modern society, oil is omnipresent in our habits and plays a significant role. It has several stakes in economical, political and strategic fields. Indeed oil is considered as the best energy source because it is easily extracted, stocked and transformed. Moreover, its energy yield is very...

10 Sep 2008

The PLO: Still a threat?

Essay - 6 pages - International law

When the historic "Gaza and Jericho" first agreement was signed in September 1993 at the White House in Washington, D. C., in the presence of Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Chairman Arafat, Israeli Prime Minister Rabin and President Clinton, uproar and discontent were exhibited by all...

12 May 2009

To what extent does realism naturalize war?

Market study - 5 pages - International relations

In 1991 a US-led coalition launched, with the agreement of UN, a wide military operation against the rogue regime of Saddam Hussein that had attempted to invade Kuwait in order to take over its staggering oil resources. George Herbert Bush, at the head of the coalition that was to rescue Kuwait,...

05 Oct 2012

Canadian policy at the crossroads: Protecting Canada's independence in the age of globalization

Case study - 8 pages - International relations

The foreign relations of Canada are by nature, very much centered upon its southern neighbor, the United States. This is true for both trade and foreign policy considerations. In addition, Canadian governments have also had active relations with many other nations. These relationships have...

04 Jun 2009

The Mesopotamian civilization

Thesis - 12 pages - Ancient history

Mesopotamia or Bilad Al-Rafidayn, the Arabic terminology for "land between the rivers" is widely considered as the “cradle of civilization” on account of the flourishing urban communities that thrived in this land much before the rest of the world was inhabited.In a narrow sense,...

09 Oct 2023

The Syrian Conflict: Effectiveness and Ethics of the Bombing by the United States, Britain, and France

Essay - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages

An alliance led by the US, Britain, and France has been bombarding targets in Syria since 2015. Nevertheless, different events must be distinguished. On the first hand, some bombings took place in order to fight against Daesh. Iraq asked for the help of other countries in order to wipe out...

13 Jan 2009

Is civil disobedience ever justified?

Essay - 3 pages - Civil law

“Man is bound to obey secular princes in so far as this is required by order of justice. Wherefore if the prince's authority is not just but usurped, or if he commands what is unjust, his subjects are not bound to obey him, except perhaps accidentally, in order to avoid scandal or...

06 Oct 2008

Corporate responsibility in the Automotive Industry

Essay - 4 pages - Management

Organizations work for the consumers and claim that they are the ones who make it possible for the generation of goods and social benefits. On the other hand consumers are of the opinion that organizations exist because of consumer endorsement. Organizations would not be possible had it not been...

16 Jan 2009

The international executive across cultures - France and India

Essay - 12 pages - Management

India's official name is the Republic of India and its capital is New Delhi. It measures over 3 million square kilometers for a population of around 1.1 billion inhabitants. India is located on the Indian sub-continent and can be divided into 4 topographical regions: the Himalayan region, the...

09 May 2009

PEST analysis

Thesis - 8 pages - Business strategy

PEST stands for political, economic, social and technological features of a business environment which might influence or even threaten the company. This allows detecting all nuisance or hindrance factors to business development. The political arena has a huge influence upon the regulation of...

17 May 2009

Karen E. Smith "European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World"

Book review - 4 pages - European union

European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World provides a clear introduction to the complexities of the contemporary European Union foreign policy, and offers a comprehensive and a distinctive perspective on the nature of the European Union's international identity. Karen E.Smith is a...

30 May 2009

The impact of Al Qaeda's attacks on the financial sector

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

“Five-and-a-half years ago, 19 terrorists hijacked four airplanes and changed the course of history. Just as we underestimated Al Qaeda then, we risk repeating the same mistake now.” (Hoffman 2007, 44). First, the question itself merits a two or so sentences - it is interesting by...

30 Jun 2010

Education: Where the 2008 Presidential candidates stand

Thesis - 2 pages - Philosophy

There are 76.6 million children under the age of 17 currently enrolled in school in the United States. In 2008, education reform ranked as the third most important issue for voters, behind the war in Iraq and the economy. The No Child Left behind Act, passed in 2001 by President Bush, is...

29 Sep 2010

Financial Analysis of Southwest Airlines and United Airlines

Case study - 14 pages - Finance

The airline industry has significantly changed over the last few years of this century. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the attacks on Madrid and London, the Iraq conflict and the increase in fuel prices have resulted in losses for airline companies since 2001. Some of them...

29 Sep 2010

Interest groups and voter ignorance

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

Certain interest groups are often depicted as pursuing only their self-interest. They are supposed to "push government to enact policies that benefit small constituencies at the expense of the general public". These criticisms lead to the creation of a new word: lobbying, which designates the...

10 Jan 2011

The importation and the marketing of wines and spirits in Dubai

Market study - 45 pages - Economy general

The Federation of UAE is an Arab country that tolerates the import and marketing of alcohol in a very strict manner. We place ourselves in a Muslim country in the vicinity of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, in order to study it. We all know the position of Islam vis-a-vis alcohol. In...

27 Jan 2011

Two-party system in the United States

Worksheets - 3 pages - Political science

"We are moderate people, not extremist", declared Hillary Clinton at a meeting in Iowa during the race for the Democrats nomination in 2007. It is a statement which applies to the American people as much as to the political parties. Indeed, the United States, the country which is often upheld as...

01 Aug 2022

The United States and the World - Transnational problems today as seen from Washington

Course material - 12 pages - Political science

In the document issued in September 2002, "The National Security Strategy of the USA", two essential goals of US national policy were stressed: the defeat of "Global terrorism" and "to prevent our enemies from threatening us, our allies, and our friends with weapons of mass destruction". Those...

27 Aug 2014

The fall of the Babylonian Empire

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Babylonia was a delightful country south of Mesopotamia. The name comes from its capital city called Babylon. Babylon's geographic location was around the Euphrates River, which was 50 miles in the south of the modern day country of Baghdad and the north of the present day Iraq. Their...

27 Jan 2011

Evolution of tourism in Turkey

Case study - 10 pages - Services marketing

This work focuses on the tourism development in Turkey. It is a country that is "friendly, handsome, with a rich culture and not at all expensive". It is a country that is modern enough to be comfortable but still traditional, and therefore interesting to analyze. As part of this analysis, the...