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Theme : Iraq

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11 Aug 2010

War on terrorism

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are different in many ways, however they both are based upon a “war on terrorism”. Following the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11th, 2001, the United States declared a war upon terrorism. Following this declaration,...

29 Sep 2010

The Global War on terrorism and the effects in the Euro-american relations: Causes, consequences, solutions

Essay - 11 pages - International relations

Terrorism has become the most important threat regarding international stability in the 21st century. Though the Euro Atlantic community considers that it is of the utmost importance to eradicate it, it is not able to set up a common strategy. Since the war in Iraq, the Bush administration...

12 Nov 2008

The Baghdad crucible

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

What is going on in Iraq since the 2003 invasion and, by extension, since long before during Operation Desert Storm is in many ways a paradigm—an ever-evolving view into a society that has, for internal and external reasons, become one of the most turbulent areas in the Middle East...

06 Aug 2013

Understanding military downsizing

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

On October 21st, 2011, President Obama held a press conference, one of many actually, where he stated “virtually all U.S. troops will come home from Iraq by the end of the year -- at which point he can declare an end to America's long and costly war in that Middle Eastern...

17 Jun 2008

Critically Examination of US policy toward the Middle East in the twentieth century

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

Throughout the course of its history, the United States has utilized its foreign policy objectives for the purposes of pursuing its own needs. Although the United States has, in rare instances, pursued foreign policy objectives for the purposes of altruistically improving outcomes for citizens in...

20 Jan 2009

The terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 have led to a complete change in American foreign policy

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

When George W. Bush arrived in office as President in 2000, he was determined to limit the role of the United States in foreign affairs, although there was in his electorate a hope for a strong foreign policy. The new administration saw in the failure in Yugoslavia, “Clinton's war” ,...

28 Jul 2009

How an EU military could affect world peace through international law

Thesis - 12 pages - International law

There is no greater motivation for European unification than the desire for peace. Just like the UN, the EU wants to avoid the “scourge of war” for its future generations. In times of peace, the world forgets that the EU is not an economic coalition, but is instead a peaceful, foreign...

29 Nov 2006

War and the American Presidency : Arthur Schlesinger

Book review - 4 pages - Political science

War And The American Presidency was written by Arthur Schlesinger Jr., who used to be an adviser for Adlai Stevenson's campaign and a special assistant to President Kennedy . He participated in the founding of Americans for Democratic Action, “America's oldest independent liberal...

04 Dec 2008

Japanese military independence

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

The Japanese Self-Defense Force (SDF) was developed as a provisionary force during the Cold War and is restricted under Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. The SDF has been under much scrutiny over the most recent decade. Debates regarding the amendment or abolition of Article 9 itself,...

17 May 2009

Reflection on a discourse by Tony Blair to the American Congress

Thesis - 5 pages - Political science

Tony Blair addressed a discourse to the congress of the United States of America (USA) on July, 17th, 2003. It is a political text strongly related to the political context at that point of time, which I will discuss later on. The discourse can be explained by looking at each of the sentences and...

29 Sep 2010

Hegemony or Survival America's quest for global dominance, Noam Chomsky

Book review - 9 pages - International relations

In this book, Noam Chomsky presents a view of American foreign policy over the ages, developing a very widespread theory that is clearly presented in the first chapter's title “Imperial Grand Strategy”. In fact, he explains how the US, especially since the beginning of the 21st century...

09 Jan 2009

Decision Making: Will the US Attack Iran?

Essay - 3 pages - International relations

Iran has always been a major concern in United States foreign policy. With almost seventy million inhabitants, three times the population of Iraq, the former Persia is a key actor in the Middle East. The diplomatic relations between America and Iran have fluctuated according to regime...

29 Sep 2010

How useful is the term "New terrorism" in distinguishing -9/11 post terrorism from the form that preceded it?

Essay - 7 pages - International relations

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the usefulness of the term "New Terrorism" in distinguishing -9/11 terrorism from the form that preceded it. Firstly, we will try to find a suitable definition of "New Terrorism" and then we will see how it is difficult to find a definition of "Terrorism"....

29 Sep 2010

John J. Mearsheimer & Stephen M. Walt - Can Saddam be contained? History says yes

Book review - 1 pages - International relations

This text was written in November 2002 by John J. Mearsheimer, a professor of political science at the University of Chicago, and Stephen M. Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard University. It takes part in the aftermath of 9/11, and the debate over the necessity of a war in...

01 Jul 2008

Are economic sanctions a moral alternative to force?

Case study - 5 pages - International relations

Having witnessed so many wars in history, it would seem an obvious answer that any other solution than force should be welcomed for resolving conflicts in international politics. Economic sanctions, as means of economic statecraft has frequently been used as an alternative. However, not only its...

22 Mar 2012

The origins of Hezbollah

Essay - 10 pages - Political science

In this essay I will be focusing on the formation of Hezbollah, and will begin this exploration starting in 1943 until 1982. I would like to answer the question: Was Hezbollah created for Iranian interests? Iran's contemporary involvement in Hezbollah is sometimes referred to as interchangeable...

08 Dec 2008

Legal and policy issues and campaigning strategy relevant to the 21st congressional district election in Florida

Essay - 16 pages - Other law subjects

This paper will outline the legal and policy issues that are pertinent to your election campaign against incumbent Lincoln Diaz-Balart in the 21st U.S. Congressional District of Florida (herein after the 21st District, the District, or the 21st). We start with a general fact summary of the 21st...

15 Jan 2009

Problems in multilateral diplomacy: Iran's nuclear program

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

“Iran now lies at the center of the Middle East's major problems”: civil wars in Iraq and Lebanon, development and security challenges in Afghanistan and in the Gulf, oil crisis, etc. But the main issue concerning the Islamic Republic of Iran for the international community...

16 Jan 2009

Critical summary and reflective analysis of Gerard Alexander's essay, "Making Democracy Stick."

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

Published in the issue of December 2005 & January 2006, the article “Making Democracy Stick” written by Gerard Alexander is part of a wider movement distancing itself from the American muscled intervention in Iraq and its lack of preparation for democratic consolidation. The...

14 May 2009

Dangerous liaisons: On the love-hate affair between the US and France

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

A quick look at the sheer number of French books written on the United States, whether it is on 9/11, Iraq, the environment, George W.Bush or any other foreign policy issue, shows how important is the United States for France. The opposite may not be so true. France is considered like one...

24 Apr 2009

Kuwait: The hidden moneymaker of the middle East

Thesis - 8 pages - Geography

Kuwait is a small sovereign emirate strategically located on the northwestern coast of the Persian Gulf, tucked between Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The name comes from an Arabic word translating to “fortress built near water,” which it very much looks like on a map. It has a rich...

14 Mar 2014

A History of American Imperialism

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

Today we still see the struggle of two ideologically opposed groups of Americans, on one side there are the imperialist, people who embrace a philosophy born from Americans such as Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge. They believed it is our manifest destiny too expand the reach of the...

09 Jan 2009

Domestic Politics and American Foreign Policy: American & European political culture, an unsolvable misunderstanding?

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The end of the cold war with the collapse of the Soviet Union enabled the emergence of the United States as a hegemonic power. At this time Realist Theories in International Relations predicted that a counterbalancing coalition should soon be organized. The European Union appeared as the most...

24 Sep 2010

China-Middle East relations and how the natural resources affect their relations

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

It remains without a doubt that the economic boom that China has witnessed in the last few decades had many implications for other regions of the world, including the Middle East. To fuel its ever increasing production and consumption patterns, and its ultimate search for economic profit, China...

29 Sep 2010

The role of NATO in Afghanistan

Essay - 11 pages - International relations

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has been in Afghanistan since August 2003 to command the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), which was created on December 20, 2001, by Security Council Resolution 1386 of the United Nations, in accordance with the Bonn Agreement. ISAF has...

11 Dec 2007

The Tyranny of Real Time and the Intensification of the Spectacle

Thesis - 5 pages - Political science

While screening clips of American soldiers fighting in Iraq and analysis of the “insurgency” spews forth from the mouth of an “expert” on the conflict, Fox News's scrolling news ticker reports Homeland Security's terrorist alert level on loop, warning its viewers that...

31 Jan 2014

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Every country in the world has defence forces, which is compost of the military, police and other security forces in order to protect the country from internal and external attack. For the past few years, American has remains the superpower, hence have control in the whole world in terms of...

16 May 2008

Afghanistan as a Just War

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

Following the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 which left American devastated, United States of America President declared that these actions needed to be viewed as an act of war. This concept of an attack on American soil was, prior to September 11th, something completely foreign to the...

19 Jun 2013

Personal responsibility and peacemaking

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The US is 300 million strong and counting. Sure, the indiscretions of George W. Bush led to the Iraq War, but there are 300 million people who could do something about it. Think about it this way, George W. Bush may have waged the war, but he did not fight it. Soldiers did the fighting....

08 Oct 2008

Stephen Colbert: Truthiness of the times

Essay - 12 pages - Political science

By any historical standards, the last decade has been an extremely eventful and difficult one for America. With the flawed and still-debated 2000 presidential election we witnessed a fault line in our democracy and the election of a politically radical president; September 11th forced many...