Market analysis of IPO business in India
Market study - 27 pages - Finance
Like several other goods, which require a market place for buyers & sellers to come together, shares, too need a market where they can be sold & bought. The markets where shares are sold bought are either primary market or secondary market. The primary stock market is the place where the new...
Standard Chartered mutual funds
Thesis - 24 pages - Finance
Mutual funds are a topic, which is of interest to both investors and academicians all over the world. Mutual Funds as a medium-to-long term investment option are preferred as a suitable investment option by investors. However, with so many market entrants and a plethora of schemes...
Estimating market risk premium using Markov switching : Tunisian Case
Dissertation - 97 pages - Finance
The general increase in volatility of the nancial markets can be partly explained by the growing uncertainly of the economic environment. It is, on the other hand, a reflection of the growing efficiency and integration of the financial markets allow the almostinstantaneous move of capital...
The stock exchange and the big industries of India
Dissertation - 39 pages - Finance
Stock market is a broad term, which involves a number of markets in which securities are brought and sold. Stock markets often rise and fall. Before knowing why the stock markets are so volatile, let us understand about stock market and the investment options available to a potential...
Pricing futures
Case study - 61 pages - Finance
Stock index futures began trading on NSE on the 12th June 2000. Stock futures were launched on 9th November 2001. The volumes and open interest on this market has been steadily growing. Looking at the futures prices on NSE's market, have you ever felt the need to know whether the quoted prices...
Competitor analysis of financial securities industries: Religare
Case study - 36 pages - Finance
The securities markets in India witnessed several policy initiatives since the year 2000, which further refined the markets micro-structure, modernized operations and broadened investment choices for investors. The irregularities in the securities transactions in the last quarter of the...
A study on security analysis for selecting appropriate security
Case study - 79 pages - Management
An investment refers to the commitment of funds at present, in anticipation of some positive rate of return in future. Today the spectrum of investment is indeed wide. An investor is confronted with array of investment avenues. Among all investment, investment in equity is best high...
Initial public offering: MIC Electronics Ltd
Dissertation - 51 pages - Business strategy
Project IPO deals with initial public offering, or IPO, because it is the first sale of stock by a company to the public. A company can raise money by issuing either debt or equity. If the company has never issued equity to the public, it's known as an IPO. Broadly speaking, companies are...
Location determinants of foreign direct investment in real estate
Thesis - 23 pages - Business strategy
The global real estate market is complexly structured and highly competitive. In order to diversify the portfolio and to achieve the highest risk adjusted return, real estate firms invest across national borders. The choice of the most favorable location is of highest importance for the success...
Risk management in the asset management industry (risk measurement techniques): An evaluation of 'value at risk' tools
Tutorials/exercises - 112 pages - Finance
This Report is divided into two parts. Part I is introductory in nature containing brief profiles of global and Indian mutual fund industries, risk and the mutual fund industry, theoretical aspects of risk management process and various concepts associated with measurement of risks in...
The study on security analysis for selecting the appropriate security through analyzing economy and industry
Tutorials/exercises - 80 pages - Economy general
An investment refers to the commitment of funds at present, in anticipation of some positive rate of return in future. Today the spectrum of investment is indeed wide. An investor is confronted with array of investment avenues. Among all investment, investment in equity is best high...
The subprime crisis in the United States and its impact on the European financial markets
Thesis - 91 pages - Economy general
It was in February 2007 that the current financial market crisis was revealed to the United States. Institutions specializing in subprime loans announced their first losses and provisions. The financial experts compiled several scenarios. Was this a temporary crisis that would correct the...
Bulgaria and European Union: A research report
Tutorials/exercises - 22 pages - European union
The development of a global financial market transforms the individual countries' and domestic capital markets into connected single financial environment, where investors can take advantage of numerous investment opportunities. The dynamic growth and gradual integration of the Bulgarian...
Alternative accounting practices: earnings management using loan loss
Essay - 4 pages - Accounting
Critical examinations of recent corporate scandals that have occurredi.e. Enron and WorldCom in particulardemonstrate that the accounting practices utilized by the organization were less than ethical. However, in most instances the accounting principles used by the organization were...
Microfinance: the Challenge of Accessing Global Capital Markets
Essay - 9 pages - Finance
The main theme of this project is the facilitation and development of microfinance, which is the provision of loans, savings, insurance, payments, and other basic financial services to low-income populations . The project is dedicated to identifying and evaluating existing options for...
The legal process of entering into a joint venture with the Cuban water utility company
Essay - 16 pages - International law
This paper examines the legal process of entering into a joint venture with the Cuban public water system through a joint venture in a Post-Fidel Castro Cuba. Although Fidel is no longer at the helm, the Cuban Communist party is still in power. Since Cuba has a state planned economy, we place...
The core-satellite model revisited, tracking error control, ETF's and satellites possibilities
Essay - 10 pages - Management
A core-satellite management consist in having a core portfolio made up of passive management vehicles (index funds, ETFs, etc.) with low management fees, and separately one, or several, very active satellites that are made up of funds with a strong tracking error, or even funds with no constraint...
Trading volatility
Essay - 13 pages - Finance
Traditionally, to make a profit, most individual investors and fund managers are forced to take a view on the direction of the price of something. The traditional or fundamental strategy is to study all the aspects of the market-place, all the factors affecting the price or that might...
The growth of the Luxembourg real estate market: speculative bubble or viable situation?
Dissertation - 38 pages - Economy general
Demand for housing is very high in Luxembourg, but new construction is not enough to meet it, especially since no new real estate projects are planned for 2023. In addition, borrowing is made difficult by the rise in interest rates on mortgages. Indeed, since the end of the year 2022,...
Commodity futures market
Dissertation - 40 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
India has a long history of commodity futures trading, extending over 125 years. Still, such trading was interrupted suddenly since the mid seventies in the fond hope of ushering in an elusive socialistic pattern of society. As the country embarked on economic liberalization policies and signed...
Foreign direct investment: India
Thesis - 29 pages - Economy general
Developing countries, emerging economies and countries in transition increasingly see foreign direct investment (FDI) as a source of economic development, modernization and employment generation, and have liberalized their FDI regimes to attract investment. The overall benefits of FDI for...
Analyzing international portfolio strategy with home event risk versus foreign information asymmetry
Thesis - 10 pages - Finance
This study develops a model for international portfolio choice in the presence of the home asset with event-risk versus foreign asset with stochastic information filtering. The model is constructed from comparing the portfolio fraction changes of domestic assets so as to maximize the expected...
A study on forex risk management
Tutorials/exercises - 48 pages - Finance
Forex markets have been described as continuous auction markets, and have clearing houses for the latest information about supply and demand. They are the meeting places of buyers and sellers of an ever-expanding list of currencies today includes like EUR, GBP and JPY etc. trading have also been...
A benchmark of finding the criteria for optimal portfolio choice
Tutorials/exercises - 17 pages - Finance
In today's rapidly changing economic environments, global portfolio investors are invariably confronted with dynamic and fluid choice of criteria that enable them to exercise subjective judgment on asset portfolio choice decisions. The subjective investment portfolio choice includes the...
The concept of private equity and its application
Thesis - 4 pages - Finance
Private equity is a relatively young asset class, but has evolved substantially over the last two decades. Due to the long-term horizon required for investing, private equity is dominated by institutional investors, such as pension plans, foundations, endowments and family offices....
Is "Al-Dar Islamic Fund", created by Pictet, a Geneva based Private Bank, Islamic compliant?
Essay - 10 pages - Finance
Who has created the ?Al-Dar Islamic Fund'? Is it Pictet which is a Geneva based Private Bank which is in compliance with the Islamic culture? The answer to this buzzing mind boggling question is ?No'. As confirmed, the contained shares are not Islamic compliant and secondly the targeted...
Characteristics of bonds and equities
Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies
Year on year, plenty of individuals embracing investment in financial instruments and assets for the first time, have increasing cases of reported withdrawals citing dissatisfaction and continual failure to pace their portfolio diversification to the transforming financial market. Often, the...
The evolution and implications of Hedge Fund institutionalization
Essay - 12 pages - Finance
Hedge funds and their managers, once obscure enigmas of the investment community, have become in the last decade household names due to their overwhelming publicity as money-hungry madmen. Part of the reason why these loosely regulated funds have drawn so much attention is because their explosive...
Governance and management of income: an empirical study in the Tunisian context
Dissertation - 49 pages - Accounting
Through this research, one can define the concepts and theories of management results in the first chapter. In the second chapter, it will address the impact of governance mechanisms on the management statement. Finally, it will address this problem through an empirical study in the Tunisian...
Applied Investment - Financial and Economic Context
Case study - 10 pages - Finance
Every single investor is interested in maximizing investment returns while simultaneously minimizing risk subjected to the investment. Consequently, investors prefer committing their resources in receptive economic systems free from uncertainties that may hamper their anticipated...