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Theme : Investors

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19 Sep 2022

How are women entrepreneurs changing the world?

Course material - 2 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

This lesson plan explains how women entrepreneurs can change the world, and includes vocabulary and exercises to practice writing in English.

12 Dec 2023

The Impact of the Barcelona Traction Case on Shareholder Protection under International Law or The Diplomatic Protection of Companies and Shareholders

Thesis - 27 pages - International law

This research paper has been written by Mr Éric J. CHICATE-LAURENT, a student at University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. The Barcelona Traction judgment of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of February 5th 1970, considerably shaped the protection of foreign investors. Indeed, this...

05 Mar 2009

Indian financial market

Dissertation - 56 pages - Economy general

The function of financial market is to facilitate the transfer of funds, from surplus sector (lenders) to deficit sector (borrower). Normally householders have excess of funds or saving, which they lend to a borrower in the corporate and public sector. Whose requirement of funds far exceeds their...

13 Mar 2009

Mutual fund as an investment options in Prudent Corporate Advisory Services Limited

Essay - 83 pages - Services marketing

All investments carry risk in some form or the other. Risk, liquidity and return are the so-called factors, which are considered before making an investment. But there is a trade off between risk and return. Lower the risk and lower the return. The decision of which mode of investment to choose...

03 Apr 2009

The impact of FIIs on Indian National stock exchange and how effective the Government is in Liberalizing and controlling the National Stock exchange?

Dissertation - 40 pages - Finance

The intention of this research was to examine the impact of Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) on the Indian National Stock Exchange (NSE). To achieve the aims, the following objectives have been determined to study how FII plays an important role in National stock exchange; to study...

28 May 2009

Commodity markets Vs share markets

Case study - 77 pages - Finance

Indian markets have recently thrown open a new avenue for retail investors and traders to participate in: commodity derivatives. For those who want to diversify their portfolios beyond shares, bonds and real estate, commodities are the best option. Till some months ago, this wouldn't...

30 May 2009

Mutual funds and their investment options

Tutorials/exercises - 42 pages - Finance

A mutual fund is a pool of money, collected from investors, and is invested according to certain investment options. A mutual fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common financial goal. A mutual fund is created when investors put their...

11 Jul 2006

Companies dividend policy

Thesis - 23 pages - Finance

Dividend policy is one of the most important financial policies, not only form the viewpoint of the company, but also from that of the shareholders, the consumers, the workers, regulatory bodies and the Government. For a company, it is a pivotal policy around which other financial policies...

05 Aug 2008

Efficient capital markets and the importance of behavioral finance

Essay - 7 pages - Finance

Efficient capital markets allow to consumers and companies to invest savings, borrow, and manage risk in the most effective way. Capital markets bring together companies, that seek to raise capital to invest in future performance and investors, who seek for a profitable return on their...

05 Mar 2009

Analysis of risk and return of mutual fund schemes at Standard Chartered Mutual Funds

Dissertation - 34 pages - Finance

Balancing of funds which includes issuing & collecting of funds in any economy is very important. There are many financial products in india, not only for balancing but also to provide liquidity for ideal capital, such as bank deposits, NSS savings, securities, insurance etc., which have some...

23 Nov 2006

Initial Public Offerings: an Outlook through Game Theory

Essay - 16 pages - Finance

Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) have a very special place in contemporary economics and finance. They represent the entrance on a deep and liquid market with access to almost unlimited reserves of capital from all over the world. But IPOs appear also as a short-term fund-raising tool, especially...

05 Mar 2009

Mutual funds in India

Thesis - 41 pages - Finance

A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common financial goal. The money thus collected is then invested in capital market instruments such as shares, debentures and other securities. The income earned through these investments and the capital...

05 Mar 2009

Mutual funds

Dissertation - 47 pages - Finance

A Mutual Fund is the ideal investment vehicle for today's complex and modern financial scenario. Markets for equity shares, bonds, and other fixed instruments. Price changes in these are driven by global events occurring in faraway places. A typical individual is unlikely to have the knowledge,...

12 Mar 2009

Mutual fund as an investment option at Angel Booking Ltd

Case study - 53 pages - Finance

Let me advocate that the Indian economy is an economic giant in all of Asia. This development has taken place due to the growth in the financial system. This financial system provides the background to various investors regarding varied options to invest. Thus, development of the economy...

24 Jul 2023

The Impact of Social Media on Startups Development

Thesis - 33 pages - Marketing theories

Startups are known for their ambitious goals and desire to succeed. There are several milestones that startups aim to achieve, including raising funds, achieving market fit, scaling the business, and establishing a strong brand. However, to accomplish these objectives, startups need to have a...

13 Mar 2009

General awareness about mutual funds

Dissertation - 56 pages - Finance

The concept of ‘Mutual Funds' is to make different investment avenues available to investors. Mutual funds also offer good investment opportunities to the investors. Like all investments, they carry certain risks. The investors should compare the risks and expected...

21 Mar 2009

Commodity futures as a risk reduction and investment instrument

Case study - 58 pages - Finance

The Indian financial system consists of many institutions, instruments and markets. Financial instruments range from the common coins, currency notes and cheques, to the more exotic futures swaps of high finance. The regulatory institutions are the ones, which form the regulations, and control...

25 Mar 2009

Indian securities market and the role of Sharekhan

Case study - 74 pages - Finance

Securities market has essentially three categories of participants, namely the issuer of securities, investors in securities and the intermediaries, and two categories of products, namely the services of the intermediaries, the securities including derivatives. The securities market has...

01 Apr 2009

A study of behavioral finance in the Indian stock exchange

Case study - 32 pages - Finance

Much of economic and financial theory is based on the notion that individuals act rationally and consider all available information in the decision-making process. However, researchers have uncovered a surprisingly large amount of evidence that this is frequently not the case. Peter L. Bernstein...

01 Apr 2009

Mutual funds and other investment opportunities: Franklin Templeton Investments

Case study - 38 pages - Finance

Savings form an important part of the economy of any nation. With the savings invested in various options available to the people, money acts as the driver for growth of the country. Indian financial scene too presents a plethora of avenues to the investors. Though certainly not the best...

06 Apr 2009

Portfolio management and investment decision

Case study - 42 pages - Finance

A portfolio is a collection of securities since it is really desirable to invest the entire funds of an individual or an institution or a single security, it is essential that every security be viewed in a portfolio context. Thus it seems logical that the expected return of the portfolio....

16 Apr 2009

Comparative analysis of madcap fund with reference to Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd

Case study - 35 pages - Finance

The Indian Mutual Funds Industry has witnessed a sea change since UTI was first established in 1963. From a single player the number of players has increased to 29 and the number of schemes has spiraled to 477. The last decade has been a period of rapid growth for the MF industry. The paper...

20 Apr 2009

Security analysis and portfolio management in Collabo Interactive Solutions

Case study - 45 pages - Business strategy

Portfolio management is both an art and a science. It is a dynamic decision making process, one that is continuous and systematic but also requires a great deal of judgment. The objective of this project is to blend theory and practice to achieve a consistent portfolio management process. This...

08 May 2009

NDSL: Depository functions and services

Case study - 51 pages - Finance

The Indian capital market has witnessed an unprecedented growth in the past few years, facilitated by modernization of the trading system. Automation of the trading infrastructure in 1994 has given us a trading system comparable with the best in the world. The establishment of a settlement...

21 May 2009

A study and an in depth analysis of the Indian capital market

Tutorials/exercises - 33 pages - Finance

The medium capitalized segment of the stock market is being increasingly perceived as an attractive investment segment with high growth potential. However, the lack of awareness among the investors has not been able to prove much as per the above statement. Majority of the investors...

17 Jun 2009

Portfolio management (risk and return) of inter-connected stock exchanges

Case study - 47 pages - Finance

Investment may be defined as an activity that commits funds in any financial form in the present with an expectation of receiving additional return in the future. The expectations bring with it a probability that the quantum of return may vary from a minimum to a maximum. This possibility of...

27 Oct 2009

The strategy of investment and development of the French companies in Poland

Dissertation - 75 pages - Business strategy

This paper deals with the strategy of investment and development of the French companies in Poland. In a first part, the author discusses the theory of Foreign Direct Investment, more commonly called FDI: its different types and their alternatives, their motives, benefits and risks. In the second...

29 Sep 2010

The consequences of the financial crisis on theory and practical aspects of asset management

Dissertation - 55 pages - Finance

2007 is going down in history with the subprime phenomenon which came as a surprise to all market observers. According to P. Artus, Director of the Economic Research at Natixis , the word subprime was mentioned in 6,000 articles in the international press in 2006, 32,000 during the first 6 months...

22 Feb 2011

Financial Analysis - Vinci & Bouygues

Thesis - 20 pages - Finance

The following report presents the financial statements of two leading French construction groups: Bouygues and Vinci. With the help of several economic and financial metrics, we will analyze and assess the companies' strengths and weaknesses and give an objective opinion to potential...

17 Jun 2021

Managerial Finance

Course material - 12 pages - Finance

Financial markets: - Financing investments (for firms) ; - Inter-temporal allocation of cash-flows (for consumers/investors) ; - Risk transformation: risk-diversification and tis-transfer (for firms and investors). Companies are the unit of observation of this course (companies...