Ways in which the crumbling economy might be endangering Galesburg's social services
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
To explore that idea further, I read Common Sense and the Collaborative Production of Class by Celine-Marie Pascale. When I walked into Hulick's office and asked how her job had changed in the wake of the economic downturn, she told me that it really hadn't. Galesburg's social...
Organizational change in an HIV prevention program
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The persons interviewed were selected to represent Management, fiscal/support staff, and historical line staff knowledge of this program. The author considered interviewing the Region 3 AIDSnet Coordinator, but was asked not to by the Program Manager due to the precarious political environment...
Pedagogy with middle school students
Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies
Adolescences undergo a remarkable and rapid developmental change. Understanding and responding to the unique development characteristic is critical at the middle school level. The teacher education system should prepare all teachers for middle school students to face the challenges that emerge at...
The impact of sleep duration on vulnerability to false memory implantation
Case study - 5 pages - Biology
Many studies have been examining effects of sleep loss on developing false memory. Yet, its role in lost-in-the-mall' memory implantation has not been discerned. This study will investigate impact of sleep durations on vulnerability to false memory implantation, in university students....
McDonald's: Corporate reputation after criticism of unhealthy food
Case study - 20 pages - Management
McDonald's is a large fast food chain with an international presence around the world. During the last few years, the company has been criticized by customers for offering unhealthy food causing obesity, and for dodgy corporate ethics. This is why we decided to study the international corporate...
The e-marketing plan of a Belgian SME: Cha-hu-the - published: 29/09/2010
Case study - 26 pages - Civil law
Nowadays, the key question is not whether to deploy Internet technology - companies have no choice if they want to stay competitive- but how to deploy it. Since 2008, the penetration rate of the Internet is 48.1% in Europe, and the average of the world is 21.9%. More specifically,...
Gaps in research knowledge
Case study - 9 pages - Psychology
Finkelhor, D. (2004) discovered several gaps in the research knowledge associated with the history of childhood sexual abuse. The authors affirm that the plethora of research that is currently available on adult survivors of CSA is valuable; however, they cite some weaknesses in some of those...
Opportunities and Limitations in targeting the Grey Segment: Example of the French Tourist Industry
Dissertation - 40 pages - Economy general
Purpose - To improve the knowledge base concerning the growing senior population. Objectives - Assess the potentiality of the senior tourism market in France, by understanding their behavior and expectations. We also tried to analyze the attitudes of seniors towards advertising and Internet....
Market research on customer satisfaction survey for Henkel (B2B)
Case study - 42 pages - Services marketing
This research was implemented to determine the level of Customer Satisfaction with Henkel Products and Services. It is a Business to business (B2B) research. The approach adopted for conducting the research includes surveys and personal interviews conducted in May 2008. Henkel deals its...
Analyzing Oswald's relationship with the FBI
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
The United States intelligence community is comprised of people who live their lives according to a code of conduct and the orders they receive from superior members of their hierarchical family. Members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation work closely with the United States...
The Search
Essay - 3 pages - Literature
Through the evolution of the vampire novel, the search for knowledge and information remains a unifying theme that characterizes the genre. In Bram Stoker's Dracula, Stephen King's Salem's Lot, and Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire, this quest for understanding about vampires and...
Who Puts the Food in Your Mouth?
Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Super Size Me, rather than being a straightforward example of debauchery, is an allegory for the desperate need to change personal nutrition in America. Morgan Spurlock challenges the limits of obscenity in making Super Size Me, in which he goes on a thirty day...
Job outlook for technical communicators
Essay - 5 pages - Journalism
Technical writing is essential to our daily lives, there are a variety of career options for technical communicators. The key to survival is to have an education, know where to look for a job, and be prepared with an up-to-date resume and confident interviewing skills. Job Outlook for Technical...
Launching a designer clothes line. Firm: Fashion designer Isabelle Beaumenay Joannet
Thesis - 14 pages - Services marketing
The marketing problem we aim to deal with is that of targeting the segment of customers Isabelle should focus on. Then we will have to define how to reach this segment. How should Isabelle Beaumenay-Joannet place her brand on the market? We will determine for her what kind of selling spot she...
Analyzing buyer behavior in relation to Aviva Life Insurance in India
Thesis - 4 pages - Business strategy
This research has been conducted with a view to understand the buyer's behaviors and to get some insight about the typical traits of buying behavior for the insurance policy. Important insights obtained through the in-depth interview has been analyzed and interpreted to facilitate the...
A study on Kinsey's reports
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The Kinsey Reports were two innovative books on human sexual behavior that was very controversial and sensational. The findings caused much controversy due to the graphic nature of the findings. They served to challenge conventional beliefs about sexuality and they addressed topics that were,...
Koren Zailckas' Smashed: Review
Book review - 2 pages - Literature
I had seen a recommendation for this book along with an interview of the author more than a year ago in a magazine. It had always looked interesting to me as I am interested in a career in addiction medicine, so when I recently saw it in a store I jumped to buy it. This is the memoir of a...
Israel and Palestine Conflict Essay - Based on Oz and David Grossman Readings
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Understanding the Israel-Palestinian conflict has been one of the most difficult things in the world. However, after reading the books, In the Land of Israel and The Yellow Wind by Amos Oz and David Grossman respectively, one starts to get some insights onto why the conflict began in the first...
Six Sigma at Amazon.Com
Case study - 14 pages - Business strategy
Six Sigma involves linking the best elements of quality initiatives in a sustained pursuit of attaining efficiency, customer satisfaction, reduced cycle times and defect rates. This report involves a case study of the successful implementation of the strategy at Amazon.com Inc., as part of its...
Organizational culture of the new Air France - KLM group
Case study - 36 pages - Management
The terms "intercultural", "globalization", "internationalization" are increasingly gaining relevance in the current business scenario. Today, with the internationalization of firms in the context of the formation of the European market and the globalization of economies, it is interesting to...
Work experience report : Philips
Essay - 45 pages - Services marketing
The foundations for what was to become one of the world's biggest electronics companies were laid in 1891 when Gerard Philips established a company in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, to manufacture incandescent lamps and other electrical products. The company initially concentrated on making...
Reflective paper, On death and dying
Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
On death and dying, the book written by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in 1967 has been a turning point in death studies as well as in patient care. Having interviewed over 200 terminally-ill patients, she came to the conclusion that dying was a process divided in five stages: denial, anger,...
Hard discount: Understanding this phenomenon
Dissertation - 63 pages - Management
Hard discount inexorably invades all areas of consumption: the supermarkets Aldi and Lidl, EasyJet and Ryanair in the airlines sector, La Halle!, H & M or Vet Affaires in textiles, the free telephony operator via Internet and Brico Depot for DIY etc. All have gained strong positions in their...
Wash bar (plane business)
Business plan - 46 pages - Services marketing
The market for Laundromat Cafes is an evolving market. Its current volume is very low (almost non-existent direct competitors) in contrast to that of the laundromats that are close to saturation. We propose to establish a laundry-friendly laundromat which will be a place with full wireless...
What are the different factors that lead to the road to success?
Essay - 2 pages - Marketing theories
Success comes in many different forms, one can easily associate it with professional or personal accomplishments, wealth, happiness and material benefits but once we take a closer look, the true meaning of being successful is extremely complex and every individual defines success in their own...
Discipline Investigation: Business Administration - Management Information Systems
Dissertation - 3 pages - Management
Engaging in the intricacies of the discourse community involved in one's area of study is a distinct benefit of carrying out a discipline investigation. As a Management Information Systems (MIS) student in business administration, I find it crucial to deeply understand MIS's communication...
Launching a Satisfaction Inquiry
Presentation - 26 pages - Communication
- Identify Your Target Audience: Clearly define the group of people you want to survey. Understand their demographics, preferences, and behaviors. This knowledge will help you tailor your approach. - Choose the Right Distribution Channels: Select the most appropriate distribution channels based...
Psychological assessment
Essay - 5 pages - Psychology
Psychological assessment is the process of integrating information gathered from different sources. You can obtain valuable information from psychological testing. Interview with medical practitioners could also yield important information about the medical records of the individual....
Robert Johnson: A profile
Tutorials/exercises - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education
America is the land of opportunity. The saying is a bit cliché, but is it also validated by our plethora of rags to riches stories. John Wayne had a 4 a.m. paper route and delivered groceries after school to help pay the bills. Johnny Cash, born in Arkansas in 1932 to a family of...
How to create a homogeneous culture across boundaries?
Thesis - 18 pages - Management
We have decided to study the company Unilever for several reasons. Firstly, Unilever is a European company that is one of the biggest multinational in the world. Secondly, as we have chosen to study the corporate culture of multinationals, Unilever presents a quite particular corporate culture....