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29 Sep 2010

Consultant-client relationship and the consequences of the role change during the consulting process

Essay - 10 pages - Management

The client-consultant relationship is usually treated as central to the nature of a management consultancy work. Though it is true that consultants need to have a clear conceptual picture of their definition of consultation, and they need to understand how the operational model they choose helps...

05 Sep 2007

SELF: A Magazine at its Best

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

SELF is a monthly women's fitness and lifestyle magazine published by Condé Nast Publications. Founded in 1979, its mission statement declares that it is “the first-ever magazine of total-well-being, incorporating beauty and health, fitness and nutrition, and happiness and personal style...

23 Jun 2010

Hiring and training: A presentation

Presentation - 25 pages - Human resources

It is pre recruiting evaluation form one company uses in recording preliminary impressions of individuals whose names are being added to the reservoir. The interview is the most widely used selection step and in some companies it comprises the entire selection system. The tendency for...

07 Dec 2007

No Differences Found Between FR and FI Reinforcement Schedules

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

To have understood which schedules of reinforcement produce a desired behavior, we examined whether a Fixed Ratio (FR) scale was more effective than a Fixed Interval (FI) scale. Subjects participated in an interview and were unaware that they were being reinforced on an FR, or FI schedule....

15 Jun 2009

Aspects of psychodynamic pharmacotherapy

Thesis - 7 pages - Psychology

Considerations on the doctor-patient drug addict. As long as there are beings who suffer and until their illnesses are not cured, will I be, to help them, their doctor, their resolve and their servant. Start the practice of the bodhisattva. The ability to develop an effective doctor-patient...

28 May 2008

The Workshop

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

Writing is not for the faint-hearted. Writers do the hard work of expelling ignorance, trying to change the way people think while taking in every chance to learn about the lives of others. The business of fiction is people, but in order to write about people, one has to understand them well....

13 Jul 2010

Engineering culture: Fact or fiction?

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

In order to effectively manage an engineering organization, one must first fully understand its culture. To get an inside view of engineering cultures, we interviewed members of engineering organizations, Apple Inc., Engineers Without Borders, and Gerecht Lab. The effects of culture on personal...

29 Sep 2010

The Impact of Environmental Issues on Toyota's Strategy

Essay - 17 pages - Services marketing

This thesis will seek to understand the controversial relationship between environmental factors and Toyota. Indeed, motor vehicle exhaust-emissions notably that of carbon monoxide pollution, is caused directly by the automobile industry. However, these negative impacts changed the position of...

14 Sep 2011

The speech impediment stuttering

Thesis - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In our language and culture class, we had several detailed discussions regarding speech disabilities and how they affect one's performance of language and others' views on that person's comprehension of, or competence in, language. We also learned that speech impediments afflicted a larger number...

29 Oct 2024

Socioeconomic status and educational achievement in impoverished communities in the United States

Case study - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The purpose of the study is to assess the socioeconomic status and educational achievement in impoverished communities in the United States. The research will involve a non-experimental, qualitative approach to examining the multifaceted social dynamics underlying the unequal distribution of...

23 Jun 2008

Political Aesthetes: Emily Mann's Execution of Justice and the Identity Crisis of Documentary Theatre

Essay - 10 pages - Literature

The documentary theatre, unlike conventional theatre, defines itself in terms of actuality, authenticity, and verifiability. Reality plays draw their power and identity from their use of “actuals,” authentic materials such as transcripts, interviews, testimonies, published...

13 Apr 2009

Partnership and collaboration in education for children with Down syndrome

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

The purpose of this study is to critically evaluate the concept of partnership and collaboration in education. The study emphasizes on assessing the educational services for children with special needs, specifically those of Down syndrome (DS). The 1970 Education Act insures all children...

14 Oct 2013

Public observations

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

The observational setting that was chosen, the interview room that a recruiter must use to talk and understand what a potential future student is thinking and needs during their initial meeting. The room temperature, the vocal tone and the lack of information about the entire process is...

22 May 2009

Business community and automation of business processes

Tutorials/exercises - 36 pages - Business strategy

The goal of this study was to understand the needs of business community for the automation/computerization of business processes and the level of automation that exists in business. The data was collected using a structured questionnaire through a direct interview method. One hundred...

13 Aug 2010

The functions of management and its importance with an appropriate illustration

Case study - 4 pages - Management

For the purposes of this investigation, a school administrator “Celia” and principal, “Bob” from the same high school were interviewed. Both individuals held a Master's degree in education and both were seasoned veterans. At the time of the interview, Celia had been an...

29 Sep 2010

An analysis of how France could be branded to sustainability attract Chinese tourists

Case study - 37 pages - Services marketing

To underline the importance of the brand image for branding a destination, this report follows an analysis of France's images and stereotypes as a destination. Where it has been defined that France benefits from a largely positive and attractive image, it has been seen that some weak points...

06 Sep 2013

Organizational effectiveness paper

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Selection tools are used by employers to determine if a potential new hire is the right person for the job. Selection tools in essence separate the good from the bad. Selection tools weed out potential employees that have great strengths and will become assets to the organization from those with...

06 Dec 2013

Is social media required: Discussions agree or disagree

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Social media should not be used to screen potential employees because of the many negatives associated with such. First among these is that such would comprise an action which leads to discrimination on the basis of race, gender among others. Profiles on the social media are rich in personal...

15 Mar 2010

An essay on communication

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This 2004 conversation between American humorist P.J. O'Rourke and former Secretary of State Colin Powell (when he was still in the office), reveals how conversation is, as the book Bridges Not Walls puts it, “a process.” O'Rourke begins the conversation with the expectation that it is...

12 Jan 2009

Ready meals vs. Pot Noodle

Market study - 13 pages - Services marketing

The aim of this report is to understand and analyze the consumer behaviour towards two products of two major brands which operate in a same sector. First of all, we chose the food industry in the specific market of “ready meals”; we immediately thought about Pot Noodles from Unilever,...

16 Aug 2013

Ashford bus 642 week 4 assignment

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Observations look to identify conditions, behaviors, events and processes whereas the survey approach looks to find attitudes, motivations, intentions and expectations. The two can be further separated in that, active participation falls into three categories: the self -administered...

21 Mar 2014

Critical critique of a paper on community development in social work

Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy

In this article, the author, Rebecca Filliponi explains the similarities and differences in community work and social work, and how they affect the community by examining how they both integrate by using research tools, case studies and interviews. The author suggests that by doing this, a...

03 Sep 2009

Similarities and differences between adolescents of today and the past

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Adolescence is a time when if one feels normal then that is a significant indicator that in fact they are not. That statement has been true since the first teenager cursed out his parents until the last teenager to exist on Earth curses out his parents. The adolescent time of life always has...

29 Sep 2010

Reinventing the Color Line Immigration and America's New Racial/Ethnic Divide

Book review - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

"The problem of the twentieth-century is the problem of the Color Line". Writer and social reformer, W.E.B. Du Bois said at the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, the color line corresponded to a Black-White divide. However, from the end of the twentieth-century to the beginning of the...

14 Oct 2009

The credit crunch and its impact on the property market in the UK

Thesis - 8 pages - Economy general

The report provides an evaluation of the consequences of the credit crunch for property in UK. It demonstrates that the credit crunch is having a comprehensive impact on investment, development and occupational markets and due to effect of credit crunch on the wider economy the result for...

27 Jul 2014

Guidelines for ANTH 220 Film Review, Film: "Paris is Burning"

Case study - 2 pages - Film studies

famous dancing styles called “Voguing” started being performed publicly. The dancers started performing in more daring places such as mainstream club. The dancers poses like vogue models and perform dancing moves which resembled Egyptian hieroglyphics during Voguing. This crates...

30 Jan 2015

Ignatius of Loyola Brandão

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Ignacio de Loyola Brandão Lopes was born in Araraquara - SP, on July 31, 1936. Train Leaf, weekly of Araraquara, published on 16 August 1952 was a review of the movie "Rudolph Valentino," the first text Ignacio. Days later, the Correio Popular newspaper of that city came into play. As the first...

17 Oct 2024

Inclusive Architecture for College Students With Autism: Enhancing Academic Success and Social Inclusion

Dissertation - 14 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The research explores the invaluable role of inclusive architecture in enhancing academic performance and community among autistic college students. With a focus on investigating the role of inclusive design in the learning environments of children with autism, this paper will present the...

21 Nov 2008

Robert Oppenheimer and the FBI security clearance hearings

Essay - 5 pages - Other law subjects

Nobody can definitively say whether Oppenheimer truly deserved to lose his security clearance. He made several mistakes of great import. However, he loyally served the United States throughout his life and was instrumental in creating the weapon that ultimately ended the war (whether that weapon...

09 May 2009

A comparative study of the market potential of different cardiovascular drugs in the pharmaceutical industry

Case study - 56 pages - Medical studies

A sample size of 20 hospitals and 33 chemists was chosen from the region. The survey method chosen was pharmacy to pharmacy by conducting personal interview, the data collection was extended for over 45 days and 20 pharmacy in-charge and 33 chemists were interviewed and asked questions...