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04 Nov 2008

Athletic management: Athletic Director interview

Essay - 5 pages - Management

The job of a Parks and Recreation Director for a specific community has many different aspects, the most important being incredibly versatile and able to handle many distinctive tasks. This position performs a variety of tasks that include, but are not limited to, general recreation programming,...

09 Feb 2024

Crowdfunding for sustainable energy projects: the criteria of selection by platform managers and competition between investors

Thesis - 25 pages - Finance

Despite the contributions of research on the crowdfunding phenomenon, there is a lack of knowledge on the link between crowdfunding and sustainability and renewable energies in particular and also a lack of understanding from the point of view of investors and managers of crowdfunding platforms:...

24 Apr 2009

A cultural exploration of Slovenia in general and in terms of business affairs

Thesis - 26 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Abstract - This text deals with Slovenia's culture in general and in terms of business affairs. Literature of contemporary culture theorists is critically discussed. Focus is set on Geert HofstedeĀ“s cultural dimensions and Edward T. Hall?s theory of high -and low-context cultures. Slovenia has...

03 Jun 2009

A study on various candidate selection methods in organizations

Thesis - 11 pages - Management

The process of recruitment in organizations entails sourcing the right candidate to fit the human resources requirements. This process comprises of two distinct activities, first soliciting and attracting a pool of interested candidates and then selecting the most suitable candidate from this...

19 Jan 2009

What are the most efficient media and related strategies used by companies to target children?

Essay - 20 pages - Services marketing

This dissertation is about children and companies and as the title suggests it, we want to find out which the main media that companies use to target children are and what strategies they develop related to those media. The first part of this dissertation will be focused on a literature review in...

03 Apr 2009

The impact of brand ambassadors/celebrity endorsements through advertisement in brand building and their influence on consumer behavior

Thesis - 51 pages - Services marketing

Over the years, many growing and grown brands have jumped on to the celebrity endorsement bandwagon. Marketers are aware of the power of celebrities in advertisement and branding and their influence on consumer buying decisions. Endorsement is a medium of brand communication in which a celebrity...

25 May 2007

Experiencing Acquisition Through a Process of Culture Change in a Serbian Organization

Essay - 61 pages - Management

This study addresses the issue of culture, acquisition and change in Serbia. Specifically, the project focuses on a Serbian bank which has recently been taken over by a Greek bank and explores organisational culture in a Serbian bank. Culture can be an image created by its members. It is both a...

13 May 2009

Are customer's management softwares and quality customer service key elements to gain customer's satisfaction and build loyalty?

Thesis - 24 pages - Management

Nowadays, companies possess lot of tools in order to gain customer's satisfaction and build loyalty. They understood that they have to focus on customers in order to increase profit more than before. Indeed, by focusing on customer's satisfaction they build loyalty and a long-term relationship....

16 Jan 2025

Development of Complex Sales: Which Strategy Should Airport Systems Integrators Follow to Develop Their Sales in Saudi Arabia?

Thesis - 79 pages - Business strategy

This subject comes from Automatique & Industrie Company, which is airport sytems integrator for ground, terminal and control tours. The airport market involves exportation of activities for systems integrators companies. The MENA region is full of potential markets. Overall, Saudi Arabia Kingdom,...

14 Aug 2009

An outline of qualitative methods of research

Thesis - 14 pages - Educational studies

Some types of research do not involve numbers or analysis of past performance but, rather, finding out people's opinions, feelings, likes and dislikes, and the motivations behind their buying behavior - in other words, the psychology underlying buying decisions. Research into these areas is...

29 Sep 2010

Does Marketing threaten children's education at primary school?

Dissertation - 60 pages - Services marketing

This project aims to identify the ethical problem of marketing by aiming at children, and will focus on children in primary school. This area has interested people since the last decade and the likes of psychologists, doctors, marketers have always tried to understand the power of brands on...

16 Jan 2009

New British second homeowners in the French countryside: The Cathar country's case

Case study - 24 pages - Journalism

The study examined the motivations of the British buying a second home in France and more particularly in the “Cathar Country”. The research then focused on their economic impacts on the region, and their integration in the local community. Antagonism of the British second homeowners...

29 Oct 2024

The Cognitive Processes Involved in Second Language Pragmatic Performance among Chinese ESL Learners in Singapore

Dissertation - 10 pages - Linguistics & languages

The present study tries to identify the cognitive processes accountable for the second language (L2) pragmatic performance by Chinese English as a Second Language (ESL) learners in Singapore. Consequently, this research intends to identify those particular cognitive processes involved in L2...

29 Jan 2014

The French ADEO group: Case study

Case study - 100 pages - Business strategy

Just a few volumes have been dedicated to private labels and all of them focused on the marketing side only. A brief part of this work also aims at describing the way private labels are marketed in DIY retail stores. Here, the description of the marketing side is a simple link to get to the real...

16 Jan 2009

Sampling methods

Essay - 9 pages - Journalism

As time and resources available are limited, we cannot interview all members of a population. Therefore, researchers use sampling to obtain the information they need. They select a limited number of people (a sample) to represent the characteristics of a whole population. There are...

18 Mar 2009

Exploration of the life experiences and beliefs of a married couple in their sixties: Identities and factors in their identity formation

Case study - 7 pages - Psychology

This study used a semi structured interview on a married couple in their sixties in order to elicit information on the concept of identity. The data gathered was analyzed qualitatively using thematic analysis. Themes relating to identity were highlighted and explored using Erikson's and...

30 Apr 2014

Case Study: Gazprom

Case study - 14 pages - Business strategy

Gazprom believes that its people are the reason that the company is being so successful. “There would be no revenues without our people” as Anne Sheen, the Human Resources Manager said. There are already 80 people at the moment, from the two who started the company seven years ago, the...

17 Mar 2009

Recruitment and selection process in an IT services organization

Thesis - 31 pages - Human resources

The software industry is in the midst of a quiet but dramatic revolution. The implication of this revolution increased innovation, new business models, technological discontinuities, and global capability shifts could be even more profound then the previous industry transaction. The software...

13 Apr 2009

Why do individuals use complementary therapy for the maintenance of health?

Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology

This research project is being conducted to formulate an answer or theory to the question, ‘why do individuals use complementary therapy for the maintenance of health?' Using a single case study a member of the ‘accessible population' shall be interviewed using the semi-structured...

23 Sep 2009

Parental discourses in sexual education

Thesis - 19 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Teen pregnancy is a pressing crisis throughout the world, the United States, and Knox County. A gap in expectations between which topics parents should address and which schools should address may be partially to blame; while most parents believe that they should be the loudest voice in their...

11 May 2012

How to attract, recruit and make loyal employees in the software firms?

Case study - 60 pages - Human resources

Recruitment in a company is an obligated part when we are looking for a job. It is necessary to pass job interviews, and a selection is made before the interview in order to select the best candidate. Recruitment involves costs, but not just financial costs. We have the cost of...

24 Nov 2022

The Use of Animal Imagery in Marketing Strategy

Thesis - 53 pages - Marketing theories

Nowadays, the use of animal imagery is all around us. Every day we are exposed to animals that are used by advertisers to assist in promoting brands and products. They are used in a variety of ways, for example as advertisements, logos, brand names, mascots, and so on. The present study seeks to...

15 Apr 2009

The software 'programming arena'

Dissertation - 114 pages - Computer science

The Programming Arena is basically a distributed program which will be available on internet. It is the project which has been developed to help learners of different programming languages. It is a system which provides Free Tutorials of programming, Free Online Exam to test learner's skills,...

16 Aug 2013

Ashford bus 642 week 4 discussion 1

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

When it comes to conducting research, the party responsible for gathering the data has two options; they can either be passive and observe or actively communicate. As Cooper and Schindler (2011) stated, the researcher “…determines the appropriate data collection approach largely by...

21 Jan 2009

The impact of internationalization strategy on management control system

Essay - 16 pages - Management

In an increasingly global economy, corporations need to develop more and more efficiency and reliable management control system (MCS) in their home countries, but also in their subsidiaries abroad. This study analyzes the effects of an internationalization strategy on the management control...

29 Nov 2010

How did HRM allow Alcatel to adapt to changes posed by the changing market?

Thesis - 9 pages - Management

We were on the lookout for a company that was willing to provide us with the information for our investigation file. We had a consultant in our midst, who put us in contact with several companies like Bouygues, Dassault and Alcatel. We wrote several letters explaining the purpose of our approach...

14 Oct 2013

Overall Qualitative Plan

Case study - 17 pages - Business strategy

Discovering the truth starts with quality interviews and a positive environment. The interviews were conducted at the office of the lead researcher Michael Curtis except for one exclusive interview completed through the Walden Portal. The debt level within America...

29 Oct 2024

The Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Racial Bias in the U.S. Courts System

Dissertation - 13 pages - Law's history and philosophy

This research aims to discover the relationship between social and economic conditions involved in making racial bias more evident within the American court system. This theory relies heavily on the existing theory of social stratification—"winners' school" that emphasizes the role of...

17 Nov 2008

History according to the Slave narratives

Essay - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The historical account given firsthand by former enslaved peoples has been called into question on many occasions. It has been suggested that because the narratives of these former slaves are so inconsistent with one another, the resulting history was flawed. The allegations are not without a...

08 May 2009

Assessment centers

Tutorials/exercises - 12 pages - Management

Assessment centers are "a variety of testing techniques designed to allow candidates to demonstrate, under standardized conditions, the skills and abilities that are most essential for success in a given job ".Assessment centers refers to an approach rather than a physical place, and consist of...