Trade and international relations
Worksheets - 2 pages - International relations
We live on an international scene punctuated by globalization and the intensification of trade. We currently exchange more than we produce: a good is exchanged on average 1.4 times. In this perspective, trade (even if it is basically established between two companies) is a way for...
African Conflicts in International Relations - China in Africa : Political or Economic interests ?
Essay - 5 pages - International relations
China's involvement in Africa cannot be reduced to only one dimension. It would be an oversimplification to label the Chinese interests on the continent as either political or economic solely: these two aspects often constitute two faces of the same coin. China's increasing engagement in...
Core values of International Relations - Saudi Arabian national Constitution
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
The Saudi Arabian national Constitution and concept of rule of law is based on the Qur'an, which identifies itself as the rule of law. The 1992 Constitution or the Basic Law of Saudi Arabia clearly states that the kingdom is a sovereign State with Islam as the religion of the nation. It is...
International Relations - The New Population Bomb
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Population: The article certainly addresses population, in the sense of human resource, as a key component for industrialization and sustainability unto the future. Demographic elements in the population of a country influence a country's predisposition to domestic production, political...
Theme of the lost generation- International Relations, Analysis
Case study - 8 pages - Political science
The lost generation is a term that has spread out its roots into the ages of history between 1500 and 1950, during and after the World War 1. Following the pressure and the need for state and individual freedom globally, young and energetic men found themselves in the battlefield, armed for war....
Significance of Balance of Power- International Relations
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
Balance of power is the most influential theoretical idea in international relations. Balance of power theory in the world wars came from the multipolar world. According to Waltz's (2000: 55-6), friends and enemies tend to react to threats or predominance among themselves by working...
Germany in the middle of international relations of 1945 to 1990
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
On February 11, 1945, at the Yalta conference, even before its capitulation was signed, Germany was aware of its defeat against its counterparts. The Allies, the United States, Great Britain, the USSR and France, united for the occasion against the common enemy, Nazism, decided that if they won,...
International relations from 1944 to 1946
Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history
In 1944, the world entered its sixth year of conflict. Thus, the desire for peace and reconstruction could be felt increasingly in international relations. And so, the leaders of major powers in this period of history, such as the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist...
The Iraq war: an International Relations Theory Analysis
Case study - 16 pages - Political science
On the nineteenth of March 2003 America and its allies started their invasion of Iraq. This intervention had the official goal of the struggle against a terrorism-friendly country, to avoid the expansion of mass destruction weapons and establish a democratic breakthrough in the Middle East. This...
An evaluation of constructivism as an approach to international relations theory
Essay - 11 pages - International relations
Before the 1980s, the focus of the international scholarship relations was on two main debates: on the one hand, opposing the neo-realists to the neo-liberal institutionalists; and on the other rationalism to critical theory. Whereas the former is a debate in which the two...
How does Realism help us to understand international relations?
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
The study of International Relations regroups a large range of theorists who have different opinions about the way international politics are organised. Among these theorists, you can generally distinguish three main schools of thoughts, the liberals, the Marxists and the...
The analysis of international relations and its different theories
Thesis - 7 pages - International relations
The realists claim to consider that the human and social relations (political) do not conform to an ideal as we would like them to. Their first concern is to understand the constraints to change and view the progress through an objective observation of reality. For realistic thinkers, the...
The problem of modern piracy in international relations
Thesis - 2 pages - Criminal law
According to me, another major issue is that the UNCLOS treats only the cases of violence, detention or depredation committed on the high seas (e.g. outside the jurisdiction of any country). However, if people commit the same acts in the waters under the jurisdiction of a country, these actions...
What are human rights and what place have discussions on human rights found in international relations?
Thesis - 8 pages - International relations
Though they may disagree on the importance of this phenomenon, most international experts now admit that there is a growing concern, both from states and from people, for Human Rights in international relations. Human Rights are often used to legitimate an action (diplomatic...
International relations, theory and practice: the Second Kashmir war
Thesis - 5 pages - International relations
I will deal in this essay with the Second Kashmir War, which was a war between India and Pakistan in 1965. We will see how we can interpret the causes and the origins of the war, and the way it was ended and solved. I chose to use two different theories to interpret the Indo-Pakistani war of...
How does the "English School" of international relations differ from American approaches?
Essay - 3 pages - International relations
According to Stephen Hawking in A Brief History of Time, "a theory is a good theory if it satisfies two requirements: It must accurately describe a large class of observations on the basis of a model which contains only a few arbitrary elements, and it must make definite predictions about the...
Of what do international relations consist? In what ways does it affect the behaviour of states?
Essay - 3 pages - International relations
International law has always been a significant subject of debate, but in the past hundred years this debate has intensified. Not only has the debate posed questions like Of what does international law consist?' but also it has further questioned the authenticity, legitimacy,...
Is capitalism a positive or negative force in International Relations?
Essay - 5 pages - International relations
In 1995, the 200 most powerful multi-national corporations controlled approximately one third of the world GNP The turnover of these companies sometimes exceeds the GNP of some countries: one example is General Motors which with a turnover of 132 billion dollars surpasses the GNP of Indonesia....
Do we need feminist theory in International Relations? If so why?
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
Feminism is a critical social and political movement who first emerged at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth with women's claims of equal rights in society and in the political sphere, with the right of vote. But now, since approximately the end of the...
Does Realism still provide a convincing analysis of international relationships ?
Essay - 3 pages - International relations
Realism arose as a theory after World War II because of the perceived failure of a world guided by Liberal Internationalist principles. The tension fraught era of the Cold War were ideal conditions for the stark, suspicious pragmaticism espoused by the likes of E.H. Carr and Hans J. Morgenthau....
Understanding cross-cultural relations in an international company: Galderama
Case study - 3 pages - Management
This document is a study of Cross-cultural Relations between French, German and British Managers in Galderama, an International Company: - The French manager has an individualistic nature in a very rigid hierarchical system, and working together with others is not their principal...
International Workplace Relations: Potential problems and practices to be followed to ensure smooth transfer of ownership in a merger/acquisition
Thesis - 5 pages - Management
In general, poor human resource management is a by-product of international merger and acquisition in today's globalized corporate working environment. Now, successful international workplace relations management has become synonymous with good business strategies and tactics...
The place of guanxi in the modern Chinese society and impact on management processes within China and also on international business relations with China
Dissertation - 77 pages - Management
China is a unique country that places personal relationships above any other aspect of life. The guanxi is a famous relationship aspect of China, and with the recent interest from the whole world concerning China and its expansion, it is interesting to study the importance of this historical...
International Relation - Winston Churchill Speech, Roosevelt, and the Global History
Case study - 4 pages - Literature
The Sinews of Peace, was the heading of a speech given by Winston Churchill. In the audience there was the noticeable presence of President McClure. It was one of his supreme speeches, Iron Curtain, given by him as a British prime minister (Reynolds, 2006, pp. 250-252). The setting...
Anglo-German relations in the European Union, 1945-2019
Presentation - 10 pages - International relations
History showed that Germany and the United Kingdom were often enemies, even if they were also strongly dependent and linked on many levels. Indeed, they were commercial and industrial rivals before 1914, and then they fought against each other during the two World Wars. But more recently, they...
How and why is International Law Binding on States?
Essay - 3 pages - International law
While the legal nature of the subject itself has been often discussed and debated, it is generally considered that international law has legal value, notably because of its binding effect. Indeed, international law is binding on states, with obligations based on both moral and...
CV and Motivation Letter for Master's Degree Application in International Security
Sample letter - 4 pages - International relations
This document contains a CV and Motivation Letter for a Master's Degree Application in International Security.
New Theories of International Trade
Essay - 7 pages - Theories and economic notions
Through this quotation from Joseph Stigltiz, co-prize winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on asymmetric information, we note the interconnection between countries that globalization brings about: with its advantages but also its disadvantages. A questioning of this process...
The Impact of the Barcelona Traction Case on Shareholder Protection under International Law or The Diplomatic Protection of Companies and Shareholders
Thesis - 27 pages - International law
This research paper has been written by Mr Éric J. CHICATE-LAURENT, a student at University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. The Barcelona Traction judgment of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of February 5th 1970, considerably shaped the protection of foreign investors. Indeed, this...
State sovereignty in international public law
Essay - 5 pages - International law
Jean Bodin (1530-1596) considered that the concept of sovereignty is an absolute concept. Sovereignty is a key concept when it comes to dealing with the state and its place in the international arena. It is, indeed, a concept that has been fostered to characterize the intrinsic power of...