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Theme : International community

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06 Nov 2014

International Finance and Investment-The Greece Debt Crisis

Case study - 21 pages - Educational studies

Human fallibility ripped off Greece the dignity accorded to its rich history as the economy has been marred with endless conflicts, whose effects spreads beyond its national frontiers. The events revealing themselves in the Greece economy have caught the entire Eurozone in denials and bargains of...

18 Oct 2024

Stakeholder Communication Plan

Case study - 3 pages - Communication

A consolidation of Northern Medical and Wellness Medical into a single firm, Northwell Medical, has positioned it at a crossroads where it could transform. Claudia Leung, Medichek's renowned CFO, is stuck with the responsibility of jointly developing a virtual medical products and services...

12 Nov 2020

International Companies and their Strategies

Case study - 10 pages - Management

As a result of the globalisation that we are witnessing for more than twenty decades, the smallest of companies could cross seas and establish business in foreign lands, as a consequence of that, many names have been given to these companies that succeeded in doing business abroad. The three main...

08 Feb 2021

Public consultation - A new communication strategy launched by the EU through the web

Essay - 3 pages - European union

On 29th May 2005, French people refused the EU constitution, I was in Italy and had the news on a bus, through my neighbour's newspaper. In this context, the 'no' from French public opinion was the opportunity to reveal the wide gap between the EU and its 'citizens'. This...

30 Jul 2022

The European Union and its International Role - Towards a European Federation? (From the European Conference in The Hague to the Rome Treaties, 1948-1957)

Course material - 6 pages - Modern history

Already during the war, many Resistance groups asked themselves how to stop the cycle of recurring European wars. After 1945, many groups and associations suggested going back to the European ideas of the 20s, which included the concept of a European Union (Briand Plan of 1930). They stressed...

29 Oct 2024

How Can AI Contribute to Safer Communities?

Essay - 3 pages - Criminal law

Predictive policing leverages AI's analytical muscle to analyze vast troves of crime data. Being able to scrutinize all these gazes, AI consequently notices patterns and foretells that crime happens in places (Grimm et al., 2021). Picture a town built around the mini-story of the weekend...

19 Feb 2015

International Relation - Winston Churchill Speech, Roosevelt, and the Global History

Case study - 4 pages - Literature

“The Sinews of Peace”, was the heading of a speech given by Winston Churchill. In the audience there was the noticeable presence of President McClure. It was one of his supreme speeches, Iron Curtain, given by him as a British prime minister (Reynolds, 2006, pp. 250-252). The setting...

04 Nov 2014

Theme of the lost generation- International Relations, Analysis

Case study - 8 pages - Political science

The lost generation is a term that has spread out its roots into the ages of history between 1500 and 1950, during and after the World War 1. Following the pressure and the need for state and individual freedom globally, young and energetic men found themselves in the battlefield, armed for war....

09 Apr 2024

International Engineering Management - Toyota

Case study - 9 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

There are numerous strategies that lead Toyota to first place in the automobile industry. This report will provide an opportunity to better understand the company's history, recognize the main factors that bring success to the business, and analyze cultural analysis between China and South...

10 Dec 2023

Cultural Differencies in International Business Negotiation: the Need for an Assessment of Influencial Factors

Litterature review - 14 pages - Management

With social conflict being ubiquitous, conflict management is a major challenge for humanity. Recently, researchers have advanced several theories and research on constructive solutions for conflict management. Negotiation is then proposed as the most effective way to do this according to...

27 Oct 2024

Final Communications Audit Report for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Case study - 7 pages - Communication

The Department of Homeland Security was created after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, with the primary aim of securing the U.S. from terrorism and other threats to national security. DHS is a dynamic agency that has expanded to include a variety of tasks, such as border security,...

19 Nov 2014

Comprehensive Analysis of Sea Change International, Inc.

Case study - 15 pages - Business strategy

Organizations operate in a business environment characterized by high uncertainty influencing the link existing between their strategies and overall performance. This arises from the turbulent world, where each day appears to bring along the dawn of a new environmental era. Assuming that the...

14 Jun 2013

Russia: From communism to capitalism

Case study - 3 pages - Political science

Russia, the great bear of Europe and Asia, is the largest country in the entire world with an area covering over 17,075,200 sq km of the known world. The country borders over 14 countries and has a unique history as well. Its population from July 2007 was estimated to be over 141 million...

03 Feb 2011

The legal effect of unilateral acts of States and international organizations

Essay - 7 pages - International law

The International Law Commission is responsible for the codification and progressive development of international laws. It had its forty eighth session in 1996 and the issues of Unilateral Acts and their legal effects have figured prominently in their discussions. There is an...

15 Jan 2009

International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

After WWII, the world realized the madness of mankind: although the Jewish genocide wasn't the first one in history, it was the first one which the international community became really aware of. In order to punish the terrible war crimes, 2 international military...

12 Apr 2007

Discuss the analysis and significance of the abduction and trial of Eichmann from an international law perspective, with reference to legal writing

Essay - 8 pages - International law

“The very concept of individual accountability - indeed - the very idea that an act could be ‘criminal' was antithetical to International law during much of its history […] With narrow exceptions, individuals held no rights and bore no responsibilities under...

04 Jun 2008

Study of Communication and Transpiration in Africa using a specific country as an illustration

Essay - 10 pages - Economy general

Researchers examining the development of Sub-Saharan Africa have noted that there are numerous infrastructure problems that exist on the continent. Telecommunication, transportation, and basic health and education services have been noted as some of the most pervasive problems affecting the...

04 Jun 2008

An essay on how Islamic fundamentalism has promulgated problems for members of the Muslim community in Europe

Essay - 3 pages - Accounting

The September 11th terrorist attacks and other international acts of terrorism that have been carried out a recent years have had a significant impact not only are the United States, all the international community as well. Unfortunately, for many Muslims living in various...

11 Jun 2008

How the mass media influences the global community

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Over the course of the last three decades, notable changes have taken place in the context of international discourse. Although many of these changes have occurred as the natural result of the evolution of individual countries, overall changes in the international community...

17 Jun 2008

Is US primacy actually a stimulus to war, or a means of achieving international order?

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

Over the course of the last two centuries, the United States has established itself as an economic, political and military leader in the international community. Although it is quite evident that the US has been the dominant world power throughout the course of the twentieth...

13 May 2009

Critically discuss the contributions of the Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) movement to international legal scholarship

Thesis - 6 pages - International law

After the World War II and its atrocities, a new international institution, the United Nations (UN) was created in 1945 to focus on the new challenges faced by the international community. One of the major challenges was the wave of decolonization which started between the...

04 Aug 2010

Communication in a crisis: McDonald's campaign against the mad cow disease

Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy

Today, communication plays an important role in corporate strategies. It exists in various forms: internal communications, external communications and event communications. Companies often choose to focus on communication during a crisis. Of the numerous cases of corporate crisis that have...

26 Mar 2010

International organizations and the protection of human rights

Thesis - 3 pages - International relations

This is the perception that certain behavior is required by law; a duty that is legally obliged. Customary law that is drawn from the practice of States accompanied by the opinion juris, is therefore a conviction that law requires the practice set. The performance of opinio juris would be in...

04 Jun 2008

Japanese and Canadian economies in Relation to Each Other and the International Economy

Case study - 6 pages - Economy general

When the issue of international or global economic history is discussed, the overall impact of the United States on the development of the international economy is typically viewed as a linchpin for the development of investigation. While it is indeed evident that the United States...

13 Jan 2009

International law: history and definition

Essay - 5 pages - International law

“Truth is that international law is neither a myth on the one hand, nor a panacea on the other, but just one institution among others which we can use for building of a better international order” (J. Brierly, The law of nations, Oxford 1995). Law is a system of rules that...

15 Jan 2009

The Iranian Issue: The emergence of a main potential threat for the international security

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

The Iranian regime appears to be one of the main present sources of threat for the international order and security. The nuclear programme that has been undertaken by its president Ahmadinezhad is raising strong tensions between this country and the main part of the rest of the world, even...

21 Jan 2009

Consider the extent to which international law is law, or 'really law' or 'law properly so-called' with reference to legal and other theorists

Essay - 6 pages - International law

Charlotte Ku and Paul F. Diehl noticed that at first sight, ‘International' and ‘Law' sound contradictory: “how can one imagine a structured and developed legal system functioning in a political environment that is diffused, disparated, unregulated and conventionally...

08 May 2009

International law and normative unity

Thesis - 5 pages - International law

In the Supreme Court of Canada's 1993 judgment in Hunt v. T & N Plc, Justice La Forest laid down the following goal to international law : “develop (…) co-ordination in the face of [the] diversity” of the international system. In other words, international law...

15 Jan 2007

Is the environment an international security issue?

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

The last half of the 20th Century has been exclusively dominated by the Cold war conflict. There was little space in the analysis of the scholars in International relations for other minor issues of “low politics”, while the questions of the nuclear war and balance of terror...

12 Jan 2009

International Organisation: The UN system

Thesis - 8 pages - International relations

Is global governance a chimera in a world of states, or is there as Keohane suggests, limited global governance in a partially globalized world, or is global governance an effective form of western hegemony? Is global governance a chimera in a world of states, or is there as Keohane suggests,...