New Theories of International Trade
Essay - 7 pages - Theories and economic notions
Through this quotation from Joseph Stigltiz, co-prize winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on asymmetric information, we note the interconnection between countries that globalization brings about: with its advantages but also its disadvantages. A questioning of this process...
International Advertising
Case study - 6 pages - International marketing
According to Assael (1987), culture refers to the set of norms, beliefs and habits acquired in a social environment and which determine the patterns of behavior common to all individuals. It includes rituals, heroes, values, religion, language, history and education of a given human...
Community-Based Policing
Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
With the rising crime rates, and the impact they have on the ability of our criminal justice personnel to stem the tide, criminal justice agencies have realized the need to return to their community roots if they are to do anything about crime and disorder in the communities. This has...
Creating and Sustaining Brand through Marketing Communications
Case study - 13 pages - Services marketing
The following dissertation provides an examination of the contribution of maintaining an integrated marketing communication to build and support the brands. In build up to the objective of the text, several concepts are sufficiently oriented. Further, an evaluative approach is maintained in the...
The Republic, Community, Privatization
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
We must first clarify that it is not a question of opposing a multicultural society to a "monocultural" society. Our society is multicultural, and is a long time. She characterizes not only France since the 30 boom. We have always had several cultures cohabiting in our territory. The problem is...
International Business Alliances in Use Today
Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy
In order to improve revenue and maximize competitive advantages, corporations have often sought to form alliances of a strategic nature (Eppler & Comi, 2009). The nature of these alliances varies and when related to a new geographic market or across national boundaries, they are considered...
Considerations when recruiting foreign nurses and the ethics of international recruitment
Essay - 3 pages - Medical studies
The nursing shortage has always been one of the biggest concerns in the healthcare field. Since nurses make up the majority of the healthcare workforce, many solutions for this problem have been presented: improving recruitment, offering opportunities for advancement, suggesting contracts with...
Problems in How the African American Community Talk About Themselves
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Racial discrimination has been among the biggest problems to the American society. After the civil rights movement, the law provided a platform for racial equality in the country. However, almost fifty years later, the society is characterized by big differences between the racial groups. The...
How to synergize the works of internal auditors and external auditors to listed companies
Essay - 9 pages - Finance
Internal and external auditors have been used over the years to promote transparency and compliance with the accounting procedures in listed companies. The external and internal auditors have had separate duties in the audit process. However, conflicts have been witnessed between the internal and...
Fragmentation and inconsistency in international investment law
Essay - 5 pages - International law
It is a fallacy to think of international investment law as a general, coherent regime. The rules of law are splintered and fragmented, both in terms of their formal source and in terms of their application of particular disputes. What is more, there are no mechanisms in...
Career strategy with an International Business master's degree
Business plan - 12 pages - Marketing theories
I am currently in my last year of the International master's program as a multi-skilled salesperson with the company BURDIGALA in Bordeaux. My missions in the first year were to take care of all the marketing and communication parts (creation of events, creation of flyers,...
Support Network for French SME's : a help to international expansion
Dissertation - 35 pages - Business strategy
Currently "No one can ignore his neighbor". The current means of communication have finally erased borders. The "far away" countries no longer exist. Economic globalization is now a fact and companies, whatever their size, cannot refuse the fight, otherwise they will disappear. Large French...
Understanding cross-cultural relations in an international company: Galderama
Case study - 3 pages - Management
This document is a study of Cross-cultural Relations between French, German and British Managers in Galderama, an International Company: - The French manager has an individualistic nature in a very rigid hierarchical system, and working together with others is not their principal strength....
Marketing Communication - Innocent Drinks - published: 06/09/2024
Case study - 8 pages - Marketing theories
Innocent Drinks is a joint stock company created in 1998, settled in London owned at 90% by the Coca-Cola Company, employing 450 people and amounting £300 million. Innocent drinks achieved a great breakthrough within 2 decades with 80% of market share on the smoothies English market and achieved...
International Leadership Portfolio
Market study - 6 pages - Management
International leadership is one of the most important aspects when it comes to leadership in organizations. International leadership involves navigating a landscape in which individuals from different cultural backgrounds and nationalities work together towards a common goal within...
Nescafe's Global Communication Strategy
Case study - 5 pages - Communication
In the globalized market of today, dynamic marketing communication strategies are the key for brands that want to relate to the diverse consumer niche from different cultures and markets. Nescafe is one of the most popular instant coffees on the market, which is owned by a huge company - Nestlé....
Recommendations for Community-Based Practitioners
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Community-based corrections have experienced significant growth in the last few years. The correction has grown unabated since 1980, and the growth has significant implications for the correction agencies on matters on how to make decisions related to caseload and workload issues. The...
Integrated Marketing Communication
Case study - 6 pages - Journalism
Integrated marketing communication is a term that implies the application of constant brand messaging across a variety of marketing channels. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the impact that internet marketing would have in facilitating internet marketing communication in the case of...
Is the fragmentation of International Law a pathological phenomenon or the sign of a healthy pluralism?
Essay - 4 pages - International law
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Articles of Agreement of 1944 emphasizes that the World Bank must disregard political factors and solely base its decisions and operation on economic grounds. Highlighting that the consent-based nature of the international...
Education Sector and Information Communication Technology
Case study - 7 pages - Business strategy
Information Communication Technology is a general term that encompasses all communication devices and the various applications that are associated withthem. ICT devices may include among others, radio, computers, television, phones and satellite systems. The services and applications associated...
Communication strategy for Audi
Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy
In the recent past, UK's car market has expanded quickly and is rated amongst the worlds competitive. With the addition of automotive competitors in the market, from the entire Europe, a brand of a car requires a deeper understanding of its customers to help it in the development of communication...
Dangerous Tales: Dominant Narratives on the Congo and their Unintended Consequences - Autesserre (2012) - The Legitimacy of Simple Narratives and their Effects and Consequence on the International and Local Plan
Summary - 2 pages - Political science
The Democratic Republic of Congo, the largest country in Sub-Saharan Africa has always been the gravity point of political conflicts and insecurities. The DR of Congo claimed its independence from Belgium in 1960, however, the country has been subject to many secessionist movements since then,...
How to reduce the turnover of a company dependent on a single supplier by developing a multi-supplier and international merchant site?
Dissertation - 28 pages - Digital & e-marketing
MANICO is an ESPRIT franchise. This type of contract creates a high dependency on a single supplier and eliminates any possibility of online sales. In order to reduce this reliance on ESPRIT, the company wishes to develop a merchant website with several French and foreign brands and to provide...
What are the impacts of computer sciences on international exchanges?
Essay - 1 pages - International relations
I'm going to deal with the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. To start with, I'd like to define the notion. An exchange is a movement or circulation, which can take several forms: information sharing, cultural, and movements of people. I've chosen to focus particularly on computer...
Levendary Café: The China Challenge - Christopher A. Bartlett and Arar Han (2013) - What changes should the new CEO make to manage the company's international operations better?
Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy
Despite the promising growth achieved by Levendary Café in China, under Louis Chen's management, within a year and a half of launching its operations in this fertile market (see appendix 1), the company is in crisis because of Chen's recent approaches, who rebelled against the decisions...
North Korea internal affairs and the response of South Korea and the United States
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
North Korea is considered one of the world's secretive societies and one of the remaining countries under communist rule. The country's nuclear determinations have intensified its continual isolation from the rest of the world. The end of World War II saw the emergence of North Korea in 1948 with...
Refugee studies, humanitarian issues in International Politics
Essay - 6 pages - International relations
The concept of humanitarian protection encompasses the various activities that are aimed at achieving full respect for the rights of individuals in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the relevant law bodies. Moreover, the relevant bodies of humanitarian, human rights and refugee law...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Employee Turnover in the Hospitality Industry Using Herzberg's Two-Factor Motivation-Hygiene Theory - Bettye L. Holston-Okae and Richard Mushi (2018) - The Impact of Motivation on Employee Turnover in the Hotel Industry
Text commentary - 3 pages - Micro-economy, job-unemployment
Employee turnover in the hospitality sector is one of the issues influencing the organization's effectiveness and ensuring financial stability. However, the importance of motivation compared to other determinants regarding team member retention becomes more pronounced. A driven workforce...
International strategy analysis of Galeries Lafayette
Case study - 7 pages - Management
This assessment has been done on Galeries Lafayette Group. The group has been a pioneer in terms of business and distribution, with stores located in traditional city centers. The group has then diversified its core-business and acquired quite a lot of companies. BHV Marais, La Redoute,...
International Finance and Investment-The Greece Debt Crisis
Case study - 21 pages - Educational studies
Human fallibility ripped off Greece the dignity accorded to its rich history as the economy has been marred with endless conflicts, whose effects spreads beyond its national frontiers. The events revealing themselves in the Greece economy have caught the entire Eurozone in denials and bargains of...