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Theme : International

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05 Jan 2025

International Strategy in Asia - Netflix

Case study - 5 pages - Services marketing

- Netflix today has operations in the US and other territories, including the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Africa, that strategically depend on HQ. - Presence in a wider territory helps the company mitigate the risks associated with dependence on a specific region for its revenue.

14 Jan 2025

The International Community response to the 2006 North Korean nuclear crisis: overcoming stick-and-carrot diplomacy?

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

On October 9, 2006, the North Korean state news agency announced that the country had completed its first nuclear test with success. This "great leap forward" was the first step toward a "powerful self-reliant defense capability". In the following days, Moscow and Washington confirmed that North...

11 Feb 2025

International contract

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - International law

Statement: You are the legal adviser of the French company SILEC CABLES, specialized in the manufacture of high voltage cables. You receive the following contract draft concerning the supply of cables to TREC as described here below. Please analyze the draft and answer the questions concerning...

14 Feb 2025

CV and Motivation Letter for Master's Degree Application in International Security

Sample letter - 4 pages - International relations

This document contains a CV and Motivation Letter for a Master's Degree Application in International Security.

09 Dec 2024

International Human Resources Management: Individual Assignment

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Human resources

During the first semester of this third year as an IBL, thus engaged in a dual educational program, I have been in Italy for a six-month period of Erasmus. Of course as an international student, I had to discover entirely a new country, new norms, values, and a way to live that I did not...

17 Oct 2024

International Leadership Portfolio

Market study - 6 pages - Management

International leadership is one of the most important aspects when it comes to leadership in organizations. International leadership involves navigating a landscape in which individuals from different cultural backgrounds and nationalities work together towards a common goal within...

01 Oct 2024

Evaluating the Effectiveness of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Adoption on Financial Statement Transparency

Course material - 2 pages - Finance

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are designed to bring consistency, transparency, and comparability to financial statements across different jurisdictions. The adoption of IFRS is intended to enhance the quality of financial reporting, thereby improving the...

13 May 2024

Understanding cross-cultural relations in an international company: Galderama

Case study - 3 pages - Management

This document is a study of Cross-cultural Relations between French, German and British Managers in Galderama, an International Company: - The French manager has an individualistic nature in a very rigid hierarchical system, and working together with others is not their principal strength....

14 Feb 2024

Advisory Opinion on The Wall - International Court of Justice - Article 51 of the United Nations Charter and the right of self-defense

Essay - 3 pages - International law

In its Advisory Opinion on The Wall, the International Court of Justice declared that Article 51 of the United Nations Charter "recognizes the existence of an inherent right of self-defense in the case of armed attack by one State against another State", thereby implying that the right of...

21 Jan 2024

French law of international commercial arbitration

Course material - 5 pages - Other law subjects

French law of international commercial arbitration is a course designed for fourth-year students at the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis and doctoral students in law. In order to help students deepen their knowledge of the subject, a book has been set up called "International...

09 Feb 2024

How and why is International Law Binding on States?

Essay - 3 pages - International law

While the legal nature of the subject itself has been often discussed and debated, it is generally considered that international law has legal value, notably because of its binding effect. Indeed, international law is binding on states, with obligations based on both moral and...

31 Dec 2024

Is the fragmentation of International Law a pathological phenomenon or the sign of a healthy pluralism?

Essay - 4 pages - International law

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Articles of Agreement of 1944 emphasizes that the World Bank must disregard political factors and solely base its decisions and operation on economic grounds. Highlighting that the consent-based nature of the international...

03 Jan 2024

International business management

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Business strategy

For the purpose of this comment, I picked different elements depending on my personal interests especially on management issues and how it is possible to bring people from different cultures, with different expectations and ways of communicating things to work together in the same project, with...

13 May 2024

Mouthwash: International Market Description

Market study - 2 pages - Marketing theories

This slideshow presents a short study of the mouthwash market.

30 Sep 2024

International Culture and Communications - Airbnb

Essay - 4 pages - Services marketing

Airbnb is a major company that has brought major changes to the hospitality industry. The idea of Airbnb emerged in San Francisco in 2007, and it has spread throughout the world within a short period of time. In the last decade, the Airbnb model has enabled the business to develop and grow...

19 Dec 2024

With global investors searching for higher returns in international markets, what is the role for investor protection in developing international financial markets and real economies?

Essay - 2 pages - Finance

Why is investor protection necessary? Who needs protection? What methods are used to protect investors from expropriation of profits? How does the legal system affect the level of investor protection? How does investor protection affect the value of companies on financial markets?

23 Oct 2024

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Employee Turnover in the Hospitality Industry Using Herzberg's Two-Factor Motivation-Hygiene Theory - Bettye L. Holston-Okae and Richard Mushi (2018) - The Impact of Motivation on Employee Turnover in the Hotel Industry

Text commentary - 3 pages - Micro-economy, job-unemployment

Employee turnover in the hospitality sector is one of the issues influencing the organization's effectiveness and ensuring financial stability. However, the importance of motivation compared to other determinants regarding team member retention becomes more pronounced. A driven workforce...

09 Apr 2024

International Engineering Management - Toyota

Case study - 9 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

There are numerous strategies that lead Toyota to first place in the automobile industry. This report will provide an opportunity to better understand the company's history, recognize the main factors that bring success to the business, and analyze cultural analysis between China and South...

22 Nov 2024

International operations and logistics - Supply chain management

Case study - 9 pages - Logistics

Alpha, the explosion protection solutions manufacturer, recently faced financial pressure due to some external specific situations, mostly the global downturn in the oil and gas industry. Therefore, the company has had to imagine a new supply chain's strategy aiming at improving its global...

12 Dec 2023

The Impact of the Barcelona Traction Case on Shareholder Protection under International Law or The Diplomatic Protection of Companies and Shareholders

Thesis - 27 pages - International law

This research paper has been written by Mr Éric J. CHICATE-LAURENT, a student at University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. The Barcelona Traction judgment of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of February 5th 1970, considerably shaped the protection of foreign investors. Indeed, this...

17 Jun 2023

Cover letter for the British international section

Sample letter - 1 pages - Everyday's life

This is an example of a cover letter for a British international section (the letter is often part of the file you send before the written and oral exams). To personalize it, all you need to do is change what's in bold and italics, but you can also add something a little more personal...

10 Dec 2023

Cultural Differencies in International Business Negotiation: the Need for an Assessment of Influencial Factors

Litterature review - 14 pages - Management

With social conflict being ubiquitous, conflict management is a major challenge for humanity. Recently, researchers have advanced several theories and research on constructive solutions for conflict management. Negotiation is then proposed as the most effective way to do this according to...

10 Dec 2023

The Importance of the International Factoring Market

Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy

According to the CFI's latest report, the global factoring market experienced impressive growth in 2022, with notable expansion in all regions of the world. Remarkable performance was seen in North America with growth of 45.7%, followed by India (83.4%) and Singapore (52%).

04 Jun 2023

Dangerous Tales: Dominant Narratives on the Congo and their Unintended Consequences - Autesserre (2012) - The Legitimacy of Simple Narratives and their Effects and Consequence on the International and Local Plan

Summary - 2 pages - Political science

The Democratic Republic of Congo, the largest country in Sub-Saharan Africa has always been the gravity point of political conflicts and insecurities. The DR of Congo claimed its independence from Belgium in 1960, however, the country has been subject to many secessionist movements since then,...

04 Sep 2023

Career strategy with an International Business master's degree

Business plan - 12 pages - Marketing theories

I am currently in my last year of the International master's program as a multi-skilled salesperson with the company BURDIGALA in Bordeaux. My missions in the first year were to take care of all the marketing and communication parts (creation of events, creation of flyers,...

15 Nov 2023

Support Network for French SME's : a help to international expansion

Dissertation - 35 pages - Business strategy

Currently "No one can ignore his neighbor". The current means of communication have finally erased borders. The "far away" countries no longer exist. Economic globalization is now a fact and companies, whatever their size, cannot refuse the fight, otherwise they will disappear. Large French...

06 Aug 2023

Fragmentation and inconsistency in international investment law

Essay - 5 pages - International law

It is a fallacy to think of international investment law as a general, coherent regime. The rules of law are splintered and fragmented, both in terms of their formal source and in terms of their application of particular disputes. What is more, there are no mechanisms in...

19 May 2022

Sustainable cocoa sourcing strategies and supply chain - Mondelez International Inc.

Tutorials/exercises - 8 pages - Foreign markets

Mondelez International Inc., the largest chocolate manufacturer in the world and in Europe has committed to cover 100% of its cocoa supply chain with its Cocoa Life Program by 2025 while investing at the same time $400 million in it. This program for sustainable cocoa sourcing is...

30 Jul 2022

The European Union and its International Role - Towards a European Federation? (From the European Conference in The Hague to the Rome Treaties, 1948-1957)

Course material - 6 pages - Modern history

Already during the war, many Resistance groups asked themselves how to stop the cycle of recurring European wars. After 1945, many groups and associations suggested going back to the European ideas of the 20s, which included the concept of a European Union (Briand Plan of 1930). They stressed...

22 Jul 2022

Representation and governance in international organizations - Rapkin, Strand and Trevathan (2016) - Can international organizations be representative and democratic?

Text commentary - 7 pages - Political science

Due to all the problems associated with globalization, economic or financial crisis, and climates, the importance of international organizations such as the United Nations, or the IMF, has never been greater. As its name suggests, an international organization is made up of a...