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Theme : Inequalities

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23 Oct 2024

Examining the Social Construction of Ethnic Divisions in Global Conflicts

Case study - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Ethnic conflicts have a long and tragic history, leaving societies all over the world deeply scarred. In Peru, the historical animosity between indigenous peoples and mestizos is played out so indelibly and painfully as it underlines the effect of historical grievances and entrenched disparities....

27 Oct 2024

Population Health Concern and Policy Action Addendum: Case Study of Paterson, NJ

Case study - 8 pages - Economic politics

In Paterson, N.J., African Americans' communities suffer from considerable barriers to health care services, which stands out as one of the most relevant population health issues. This disparity stems from various socioeconomic factors, including poverty, income inequality, educational...

04 Aug 2022

Racism Among People of Color in Australia

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Australian racism traces contemporary and historical society attitudes, non-compliance to political matters, and government negligence of citizens' rights. Contemporary Australia results from indigenous people and numerous immigration waves from Ireland and the United Kingdom. Racism forms...

21 Mar 2009

Consequentialism and social inequality

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Everybody in society strives to some degree to be good people. However, being a good person does not always come easily. What is a good person anyway? When one begins to think about what needs to be done to be considered a good person, questions begin to arise. The realm of moral philosophy...

29 Jul 2010

Walter Rodney and the dependency theory of inequality

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Africa is a continent rich in natural resources. Copper, gold, diamonds, platinum, rubber, and aluminum are just some examples of what the land has to offer. In the nineteenth century, powerful and industrial Europe desired these raw materials in large quantities. The means of acquiring these...

08 Aug 2024

Victorians' view on the Empire

Summary - 2 pages - Pre-modern history

In this essay, we are going to study Victorians' view on the Empire. We are first going to study how the Empire was an emblem of soft power and how it used different means to earn the population's approval, then how the same Empire represented economic instability and inequality and last...

28 Dec 2021

Sustainable Development Goals and Green Growth

Presentation - 37 pages - Ecology & environment

This PowerPoint is about sustainable development goals. It shows an understanding on what sustainable development means and how to take into account our current situation and move towards a green growth. We will see how limited it will be due to inequalities around the world. We will...

10 Dec 2023

Nutrition policy in South Korea - Hye-Kyung Park (2008); Kenya's push to promote traditional food is good for nutrition and cultural heritage - Patrick Maundu (2022); How Korean food philosophy can help us reconnect - WP Creative Group (2021) - Nutrition in South Korea and Kenya

Case study - 4 pages - Nutrition, alimentation and dietetic

I decided to take an interest in the all-important subject of nutrition and the innovative policies put in place to address this global problem. As obesity problems increasingly affect the whole population, we need to find keys to return to a healthier and more normal situation. This is the issue...

16 Aug 2023

The challenges in Africa and the strategies to put in place

Presentation - 11 pages - Ecology & environment

The African continent offers a great diversity: country, climate, culture... wise. As a result, it is a challenge to identify issues and strategies to answer them for all the African countries. However, we can try to find important themes that can be found in most of these countries. It is also...

09 Nov 2024

Poverty Justification

Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Poverty is a persistent and intricate problem that has affected billions of people worldwide. The key to any effective strategy for fighting poverty is to look behind the surface of poverty and find out whether the reasons for its prevalence are mainly due to circumstances or cultural attitudes....

29 Jul 2010

Disability and inequality: Doctor-assisted suicide

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The turn of the 21st century has brought about a relatively new legal issue: Do individuals have a legal right to determine how and when they die? Questions regarding the ethics, legality issues and the morality of physician-assisted-death (PAD) and euthanasia brought these questions into the...

30 Oct 2009

An American woman's journey in Brazil: Gender in inequality in education

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

Historians are given a unique task; to gather information from a plethora of sources with a discernable eye, assess the credibility, corroborate and establish an accurate relay of events at any given period throughout the world. Here, the documentation and accounts of a woman traveler will be...

29 Oct 2024

Socioeconomic status and educational achievement in impoverished communities in the United States

Case study - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The purpose of the study is to assess the socioeconomic status and educational achievement in impoverished communities in the United States. The research will involve a non-experimental, qualitative approach to examining the multifaceted social dynamics underlying the unequal distribution of...

29 Sep 2010

Inequality in America

Worksheets - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

An apparent and striking observation that has been noted in virtually all of our readings by far is the shocking extent to which America's low-income citizens are denied of an equal status, let alone any, a political representation. Dahl reminds us frequently that the moral foundation behind...

06 Oct 2023

Measurement of Development

Course material - 11 pages - Economy general

There are at least four good reasons to measure development: - For policy making organizations (international organizations, governments, NGOs), we need to verify how the actions are making any progress. The point is to know is something if effective to change things. That requires tracking...

23 Dec 2024

Why did the Arab Spring take place in 2011?

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

The 'Arab Spring' describes the series of anti-government protests, uprisings, and armed rebellions that spread across much of the Arab world in 2011. Sparked by events in Tunisia and Egypt, mass public demonstrations erupted in countries including Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria and...

25 Oct 2024

A Cultural and Neurobiological Exploration of Understanding Chronic Pain Perception in Black Women

Dissertation - 7 pages - Medical studies

This essay explores the neurobiological mechanisms and cultural influences shaping chronic pain perception in Black women, with a focus on cancer survivors. It reviews theories of pain perception, highlighting disparities in prevalence and severity among diverse populations. Sociocultural...

13 Jul 2023

The Depiction of Women's Struggles Against Patriarchal Power Structures in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and The Testaments - Proposal

Dissertation - 6 pages - Literature

The document is an outline of a thesis about Margaret Atwood's depiction of women's struggles in her works. The project explores the depiction of women's struggles against patriarchal power structures in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and its sequel, The Testaments....

24 Jun 2022

Country risk: macro-financial economic model and crises

Worksheets - 8 pages - Economy general

Finance is widely viewed as a driver of growth, through various channels, but growth is also a driver of finance. Ross Levine, author of many studies of the subject, strongly supports that financial development is key in the overall development of a country.

30 Oct 2024


Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

The postwar Civil War era, particularly Reconstruction, was a very changing period in American history. This paper considers the postwar period through a gendered lens that embraces the promise of Reconstruction, the failure of stubbornness, and how women's roles were articulated within the...

23 Sep 2016

The status quo of discrimination - Willing workers in unwilling circumstances

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The idea of equality has been the dream of the hopeful but the reality is only a glimpse of the ideal. Since the Holocaust in World War II, there has been an international recognition for equality as outlined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, the idea of equality has eluded...

24 Jun 2022

Country Risk : Social and Political Dynamics

Worksheets - 3 pages - Political science

Despite their effects on growth and macroeconomic equilibria, social and political crises have been introduced only recently into country risk analysis. Recent crises (Syria, Arab springs, Sahel civil war) put forward those issues and highlighted the gaps in current methods. The analysis of...

10 Jun 2023

Presentation of Japanese educative system

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

I would like to present you the Japanese educative system, which is a bit different from ours. Nevertheless, the base is quite the same. As you can see, children can go to kindergarten until the age of six. Then, they enter in elementary schools for six years before going to middle school until...

29 Oct 2024

Do the Right Thing - Spike Lee (1989) - Examining Race Relations in American Culture

Artwork commentary - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

As the sizzling heat of Brooklyn summer sets in, Lee's 1989 hit film, "Do the Right Thing," approaches simmering disputes and clashes of culture that arrived and were boiling. Floating in the background, it becomes a formidable formula that helps to see the race relationships of the late 80s...

26 Jul 2022

What is race?

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Through the many works done by different scholars in the field of racism, various scholars have come up with many ways to define what race is. Malik (1996) defines race as a group of people who have a difference in biological traits and society finds them to be socially significant. Race is a...

16 Oct 2024

General Motors DE&I Challenges - Underrepresented women in leadership positions

Case study - 2 pages - Management

The automotive industry will change massively, by far more than ever, given the quickly proceeding innovations related to electric vehicles and autonomous driving technologies, with the current focus on sustainability (Lima Aranzaes et al., 2024). This management consulting project investigates...

04 Sep 2023

The thing around your neck, A private experience - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - 2009

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Literature

In this other short story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, two women help each other to find shelter in an abandoned store, after running with no rest, in a hurry. One is clearly Muslim, the other, Chika, seems to be Christian. In an atmosphere of dictatorship and ethnic tensions, they have escaped a...

05 Sep 2022

The similarities and differences in the development of labour movements in different parts of Canada

Dissertation - 5 pages - Micro-economy, job-unemployment

The labour history of Canada can be traced back several years to 1812 when Halifax formed a union for the tailors. Just four years later, the formation of labour unions was deterred by the Nova Scotian Union which passed the Anti-union Act. Such has been the trend in the Canadian labour movement....

10 Aug 2023

Femicide and Human Rights: Understanding and Classifying Gender-Based Violence under E.U. Law

Thesis - 20 pages - Public liberties

In 2008, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, during the launch of a campaign intending to end violence targeting women, said that the only global truth is that "violence against women is never acceptable, never excusable, never tolerable". The statement was a revelation that society...

10 May 2009

A closer examination of the phenomenon of globalization and its affect on India

Tutorials/exercises - 117 pages - Economy general

The term "globalization" has acquired considerable emotive force. Some view it as a process that is beneficial—a key to future world economic development—and also inevitable and irreversible. Others regard it with hostility, even fear, believing that it increases inequality within and...