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Theme : Identity

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27 Jan 2011

Pakistan: what is national identity?

Essay - 12 pages - Political science

With around 140 million people, Pakistan gained the status of a nuclear power in 1998, but also came to be known as a rogue state ('rogue stat') in the eyes of the United States. Under the international spotlight since the Afghan crisis of autumn 2001, and following the attacks of September...

24 Jun 2010

Essay analysis on sexuality, identity and homosexuals

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

In Halperin's “Is There a History of Sexuality”, he explains that sex as an act is a natural and universal phenomenon and thus has no history. On the other hand, he clarifies that there is a history of sexuality, although it is a fairly recent history and is socially constructed. By...

14 Oct 2010

Dynamics of language and society: A discourse of identity togetherness

Thesis - 7 pages - Linguistics & languages

Ethnicity or ethnic groups generally understood as tribal societies or communities who traditionally have something in common identity. A form of identity such as language, place of residence, kinship patterns, marriage patterns, religion, architecture, patterns of residence, and...

29 Sep 2010

Ireland: Culture, Religion and Identity

Essay - 9 pages - Political science

In this essay, we are going to see the relationship between culture, religion and the identity in Ireland. The first part of the essay focuses on the Irish culture. We are going to answer questions like: Does Ireland have a distinctive and homogeneous culture? What does it mean to be...

30 Mar 2010

The French identity

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The idea of what it is to be French changed throughout the early 20th century. Under the third republic government many techniques were used to, in essence, create Frenchmen who shared the same goals and ideals as the rest of this country. If the country was unified with the goal of bettering...

29 Sep 2010

The threat of identity theft in direct marketing

Essay - 4 pages - Services marketing

Identity theft is rampant, especially now that the present technology is capable of producing us the ways by which we could infringe upon the privacy of another. The victims of identity theft are the customers whose personal information is obtained. The Direct Marketing community is...

19 Jul 2010

The Church of our holy death, identity and human emission

Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy

Eros is the sum of life-preserving instincts that manifest as impulses to gratify basic needs like sex, as sublimated impulses motivated by the same basic needs, and as impulses to protect and preserve the body and mind. Thanatos is Greek for death. “Death” is more than the physical...

29 Sep 2010

Does Rawl's account of the original position imply any theory of the person, or of personal identity?

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

Rawls account of the 'original position' is subject to many criticisms from communitarian philosophers. While this account constitutes the very basis from which he derives his theory of justice, it is regarded as being flawed and thus compromises the validity of his whole theory. The...

09 Dec 2010

Identity and nationalism in West Africa since 1990: A case study of Ivory Coast

Case study - 20 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The democratization of West Africa started in 1990 and was led by Houphouet Boigny. The process revealed social cleavages in the case of groups that could not find a sufficiently powerful voice to express their opinions. Since then, there has been a process of nation building that is backed by...

19 Nov 2010

Islam and National identity in Indonesia

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Because Indonesia's culture is strongly linked to the Islamic religion - Indonesia is the world's largest Muslim population, with today about 200 million Muslims out of 230 million Indonesians , in other words 86% Indonesians are Muslim - both the official definition of Indonesian national...

04 Mar 2010

Jihad and Western perspectives of Muslim identity

Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy

Jihad is one of the most misunderstood topics in the world today. Much of the West believes that the word means Holy war and that it is fundamental to Islam and its ultimate goal of world domination. The Muslim world, of course, knows better what Jihad means, but even among Muslims there exists a...

29 Sep 2010

Presentation: one state, several nations - Pakistan and its identity issues.

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

In this presentation, we will not deal with the context of the independence of Pakistan in 1947. However, since Pakistan is a very young country, its creation plays a large role in the difficulties it encounters in its nation-building. The partition of India, in 1947, is the result of a long-term...

11 Mar 2010

Performativity and identity

Thesis - 2 pages - Psychology

Performativity as a concept is fraught with innuendo and subject to both discussion and debate. By use of this term are we denigrating that to which we apply it to mere acting? Or, conversely does the term Performativity lead us to open doors into broader definitions and ways of knowing the...

28 Feb 2010

How the ex-colored man's identity is constructed

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

From the beginning of his tale, the ex-colored man admits to a vague feeling of “unsatisfaction, of regret, of almost remorse.” As the story is told, it becomes clear that these confused emotions are the result of a confused identity. The narrator struggles not so much under...

21 Jun 2010

The Bulgarian identity

Essay - 1 pages - Journalism

The subject of this essay is the world's assumptions and inferences about my identity as a Bulgarian. There are two general opinions on Bulgarian people: the opinion of the Bulgarians and the opinion of the foreign visitors of the country. We Bulgarians define ourselves as smart, warm and...

29 Sep 2010

The threat of identity theft in direct marketing - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 5 pages - Services marketing

The digital world has become a household term, literary in all homes of the developed countries. Through the use of the internet the volume of transactions conducted online has increased a lot. Among the transactions conducted online are marketing and shopping. These transactions, not like other...

24 Jun 2010

D'Emilio, John. 1993. "Capitalism and Gay Identity" Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader. New York: Routledge

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In his article “Capitalism and Gay Identity”, John D'Emilio shows how the changing economy has directly affected sexuality and sexual identity. He begins by discussing the colonial era in America, when families were “self-sufficient, independent, and...

15 Mar 2010

Crime and Italian identity

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The story of the Italian American experience after World War Two has been one of paradox, the move towards assimilation with the mainstream, and dealing with the feeling of regret of the younger generations of having lost many of the visible markers of Italian American identity. As...

05 May 2010

An unintended identity: A sub-cultural study of New York garage bands in the 1960's

Tutorials/exercises - 30 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The year is 1964, the exact day, February 9th. Many people mark the day as the historic beginning of the so called “British Invasion.” Some may even go as far to say the day changed the face of American popular music. It's significance is simple. The Fab Four, the Beatles, played on...

29 Sep 2010

Does the EU need a European Identity? Why? Why not? Use concrete examples to support your line of argument

Essay - 5 pages - European union

In a European Union under construction, speaking about European Identity is essential. If it exists, it should be the expression of a dynamic link between Europeans. This identity is or would therefore be the creator of art and culture, a common political ethic, European...

28 Aug 2009

Brand identity mapping in India

Case study - 9 pages - Business strategy

When most people think about brand's identity, they usually think about the name, logo and the punch line. But identity consists of much more than that. It includes life style, symbols, colors, attitude, personality, visual style, brand voice and other mnemonic devices, characters,...

16 Jan 2009

The cultural identity and the assimilation of the Jewish Community in the Global Cities

Essay - 21 pages - Sociology & social sciences

My name is Charles Terdjman, I am a 3rd year student in Sciences Po Paris, and I would like to present my comparative research about the Jewish Community in the Global Cities. Sincerely interested in the social and political studies, I wanted to analyze a social or religious minority for this...

07 Oct 2009

This is what it means to say Phoenix, Arizona: A break with cultural assumptions of identity amongst contemporary Native Americans

Thesis - 5 pages - Literature

The following dissertation will focus on the short story, “This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona,” by Sherman Alexie. This document will outline continual themes on cultural assumptions regarding identity, and based on the perspective of the short story and its interplay,...

25 Jun 2009

Syncretism and identity: Finding I - Thou in historical dialogue

Thesis - 12 pages - Philosophy

Identity is fundamental to the distinction between faiths and cultures. Proper respect in dialogue hinges on a relational flow in dialogue. Power struggles and anxiety over engagement with the unknown other has caused dialogue to exist as an I-it relationship where the other becomes...

17 May 2009

Identity politics and feminism in France and in the United States

Thesis - 6 pages - Political science

In 2005, in her book entitled Beyond identity politics - feminism, power and politics, Moya Lloyd writes: “feminism is an identity politics” so far as “it articulates the demands of a particular constituency (women), united and galvanized on the basis of shared...

18 Mar 2009

Exploration of the life experiences and beliefs of a married couple in their sixties: Identities and factors in their identity formation

Case study - 7 pages - Psychology

This study used a semi structured interview on a married couple in their sixties in order to elicit information on the concept of identity. The data gathered was analyzed qualitatively using thematic analysis. Themes relating to identity were highlighted and explored using Erikson's...

15 Jan 2009

Nationalism and Regionalism in the era of the making of a common European identity

Essay - 5 pages - European union

The year 2000 will be and have already been pivotal for the European Union. Ten new countries became full members of the Union and Turkey is on his way to the membership. But the 2005 failure to make all the countries sign the project of European constitution asks legitimate questions about the...

23 Mar 2009

The historical and philosophical significance of Locke's personal identity

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In Book II of An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, John Locke established one of the first methodical treatments of the issue of personal identity as it relates to the realm of philosophy. Reflecting back on Locke's theory, it is clear that his work, while not impenetrable to its...

29 Jul 2009

Women's identity: How do you find it when the world claims you were born with it?

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Women in theatre are always up or down, the virgin or the whore, over-run with emotions or a stone cold bitch. There is rarely a happy medium for women on the stage. But there is an in-between. There is a middle ground between being an extreme, and being a bore. Despite the fact that every woman...

15 Jan 2009

Place, race and identity in Langston Hughes' "A Toast to Harlem"

Book review - 5 pages - Literature

“A Toast to Harlem” is an extract from a volume of selections entitled The Best Of Simple which was published in 1961. The author, Langston Hughes, was born in Joplin, Missouri in 1902 and died in 1967. He is known as one of the most important writers and thinkers of the Harlem...