Idea of Progress : sport performances
Essay - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages
We should start saying that progress is simply a positive evolution. This can be applied to all sorts of subjects but today I will be talking about sports performances because limits are pushed further. But can we consider this real progress?
Idea of progress - the case of India
Presentation - 2 pages - Everyday's life
I am going to talk about the notion "the Idea of Progress". But before we start, we shall say that progress implies change, an evolution from an old order with old traditions to a new order which is not necessarily accepted by all. And what better way of illustrating this...
The Idea of Progress - Is a Sweeping Political Change Way of Progress?
Essay - 2 pages - Politic philosophy
The notion I'm going to deal with is the idea of progress. To begin, the progress basically implies changes and evolution from an old order to the new order, in different fields of society in order to enable people to have a better life. In terms of politics, the...
Idea of progress - How does modern technology affect today's society?
Essay - 2 pages - Computer science
I'm going to talk about the notion of 'Idea of progress'. Nowadays, technology overwhelms our world more and more. We live with technology every day through smartphones or computers. But how does modern technology affect today's society? We will see that modern...
Idea of progress - Can the new generation change the world?
Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
I am going to ponder over the notion of progress. So, before all, let me introduce it. The idea of progress concerns a forward movement permitted by eventual actions or prowess. It's something which can concern a lot of subjects as politics, technic, or even sciences. But...
Idea of progress - What is the purpose of science? Is scientific progress always something positive for humanity?
Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences
I will talk about the notion of IDEAS OF PROGRESS. Progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change; it can be a technological, scientific or social advance in order to make the world a better place. It is characterised by a positive and wilful behaviour...
Idea of progress - How Americans relate to ecology nowadays?
Essay - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
We will talk about the notion of the idea of progress and illustrate it with the environmental issue in the USA. Progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. It can be a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a...
How does progress affect our modern societies? Does it have positive or negative effects?
Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences
I'm going to deal with the notion of the idea of progress. First, I'd like to define the notion. Progress can be linked to an improvement in the technical and scientific fields. In the social field, it refers to a betterment of life's conditions. Particularly,...
Middlemarch, Part 6, Chapter 56 - George Eliot (1871-1872) - How does George Eliot, through a posterior view and a description of fictitious events, manage to present the prejudices of the time on the progress?
Text commentary - 3 pages - Economic politics
In 1919, Virginia Woolf writes, about Eliot's contribution to English literature, that her masterpiece Middlemarch is "one of the few English novels written for grown-up people". Indeed, Eliot's novel is known for its realism and its psychological insights on its different characters from...
Sustainable remote work practices for progressive reductions of road traffic emissions
Dissertation - 68 pages - Ecology & environment
Although technology developments brought about possibilities for all work which could be done remotely to be done remotely within the Netherlands, limitations for additional and sustainable implementation of remote work practices remained. Secondary research sheds light on the extent to which...
Angles in 2-D Shapes: A progressive overview
Case study - 16 pages - Educational studies
Williams, 2007) and may present difficulties to pupils who have a right brain hemispheric dominance (and so possibly have a predilection to more logical algebra and number topics) who struggle to think in a more creative, left-brained manner (Sperry, 1945 as cited in Cherry, 2011). Although there...
Managing teams : Evolution and progress
Case study - 3 pages - Management
This was a very special escape game experience for me, as I'd never done one before. It was a total discovery in terms of what to do, the environment disturbing your senses and your thinking; but that wasn't counting the fact that I had to work with one person I didn't know at all,...
The Progressive Era, the New Deal, and the Great Society: a comparative study
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
The Jeffersonian idea that liberty and equality would be best achieved by everyman pursuing his own interest and a federal government with greatly constrained powers is often seen as America's traditional political philosophy. During the 20th century, three periods of government activism...
Two revision sheets for the English oral exam of the baccalauréat
Revision sheet - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages
In this document you will find two revision sheets for the English oral exam of the baccalauréat on the themes The Idea of Progress and Places and Forms of Power.
Exploring the relationship between democracy and MDG progress
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
The Millenium Development Goals of 2000 focused the international community on the development and health advances of the developing world. To succeed in completing these goals, massive amounts of aid have been sent to developing countries, though many conditions have been attached. Many...
The contribution of the Salon and the Masonic Lodge to the circulation of enlightened ideas in eighteenth-century Europe
Essay - 7 pages - Modern history
The Masonic Lodge embodied the new type of private societies with public effects that developed remarkably over the eighteenth century in Europe. On the contrary, the Salon, as an official exhibition of paintings, was the representation of the influence of the monarchy on artistic matters during...
The woman suffrage movement in Canada and liberation deferred? The ideas of the English-Canadian Suffragists, 1877-1918: A comparative book review
Book review - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In her work entitled The Woman Suffrage Movement in Canada, Catherine Lyle Cleverdon artfully constructs narrative analysis of a social movement that gained little notoriety outside of Canada. This particular study is extremely helpful because of its ability to use existing information about the...
Discipline in Special Education - Case of a Child in Need
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
After Charlie's 13-day suspension, the special education teacher should first and foremost focus on delivering his services to the child in compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). As 20 USC § 1415(k)(1)(D) states, students with disabilities are entitled...
In what way storytelling helped shape feminism in our current society?
Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy
I choose the notion of the Idea of Progress. To illustrate this notion, I decided to talk about the idea of progress in feminism. Before I start, I'd like to give a quick definition of the notion: the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement,...
Analyze what is meant by either 'international society' or 'international interdependence' and assess how significantly the concept challenges the idea of international anarchy
Case study - 4 pages - International relations
The English school of thought holds two contrasting visions when looking at the international society theory and how it challenges the concept of international anarchy. It was Hedley Bull whom firstly brought these two contrasts to light in 1962, which were the pluralist and the solidarist...
Rights of Students with Disabilities Who Are Homeless
Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The experience of homeless students with disabilities serves as a poignant reminder that the educational system must confront the intersection of different forms of vulnerabilities. The story revolves strategically around the inception of disability rights law and ends with the adoption of laws...
The Blindfold - Siri Hustvedt - Post-modernism
Essay - 2 pages - Literature
'There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal, nor between what is true and what is false. A thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both true and false.' Is a quotation from Harold Pinter that illustrates the ideas of the post-modernist...
Nehru's ideas in relation to Gandhianism
Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy
A critical reading of Sunil Khilnani's arguments in The Idea of India appears to reflect well on the actions taken by Jawaharlal Nehru in his development of the state of India. As described by Khilnani, Nehru had a number of ideas which appear at the outset to be in violation of the...
Exploring Henri Lefebvre's ideas on the everyday in debates on architecture of the city
Thesis - 6 pages - Architecture
This paper will explore ideas in the writings of Henri Lefebvre, beginning with a summary of Dell Upton's article Architecture in Everyday Life which touches on the set of debates about what Lefebvre was suggesting in his idea of the intersection of materiality,...
Macroeconomics Theory
Course material - 57 pages - Theories and economic notions
A confusion is often made between the level of GDP and the growth of GDP. The growth of GDP is the slope of the blue line while the level of GDP is the relative position of the GDP curve to the trend curve. It's entirely possible for a country to experience strong GDP growth while still...
What Were the Greatest 20th Century Innovations?
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
As a century of great significance in our modern society, the twentieth century succeeds the Industrial Revolution and was dominated by the first two World Wars, the Cold War, and transformations of the political and social structures across the globe. It was also the time of great technological...
The place of wine in society in the face of climate change
Thesis - 38 pages - Green marketing
Don't worry, you're not the only one who drinks wine. Millions of us drink wine. And not just one glass! In fact, there are about a thousand bottles tasted every second in the world. France is known for its gastronomy, and its luxury, but also for its wine. Wine is a drink that brings...
In search of a new metaphysics: A summary and critical analysis of the ideas of E. F. Schumacher
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The human species faces an unprecedented number of problems now that we have entered the 21st century. Global warming, overpopulation, food and water shortages, pollution, economic crises, resource depletion, and various other issues make up the agenda which concerns politicians and the public...
Efforts to Decolonize: The Royal Museum for Central Africa
Essay - 6 pages - Art history
Decolonizing museums and colonialism have been major subjects of conversation, and the Royal Museum for Central Africa, commonly known as AfricaMuseum in Tervuren, Belgium, has been at the centre of both. The museum was created in 1898 with the intention of presenting the history, culture, and...
The European Union and democratic progress in post communist states:The cases of Bulgaria, Romania, and Croatia
Thesis - 7 pages - Political science
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union, strong winds of change have been sweeping across the European continent. With the growth of the European Union into the region's dominant political force, the last remnants of communism and totalitarian rule are rusting...