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Theme : Humanity

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18 Aug 2008

Human connection in international cinema

Essay - 7 pages - Film studies

Many of the films we have watched in Contemporary International Cinema explore the nature of love on various levels. Some focus on the platonic aspect of human connection, some look at the sociological and nationalistic bonds that hold people together, and some delve deep into the inner workings...

17 Nov 2008

Perfecting the Human race: Creator, thy name is Man

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

Since many believe the notion that a higher power than man, “God,” created mankind, it is assumed that this undertaking can only be performed by God, and therefore anyone else attempting such a task would be blaspheming his efforts. The Promethean myth challenges that the creation of...

21 Nov 2008

Human influences on the tropical forest wildlife

Essay - 7 pages - Ecology & environment

Different patterns of anthropogenic forest disturbance can affect forest wildlife in both tropical and temperate regions in many ways. The overall impact of different sources of structural and nonstructural disturbance may depend on: (1) the groups of organisms considered; (2) the evolutionary...

28 Nov 2008

Human behavior in the social context

Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Humans are a social species. First, we explore the reasons why humans are social beings and briefly consider the broad implications of this characterization. Next, we go somewhat more deeply into the question what it means to be social. In other words, how does an individual function whose...

09 Jan 2009

Human rights and domestic violence

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Human Rights Watch has estimated that 12,000 women a year die in Russia because of domestic violence; Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reports close to 80% of women experience domestic violence; 49,280 rapes were reported in South Africa in 1998; and the CDC estimates at least 1.8 million...

12 Jan 2009

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is primarily a Western document, limiting the claimed universal applicability of Human Rights

Thesis - 5 pages - International law

On 10 December 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the Third General Assembly of the United Nations. In the aftermath of WW2, nearly every state that had fought with the Western Allies wanted the atrocities of Nazism and Fascism to be prohibited. To do this...

12 Jan 2009

The universal human rights concept has its roots in western political thought, so can we say that it applies to all human beings?

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Reporters Without Borders...those are some of the many non-governmental organisations (NGOs) around the world based on the protection of human rights. Given they are international organisations, does it mean human rights are universal, i.e. they apply to...

13 Jan 2009

What are human rights and what place have discussions on human rights found in international relations?

Thesis - 8 pages - International relations

Though they may disagree on the importance of this phenomenon, most international experts now admit that there is a growing concern, both from states and from people, for Human Rights in international relations. Human Rights are often used to legitimate an action (diplomatic pressures, economic...

13 Jan 2009

How to evaluate the performance of the human resource department?

Thesis - 4 pages - Human resources

It is important for companies to evaluate the quality and performance of their different departments (Baruch, 1997). Evaluating the human resource department (HRD) is even more important due to its many links with and influences on other items -for example, with increased productivity (Fox et al,...

13 Jan 2009

Consistence between the English Criminal Justice and Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights

Essay - 9 pages - International law

The United Kingdom was one of the original parties to the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR). States which contract into the ECHR are obliged to secure the enjoyment of Convention rights for their citizens. Sometimes positive actions may be required as creation,...

15 Jan 2009

Propaganda is necessary for the functioning and survival of human society. Discuss

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

“Propaganda, by whatever name we may call it, has become a very general phenomenon in the modern world. Differences in political regimes matter little; differences in social levels are more important; and most important is national self-awareness.”(1) Actually, propaganda is a large...

15 Jan 2009

Memo Human resources: The Lidl case (2008)

Case study - 11 pages - Human resources

The Concept of purchasing power has been highly debated in France for the last few months. Because of a recent and substantial increase in prices, grocery retailers have been under suspicion of being the main engine of this inflation. Why have prices been increasing so quickly in the last few...

15 Jan 2009

What is strategic human resource management? Critical evaluation of the concept in terms of theory and practice

Essay - 4 pages - Human resources

In the 1980's, a new concept called ‘Human Resource Management' was born. This trend comes after an intense period of Taylorisation, Fordism and now, McDonaldisation. HRM came to counter balance these trends and consider the concept of Man as a man and not as a machine. For the last several...

15 Jan 2009

International human rights law

Essay - 4 pages - International law

Today, various international instruments allow for the protection and respect of human rights. Thus, the International Bill of Rights is the basis composed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 and the two subsequent International Covenants of 1966. The United Nations, which is...

15 Jan 2009

What is the role of Human Resources Management (HRM) in the implementation of a Sustainable Development Program?

Essay - 5 pages - Human resources

Nowadays, Sustainable Development is a movement that is increasing in our society. Companies are progressively realizing the stakes of such policies, and are willing to have a try at it. However, it is important to guide them through this process, which can be disastrous when not lead the "right"...

15 Jan 2009

Management of international human resources: Coca Cola

Essay - 7 pages - Human resources

According to Armstrong in 2006 "International human resource management is the process of employing, developing and rewarding people in global organisations". However, nowadays, one of the most complex challenges for a MNC, across the globe, is the management of human resources because of...

15 Jan 2009

The universal human rights concept and its roots in Western political thought

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Commitment to the idea of cultural relativism is usually seen as precluding the acceptance of the idea of universal human rights. But is relativism against universalism a false dichotomy? Can we construct a “differentiated universalism” or a “non-ethnocentric universalism”?...

15 Jan 2009

International human resource management

Thesis - 13 pages - Human resources

One of the few certainties in this uncertain world is the growing influence of internationalization on organizations, both large and small. There are increasing numbers of internationally operating organizations and internationally operating employees. The subject of international human resource...

16 Jan 2009

What is the relation (if any) between virtue and human flourishing?

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

When you shout at a passer-by in the street, and ask him what would be the most important goal in his life, he is likely to answer, like a majority of people that he wants to live happily. Then, we should raise the question: how could we achieve this happiness? More than two thousand years ago,...

16 Jan 2009

The scope of human resource management functions and activities

Essay - 3 pages - Human resources

The most important resource in an organization is its people. So the role they play, how they play, how they interact through formal and informal processes and the relationships they build are crucial to the success of strategy” say Johnson and Scholes (2002: 419). Human Resource Management...

16 Jan 2009

An assessment of the usefulness of human resource planning, in Rexel

Essay - 12 pages - Human resources

The human resource planning (HRP) is a problematical area, in particular, during the phases of disorder and confusion within the business environment, which can provoke instability. Thus, hesitation is created among the need of planning and the complexity of forecast. Although this complexity,...

16 Jan 2009

International human resources management: A comparison between the USA and China

Case study - 6 pages - Human resources

At times of globalization, organizations have to face a business environment which involves quick responses to change, such as new laws or social trends, in order not to expire (Gibson, 1989). It is evident that only people, and not machines, are able to anticipate these changes and set up an...

16 Jan 2009

Evaluation and recommendations in terms of the five functions of human resource management: The case of Accenture

Case study - 9 pages - Human resources

The most important resource in an organization is its people. So the role they play, how they play, how they interact through formal and informal processes and the relationships they build are crucial to the success of strategy” say Johnson and Scholes (2002: 419). With 178,000 people in 49...

16 Jan 2009

How can a large global company like Coca-Cola manage its human resources efficiently? The example of the US divisions

Essay - 8 pages - Human resources

Coca-Cola is one of the most famous and successful brands all over the world. The Coca-Cola Company is a large multinational enterprise, operating in about 200 countries. This can be considered as the quintessential global corporation. We could more likely use the terms "multi-local" company as...

21 Jan 2009

Chapter VIII's analysis of 'Human Bondage' by Somerset Maugham

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

The excerpt to analyse retraces what may be considered as a part of the main body of the plot of the apprenticeship novel Of Human Bondage by the English writer Somerset Maugham. The passage I'm about to try to analyse is extracted from the 58th chapter which means that the reader is already half...

21 Jan 2009

What are the main challenges for the international human resources management in the future?

Essay - 3 pages - Human resources

Human Resource Management has become a major concern in most companies as it affects the performance and thus, the competitive advantages of organizations. Nowadays, the competition is getting stronger and stronger, especially at the international level. The integration of HRM into the...

27 Jan 2009

Human resource guide for managing the Forensic Certified Public Accountant

Essay - 8 pages - Accounting

Four tools exist, which assist the Human Resource Department in obtaining and informing employees for the position of the Forensic Certified Public Accountant (FCPA). This guide will provide management with the needed tools to contribute to the world of Forensic Accounting. These tools consist of...

26 Feb 2009

Human resource management: The creation of balance between standardization and localization in multinational firms

Thesis - 6 pages - Human resources

International human resource management systems remain as challenging as ever for many multinationals throughout the world. “The challenge of many multinationals is to create a system that operates effectively in multiple countries by exploiting local differences and inter dependencies while...

05 Mar 2009

The role played by Human Resources and their contribution in the success of Merger and Acquisitions. Case study: Tata -Corus

Thesis - 45 pages - Human resources

Tata-Corus, Arcelor-Mittal, Daimler-Chrysler, America online- Time Warner…. The phenomenon of Merger and Acquisition has proved to be a very popular means for organizations to achieve growth and promote strategic change, especially during the last two decades. The reason that the concern...

05 Mar 2009

Solving the human problem: Mrs. Alving, Juno Boyle and tragic motherhood

Thesis - 6 pages - Literature

In Raymond Williams' Modern Tragedy, the famous scholar provides an outstanding explanation for the roles of tragic hero and tragic action in modern drama. He argues that "the ordinary tragic action is what happens through the hero" (79, italics are mine). In consequence, the modern tragic...