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Theme : Human resources

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11 Apr 2024

Digitization of Human Right resources: the case of Chiquita Brands

Presentation - 2 pages - Human resources

In today's world, there are over 7 billion mobile phones, and 40% of the internet traffic goes through them. This unprecedented technological advance allows for unprecedented evolutions in the so-called Industry 4.0, such as the digitization of Human Resources Management through...

16 Jan 2009

Monography: The human resources management policy of the Société Générale

Essay - 4 pages - Human resources

According to the talk with Charles Millon, there are four main issues that have been put forward during the reshuffling of the bank Crédit du Nord. One of them is manpower planning in the new area, determined by both Société Générale, the buyer, and Crédit du Nord, the acquired. Indeed, that HRM...

26 May 2009

Human resources management in Siemens

Tutorials/exercises - 57 pages - Human resources

The outsourcing history of India is one of phenomenal growth in a very short span of time. The idea of outsourcing has its roots in the 'competitive advantage' theory propagated by Adam Smith in his book 'The Wealth of Nations' which was published in 1776. Over the years, the...

22 Jun 2009

Human resources development initiatives for achieving individual and organizational goals: National Institute of Rural Development India

Dissertation - 44 pages - Human resources

Human Resource Development is very crucial for achieving higher levels of socio-economic development in both developed and developing countries. The value of Human Development Index (HDI) is much higher in the countries with higher levels of investment in HRD and vice versa....

13 Jan 2009

Francotours: A human resources strategy

Essay - 4 pages - Human resources

Organizational Development is a term used to define the growing process of an organization. An organization's successful development and evolution depends on its ability to create the following: a vision (or identity) that clearly defines its purpose; the leadership capacity to clearly...

28 May 2009

A study of human resources development climate in hospitals and its impact on patient satisfaction

Tutorials/exercises - 43 pages - Human resources

Combining medical technology and the human touch, the health care industry administers care around the clock, responding to the needs of millions of people—from newborns to the critically ill. Industry organization - About 580,000 establishments make up the health care industry; they...

16 Jan 2009

How can a large global company like Coca-Cola manage its human resources efficiently? The example of the US divisions

Essay - 8 pages - Human resources

Coca-Cola is one of the most famous and successful brands all over the world. The Coca-Cola Company is a large multinational enterprise, operating in about 200 countries. This can be considered as the quintessential global corporation. We could more likely use the terms "multi-local" company as...

15 Jun 2009

A brief overview of the Human Resources Information System with special references to India

Case study - 31 pages - Human resources

Human resource departments require large amount of detailed information the quality of personnel management department's contribution largely depends upon the quality of information held by it. Many personal activities and much effort by personnel professionals are devoted to...

15 Jun 2009

An overview of Human Resources Management

Dissertation - 41 pages - Human resources

Good human resource practice can help in attracting and retaining the best people in the organization Planning alerts the company to the type of people will need in short, medium and long run. Appropriate recruitment and selection activities identify the best people for available...

18 Sep 2009

Role, objectives and activities of human resources department (HRD) in an organization

Thesis - 4 pages - Human resources

In the face of enormous changes in the business environment of the world backed up by liberalization of economy, globalization of business, modernization of technology, changing lifestyles, global competitive pressures and large scale employment, a need exist for a fresh look at the Human...

09 May 2009

Human resources: New vistas & challenges

Dissertation - 54 pages - Human resources

Human capital is not about describing people as economic units; rather it is a way of viewing people as critical contributors to an organization's success. It can be measured and managed more effectively in coming times as and when the human resource functions evolve with...

13 May 2009

Compared human resources management models: China and France

Thesis - 5 pages - Human resources

This report is an analysis by comparison of two countries through their management of their Human Resources. Those two subjects of this essay are France and China. This choice is not just a coincidence but the result of my home country (France) and China where I have been for an...

15 Jan 2009

Management of international human resources: Coca Cola

Essay - 7 pages - Human resources

According to Armstrong in 2006 "International human resource management is the process of employing, developing and rewarding people in global organisations". However, nowadays, one of the most complex challenges for a MNC, across the globe, is the management of human...

15 Jan 2009

Memo Human resources: The Lidl case (2008)

Case study - 11 pages - Human resources

The Concept of purchasing power has been highly debated in France for the last few months. Because of a recent and substantial increase in prices, grocery retailers have been under suspicion of being the main engine of this inflation. Why have prices been increasing so quickly in the last few...

15 Jan 2009

What is the role of Human Resources Management (HRM) in the implementation of a Sustainable Development Program?

Essay - 5 pages - Human resources

Nowadays, Sustainable Development is a movement that is increasing in our society. Companies are progressively realizing the stakes of such policies, and are willing to have a try at it. However, it is important to guide them through this process, which can be disastrous when not lead the "right"...

16 Jan 2009

International human resources management: A comparison between the USA and China

Case study - 6 pages - Human resources

At times of globalization, organizations have to face a business environment which involves quick responses to change, such as new laws or social trends, in order not to expire (Gibson, 1989). It is evident that only people, and not machines, are able to anticipate these changes and set up an...

05 Mar 2009

The role played by Human Resources and their contribution in the success of Merger and Acquisitions. Case study: Tata -Corus

Thesis - 45 pages - Human resources

Tata-Corus, Arcelor-Mittal, Daimler-Chrysler, America online- Time Warner…. The phenomenon of Merger and Acquisition has proved to be a very popular means for organizations to achieve growth and promote strategic change, especially during the last two decades. The reason that the concern...

18 Mar 2009

The role played by the human resources department: Its contribution to bringing success in the retail supermarkets in UK with reference to Tesco

Case study - 42 pages - Human resources

During the past few decades, the world has observed an unparalleled growth of business into universal markets. To compete with changing trends in the market businesses are becoming more system oriented. In UK the retail landscape has changed over the past 40 years in terms of changes in location...

21 Jan 2009

What are the main challenges for the international human resources management in the future?

Essay - 3 pages - Human resources

Human Resource Management has become a major concern in most companies as it affects the performance and thus, the competitive advantages of organizations. Nowadays, the competition is getting stronger and stronger, especially at the international level. The integration of HRM into...

26 Jun 2008

Human Resources Management: Challenges and Controlling Mechanisms

Case study - 10 pages - Human resources

Organizational Psychology holds that successful organizations focus not only on market realities and sustainable competitive advantages, but also on their human capital, which they consider as their most vital asset. In a sense, facts and figures are the quantitative elements of a...

04 Dec 2022

Hard and soft human resource management - Theory and examples

Case study - 9 pages - Human resources

The concept of Human Resource Management has many times been described as an idea with two distinct forms: hard and soft. The two forms have been opposed along several dimensions, and frequently get used by different commentators as strategic devices for categorization approaches in...

06 Nov 2014

Human Resource Approach during Economic Downturn

Case study - 15 pages - Human resources

The contemporary environmental dynamisms present new and unpredictable economic patterns translating into new challenges for organizations already struggling to keep pace with the market volatility. While the general entrepreneur agrees that the risks are abound during turbulent times, the...

17 Apr 2015

Human Resource Policies Influence on Performance of Medium Sized Manufacturing Firms

Case study - 5 pages - Business strategy

Globalization has created a paradigm shift in the ways by which firms conduct their business. The convergence of world economies has minimized-and in some cases eliminated-both legislative and geographical barriers to international production and sale of goods and services. The flip-side of this...

02 Mar 2023

Strategic Human Resource Management - Southwest Airlines

Case study - 4 pages - Human resources

"Human Resource Management (HRM) is a strategic approach to managing employment relations which emphasize that leveraging people's capabilities is critical to achieving competitive advantage, this being achieved through a distinctive set of integrated employment policies,...

03 Sep 2014

Local and Expatriate employees in Human Resource Management - published: 02/09/2014

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Organizations consitute people of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. These people have to work together in order to fulfill an organization's goals. Human Resource Management, HRM describes the management of the workforce in the organization. It is accountable for selection,...

04 Sep 2014

Local and Expatriate employees in Human Resource Management

Case study - 7 pages - Human resources

Organizations constitute people of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. These people have to work together in order to fulfill the organization's goals. Human Resource Management, HRM describes the management of the workforce in the organization. It is accountable for selection,...

15 Sep 2014

Case study-Human resource management-White Goods Company

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Human resource management (HRM) is a term that lingers in the minds of all stakeholders who are in different organizations. A simplified and clear definition of HRM is systematic and organized management of people in an organization. The concept covers all aspects of employees from...

30 Jul 2015

Human resource strategy : recruitment, selection and renumeration

Case study - 3 pages - Human resources

International human resource management is a contentious issue currently, and therefore it is crucial to have the right expatriate. This paper will consider a Human Resource Strategy for an expatriate recruitment, selection and training for companies in the Beverages...

19 Jul 2021

Human Resource Development - Designing a Graduate Program

Case study - 7 pages - Human resources

Creating talents is a challenge, retaining them is a greater one. Red Consulting wants us to create their new graduate program, which takes place in Paris for two years. The aim is to train consultants for this firm, which will hopefully later be hired by the company. It is aligned with the...

25 Mar 2015

Strategic problems facing Human Resource Managers (HRM) operating in multi-national companies (MNC)

Essay - 7 pages - Criminal law

A multi-national company is a company that has been formed to operate across known international physical boundaries (Cooke, 2003). These companies are often located to other international countries apart from the parent country in which it was originally founded. These multinational companies...