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Theme : Human resources

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22 Feb 2024

To what extent have human rights been defended and promoted by African constitutionalism? - Detailed plan and introduction

Essay - 3 pages - Law's history and philosophy

Human rights violations in Africa affect almost all countries. They arise from structural and circumstantial violence, which is uncontrolled and sometimes even encouraged. There are several reasons for this: firstly, African leaders are only concerned with protecting and defending their...

05 Oct 2024

The moral status of non-human animals - Ethical Dilemmas in Human-Animal Relations: Speciesism, Benign Carnivorism, and Animal Experimentation

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

In today's society, the ethical treatment of animals has become the subject of a powerful debate. Our obligation to manage the complex principle of ethical questions surrounding the role of animals in our environment grows as our knowledge of animal cognition, sentience, and emotions deepens....

24 Nov 2009

Understanding the complex relationship between human resource management and trade unions

Thesis - 7 pages - Management

The history of trade unions can be traced back to nearly 400 years ago when such groups as the Craftsmen and the Levelers were organized to protect their own products and interests. At the end of the 18th century, the labor surplus caused by industrial revolution made the working classes...

18 Jun 2010

The responsibilities of the human resource manager

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

Today's business world is becoming increasingly unstable and competitive. The current economic situation reinforces this design. Many companies are struggling to emerge from the three year long crisis that the economy is facing. The strategies adopted had to take into account the difficulties...

02 Aug 2013

PBL: Human resource management

Case study - 5 pages - Human resources

AsiaAir has a very diverse workforce that is made up of flight attendants, pilots, maintenance workers, baggage handlers, cleaners, office workers and the call center operators. All the groups of the employees at AirAsia that is a low cost carrier in the South East Asia region all want flexible...

29 Sep 2010

Ikea and the human resource management

Case study - 7 pages - Human resources

Ikea is an international retailer which has set up outlets which are running successfully all over the world for the last twenty five years. Today Ikea is an undeniable leader in the home product industry in the United States, Asia, Europe and Middle East, thanks to an innovative strategy which...

12 Nov 2014

Bicultural approach to natural resource management in Australia

Case study - 10 pages - Management

Natural resources are those that occur freely in the environment, without the influence of man, these resources are said to exist relatively undistributed by humanity. Natural resources have often been characterized by the amounts of biodiversity and geodiversity existent in...

31 Oct 2023

The State of the Questions Regarding Human Rights and Development in Chile, a Developing Country

Case study - 8 pages - International economy

As part of our research, we undertook an in-depth study of a specific subject that captivated us and aroused our keen interest. This research turned out to be an exciting exploration, as it enabled us to deepen our knowledge and develop expertise in a Chilean particular field. Chile represents...

30 Oct 2024

Politeness as Human Value

Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The essence of social institutions, politeness, is a key factor in communication. Historically, it has been seen as a symbol of hierarchy and strength. For example, those with a high social status are apt to be more polite than those with a lower status. Nevertheless, the so-called power and...

07 Nov 2014

Exploitation of human rights of undocumented workers in the United States

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Undocumented workers area at risk throughout the American States and their lines are in danger. Their human rights are violated all times and their rights as workers abridged without the knowledge of the appropriate authorities. Protecting this group of people is becoming difficult because...

19 Feb 2015

Humanities and contemporary issues: cheerfulness, wealth, and the material World

Case study - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

More research work has been done in the recent past to ascertain whether more money results in more happiness. This question has been an omnipresent one throughout the timeline of human history; however, not satisfactory answer is yet to be arrived. Societal researchers have unearthed a...

03 Sep 2014

Does the law of the sea provide a suitable framework for the regulation of marine genetic resources?

Case study - 14 pages - Literature

There are many challenges of marine engineering at the moment, and the industry is lacking the general ruling, law and indicators to work out a universal regulation, applied to all seas, oceans, including the territories of different countries. There have been many conferences held, and the...

21 Jun 2010

Managing human capital in the process of merger and acquisition

Thesis - 5 pages - Human resources

Mergers and acquisitions have become a regular business strategy in the present corporate scenario. They involve lengthy and thorough discussions and strategies are worked out in detail before the deals are closed. These discussions influence the future of the organization with respect to the...

20 Apr 2010

Regression analysis of effective factor on people participation in protecting, revitalizing, developing and using renewable natural resources in Ilam province from the view of users

Thesis - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The purpose of this study is the regression analysis of effective factor on people participation in protecting, revitalizing, developing and using renewable natural resources in Ilam province. This study is a casual comparative and applies one sample was taken from natural resources...

27 Nov 2013

Uses of natural resources in the U.S

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Natural resources are essential in driving the U.S economy (Sedjo, 2013). Natural resources include all materials on the earth surface that exist by nature and used by human beings in meeting daily needs. The development of U.S economy largely depends on how such...

14 Jan 2014

Renewable Energy Resources

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The use of renewable energy sources is one of biggest arguments of the twenty first century. On the one side there the supporters of use of this energy for numerous reasons while n the other hand there are those opposed to the ideology. It is a controversial topic with each side providing...

05 Mar 2009

Allocation of resources in the market

Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy

How does the free-market allocate its resources? This is a question that needs to be considered when choosing an economic theory to base a society on. The well-known neoclassical model is one that takes it direction from the laws of supply and demand, and is not one that accepts the...

24 Mar 2010

Common-pool resources in Bolivia

Thesis - 2 pages - Economy general

The age of neoliberalism has posed a threat to the development of communal organization and the success of common-pool resources. The “tragedy of the commons” is the presumed fate of common-pool resources, in which they are either privatized or appropriated by the national...

28 Jul 2009

Human water consumption and utilization

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The history of the relationship between people and water is a long and complex one. The necessity for water to sustain life has driven people to do many things: relocate to where the water is, come up with technological innovations to relocate the water to where they are, use it as a source of...

19 Mar 2014

Waste products as unused resources

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Waste products involve a wide range of terms that encompasses most of the unwanted materials and includes, scrap materials, effluent or any unwanted surplus substance or article that needs to be disposed since it is broken, unusable, and worn out. Wastes can be categorized in to controlled...

24 Sep 2010

China-Middle East relations and how the natural resources affect their relations

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

It remains without a doubt that the economic boom that China has witnessed in the last few decades had many implications for other regions of the world, including the Middle East. To fuel its ever increasing production and consumption patterns, and its ultimate search for economic profit, China...

21 Dec 2012

Why do human females cheat?

Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies

Humans are, for the most part, monogamous creatures. Arguments can be made in both directions as to whether or not this is an evolved trait, or whether or not it's cultural, but that fact remains that humans across most cultures pair bond into exclusive relationships. The...

21 Jun 2013

Water resources: Ottawa River Clean-Up

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

The Ottawa River has been an ongoing problem with pollution. Pollution and contaminates can, and most often do, include; heavy metals, detergents, organic pollution, and other pollutants which include chlorine, pesticides, raionuclides, acids and alkalis (Zmuida, 2012). People have been dumping...

21 Nov 2008

Human influences on the tropical forest wildlife

Essay - 7 pages - Ecology & environment

Different patterns of anthropogenic forest disturbance can affect forest wildlife in both tropical and temperate regions in many ways. The overall impact of different sources of structural and nonstructural disturbance may depend on: (1) the groups of organisms considered; (2) the evolutionary...

30 Sep 2009

Human rights report within Somalia

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The subject of human rights in the international system is still a relatively new phenomenon, but one that is in dire need of undivided attention. In specificity, the occurrence of human rights violations requires attention and solution. Although there are countless cases of...

13 Jul 2010

Water - the liquid gold - Managing a scarce resource

Thesis - 4 pages - Ecology & environment

Picture this: You open your tap in the morning to brush your teeth, and all that you get is the sound of air! Though it sounds exaggerated at the moment, plenty of households throughout the world will face this crisis in the years to come. Often touted as the liquid gold, water is the most...

03 Jul 2008

Wars have their ultimate roots in the nature of human beings. Do you agree?

Essay - 3 pages - International relations

The continuing importance of wars in international relations poses the question, where wars actually originate. Are they the inventions of the states , mere accidents of history or as indicated, they are ultimately rooted in human nature. In this essay I will try to find an answer to this...

05 Jun 2009

Human rights and unequal access to care

Thesis - 9 pages - International law

The right to assistance extends to health care, and any person, whatever his legal status, should enjoy access to appropriate care. However, experience shows that, in reality, the implementation of this law is based primarily on the political will of communities to develop networks of care...

07 Jul 2008

What scholars have noted about property as a social construct mitigating human interactions that transcend legal and economic discourse

Essay - 5 pages - Business law

A.I. Hallowell (1943: 119) once stated that, “Property as a social institution implies a system of relations between individuals. Like other social institutions, it involves rights, duties, powers, privileges, forbearances, etc, of certain kinds.” While this view of property has been...

13 Jul 2009

Human rights and Islam: A critical review of research on Sudan

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

Many non-Muslim onlookers in places like the West have heard of the apparent human rights violations that occur in the some parts of the Islamic world, and they have come to conclude that women are naturally supposed to take a subordinate position to men. While there might be some good...