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Theme : Homosexuality

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22 Oct 2007

The Holocaust

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

The twelve years between 1933 and 1935 saw the systematic elimination of over ten million people, including over six million Jews and over four million Gypsies, Slavs, Communists, and people deemed unfit for life, such as the mentally retarded and homosexuals. Known as the Holocaust, this...

04 Jun 2008

AIDS in Africa (2005)

Case study - 12 pages - Medical studies

Research on the historical development of HIV/AIDS demonstrates that the first cases of this disease can be traced back to 1978. Although AIDS had not been identified at that time, five men in different parts of the world had died from unusual, yet similar diseases. These five men were all...

29 Sep 2016

Gay rights as viewed by the utilitarianism theory

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

John Stuart Mill once wrote, "I apprehend, the sole evidence it is possible to produce that anything is desirable, is that people actually desire it" (42). Every person has their own view of happiness, and according to Mill's theory of utilitarianism, the greatest good comes from that which makes...

19 Jun 2008

Anticommunism and Racism: Forging African American Identity in a Binary Mirror

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Cold War America was a world of binaries. In a quest for patriotism, white United States citizens defined themselves by mirroring against what they were not: they were Capitalist because they were not Communist, heterosexual not homosexual, coupled not single, Americans not Russians. Black...

20 Jun 2008

"A Hideously Difficult Task": An Exploration of American Racial Identity through the Works of James Baldwin

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

In a style similar to other minority works of literature, James Baldwin's writing encompasses the recurring theme of identity—what it means and from where it originates. This theme stems from incomplete identity of the black American community. Baldwin's writings try to explain the...

11 Mar 2010

Lesbians and butch-femme relationships

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Homosexual relationships have existed since the beginning of time, however, acceptance of such relationships in the modern era has not been so forthcoming, as was the welcoming atmosphere in ancient Greece. Lesbianism appeared to be a somewhat accepted practice until Victorian social mores began...

27 Jan 2011

The extreme right parties in Western Europe

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

Europe is experiencing since the mid-1980s (west) and since the fall of the Berlin Wall (East) a radicalization that political observers describe by different names. This is called "rise of the extreme right" or "radical right". It evokes the irresistible rise of "populism" or...

15 Jun 2012

Compare the presentation of the speaker in Alan Bennett's monologues 'A chip in the sugar' and 'A Lady of letters'. How does Alan Bennett guide your reactions to the characters?

Case study - 6 pages - Literature

In Bennett's monologues the characters and their attitudes have quite a lot in common. To realise these similarities and differences, it is necessary to see what we learn directly or implicitly about the main characters' lives and what they tell us about their situations. In ‘A Chip in the...

27 Jul 2008

The holy union: Religion and marital conflict

Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In a time when conservatives worry that allowing homosexual to marry will destroy the sanctity of marriage and the family, heterosexual Americans are divorcing at a greater rate than ever before. The ratio of divorces to marriages is around 50% , suggesting that half of all marriages are doomed...

29 Jun 2023

How did the Political and Social Context of the 1960s Lead to the Stonewall Riots and How did these Events Impact the Society Back?

Presentation - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Today, I'm going to talk about the Stonewall riots, a series of violent protests and street demonstrations that took place on June 28th, 1969, in a gay bar in Greenwich Village, NY. These riots occurred for various reasons including timing, social history, cultural changes, local geography...

12 May 2015

Sport, and Media Triad analysis

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

There are growing numbers of athletes that are openly coming out to confess that they are gay. While this comes as a shock to most of their fans, the reality of them confessing that they are gay in male dominated fields is not that good. College football has won the hearts of many fans across the...

29 Mar 2016

Social construction based on the concept of sex and gender brings out the differences that are always seen between male and female

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Social construction based on the concept of sex and gender brings out the differences that are always seen between male and female or rather men and women that are conventions in the society and creating the roles played by each gender. Also the differences that are between the concept of gender...

25 Sep 2008

Is "Maurice" a hopelessly flawed text, or a thoughtful adaptation of the novel form to the subject matter and a strong intervention in debates of the time?

Essay - 9 pages - Literature

E.M Forster dedicated his novel “Maurice” to a “happier year”, affirming his intention of the novel's purpose as an insight into the future evolution of sexual desire and relationships, leading some to attach significance to the text as a protagonist of controversial debate of...

02 Oct 2007

Love: The key to the Human Soul

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Love has played a significant role in people's lives since they have been able to acknowledge it. Romance appears in almost all aspects of human life from entertainment to politics to business to children's movies. As soon as children can read, write, speak, and understand the world around them,...

05 May 2008

The Political Rhetoric of Same-Sex Marriage

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Same-sex marriage, the notion that two members of the same gender can be joined in a legally recognized union that is the civic basis of marriage, is a hot topic in the United States. The dispute over same-sex marriage has raged for years; the debate reached a fevered pitch after the 2004...

11 Nov 2008

Gender and sexual orientation's effect on lateralization and phonological language

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

The subject of Gender influence on brain lateralization is a topic that has been explored in the scientific community. The consensus to this point is that gender does have an effect on lateralization and language. In proving this, it is important that the connection between gender differences...

07 Jul 2009

It's a Mans' Man's World

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Taking James Brown's suggestion, I had already “faced the facts” long ago. However, through learning about sexual deviance, gender deviance, and even gender variance, this point seems to have only been underscored even more. I've come to realize just how intricately this has been...

26 Feb 2009

A sociological perspective on the family

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This essay will discuss and analyze the concept of the family from a sociological perspective. Families are the foundation of all societies. They can be formed by father-mother-children combination or even more complicated combination of aunt-cousin-grand relatives along with father and mother....

15 Jan 2009

The evolution of sex imagery in French advertising

Essay - 17 pages - Services marketing

The term “Chic Porn” is sometimes seen differently by the customers. On one hand, it reveals something that the customer rejects and on the other hand something exciting. It is very interesting to analyze the use of sex imagery in advertising and its evolution. The sex images in...

07 Dec 2007

What Do You Expect?

Essay - 2 pages - Film studies

Tony Kuschner's play Angel in America is full of contrasts, disparities, and opposite views. Many things are shown at completely opposite ends of the spectrum. There are many differing opinions and complete disagreements that not a large number of things that are constant and similar in the...

15 Jun 2009

Psychological aspects and related psychopathology to HIV infection

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

The recent introduction of therapy with protease inhibitors among persons infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) has greatly improved the prognosis of the disease patterns consequent to infection. In particular, it improved the course of the disease and several other clinical aspects,...

13 Jun 2013

Why is the biological explanation of gender so popular?

Case study - 4 pages - Psychology

In a cover story published recently in The New York Times magazine, Daniel Berger, author of the book “What do Women Want? Adventure in the Science of Female Desire”, which is coming out soon, analyzes women's sex drive in the light of a new drug called Lybrido that is supposed to help...

18 Jun 2013

Exploration of the Methodist religion

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The Christian religion has many denominations but all have similar beliefs. For the most part they have the same beliefs and practices with a few differences determined by how each denomination branched off from the Catholic religion, which was the original Christianity. Anglicans, Methodist,...

29 Sep 2010

Advertising planning: The Toyota Matrix

Case study - 24 pages - Services marketing

The central focus of the Toyota Matrix campaign is to create an interest for the car among the U.S. gay and lesbian population and to generate traffic to the car dealerships. The campaign is targeted towards gays and lesbians ages 18 to 34, who are interesting in stylish and appealing products...

19 Jan 2009

Violence in South Africa

Essay - 13 pages - Journalism

While South Africa is one of the richest countries of Africa, why is there so much violence? 25 of the biggest African firms are South African, and its economy is the largest and the most developed on the continent. It grows by 5% every year. Yet, South Africa has a high rate of unemployment and...

21 May 2008

The Right Medicine: Same-sex Family Law

Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Other law subjects

Currently in the United States, same-sex couples face many discrepancies in the law compared to heterosexual married couples, many related to taxation, discrimination protection, and other benefits. Of particular importance are the barriers that same-sex couples and larger families face when...

10 Aug 2010

Family as a social force

Book review - 2 pages - Journalism

In the novel Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, by Jeanette Winterson, the social force of family is very significant. Jeanette's family and the people that surround her eventually work against her to push her out of their exclusive social circle. The way that Jeanette is raised by her family...

01 May 2009

The role of Eros, madness and desire, and physical sexuality in Plato's philosophy

Thesis - 7 pages - Philosophy

The philosophy of Plato had a strong impact on the development of Western thought and the evolution of Western culture. His ideas were influential with Christian thinkers in the third and fourth centuries and with European philosophers in the Renaissance and after.This paper will examine Plato's...

29 Sep 2010

The face shop

Case study - 17 pages - Services marketing

The Face Shop is a cosmetics brand that started in Korea, featuring a wide range of all-natural products at affordable prices. The Face Shop has been expanding globally, with franchises in places like Japan, Australia, and Hong Kong. This expansion has now hit British Columbia, as The Face Shop...

19 Oct 2007

Let's Talk About Girls: The Negative Impact of Feminism on Modern Society

Essay - 12 pages - Social, moral & civic education

On June 28, 1998, Ally McBeal graced the cover of Time magazine; not in the name of television or Hollywood or fashion, but in the name of feminism. According to The American Century Dictionary, feminism is the advocacy of women's rights and sexual equality. So how does an upper-class woman who...