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21 Mar 2025

Financial Analysis of Vivint Smart Home

Financial analysis - 1 pages - Finance

Vivint Smart Home is a company that operates in the United States and specializes in smart home and security systems. There are several indicators to assess the audit risk related to the likelihood of misrepresentation, possibly due to fraud or earnings management.

17 Oct 2024

Investigating the Cybercrimes Related with IOT Based Home Appliances

Dissertation - 16 pages - Sociology & social sciences

This paper covers four areas: introduction, literature review, results and recommendations, and conclusion. In the introduction, the paper delineates its research objective: to identify cyber threats of IoT-based home appliances and to propose actions for their reduction. The literature...

19 Apr 2024

Burger King's "Google Home of the Whopper" campaign

Case study - 1 pages - Marketing theories

A 15-second TV commercial concludes with the phrase, "Ok Google, what is the Whopper burger?". "Ok Google" near to a speaker connected to Google Home starts the voice assistant, who will try to answer the question, without the slightest intervention of the viewer. Once the spot airs,...

08 May 2023

Home help service O2

Internship report - 3 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

O2 care is a company of the "Oui care" group, which has a range of home care and services. Indeed the company O2 offers many services and can provide children care (babysitting and tutoring), help for the elderly (to help them to outdoor activities, home care and look after their...

12 Jul 2021

The Catering Market - Home Delivery

Market study - 7 pages - Services marketing

The restaurant business has grown in size in the space of a few years. Indeed, the digital world, as well as digitisation, has helped to energise the entire market. In recent weeks, however, a transformation of consumption habits has taken place, undoubtedly linked to the coronavirus, which has...

03 Sep 2014

Advantages of public/private schools over home schooling

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

There is a current trend among parents of school-age children around the world to educate kids at home instead of in an institutional form. Although these parents want the best education and choices for their children and emphasize the difference, as well as the benefits of the home...

05 Sep 2014

Problems that students face at home that causes non-completion of college education

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The paper is primarily going to examine the problems that students face at home, which hinders them from completing their college education. Challenges emanating from home can cause non-completion of college education by students. Non-completion of college education is a menace to...

12 Aug 2014

Tort of negligence: Home Office vs. Dorset Yacht case

Case study - 3 pages - Business strategy

The case, Donoghue v Stevenson is the landmark case in the specific tort of negligence. Ms. Donoghue, the claimant, consumed ginger beer, which had a decomposed snail. The snail was invisible as the bottle was opaque. Neither the shopkeeper nor the friend who purchased the beer, nor Ms. Donoghue...

28 Jan 2014

Counseling and Homelessness

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

It has been said many times that there are three basic needs for a human being. These are food, shelter, and clothing. With the advancement of time, the list of basic needs seem to be growing longer with some things that would have otherwise been considered as mere luxuries now being considered...

16 Dec 2014

Case Study of "Saving Creation Faith and Nature in the Life of Home Rolston" by Robin Attfield

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

One UN Declaration of Universal Human Rights (1948) state: "All States and all people shall cooperate in the essential task of eradicating poverty as an indispensable requirement." Holmes argues that it is sometimes good to let people die in order to serve the nature. He argues that food should...

27 Nov 2013

Single parent's homes and the effects on children

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Family lifestyle is constantly changing, and almost half the number of children in the current generation spends part of their lives in a single parent family. Single parenting is becoming a normal trend mostly a result of family break-ups. The decision to bear a child by oneself is a tough...

01 Mar 2013

Tesco: Homeplus subway virtual store

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

The service that we have chosen is the Tesco's HomePlus Subway Virtual Store. This concept appeared first in the subway of Seoul, in South Korea, in September 2010 . It was developed by Tesco, a distribution group mainly based in the United-Kingdom, Ireland and Asia . The principle of this...

16 May 2013

Homeland/organizational culture analysis

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Culture can be understood as values, beliefs, characteristics, or customs of a society or community that can de described by everything from religion, arts, social habits, and language. The American culture is unique and widely influenced by many types of individuals. America is the land of...

30 Jun 2011

The homes of Catherine in 'Washington Square' and Frado of 'Our Nig'

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

The homes of Catherine in 'Washington Square' and Frado of 'Our Nig' are essential to the development and understanding of these heroines. Each novel places emphasis on different aspects of the homes as they relate to the most involved characters of the novel,...

07 Feb 2011

The Home Depot, Inc - Strategic audit

Thesis - 9 pages - Business strategy

The Home Depot Inc. is a success story of three men creating a new business that redefined the industry. By 2000, the company had reached $40 billion in revenues faster than any retailerhadin the US history. The founders then left the management of the company in the hands of Robert...

05 Apr 2010

Analyzing international portfolio strategy with home event risk versus foreign information asymmetry

Thesis - 10 pages - Finance

This study develops a model for international portfolio choice in the presence of the home asset with event-risk versus foreign asset with stochastic information filtering. The model is constructed from comparing the portfolio fraction changes of domestic assets so as to maximize the...

22 Jan 2010

Secretary of state for the home department

Thesis - 3 pages - Administrative law

This case concerns the detention of suspected terrorist suspects who are non British nationals. In the context of a World which is more security alert in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, Her Majesty's Government reacted with new laws. However, these laws need to be tempered with age old principles...

18 Jun 2010

The other in Israeli culture: Yearning for a home and a homeland

Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Do our similarities bring us together, or do our differences tear us apart? This question can be answered varyingly and astutely, across (and within) cultures and societies. Eshkol Nevo's rich novel Arba'a Batim ve Gagu'a can be construed as the author's response to this question in contemporary...

22 Jul 2010

Home Box Office (HBO): HBO strategy

Thesis - 8 pages - Business strategy

Home Box Office (HBO) is a U.S. television channel. It has served as a model for Canal (the French T.V. channel) in France, creating a culture of pay channels, placing the film at the heart of its bid. HBO focuses its programming and television broadcasting on a series that creates a new...

25 Mar 2010

Familial construction in Christopher Carrington's 'There's no place like home'

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

In Christopher Carrington's No Place Like Home, the author tackles the very difficult question of what comprises a family. The question posed, liking a thread throughout the book as it attempts to be answered, is what are the issues facing gay and lesbian parents as they choose to...

29 Sep 2010

Creatinga strong brand - example of Green Home

Case study - 6 pages - Business strategy

Green Home is a Swedish company created in 2001, it specializes in Kit houses, more precisely the mission of the company is to create and build ecological houses. The brand makes an authentic connection between its 'green' products and its sustainable business practices and...

29 Sep 2010

Living spaces : Social construction of habitat: the anthropological and social-historical origins of the house and home from the point of view of its fundamental and continuing significance to civilization

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

What could possibly be the common features amongst Inuit Igloos, Native American tepees and Swiss chalets? At face value, there is not much of a similarity as they belong to three very unique cultures. Nevertheless in this situation, it is relevant enough to draw a comparison amongst all these...

20 Apr 2009

Credit appraisal process and customer satisfaction on home loans with reference to ING Vysya Bank Ltd

Market study - 46 pages - Business strategy

The changes after liberalization and globalization process was initiated in 1991 had a significant impact on the financial sector. In India, housing finance segment has increased in the recent years. Boost to housing can rejuvenate the economy. The success of the housing companies in the market...

28 Dec 2009

The Odyssey of Homer and the Aithiopika of Heliodorus

Thesis - 6 pages - Literature

Though the Odyssey and the Aithiopika, or Ethiopian Romance, were composed by two different men writing from different worlds and separated by a gap of many centuries, they share many of the same thematic, structural, and literary features. The Odyssey is a Homeric epic poem which is thought to...

27 May 2009

Comparative study of institutions offering home loans

Case study - 40 pages - Finance

Housing finance is one of the industries which are driven by ups and downs in the real state industry. Although there has been an upsurge in the demand for the home loans in the recent past, it has not translated into a stupendous performance by the housing finance companies (HFC's).the...

03 Jun 2009

Home depot

Thesis - 17 pages - Services marketing

Home Depot is the largest retailer in the home improvement industry with more than 2,100 stores. The company was started in 1979 by Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank. Within these stores, they offer a large array of home improvement products. By selling at continually low...

16 Apr 2009

Financial institutions offering home loans

Case study - 38 pages - Finance

Housing finance is one of the industries, which are driven by ups and downs in the real state industry. Although there has been an upsurge in the demand for the home loans in the recent past, it has not translated into a stupendous performance by the housing finance companies (HDFC's). The...

08 Jul 2009

A study of home security system

Thesis - 27 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Home security systems provide security from threats such as intruders or thieves, by sounding a siren to grab the attention of the public. Two sensor pairs are placed in the system. Among them one pair of receiver sensors is connected to the entrance of the house and the transmitter is...

11 Jun 2009

Remote triggering based embedded servers for smart home environments

Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science

Smart home systems are expected to become key research area for ubiquitous and embedded system Computing in coming years. In this paper, a new scheme in smart home systems technology using Embedded server for providing intelligent control of home appliances is proposed. A...

28 Jul 2009

The attachment between college students and their pets at home

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Many first year college students under go the shock that it is to leave a pet at home. Pets are considered attachment figures. The purpose of this study is to find the relationship between college students away from home and their pets and how the relationship strain affects the...