Populism in Latin America and its perspective history
Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history
There are terms which return constantly in the historiographical lexicon, which suitably describe the Latin America of the 20th century. "Populism" is one of them. Nevertheless, it's excessive and systematically pejorative use in Europe nowadays, has widely tarnished its meaning. Thus our first...
American Civilization and World History: an essay on American Exceptionalism
Essay - 4 pages - Political science
Alexis de Tocqueville was the first author to write that 'the position of the Americans' was 'quite exceptional.' But the modern notion of American Exceptionalism emerged in the 50s and 60s, and has been particularly challenged since then. This concept refers to the...
John J. Mearsheimer & Stephen M. Walt - Can Saddam be contained? History says yes
Book review - 1 pages - International relations
This text was written in November 2002 by John J. Mearsheimer, a professor of political science at the University of Chicago, and Stephen M. Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard University. It takes part in the aftermath of 9/11, and the debate over the necessity of a war in Iraq,...
The history of Apple
Case study - 10 pages - Business strategy
Steve Wozniak, the cofounder of Apple, invented the Apple 1, the first Apple Personal computer. To make it easier to use, the switches were replaced by a keyboard. He used a TV screen as a display, rather than a series of diodes. Only 200 units were created in 1976. The money earned from the...
The history of the Blues music: creation, evolution and diffusion in the world
Essay - 2 pages - Arts and art history
The revolution started when the Germans arrived in America. They already had many slaves, but they still subjugated hundreds of Africans present in the country, so that these men also became slaves. In the 19th century, in the South of the United States, one could hear the cries which the black...
Myspace, Walmart and Barthes's reading of myth and history
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
How does myth function? What does myth do? How can we understand myth through a new lens and perhaps become aware of its influence and messages? Since myth can function through a kind of subliminal presentation Barthes's Myth Today provides a system of analysis that allows us to read...
The discourses of psychology and history
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
As students are still required to take courses outside of their chosen discipline until working at a post-graduate level, students will find that different disciplines have vastly differing approaches to their own studies. It is difficult to place a quantitative value on the effectiveness of...
The political history of Cyprus
Thesis - 5 pages - Medieval history
Cyprus is the third largest Island in the Mediterranean. The Republic of Cyprus has sovereignty over the entire island of Cyprus except small portions that are allocated to the United Kingdom as military bases. Its political setup is complicated by the fact that it is divided into two main...
Nietzsche's "Beyond Good and Evil", from the 'Natural History of Morals'
Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy
In the chapter "Beyond Good and Evil", Nietzsche criticizes the prevailing moral system of his time. Before I even begin to discuss Nietzsche's criticism, I would like to define "moral system". A moral system can be broken down into content, representation, and justification. The content...
Preserving modern history: The Flood Building of San Francisco
Thesis - 1 pages - Architecture
Situated just outside of Powell Station and next to the cable-car turnaround, the Flood Building is located in the heart of downtown San Francisco. It fits snuggly into a somewhat diagonally-shaped plot of land, an usual feature for an urban office building. The building's high-style, polished...
Is scientific organization of work only a history?
Thesis - 4 pages - Management
In 1893, Frederick Winslow Taylor became general manager of the Manufacturing Investment Company of Philadelphia where he noticed two main problems: the saunter of workers and the high number of qualified workers with high salaries. Therefore, he developed a theory of management, the...
Why Euro-centric isn't so appropriate: Why the history of the United States matters
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Christopher Columbus was the gentle white man who co-existed peacefully alongside the indigenous people. Thomas Jefferson indeed was the savant who penned our nation's most admirable document. And Abraham Lincoln, the lanky, equitable man who inherently felt the plight of the slaves, these are...
The history of ancient Palestine
Thesis - 4 pages - Arts and art history
For about 2000 years the name Palestine has been used internationally for the lands on both sides of the Jordan river. Cisjordan and Transjordan. The Greek historian Herodotus called Cisjordan the Palestinian Syria or sometimes only Palaestina. [The name] is derived from the Akkadian Palastu,...
Representations of history and regeneration by Pat Barker
Essay - 2 pages - Literature
Barker has chosen to tell the tale from the viewpoint of the patients and staff of a war hospital, which treats mainly psychiatric injuries caused by battle. Straight away we are dealing with issues of masculinity. These patients have been discharged, not for receiving injuries in the line of...
The ancient history and literature of England
Thesis - 2 pages - Literature
The Romans, following their usual policy, had destroyed all jealousies among the British tribes, but, at the same time, had destroyed their power of self-defense. When the last Roman garrison was withdrawn in 410, Britain was like a derelict ship. The Picts and the Scots...
The history of the Mamluks of Egypt and Syria (1260-1517)
Thesis - 7 pages - Medieval history
For nearly 300 years the Mamluks were one of the greatest powers of the Middle Eastern Muslim World. They achieved the status of the strongest dynasty after having served as slaves for the Sultans before them. They emerged from their subservience to rule over Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Hejaz...
Patient's history of health and healing: The many causes and cures of the ailments of Samuel Pepys
Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies
Samuel Pepys epitomized the medical beliefs of the 17th century British patient. In his 1663 diary he chronicled his diseases and noted the perceived causes and treatments of those diseases. Pepys believed there could be multiple causes for disease, including religion, humoral imbalance, and the...
A short history of big business Nestle
Essay - 4 pages - Services marketing
Nestlé is a food company created in 1867 in Vevey, Switzerland. Currently, this Swiss company is present in more than 106 countries and owns 52 factories across the world. Consequently, by producing locally, they can meet the demand of all the people. Among its most famous brands, we can find Kit...
The period from 1948 to 1953 was a phase of high intensity in Cold War history and decisively shaped the future of the European continent. Analyse the events in Europe in this period and their meaning for European integration.
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
After World War II, Europe was destroyed and two superpowers emerged; the United States and the USSR. The United States was the only state to have the atomic bomb and used the massive weapon against Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, and the USSR was important because of the fight against Nazi...
Slavery: Origin, history and evolution in the modern world
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Slavery is a social institution and probably the most compelling of situations. It can be defined as a system in which people are treated as an owned asset. They can be held against their will and also deprived of the right to leave or demand wages. In ancient societies, it was legal for an owner...
The history of data storage and it's place in modern day computing
Thesis - 2 pages - Computer science
Even before the first computer made its way into popular knowledge, data storage was an activity that had occurred many times. Data had been copied and stored on a hard disk like tool and then re-used by a mechanical contraption of some sort. In 1801 for example the punch card was used to control...
Mexico and the USA - A recent history framed by the North American Free Trade Agreement : the borderless economy in a "Neo-Monroeist" order ?
Essay - 7 pages - International relations
In 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) represented a turning point in the relationship between Mexico and the USA and was considered likely to resolve key bilateral issues. NAFTA was thus a sort of promising frame to achieve the benefits of interdependence in a globalizing...
History of Nazi Germany
Essay - 1 pages - Journalism
In an article titled Obedient and Dissident Youth, Detlev Peukert details the role of youth in Nazi Germany. In particular, Peukert draws a line between two parts of that youth demographicthose associated with the Hitler Youth, and other groups diametrically opposed to what the...
The history of poetry: A magazine of verse
Thesis - 6 pages - Literature
Harriet Monroe became famous for her magazine, but even more so, her open-door policy. There were many poets that just wouldn't get published, authors listed above, because their works were not accepted in society. T.S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock was considered...
The automobile: The history, evolution and development
Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Land transport was pioneered by the revolutionary wheel. The wheel was invented about forty centuries BC. It was used by potters. A copy about the wheel and its uses was found in Lower Mesopotamia (Sumer) dated 3250 BC. The principle of the centrifugal force is used to shape a lump of clay that...
Volkswagen - History and perspective
Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy
Adolph Hitler took over Germany in the early 1930s. Those days, the German automobile industry had only expensive models of cars and an average German could not afford anything other than a motorcycle. Cars were rare and were reserved mainly for the army. At this juncture, Hitler called for a...
The ancient culture and history of the Mayan civilization
Thesis - 12 pages - Ancient history
The Mayan civilization was a densely populated and highly advanced civilization that thrived in Mesoamerica from the second century B.C.E., until the arrival of the Spanish in the 15th Century B.C.E. They had their base in the Yucatan and spread over present-day southern Mexico, Guatemala,...
Cause of the great famine and its place in the demographic and migration history
Essay - 5 pages - Modern history
In the 1800s, Ireland was essentially a rural country. Its economy depended only on agriculture, and its industrial system was very weak. Therefore, Ireland was very poor compared with its neighbour, England. It is considered most of all as an island belonging to England and integrated by this...
A history of the UE: Robert Schuman
Essay - 4 pages - European union
On May 9th, 1950, Robert Schuman, a French statesman and visionary European, gave a speech soon to be known as the Schuman Declaration. This event determined Europe's future and is considered as the birth of actual functional European integration; a Europe Day is even...
The Trans-Afghan pipeline project: History, stakes and perspectives
Thesis - 8 pages - International relations
World competition around the natural resources of Central Asia and the Caspian is not new, but the collapse of the Soviet empire has revived it. This region, believed to possess huge oil and gas reserves, is also a point of contact of different civilizations and an arena for several competing...