Sufism is occasionally accused of being outside the realm of Shari'a. Discuss this issue, referring to changes in the attitude towards Sufism at different times in early / medieval Islamic History
Case study - 5 pages - Political science
Sufism is a trend of Islam that puts the stress on experiencing God, by trying to find direct and intimate knowledge of God. The etymology of the Arabic word suf which means wool because of the garments worn by the first Sufis, is a good illustration of the ascetism they...
Is France a racist country? Explain in relation to colonial and post-colonial history
Case study - 5 pages - Political science
Racism is a topic which has influenced world history in immeasurable ways. From apartheid in South Africa to the 2005 Cronulla riots, race and racism affects us all, so it is with little wonder that many have questioned in hindsight, the actions and policies of countries globally. This...
History as identity: The American past as contested terrain
Book review - 20 pages - Modern history
We look to the past to tell us who we are, where we are, and how we got here from there. History is identity, and thus it is contested terrain. Whose story is going to be told, and who is going to do the telling? The American narrative - the history of who we are, where we've...
Case history and their reasoning
Case study - 3 pages - Criminal law
Facts: McDonnell, a prisoner, filed a class action suit against the state of Nebraska claiming that the disciplinary procedure was unconstitutional in both actions in general and revocation of good time off sentencing. The state courts ruled that the case did not meet the minimum...
Compare the ways in which the writers present the relationship between the colonial authority and the oppressed in the novels 'The Siege of Krishnapur' and 'True History of the Kelly Gang'
Case study - 4 pages - Literature
In their novels, both Carey and Farrell present the Colonial Authority as multi-faceted organizations. In Farrell's The Siege of Krishnapur' the foremost voices of the Colonial Authority are the Collector, initially representative of the British Empire's quest for progress, and Fleury,...
Examination of the my lai massacre- one of the most infamous events of the vietnam war review of the book "my lai: a brief history with documents" (james stuart olson, randy roberts) - published: 21/05/2012
Book review - 4 pages - Literature
This report will analyze the book My Lai by the historians Olson and Roberts. To look at the different issues that surrounded the My Lai massacre, it is necessary to look at the specific situation of the area at the time. The Vietminh emerged in 1941 with the aim of obtaining...
"A tale so plausible, so boldly uttered": Reading the Popish Plot in Nahum Tate's The History of King Lear
Case study - 9 pages - Literature
On March 21, 1681, King Charles II appeared before the British House of Lords to deliver a speech regarding allegations of a Catholic plot against him, which had enveloped England in yet another storm of religious furor. An Anglican clergyman named Titus Oates had initially brought the charges of...
Examination of the My Lai massacre- one of the most infamous events of the Vietnam War Review of the book "My Lai: A Brief History with Documents" (James Stuart Olson, Randy Roberts)
Book review - 4 pages - Philosophy
This report will look at the book My Lai. Written by the history professors James S. Olson and Randy Roberts. Distinguished Professor of History in Houston, James S Olson is a historian whose main concern is recent American history. In this respect, he had been very...
Report on the history of Hip Hop
Case study - 6 pages - Political science
Hip Hop is a cultural movement integrated by 4 different elements: rap music (in both the form of the mc and the dj), graffiti and break dance. This report will explore the history of the musical side of hip hop, starting from a discussion of its beginning and origins. Hip hop has its...
History of Apple products
Case study - 8 pages - Services marketing
Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, had designed the first Apple computer- Apple 1. To make it easy to use, he placed the switches on a keyboard and used a television screen to display information, rather than a series of diodes. Only 200 models were manufactured in 1976. The launch of the...
Study of Chanel No. 5 and its positioning, history, ranges and competition
Case study - 24 pages - Services marketing
Gabrielle Coco' Chanel's iconic brand needs no introduction. Six letters in black or white that possess the magical power to transport us to the land of femininity, elegance, luxury and sophistication with the inevitable French touch. In this case, it becomes impossible to separate the...
'The monetary history of the United States', chapter 7: Great Depression, 1929-1933 (Friedman and Schwartz)
Book review - 5 pages - Economy general
The Great Depression is considered as the most severe economic depression in the history of the United States. In terms of the economic and monetary unions, it had meant: a decrease of more than half of US GDP (current prices) and over a third of US GDP (constant prices) between 1929 and...
The legacy of Pol Pot in Cambodia's history
Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history
Due to the social differences, economic depression and military decline in Cambodia during the mid 1900s, Pol Pot along with his communist political party, the Khmer Rouge, were able to take power and force their ideals on the people of Cambodia through forced labor, genocide, and torture until...
Short history of United Fruit Company - the case of Guatemala
Essay - 8 pages - Modern history
A small country located at a key point of Central America, Guatemala has a troubled and tragic history, and was thus told by a specialist that it was a "gift from the devil". Recent history seems to confirm this grim diagnosis. The civil war in Guatemala (1962-1996) was one of the...
History of psychology - published: 22/03/2011
Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology
Psychology is the study of the mind and the working of the mind. It is a relatively new science when compared to the other sciences. Psychology was born from Philosophy and to understand the history of psychology one must also wish to seek and understand the history of philosophy....
"History of Capitalism" (part 4 to part 7) by Michel Beaud (2000)
Book review - 35 pages - Economy general
Capitalism is a logic based on the production of goods. It became prominent in Britain along with Europe and the United States during the "early industrial" era from 1770 to 1860: Textiles, machinery, railways and arms. But capitalism in its historical movement, also concerns the capitalist...
Burberry : An analysis of the fashion giant's history and growth globally
Market study - 7 pages - Business strategy
"Burberry is one of the most trusted brands in the world in terms of the fashion and apparel industry. In many ways, the brand is a precursor of haute-couture in the world. It redefined fashion at a time when clothing was just about the practical applicability, rather than being a style statement...
History of Barbie: Mattel and current controversies
Case study - 3 pages - Services marketing
The iconic Barbie doll was conceived and designed by Ruth Handler, an American woman, who hit upon the idea while watching her daughter playing with infant modeled dolls. Children often gave their dolls adult roles; she quickly suggested to her husband, a co-founder of Mattel, the concept of an...
History and characterization of Tay-Sachs Disease
Thesis - 4 pages - Medical studies
Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder that causes fatal neuro-degeneration in the brain and spinal cord and usually results in death by the age of 2 or 3. The disease is caused by the fatal accumulation of ganglioside glycosphingo lipids that are a component of...
Volkswagen - History and prospects
Case study - 5 pages - Services marketing
The registered office of Volkswagen is located in Wolfsburg, Germany. This country is a federal state and Volkswagen receives strong support from the Land of Lower Saxony (the group is 20.1% owned by the state) and the State. Since May 1935, the German government hosts a majority on the...
The Women's health movement and the women's rights movement: A shared history
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The women's health movement and the women's rights movement share a close relationship. In their work Complaints and Disorders, The Sexual Politics of Sickness (1973), Barbra Ehrenreich and Deidre English assert that the medical system is strategic to both the oppression and...
The historiography of American history
Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history
The study of history can be divided into at least two areas, known as the historical narrative and historiography. The historical narrative describes the events of history themselves, whereas historiography is the study of why the events of the past occurred. Historiographers, or...
The history of the moving image and American sexuality: Devices to enable and sabotage the Capitalist agenda
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The paper will focus on the history of the moving image and construction of American sexuality during a specific period of American history. The view will be articulated by seventy-five years of the twentieth century: the years 1920 - 1995. While the paper will focus on this entire...
The return of History and the end of dreams
Book review - 5 pages - Political science
In the early 1990s, Fukuyama predicted the End of History. One is witnessing a shift in geopolitics, moving from a unipolar world to a multipolar one, or even bipolar according to Chinese scholars like Jin Carong, special advisor in foreign policy for the Government . As Kagan wrote in his...
Colonial American history: 1763-1789
Thesis - 2 pages - Modern history
When studying history, two aspects of the subject are considered, the historical narrative and historiography. The historical narrative is simply the description of the events that occurred, and the historiography consists of the opinions and theories of historians about why certain events...
The history of the Mediterranean 1798-1956
Tutorials/exercises - 24 pages - Medieval history
The history of the Mediterranean region deals with the interaction of cultures and people of the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea which was the central superhighway of transport trade and cultural exchange between diverse peoples. This history is important in order to...
Dyson : history, strategies and performances
Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy
A new vacuum cleaner appeared due to Dyson, the inventor of the first bagless hoover. The successful British firm decided to outsource its manufacturing department to Malaysia in 2002, which caused many reactions. We will study the history of the company, its strategy and performances...
Non-Governmental Organizations and the United Nations System History, Problems and Prospects
Essay - 8 pages - Political science
NGOs have been active in the United Nations (U.N.) system since its inception in 1945. Although the U.N. was created as an intergovernmental organization, there was a need since the early days of the Organization to allow representatives of the civil society to participate, through formal and...
The modern Western alphabet: A brief history
Thesis - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages
As the introductory quote suggests, the history of the modern western alphabet is extensive and has evolved through many different forms to arrive at its present day state. Small modifications over thousands of years have resulted in the system of single phonemic symbol writing that we use...
American Civilization and World History: an essay on American Exceptionalism
Essay - 4 pages - Political science
Alexis de Tocqueville was the first author to write that 'the position of the Americans' was 'quite exceptional.' But the modern notion of American Exceptionalism emerged in the 50s and 60s, and has been particularly challenged since then. This concept refers to the...