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01 Jan 2025

Remembering and Writing the French Colonial History

Presentation - 20 pages - Modern history

Since the end of the decolonization process in the 1960s, France has had considerable difficulty dealing with its colonial past. To what extent has France incorporated its colonial legacies into its national discourse?

17 Nov 2024

Immigration and Ethnic History

Tutorials/exercises - 8 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The United States is said to be a nation of immigrants. This is because most people in trace their origins from other parts of the world. There are people who moved into the United States as slaves, specifically the African-Americans, while others migrated to the country in order to engage in...

17 Dec 2024

The Normative Role of the Cold War in Recent American History

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

The Cold War was a period of tension that resulted from the conflict between the United States (capitalist) and the Soviet Union (communist) and their respective allies. This period has resulted in a lasting effect on the involved countries; it has influenced U.S. economic stability,...

03 Jul 2024

Rule, Britannia! - James Thomson (1740); UKIP Party Song - Jonny and the Baptists (2013); The New York Times, How Britain Voted in the E.U. Referendum - Gregor Aisch, Adam Pearce and Karl Russell (2016); History of British Empire for Dummies - The United Kingdom, Between Unity and Division

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages

The document comments on the two notions of "Space and Exchanges" and "Places and Forms of Power" in the context of the history of Great Britain and the Commonwealth. The commentary answer the questions "How was the UK built and what cultural model did it set up?" and "What consequences...

01 Jan 2024

History of Watergate

Case study - 2 pages - Modern history

During the Cold War, between 1947 and 1991, there were a lot of geopolitical tensions in the world. The United States of America was involved in the Korea independence war with the UN, the Vietnam War, and several other conflicts.

14 Dec 2024

History, Culture and Society: Spain From the Ancient Age to 2023

Course material - 31 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

The document covers, in the form of revision sheets, key events in History from the Ancient Age to the year 2023. Excerpt: "Under the reign of Philip II (1556-1598), Spain was the first world power. When the king of Portugal died without descendants, Philip defeated the other candidates...

19 Apr 2024

History of the United States - Document study

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Linguistics & languages

King James I of England witnessed Spain's growing prosperity through colonization and the English wanted their share of the wealth. However, England lacked the financial resources that Spain enjoyed, because unlike Spain, which was governed by an absolute monarch who could allocate funding...

27 Dec 2024

American History Evolution

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

America is a magnificent country looking at its landscape, culture, language and even modern technology. But there is another topic that is still a little behind magnificent. And that is, of course, his evolution in societal issues. They are still insisting that they evolved, but are they?

28 Jan 2024

Is Georgia, Despite Its Complex Political Situation, Its History with Russia and Its Geographical Remoteness, Likely to Join the EU?

Essay - 2 pages - European union

Georgia, a nation situated between Eastern Europe and Western Asia, is a relatively small country at the heart of strong tensions between different powers. Turkey to the South, Russia to the North, Azerbaijan to the East and the Black Sea to the West, the Georgian identity is shaped by different...

20 Dec 2024

Contemporary Spanish history

Course material - 19 pages - Modern history

Valencia Decree (May 1814): Abolished the Cadiz Constitution, reinstated absolutism, and nullified prior reforms. It's the return of the Inquisition, the restoration of feudal systems, and harsh measures against liberals and afrancesados, leading to imprisonment, exile, and executions....

31 Oct 2024

World History, Volume 2: from 1400, Chapter 5: Foundations of the Atlantic World, The Atlantic Slave Trade - Kordas, Lynch, Nelson & Tatlock (2022) - Artistic Reflections and Socioeconomic Impacts of the Atlantic Slave Trade

Text commentary - 2 pages - Pre-modern history

The Atlantic Slave Trade, a pivotal yet dark chapter in human history, stands as a testament to the complex interplay of socioeconomic factors and human morality. Such a period that metamorphosed into the commoditization of human life had not only determined the economic landscapes of...

07 Jun 2023

History of Management Theory

Course material - 33 pages - Management

Taylorism has long suggested that man was just one tool among many. However, we live in an industrial society more committed to a service society where the rules are more subtle. It is no longer a tool that is put in the hands of a worker, it is individual support for the employee that is...

03 Jul 2023

To what extent tradition, history, art, religion and politics can shape the economy of a region, a country or a continent? - The example of China

Essay - 5 pages - World geography

Economic growth and development in a country are not only the results of trade and economic policies. The economy, in a country, can also be boosted when the country offers a safe economic background such as secure private property or open trade guaranties. Institutions are fundamental in order...

07 Sep 2023

Tracts, Volume 1, n° 2 - Peter Force (1836) - Civilisation and History of America according to Peter Force

Text commentary - 1 pages - Pre-modern history

The text presented is an abstract of Tracts, volume 1 number 2, written by Peter Force in 1836, in Washington DC. The first part is an abstract of the Mayflower Compact, a pact written by the Pilgrim Fathers in 1620 during a trip between Plymouth, England and Plymouth, Massachusetts. The second...

27 Jul 2023

Early Modern History

Worksheets - 21 pages - Modern history

Contrary to the contemporary definition, the cities of the early modern era were not defined only according to a threshold of number of inhabitants, continuity of buildings, or command functions. During the Old Regime, a city was certainly a densely populated space, but it was also surrounded by...

23 Mar 2023

Asics' history, marketing and strategy

Presentation - 10 pages - Sport marketing

This document presents the brand Asics and its history, its products, its strategy, its consumers, its competitors, its manpower, its infrastructure, and its events and sponsorships.

27 Nov 2023

What was the Most Important War in American History?

Essay - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages

In my opinion, the Second World War was the most important in American history. However, the Americans only entered the conflict in December 1941 following the Japanese aggression on its ground at Pearl Harbor on the 7th.

05 Aug 2022

In what ways conflicts between political entities in the Middle East have been shaped by the history of state formation in the area?

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The key terms to understand such situations are "political entities" and "state formation". Speaking of political entities rather than states shows the diversity of actors that make up the political life of the Middle East and can change the configuration of the borders, ranging from paramilitary...

12 Nov 2022

The history of the English language

Speech - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages

Today, the purpose of my conference is to present you the history of the English language and its evolution, and I will conclude with the impacts of this language in the world nowadays. So first of all, English was born circa the fifth century, when The Romans (who spoke Latin) left...

22 Jul 2022

English Test : History on Geopolitical Relations

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Modern history

In Australia, the “History Wars” are a debate on the nature of the colonial settlement and on the extent of the deprivations suffered by the Aboriginals. What fuels the debate is not merely the quest for an ever-elusive historical truth, but rather the consequences that...

08 Aug 2022

History of the Constitution of the United States

Course material - 2 pages - Modern history

In May 1776, Congress passed a resolution advising the colonies to form new governments. By 1777, 11 states had drawn up their own Constitutions (which contained the ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence). Those Constitutions were influenced by democratic ideas (role of Enlightenment...

11 Jul 2022

History of Great Britain

Course material - 8 pages - Pre-modern history

The period which goes from 1488 up to 1603 is often described as a Golden Age in the British history. Henry VIII, Shakespeare, the English Bible with the Anglican Church, the development of Parliament are among the numerous examples that are related to this period. The most important...

11 Jul 2022

History of the British economy

Course material - 2 pages - Modern history

After WW2, to give Britain the chance to rebuild itself economically and socially, the Labour government established the “Post-War consensus” based on the principles of the Beveridge Report from 1945 up to 1979, the two main political parties Labour and Conservative agreed to follow the...

13 Oct 2022

History of the Common Law System on the English Legal System

Essay - 11 pages - International law

As a direct result of the colonization by the British, many of its states naturally acquired this common law system, being the English law in globo, maintaining its primary principles, procedures, actors and modes of proof. As a consequence of this adoption and utilization of English law, and the...

16 Jun 2022

Are We the Best Informed Citizens in History?

Text commentary - 3 pages - Medias

This document is a commentary of graphs and press cartoon, drafted as a presentation, aiming at answering the question “Are we the best-informed citizens in history?”. The selected documents are from all around the world, as we are in a networked society thanks to globalization....

27 Jan 2021

SWOT - history, presentation, creation

Practical guide - 6 pages - Marketing theories

In a world where competition is getting tougher, every company, whatever its type and size, must set itself apart from its competitors to achieved success. This goal requires constant innovation and flawless decisions so that every step is optimised towards success. From this, the debate becomes...

30 Jan 2017

U.S. history: America before and after 9/11

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

In 2001 after a controversial election, the U.S. had a new President, George W. Bush. Bush had lost the popular vote to Al Gore but had won the election due to the electoral college. But even in the case of the electoral college, he only won because of Florida, which he had only narrowly won by...

30 Jan 2017

History of the Civil Rights and feminist movement

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

After World War II, the Nuremburg laws that had segregated Jews from non-Jews were overturned. This progress contrasted heavily with the United States who, compared to the rest of the world, held on to archaic laws enacting the segregation of "colored" and non-colored people. This segregation...

18 Aug 2017

An introduction to the history of Christianity in England

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

The Henrician Reformation is a phenomenon that followed the Europe Reformation and Protestant Reformation. This led to the severing in the relationships between England and Rome. The purpose of this article is to highlight the most decisive feature of the Henrician reformation. In addition, the...

30 Jan 2017

American police history

Essay - 1 pages - Criminal law

In the foggy streets of London in 1829 a ruling made by British Parliament would change the system of policing around the world drastically and forever. This ruling was based upon the ideas of a man named Robert Peel, and these ideas are still the major basis for police in America today.