Patient's history of health and healing: The many causes and cures of the ailments of Samuel Pepys
Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies
Samuel Pepys epitomized the medical beliefs of the 17th century British patient. In his 1663 diary he chronicled his diseases and noted the perceived causes and treatments of those diseases. Pepys believed there could be multiple causes for disease, including religion, humoral imbalance, and the...
Health heels
Presentation - 5 pages - Services marketing
We have used a Refutational approach for the promotion of our product as it would come in the market and would come into competition with the other brands within the next 2-3 months. A COMBINATION OF CENTRAL AND PERIPHERAL ROUTE in which we have clearly mentioned about all the attributes of the...
The development of the welfare state and the National health service in Britain
Thesis - 12 pages - Labor law
The Poor Law of 1601 was introduced as a response by the Government to rising levels of concern over how 'the poor' should be supported. As a result of several poor harvests, and soldiers returning from war there was increased vagrancy, which concerned the Government who were...
Children and the importance of a healthy diet
Essay - 7 pages - Psychology
The aim of this essay is to create a body of knowledge for a follow-on research on the subject of the nutritional health needs of children from 3 to 5. For this purpose, information was gathered through observations as well as through study and analysis of materials presented in books,...
The 'OneWorld' health model and the prospects for future development of therapeutics for infectious disease of the developing world
Thesis - 15 pages - Medical studies
Despite the vast improvements in health care and prevention of infectious diseases in the developed world, six out of ten deaths in the developing world can still be directly attributed to infectious disease. Diarrheal diseases, lower respiratory infections, malaria, measles, TB, and...
Distinguishing 'health promotion' from 'disease prevention'
Essay - 4 pages - Medical studies
Over approximately the past one hundred and fifty years there has seen a series of shifts in our definitions of health and disease and, as a result, also in the approaches taken by governments and health professionals towards it. After an initial focus on sanitation and public...
To what extent has the N.H.S. fulfilled its commitment to equal health care for all? - published: 15/01/2009
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Health affects every aspect of life, and it not surprising that health care is a major focus for social concern. Governments have been aware of the importance of the population's access to health care for a very long time and began to intervene in this sense even before 1900,...
Why did Clinton Health Security Act of 1993 failed despite the opportunity to reform?
Thesis - 6 pages - Political science
Reforming the US health care system was one of the top priorities of the presidential battle in 1992 and William Jefferson Clinton managed to appear as the most competent candidate to deliver a comprehensive plan to solve this problem. Since the late 1970's, the country was facing problems...
Healthy and stress free living
Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Everyone needs a healthy body and a healthy mindin fact everyone aspires for a healthy combination of a fit mind in a fit body. In order to have a stress free and healthy lifestyle one has to follow certain principles and they are quite simple to adopt if one is really determined to live...
Chinese healthcare system
Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
China has recently changed its healthcare system. After the Chinese Communist Party took control of China in 1949, they created a health care system for its peasant population. For 50 years, the communist government took care of the health needs of the country. It dictated what was...
Two health-care law case studies
Thesis - 4 pages - Medical studies
Drs. Allison Jones and Emily Johnson will have to abide by several standards when attempting to open their practice in Tesson, Allstate, particularly in regard to their desire to enlist a physician's assistant to do many of their main undertakings in the new their office, especially as he/she...
Good eating habit to adequate healthy living
Thesis - 9 pages - Medical studies
Having good eating habits and a healthy body is not just about consuming the recommended five fruits and vegetables daily but also a new category of foods claiming to have properties on the booster organization, see medicinal. Although there is no exact definition, the term nutraceutical is used...
The Euthanasia debate in the health care system
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This debate over the right to die has long been a contentious one, with the focus being on the right that a patient has to control their own body. The question that arises is whether or not life should be preserved at all costs. With regard to this question, there are two polarized opinions; one...
A research on women's health in relevance to their rights and freedom
Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism
In the span of our lives we have seen national crisis come and go: The Vietnam War in the 60's, the drug epidemic of the 70's, and the AIDS crisis in the 80's. Most of these conflicts were managed by government control with plans and policy making they slowly settled. Today, in light of recent...
In every mind, women have more chances to suffer from mental illness. Hence, discuss the notion of normativity within the issue of mental health care
Essay - 6 pages - Psychology
In all societies, women have always been perceived as, physically but also mentally weaker than men. For a very long period, and even today in some parts of the world, women have not been considered as rational as men, but were rather seen as a permanently subversive force within the...
The sociological and economic effects on aging women and their health
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
It is reasonable to address health with reference to socio-economic status because healthcare is a generally expensive privilege. Those in a higher socio-economic bracket are often able to care for themselves with a more comprehensive healthcare plan, including preventative practices...
Who deserves health care?
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In order to do this each patient requiring expensive treatment is assessed according to a quality adjusted life years (QALY) score¹. This is an equation that measures all of the aforementioned criteria and is used to assess the cost versus benefit of a particular treatment. If a patients...
The impact of violence on the mental health of South African Children
Case study - 6 pages - Psychology
Violence as a national problem in South Africa needs little introduction. South African citizens are exposed to daily, sensationalised reports of violence in the media, emphasising this problem's national and international pervasiveness. However, little emphasis is laid on the negative...
Health and welfare of employees at World Phone India Pvt Ltd
Case study - 27 pages - Human resources
Labor welfare is important part of industrial relations, the extra dimension, giving satisfaction to the worker in a way which even a good salary cannot. It is a comprehensive term including various services, benefits & facilities offered to employees by the employer. Medical health care...
Nursing/Health care: A critical incident report
Case study - 6 pages - Psychology
The aim of this report is look at a critical incident that occurred in practice and relate this to the theory and knowledge regarding communication and interpersonal skills, that is to say, what skills were and were not used at the time of the incident. Carl Roger's necessary conditions for...
A discussion of key models of health promotion
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Health is a broad concept, which can embody a huge range of meanings, from the narrowly technical to the all-embracing moral or philosophical. The word health derived from the Old English word for heal (hael) which means whole', signaling that health concerns the whole...
Home health nursing initiatives: Mental health outpatient care
Thesis - 4 pages - Medical studies
Extending the accessibility of home nursing care for patients with mental illness will greatly improve their health and well being. A psychiatric home care nurse (PHCN) can assist patients with a primary diagnosis of mental illness; in particular, those with a history of not following...
Nobel economics and information asymmetries health
Thesis - 9 pages - Medical studies
Americans Akerloff George A, A Michael Spence and Joseph E Stiglitz jointly received the Nobel Prize in economics October 11 last. The Royal Swedish Academy wanted to reward work "on markets with asymmetric information", which allow to consider how some agents have more information than others...
The Health Care System in the UK
Essay - 5 pages - Medical studies
The first national strike in the NHS for nearly 20 years took place in London in September last year. This seems to be of bad omen for the British Health Care system. Before we go further into the subject, let us remember how health care used to be before any protection system...
Five strategy innovations to redefine the debate surrounding baseline national health coverage in the United States
Thesis - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Healthcare is the single most pressing domestic issue in American politics. Over 45 million Americans are uninsured; likely twice that are underinsured. 80% of the uninsured are workers, or live in families with workers. Extensive work has documented the market failure related to health...
An assessment of a nurse's work with an elderly person within the mental health environment
Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies
This account will reflect on the skills of a nurse, observed at an older person functional mental health unit. It will focus on the organization of care, and skills used when dealing with a Multi Disciplinary Team. (MDT) It gives an understanding of the skills used to clearly establish...
The care of an elderly person in the mental health system: A patient-led approach
Thesis - 6 pages - Medical studies
This account will reflect on the skills of a nurse, observed at an older person's functional mental health unit. It will focus on the organization of care, and skills used when dealing with a Multi Disciplinary Team. (MDT) It gives an understanding of the skills used to clearly establish...
Comparing the response to cholera in Zimbabwe with SARS response in Toronto - Public health systems in crisis
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This is an article about two diseases: cholera and SARS. Pandemics today potentially can spread from one part of the globe to another. The spread of SARS from Hong Kong where it was first identified and isolated, to Toronto (which was particularly hard hit), in part has to do with the new...
Nursing initiatives: Application of mental health project
Thesis - 4 pages - Medical studies
The following paper will describe the home health nursing program previously promoted and approved for implementation concerning mental health outpatient care. It was discussed that patients with mental disorders receive considerable benefits from home care supplemental to their...
A critical analysis of a health promotion initiative
Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies
One of the fundamental roles of the nurse is the promotion and maintenance of health as declared by the Vienna Declaration on nursing (1988) and cited in Salvage (1993). This reflective account, will discuss the presentation of a health promotion initiative by a third year mental...