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Theme : Health crisis

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26 Feb 2009

The impact of violence on the mental health of South African Children

Case study - 6 pages - Psychology

Violence as a national problem in South Africa needs little introduction. South African citizens are exposed to daily, sensationalised reports of violence in the media, emphasising this problem's national and international pervasiveness. However, little emphasis is laid on the negative...

04 Apr 2022

Porter's diamond 5 forces : Stellantis, an automotive company

Case study - 5 pages - Automotive marketing

Stellantis is an automotive company founded very recently, on January 16, 2021. It is the result of the merger of car manufacturers FCA and PSA. It is, therefore, a global manufacturer that brings together more than ten brands (Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Opel, RAM, Citroën, Abarth, DS Auto, Peugeot,...

29 Oct 2024

Theories of Abnormal Behavior - Bulimia Nervosa

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

Abnormal behavior in psychology refers to thought patterns, emotions, and actions that deviate from normality and are often considered unhealthy. Abnormal behavior is categorized into maladaptive behavior, statistical rarity, personal distress and violation of social norms. Self-induced vomiting...

19 Sep 2022

Infringements of fundamental rights and freedoms

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Fundamental freedoms organize the collective consciousness, by strengthening the protection of individuals against threats related to the functioning of our contemporary societies and give the holders of these prerogatives a power of self-determination in their action and thought.

20 Jan 2009

The subprime crisis: Definitions, causes and consequences

Essay - 8 pages - Finance

Subprimes are mortgages granted in the United States to customers who are not very solvent, on the basis of an increase in the interest rate. One applies a kind of premium to a borrower when his solvency is below a certain threshold. This operation is supposed to compensate for the risks taken by...

14 Jul 2009

Global cities in crisis: Mumbai and the housing crisis

Thesis - 3 pages - Economy general

When it comes to examining global city regions, it is clear that elites within the city have to deal with two processes at the same time: globalization and continuing devolution of the state. These are trends that create opportunities and challenges. Global cities are complicated because they...

30 Dec 2010

Counterfeiting in China: A global crisis

Thesis - 25 pages - Economy general

Counterfeiting now represents 5% of world trade and is a growing business especially in the recent years. China has its share of responsibility in this phenomenon. China is now regarded as the leading counterfeiter in the world despite the fact that the figures may not be accurate and verified....

10 Dec 2023

Market Dynamics - Tiger Corp's case

Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy

Jack (the customer) anticipates, in the wake of the Covid health crisis, a drop in Tiger Corp's earnings, greater than the market's projections. He asks Marie (his JP Morgan equity representative) to sell 500 shares of Tiger Corp in three months' time using a futures...

04 Aug 2008

Medicare Prescription Drug act of 2003: Its implications to the US Health Care Systems

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

The Medicare Prescription Drug Act of 2003 introduces one of the most innovative additions to the present Medicare Law. It has been hailed as one of the truly heartfelt laws to come along. It now attempts to cover outpatient prescription drugs. The present law covers drugs received by inpatients...

23 Sep 2024

BettaU: Building a stronger, more resilient youth equipped to handle the challenges of modern society

Case study - 20 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

Awareness surrounding mental health has increased significantly in recent years, specifically amongst the younger generation who are still at school (Free courses in England, n.d.). The World health organisation has estimated that 1 in 5 young people experience a mental...

14 Sep 2010

A clinical portrait of a patient in crisis

Thesis - 2 pages - Medical studies

In the spring of 2009 this author had the privilege to participate in the care of a twenty-seven year old woman who was recovering from a motor vehicle accident in which she had suffered multiple fractures of both her upper and lower extremities, as well as internal soft tissue injuries. This...

09 Jan 2009

How can the "crisis" of the Welfare States affect the policy of fight against poverty?

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

Since the end of the XVIIIth century, the disastrous consequences due to the Industrial Revolution and to “savage capitalism” on working conditions has been underlined through the rising resentment of the working class. That is why, in order to avoid social implosion and to control...

10 Jan 2011

The Euro and the Recent Economic Crisis

Thesis - 2 pages - Economy general

In 1960, the European Economic Community (EEC) decided to establish a single currency for all the nations that are a part of it. The Barre Plan embodied the same idea in 1969 and the Werner Plan wanted to establish the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) of Europe in 1970. The idea of a single...

03 Mar 2011

The Future of the Beer Industry after the World Economic Crisis

Market study - 9 pages - Services marketing

Beer is an alcoholic beverage obtained by fermentation. It is made from water, malt (sprouted grain, usually barley, sometimes wheat or rye) and hops. Beer may either be produced industrially or manually in a brewery, but can be manufactured by an individual. It can be grouped by the structure or...

23 Apr 2021

The most prominent events that the world and Europe have lived through, especially during the last decade, their repercussions and the most important measures taken to avoid or reduce their severity

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Modern history

The origin of the crisis dates back to ancient times, when it was derived from the Greek word krino, meaning an important or decisive decision. From the political field, the crisis is considered: a case that discusses the aspects of the political system, which also requires a...

02 Oct 2024


Course material - 47 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

No empire other than Great Britain brought to its colonies the technological tools (railroads, modern medicine) and the political ideals (capitalism, the rule of law) that made possible the development of stable and egalitarian societies. This explains why 54 nations, most of them former British...

10 Dec 2023

Nutrition policy in South Korea - Hye-Kyung Park (2008); Kenya's push to promote traditional food is good for nutrition and cultural heritage - Patrick Maundu (2022); How Korean food philosophy can help us reconnect - WP Creative Group (2021) - Nutrition in South Korea and Kenya

Case study - 4 pages - Nutrition, alimentation and dietetic

I decided to take an interest in the all-important subject of nutrition and the innovative policies put in place to address this global problem. As obesity problems increasingly affect the whole population, we need to find keys to return to a healthier and more normal situation. This is the issue...

19 May 2021

PESTEL Analysis - Virgin

Case study - 5 pages - International marketing

The Virgin group is a world-famous British group. The group, owned by tycoon Richard Branson, who founded it in the 1970s. Branson and his associates defined themselves as entirely virgins in the business world, hence the chosen name, Virgin. The group has dozens of companies, most of which are...

29 Oct 2024

Phases of Disaster Management

Essay - 6 pages - Management

Disaster management is the systematic and efficient process of adequately preparing for and promptly responding to catastrophic events. The process encompasses many stages of emergency management, including planning and preparation, mitigation, response, and recovery. Disaster management adheres...

01 Nov 2024

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Climate Change in Healthcare - Introduction and Conclusion

Essay - 1 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

The mounting effects of climate change have ushered in diverse challenges for human health. Due to the rising temperatures and weather fluctuations, respiratory illnesses are highly likely a threat to health professionals worldwide. Most people have contracted respiratory illnesses...

16 Oct 2024

Examining The Impact of Wars And Geopolitical Crises On The Global Financial System In Recent Years

Dissertation - 7 pages - International relations

International financial systems comprising a vast network of international banks and regulators experience adverse impacts following massive global crises such as wars and civil wars. Economic history has shown that crisis is one of the most notable causes of financial market volatility,...

27 Oct 2024

Types of Migration: Voluntary, Forced, and Permanent

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Migration is a complex phenomenon influenced by conflict, economic crises, and environmental factors. It is fundamental to grasp all those forms of migration to have a whole picture of what drives people to move across borders. This essay explores three main types of migration: voluntary,...

24 Oct 2024

Determining the Causes and Consequences of Murder-Suicide Incidents: Investigating the Role of Society and Psychology

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

The murder-suicide incidents reflect a huge and complex set of societal problems that destroy multitudes of people during the process. Other than the actual involvement of suicide, death associated with such standouts has been noted to have a myriad of complex psychological factors, varying as...

10 Oct 2024

Corporate Culture - Mortgage Companies

Case study - 1 pages - Finance

The case presents some of the errors that the mortgage Companies made. Despite the New York Times warning in 1999, the Companies went ahead and guaranteed $12 trillion in the mortgage market. The situation severely affected them in the 2008 economic crisis. They committed themselves...

05 Aug 2022

Apprenticeship in Customer Service Support (CSS)

Diploma Thesis - 10 pages - Foreign markets

CSS service accompanies the sales representatives in order to support them for the cotations of the existing customers. While they are prospecting new customers or anything else, already known customers can send us a cotation request to ship their goods around the world. The missions of the CSS...

29 Feb 2016

Observation of various life stages

Essay - 2 pages - Psychology

The field of growth and progressacrossthe humanlifethat include physical, cognitive, intellectual, social, perceptual, personality and emotional growth is developmental psychology.(In Fiske.2010).This is important in order to understand how humans learn, mature and adapt. Life has various stages...

28 Mar 2022

Country Report - Indonesia

Case study - 20 pages - International economy

With a population of 273 million and a gross domestic product (GDP) 1 of approximately 1 050 billion, Indonesia is the fifteenth largest economy. Indonesia is currently relying on economic openness and free trade to catch up economically. It is aware that it has fallen behind its neighbors...

05 Nov 2023

What Context and What Demand for a Rent-Specialized Property Hunting Agency on the French Real Estate Agency Market?

Case study - 5 pages - Business strategy

According to the Abbé Pierre Foundation, today in France 4 million people are poorly housed, including 900,000 deprived of personal housing. But in total, there are more than 12 million people in a fragile housing situation. And yet, there are 3 million vacant dwellings as of 1 January 2018, or...

21 Oct 2023

Deniers and Disbelievers: ?If I Get Corona, I Get Corona.? - John Branch (2020) - Coronavirus in the US

Text commentary - 1 pages - Civil law

The Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person" embeds itself a paradox, highlighted by the current situation in the United States. As Covid-19 spreads through the country, some people prefer to deny its risks and choose...

16 Aug 2023

The challenges in Africa and the strategies to put in place

Presentation - 11 pages - Ecology & environment

The African continent offers a great diversity: country, climate, culture... wise. As a result, it is a challenge to identify issues and strategies to answer them for all the African countries. However, we can try to find important themes that can be found in most of these countries. It is also...