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Theme : Health crisis

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10 Jan 2011

The subprime crisis in the United States and its impact on the European financial markets

Thesis - 91 pages - Economy general

It was in February 2007 that the current financial market crisis was revealed to the United States. Institutions specializing in subprime loans announced their first losses and provisions. The financial experts compiled several scenarios. Was this a temporary crisis that would...

13 Jan 2009

The Health Care System in the UK

Essay - 5 pages - Medical studies

The first national strike in the NHS for nearly 20 years took place in London in September last year. This seems to be of bad omen for the British Health Care system. Before we go further into the subject, let us remember how health care used to be before any protection system...

12 Mar 2009

The alleged 'crisis of the welfare state' and the failure of the traditional defenders of the welfare state to respond to the New Right's critique

Thesis - 9 pages - Political science

Nowhere do competing theoretical, ideological and political views rage more fiercely, than in the debates surrounding the existence and organization of the modern welfare state. For some, the welfare state stands as a testimony to human achievement and social progress, it represents a refusal to...

25 Nov 2009

Examining California's prison crisis: Where we're at, how it happened and what we can do

Thesis - 3 pages - Administrative law

Even without the most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression on hand, California's notoriously dysfunctional prison system requires a much needed in-depth examination. More so, California requires much needed action in a very different direction from the consistent trends of...

03 Sep 2009

A research on women's health in relevance to their rights and freedom

Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

In the span of our lives we have seen national crisis come and go: The Vietnam War in the 60's, the drug epidemic of the 70's, and the AIDS crisis in the 80's. Most of these conflicts were managed by government control with plans and policy making they slowly settled. Today, in...

05 Mar 2009

Five strategy innovations to redefine the debate surrounding baseline national health coverage in the United States

Thesis - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Healthcare is the single most pressing domestic issue in American politics. Over 45 million Americans are uninsured; likely twice that are underinsured. 80% of the uninsured are workers, or live in families with workers. Extensive work has documented the market failure related to health...

29 Jul 2009

Nursing initiatives: Application of mental health project

Thesis - 4 pages - Medical studies

The following paper will describe the home health nursing program previously promoted and approved for implementation concerning mental health outpatient care. It was discussed that patients with mental disorders receive considerable benefits from home care supplemental to their...

29 Sep 2010

The consequences of the financial crisis on theory and practical aspects of asset management

Dissertation - 55 pages - Finance

2007 is going down in history with the subprime phenomenon which came as a surprise to all market observers. According to P. Artus, Director of the Economic Research at Natixis , the word subprime was mentioned in 6,000 articles in the international press in 2006, 32,000 during the first 6 months...

29 Sep 2010

The financial crisis and its consequences on the German financial system

Dissertation - 27 pages - Finance

The triggering element of the present financial crisis was the real-estate crisis in the United States. The crisis began with certain indifference in 2006, but then it reached its peak during the second semester of 2008. This was when we observed, day after day, a fall in...

08 Feb 2011

The financial crisis: The need for a new system

Dissertation - 54 pages - Economy general

This thesis is about our (the world's) monetary and financial system. It starts by focusing on monetary creation, which is the basis of our financial system. After defining the monetary creation process, it is about its control, which has been transferred from the States to the Central Banks and...

10 Jan 2011

Impacts of the mega events in times of crisis: The Olympic Games of London, 2012

Dissertation - 29 pages - Economy general

The economic crisis that most countries are experiencing is the largest since 1929. Like other recessions that have hit some countries (Japan's crisis of the 90s) or certain parts of the world (the crisis of communism after the fall of the Berlin Wall), the latest...

25 Aug 2010

The 1929 crisis in Latin America

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

Herbert Hoover, when assuming the office of the President of the United States, said in March 1929: "I have no fear for the future, it shines with hope." Unfortunately, Thursday, October 24, 1929 is also called the "Black Thursday", the world economy plunged into the chaos as Wall Street, the...

09 Jan 2009

Entry level nursing preparation and its impact on health care delivery

Essay - 13 pages - Educational studies

Few professions have changed to the degree that nursing has in the past one hundred years. Despite the obvious challenges, most notably the ongoing nursing shortage, it is crucial to update the requirements of being certified as a registered nurse. The only logical approach to this, taking into...

29 Sep 2010

The Darfur Crisis

Essay - 12 pages - International relations

Since February 2003, Sudan's western province of Darfur has been the site of an extremely violent conflict between the province's nomadic Arab tribes, supported by the government in Khartoum, and the native African settled peasant tribes. Fighting among various factions has killed...

29 Nov 2010

Crisis management: mattel (2008) - published: 24/11/2010

Case study - 5 pages - Management

Mattel has been regarded as the undisputed leader in the global toy market. However, the company had experienced several problems during the second half of 2007, which led to the image of the company being tarnished. Many toys were recalled and this incident was widely reported by the media....

10 Jan 2011

Crisis management: mattel (2008)

Case study - 5 pages - Management

Hitherto regarded as the undisputed leader of the global toy market, Mattel experienced problems that tarnished that image in the second half of 2007. In fact, the various toy recalls which were widely reported by media, made an impact both on its relationship with consumers as well as its...

27 Oct 2010

Corporate governance and the global financial crisis

Thesis - 6 pages - Finance

The first part of this report discusses the nature of corporate governance, its objectives and good practices. Issues around risk taking, board structure, remuneration or inadequate monitoring are tackled with the global Financial Crisis as a backdrop. The Organization for Economic...

15 Jan 2009

Crisis? What crisis? Darfur

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Is there a crisis in Darfur? This question looks at first sight rather provoking; everybody is aware of what is happening there. It is one of the main international hot spots. All the more so as the horrible events in Darfur are everything but new. However, this conflict takes place while...

09 Jan 2009

Account for the failure of Clinton's health care reforms

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

In the United States in the early 1990s, both public opinion and political actors agreed that healthcare system did not work properly anymore. The American system is based on employment, i.e. those who work can benefit from a healthcare insurance, but unemployed people and half-time workers...

12 Jan 2009

Why did Clinton Health Security Act of 1993 failed despite the opportunity to reform?

Thesis - 6 pages - Political science

Reforming the US health care system was one of the top priorities of the presidential battle in 1992 and William Jefferson Clinton managed to appear as the most competent candidate to deliver a comprehensive plan to solve this problem. Since the late 1970's, the country was facing problems...

08 Jun 2012

The good, the bad, and the ugly: Health care comparisons of three nations

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

Out of the three nations I chose to examine, Europe proved to have the best and most cost effective health care overall. While studying Europe, I mostly analyzed the UK's system, though I can say that most - if not, all - of the health care in other countries throughout Western...

26 Feb 2009

Distinguishing 'health promotion' from 'disease prevention'

Essay - 4 pages - Medical studies

Over approximately the past one hundred and fifty years there has seen a series of shifts in our definitions of health and disease and, as a result, also in the approaches taken by governments and health professionals towards it. After an initial focus on sanitation and public...

22 Apr 2009

A discussion and analysis of community health in Manchester

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The aim of this essay is to show an understanding of community health. For the purpose of this essay the community, which will be discussed, will be Priory ward in Sale, which is part of Trafford in Manchester. The role and function of agencies and professionals in the delivery of...

01 Oct 2021

VRIO Analysis - Airbus

Case study - 4 pages - International marketing

Airbus is one of the largest aviation companies globally, as well as at the European level. Finally, it is the world's second-largest group in the aeronautics sector in 2021. The health crisis has had a huge impact on the sector as well as the group's results. Indeed, in...

05 Oct 2021

What development in the luxury sector? The case of China

Dissertation - 8 pages - Luxury marketing

Luxury has been part of society for thousands of years. It has always been present at all times and in all cultures. This is a concept that has different definitions depending on the country and, of course, especially among consumers, who do not all understand it in the same way. From this...

27 Oct 2009

The U.S. economic crisis and possible solutions

Thesis - 10 pages - Economy general

The U.S. economic cycle was due to many factors that had roots for over a decade. Much of what has been seen was due to the high levels of confidence built over the years as a result of healthy and fast growing economy, and to the improper steps taken by many of the financial institutions as...

29 Sep 2010

How far did the fair value principle contribute to accelerate the credit crisis in France?

Dissertation - 46 pages - Finance

The IFRS or the International Financial Reporting Standards are one element of the globalization of the world economy. The stated objectives of the IASB or the International Accounting Standards Board are: (a) "to formulate and publish in the public interest, accounting standards to be observed...

11 Oct 2021

Example of a competitive benchmark - Fast food restaurants

Case study - 8 pages - Marketing theories

Marketing and competitor analysis play an increasingly important role in the life of businesses. Indeed, regardless of the sector, they are subject to very strong competition, and it is necessary to adapt to obtain the best results and always be more competitive. But developing effective...

01 Mar 2022

How does the phenomenon of unemployment impact Brazil both economically and in its development?

Essay - 5 pages - Micro-economy, job-unemployment

With an area of 8,514,876 km², Brazil is one of the five largest countries in the world. It is located in Latin America and borders seven countries, some of which are Argentina, Bolivia and Uruguay. Brazil is also the eighth-largest country in the world with a GDP of 2054 billion dollars....

07 Mar 2024

"Fake news is the real virus!" (2020) - Fiction and reality

Text commentary - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages

In May 2020, during the early days of the pandemic, a protester in California held a sign sharing a worrying idea. By calling fake news the real virus, they meant that lies and false claims about COVID-19 were actually a bigger problem than the disease itself.