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05 Feb 2009

Educating children with special educational needs and disabilities

Essay - 7 pages - Psychology

Special Educational Needs (SEN) has a legal definition: children with SEN have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. These children may need extra or different help from that given to other children of the same age. The SEN...

05 Mar 2009

The Threepenny Opera and the Musical Gestus of Kurt Weill

Thesis - 7 pages - Literature

These characteristics which Salten describes seem to relate to the concept of gestus, which is a difficult word to interpret but nevertheless has become the crucial link connecting Brecht's theories of acting, playwriting and theatrical production. In epic theatre, actors become demonstrators...

23 Mar 2009

Operational risk management: Implementing a Bayesian Network for foreign exchange and money market settlement

Dissertation - 114 pages - Finance

Recent Financial scandals in the banking industry have caused considerable attention to be focused on operational risk. This is because an analysis of some of these scandals reveals that the underlying causes of these huge Financial losses are due to Operational Risk (OR) and not to credit or...

14 Apr 2009

Entrepreneurship and the Indian retail industry

Thesis - 26 pages - Business strategy

In India the retail industry is large, and it will continue to grow. The industry has a huge appetite for investments and is already seeing a lot of action on that front. A large number of global retailers are eyeing to get a share of the Indian retail pie. This report aims to aid them. Global...

16 Apr 2009

Market research on customer satisfaction survey for Henkel (B2B)

Case study - 42 pages - Services marketing

This research was implemented to determine the level of Customer Satisfaction with Henkel Products and Services. It is a Business to business (B2B) research. The approach adopted for conducting the research includes surveys and personal interviews conducted in May 2008. Henkel deals its product...

07 May 2009

Managing customer relationship and their financial aspects: Standard Chartered India

Case study - 33 pages - Finance

The objective of the project was to study the choice criteria to decide upon a bank for savings account and accordingly prepare the competitive update, i.e. Standard chartered VS other private banks to facilitate sales. The nature of the project involved a comprehensive market survey in which the...

14 May 2009

Explain the historical specificity and contemporary relevance of culture

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Today, we can buy a book from a vending machine, like soft drinks and snacks. Germinal and an Ice-Tea have the same value. Culture, in a wider sense, has been taken over by the “spectacular-merchandizing-society”, for which everything, from a book to an iPod, has a trade value. The...

15 May 2009

The UK food market

Thesis - 37 pages - Journalism

The population of UK is set to increase by over 2 million to almost 62 million over the next 10 years. Increased life expectancy and declining birth rates are leading to an increasingly elderly population and this trend is set to continue as the large numbers of 'baby boomers' reach...

22 May 2009

A presentation on the hydrodynamic modeling of circulating fluidized bed

Presentation - 42 pages - Physics

Fluidization is an operation through which fine granular solids are transformed into a fluid like state through contact with a gas or liquid. An increase in the gas velocity through a granular solid brings about changes in the mode of gas solid contact in many ways. Among the several flow regimes...

31 Mar 2010

McDonald's and the McCafe Coffee Initiative: A presentation

Presentation - 20 pages - Business strategy

McDonald Canada opened in 1976, after a decade of operating in Untied States. McDonald Canada was the first McDonald restaurant to be opened outside the United States. McDonald Canada has 1200 locations throughout the country and 70% of them are owned by franchisees. Company's success is based...

11 Aug 2009

The states right to compel individuals to take medications

Case study - 13 pages - Constitutional law

A basic standard of health care for all American citizens is an idea that arose less than 100 years ago, but which today is a tenet that most people in the United States believe. Basic healthcare belongs, in my opinion, to the whole world simply due to them being “world citizens”,...

06 Apr 2010

Please Smile, the CCTV is running!

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The Closed Circuit Television system is a tool employed in most retail environments to ensure public security, especially after the September 11 attacks, but it is usually ignored by researchers. For shoppers, CCTV may be a critical factor affecting their perspective on a retail environment and...

29 Jun 2010

Vegetarian only in the dining hall

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The suggestion of making the Emerson College's dining hall containing strictly vegetarian and vegan cuisine is a very bad idea. It is a bad idea for the students, the faculty, and the institution as a whole. In Bridging the Vegetarian Gap, an article written by Eileen Curtis in July 206, the...

30 Jul 2010

Betterment of men or betterment of me?

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

To regard one person's life as more important than another's can present a morally disturbing argument. If the death of one individual can prevent the deaths of twenty, do you sacrifice that one person? What if, to save those same twenty, two must be killed? How about five? Can one rationalize...

02 Sep 2010

Is scientific organization of work only a history?

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

In 1893, Frederick Winslow Taylor became general manager of the Manufacturing Investment Company of Philadelphia where he noticed two main problems: the saunter of workers and the high number of qualified workers with high salaries. Therefore, he developed a theory of management, “the...

29 Sep 2010

Comparison between the ports of Antwerp, Le Havre and Rotterdam (2005)

Thesis - 35 pages - Economy general

Le Havre harbor is simple in meaning and it represents a harbor. Le Havre Harbor occupies a predominant position in the European terrain. In fact, Le Havre is believed to be ?The European Door'. A door through which trade is facilitated globally. Le Havre is articulated by complex and varied...

14 Feb 2014

Strategic Management Process

Dissertation - 47 pages - Management

The top management team must take into account the competing desires and needs of an organization's various stakeholders, because their support is essential for successful strategy implementation. Stakeholders include not only the organization's managers and employees, but also the...

29 Sep 2010

The Aircraft company Airbus

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

This document attempts to answer the various questions that hover around the minds of businesses worldwide. Some of the pertinent queries that arise are: 1. Where is the organization headed to in terms of strategic direction? 2. How is the organization performing so far in relation to the...

29 Sep 2010

Swinging London - 1963-1967 - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

The sixties were usually referred to as a period of joy and optimism, especially in England, as it was a span of time between two tougher periods in British history. Socially and economically speaking, the fifties was characterized as a period of severe struggle in the United Kingdom. The...

29 Sep 2010

Media in Germany after World War Two - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

The development of media in the Western Germany during the period of the Allied Occupation (1945-1949) and in the first decade of the Federal Republic (1949-1959) The media is present all around the world. The media tries to express facts, entertainment, opinion, and other information. In this...

29 Sep 2010


Essay - 4 pages - Economy general

Franchising is not a new concept. North America was among the first countries to successfully develop franchises in 1886 through the famous example of the Coca-Cola company. Franchises grew slowly during the 1950's but helped many firms expand their operations across borders, like Mc...

29 Sep 2010

Comparison of customers'satisfaction and delivered quality in case of McDonald's and Burger King

Essay - 33 pages - Services marketing

McDonald's is the leading foodservice retailer globally with over30,000 local restaurants serving 52 million people in more than 100 countries daily. More than 70% of McDonald's restaurants worldwide are owned and operated by independent local men and women. The Burger King operates over...

29 Sep 2010

The Global War on terrorism and the effects in the Euro-american relations: Causes, consequences, solutions

Essay - 11 pages - International relations

Terrorism has become the most important threat regarding international stability in the 21st century. Though the Euro Atlantic community considers that it is of the utmost importance to eradicate it, it is not able to set up a common strategy. Since the war in Iraq, the Bush administration has...

29 Sep 2010

The value of the Chinese Renminbi (RMB), its management and risks associated with investing in China

Case study - 6 pages - Finance

Ever since China adopted its Open Door policy, it has received unparalleled attention from international scholars. In recent years, this has been evident with respect to the exchange rate regime that China has applied. At first, the policy was lauded because it helped China steer the dire waters...

29 Sep 2010

Centralization versus decentralization in multinational companies

Essay - 6 pages - Management

The emerging debate over centralization vs. decentralization highlights one of the most challenging issues in management- what the most efficient corporate structure is for a company. Globalization makes multinational enterprises develop their ability to respond quickly to changes in the...

29 Sep 2010

Logistics gateway to Europe

Case study - 28 pages - Logistics

The project for a logistics gateway to Europe is about to set up a physical distribution system into the European market. The distribution system has to be developed for a non-European company with a new or existing product in a European market. Therefore we had to chose a couple of European...

29 Sep 2010

McDonald's in India: a glocal strategy

Case study - 12 pages - Economy general

India is an assimilation of several ethnic groups. Its geographic origin, language, religion, dress, food, habits differ from one state to another. There are 22 different languages that are recognized, and there are hundreds of dialects. Nonetheless, people have the same temperament all over the...

14 Oct 2020

SWOT and PESTEL Analyses - British airways

Presentation - 40 pages - Business strategy

Support Activities: Infrastructure, Human Resource Management, Technology Development, Procurement.(the acquisition of appropriate goods and/or services at the best possible total cost of ownership to meet the needs of the purchaser in terms of quality and quantity, time, and location) Primary...

29 Sep 2010

Wife-Wooing, by John Updike

Book review - 1 pages - Literature

In his short story, 'Wife-Wooing', John Updike portrays the life of what seems to be an ordinary family through which he discusses matters related to matrimony. This story centers around two people who seem to have forgotten the meaning of their marriage. Through this essay, I will...

29 Sep 2010

International marketing: "McDonald's and Obesity"

Case study - 7 pages - Services marketing

Around one million people in the world are affected by the scourge of obesity in the world. This figure is twice more than the rate at which it was 10 years ago and many doctors worry that this could further increase. Many attribute this rise in weight to the massive presence of fast foods in the...