The Audience Study of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
Case study - 7 pages - Film studies
The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater company was found in 1958 by an African American 'dancer, choreographer and visionary'' named Alvin Ailey ( Ailey vision was to establish a multi-racial dance center where internationally...
The saga of Seabiscuit
Book review - 4 pages - Literature
During the 1930's, America was recovering from a period where nearly every citizen was completely down and out. The Great Depression had caused the nation to crumble and had left people hopeless and downtrodden. They were looking for a hero, someone to represent their struggle and...
Dorothy Day (Part III): Nonviolent resistance
Thesis - 5 pages - Literature
The Catholic Worker Movement founded by Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin whose aim is to live in accordance with the justice and charity of Jesus Christ. As the name indicates, the Catholic Worker Movement was heavily influenced by Catholicism, yet not restricted to simple preaching of...
London city
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
London, central and dynamic city becomes throughout the century the place of a strong political activism, in its most modern form. The UK is considered the land of individual freedom that welcomes exiles continent such as Zola or Marx and Engels. They organize their 1847 international communist...
Monetary policy and Inflation
Essay - 5 pages - Economy general
The US economy has always seen turbulent cyclical effects of inflation and deflation. To gauge the balance between the two experts at the Federal Reserve has always adopted the traditional macroeconomic tool of monetary and fiscal policies. These policies depending on the nature of the situation...
The (Mis)Behavior of Markets: A Summary
Essay - 3 pages - Finance
Do markets really follow a random walk as modern financial theory suggests? Are we likely to experience a market crash as deadly as the likes of the Great Depression? What is the nature of volatility and how should it impact the way we model financial markets? Although definitive...
Of mice and men: A review
Book review - 3 pages - Literature
I read this book because my peers read it. Peer pressure, right? I needed an honors book, it was short, and it was the first book my mom offered me when I told her that a classic would fill the requirement. It is a classic book, not sure what genre it falls under, but Wikipedia places it under...
Bentley tells it like it is? (2006)
Essay - 8 pages - Services marketing
Bentley Motors is a luxury motor car manufacturer. This operational history of this exclusive brand dates back decades, built on a string of landmark successes. In Bentley's world, the image is one of the most important facts that the firm needs to protect. What problems does Bentley Motors face...
The worst economic crisis - Late 1970s to early 1980s
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
The worst economic crisis that happened in the world history occurred between the late 1970s spreading over the years to early 1980s. The USA was one of the world economies that were greatly hit by the economic downturn. The debts escalated and savings went down in the American economy leading to...
Eleven years after the Asian crisis, what are the policy lessons?
Essay - 4 pages - Economy general
Year 2008 is remembered, in History books, as the year of a major economic crisis throughout the world. As most papers put it mentioning as, The worst since the great depression. But as the world suddenly pays attention to its economic system and its (present) prominent...
The current financial crisis compared with the 1929 crisis
Essay - 10 pages - Economy general
The growing number of newspapers and magazines citing similarities between the 1929 crisis and the current crisis raises questions about the relevance of these comparisons. Since the 1930s, the world has experienced other crises, but the magnitude that one is now experiencing, explains the key...
The history of poetry: A magazine of verse
Thesis - 6 pages - Literature
Harriet Monroe became famous for her magazine, but even more so, her open-door policy. There were many poets that just wouldn't get published, authors listed above, because their works were not accepted in society. T.S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock was considered...
Not Worth Laughing About: Anti-Semitism in The Merchant of Venice
Essay - 6 pages - Literature
As time changes, so do the interpretations of Shakespeare's dramas. Newer productions are supposed to appeal to modern audiences by reflecting current attitudes and cultural beliefs. Anti-Semitic viewpoints existed long before Shakespeare and his play, The Merchant of Venice, which is considered...
The global economic crisis and its impact on economy of Finland: The case of Nokia corporation
Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general
The global economy is experiencing the impact of an unprecedented economic downturn which began in the United States and spread all over the world. This paper provides an overview of the impact of the global crisis on the economy of Finland in 2008 and 2009. The course work analysis the...
Historical background and analysis of Mexico's economy
Thesis - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Learning from Mexico's past could provide for a great future, it is a matter of implementation, dedication and a devotion to right the wrongs, and an appreciation that building for the future is worth the sacrifices of today. Mexico's economic history provides for a confounding topic of...
An analysis of the crisis in US economy
Thesis - 33 pages - Economy general
Until the early 21st century, developments in America seemed to contradict the thesis of "decline". The most famous example is that of Paul Kennedy, who predicted in 'Rise and Decline of Great Powers' (1987), the end of American hegemony. However, the early 21st century is marked...
An anthropological enquiry on real estate in Baltimore, Maryland
Thesis - 6 pages - Economy general
Over the last one hundred years, the city of Baltimore has gone through immense changes in the real estate industry. Throughout this passage of time, the city has been characterized as encompassing mixed income neighborhoods that hasattempted to make housing available to all. Thus, Baltimore was...
The History of Field & Stream
Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Journalism
The history of Field & Stream would be incomplete without first exploring the past of another great outdoor magazine, Forest and Stream, On August 14, 1873, Forest and Stream debuted. The magazine was founded by a group of sportsmen that included Charles Hallock, who also served as the...
Against All Odds: Black Athletes in the 1970s: Hank Aaron and the Morgan State Bears
Essay - 8 pages - Sports
America has always fallen in love with their athletes. Little kids look up to them as heroes, trying to emulate them in every way they can. Athletes provide people, especially those with little or no material means, with the hope that they can one day become great. During the racially...
How did the rise of mass production transform the role of the United States in the international political economy?
Thesis - 4 pages - Political science
The early twentieth century saw one of the most dramatic shifts of power noted in the studies of international political economy. Preceding and throughout the Great Wars, the United States of America underwent such dramatic and influential changes in its domestic industries that it not...
Scientific, Political, Artistic, and Controversial Aspects of the Statue of Liberty
Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Arts and art history
The Statue of Liberty holds great significance in the United States because of its symbolic and patriotic nature. It also represents hope; the statue bears the words Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free (Cable 3). Frédéric-Auguste...
Hitler's rise to power
Case study - 6 pages - Ancient history
Post-World War I Germany was a country ridden with resentment, distress and desperation. There was confusion throughout the country because many thought that they had won the war, therefore the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles came as a shock to most German citizens. War guilt was a source...
Emasculation: Are Men in Control or Women
Essay - 4 pages - Literature
During the first half of the twentieth century, the United States, along with much of the world, saw great strides made in the feminist movement. The rights of and respect toward women were beginning to take an upward momentum, and at the same time, traditional ideas of masculine...
Results of the American economic meltdown of 2008 as per the video "Inside the Meltdown"
Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies
The video Inside the Meltdown shows the immediate responses of various institutions as a result of the American economic meltdown of 2008. The meltdown occurred as a result of the Great Recession which was beginning to take form at this time. An economic recession is a state of...
Late nineteenth century imperialism can best be understood in terms of concerns over national weakness rather than as an assertion of national strength. Discuss.
Case study - 5 pages - Political science
The last quarter of the nineteenth century saw European Great Powers, including Great Britain, France and Germany, engaged in an active colonial policy, or what historians may term New Imperialism. This era was marked by the formalisation of colonies and empire through treaties, as...
Saqiyuk - Stories from the lives of three Inuit Women by Nancy Wachowich
Essay - 5 pages - Literature
Saqiyuq is a collection of stories from the lives of three Inuit women: Apphia, Rhoda and Sandra. It consists of biographies and accounts from these three generations. This book enables the reader to see the great evolution of the Inuit lifestyle during the twentieth century. The author,...
Songs of Caged Birds: life and its ups and downs
Book review - 3 pages - Philosophy
Maya Angelou's I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings is her first book dedicated to all the strong black birds of promise who defy the odds and gods and sing their songs. The cage represents a life of racism, poverty, illiteracy and dysfunction. The black birds represent the certain people...
An overview of Kinetic Engineering Ltd & the Indian two wheeler industry
Case study - 28 pages - Business strategy
The Britannica Encyclopedia describes a motorcycle as a bicycle or tricycle propelled by an internal-combustion engine (or, less often, by an electric engine). The motors on mini bikes, scooters, and mopeds, or motorized velocipedes, are usually air-cooled and range from 25 to 250 cubic cm (1.5...
Efficacy of treatment approaches in out-patient therapy
Case study - 7 pages - Medical studies
Anti-depressant medications have been considered as the best outpatient treatment for most depressive disorders, despite the fact that reviews and evidence suggesting otherwise that evidence-based psychotherapies are just as effective as pharmacotherapy when it comes to treating major depressive...
A critical review of how technological advancements have made individual more isolated
Thesis - 11 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Our lives are closely influenced by the technology around us. Technology has become such an integral part of our life that even if they want to escape it would be difficult to do so. So much so that even the basic profession like carpentry has been influenced by the technological developments....