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Theme : Governance

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17 May 2009

Starbucks France governance: Competitive environment analysis

Thesis - 2 pages - Management

“Corporate governance is the set of processes, customs, policies, laws and institutions affecting the way a corporation is directed, administered or controlled.” It is made to control the decision-making power of executives so they do not have as a matter of priority their own...

16 May 2009

Essay: What should Asia Pacific gov-ernments do to support their adher-ence to 'good' corporate governance principle and sustainable develop-ment?

Thesis - 5 pages - International relations

According to The World Bank (2006), ‘good' corporate governance (CG) refers to the structures and processes for the direction and control of companies. This involves the relationships among the management, board of directors, controlling and minority shareholders as well as...

09 Jan 2009

Multi-level governance in the European Union

Essay - 5 pages - European union

The former French President of the European Commission, Jacques Delors, once stated that the European Union was an “unidentified political object”. This phrase highlights the complexity of the EU polity, which various theories have tried to capture and which has sparked controversy...

15 Jan 2009

"Corporate virtue" strategies are more likely to cause "good governance" than stricter "compliance and control" regimes

Essay - 4 pages - Management

What is “good corporate governance”? And how an enterprise can achieve to have it? A number of writers and researchers gave their contribution to this subject. Nevertheless, some disagreements and conflicting points of view appeared among them. Indeed, some suggested that...

16 Jan 2009

Corporate governance - What are the arguments for and against agency theory as a basis for understanding corporate governance?

Essay - 4 pages - Management

Corporate governance and the theory of the firm are two of the fastest growing topics in modern economic theory. Berle and Means argued that modern corporations were so dependent upon professional managers that a managerial economy had emerged, characterized by the separation of ownership...

12 Mar 2009

Aristotle, Hobbes and Machiavelli on Governance

Thesis - 6 pages - Political science

In the realm of political theory, there are many thinkers whose thoughts and writings have influenced the way that government's and societies operate today. As citizens, it is crucial for us, especially in the democratic systems that we a North American's enjoy, that we place certain legitimacy...

16 Jan 2009

A recursive correlation between economy and psychology: A specific focus on the new corporate governance theory

Case study - 12 pages - Management

It has always been an intrinsic issue of economy: accused of being disconnected from individuals' reality, this science has been attacked for long times, by various researchers and experts, such as psychologists. And effectively, a plethora of arguments have been provided for integrating greater...

07 Feb 2008

Global Governance and Economic Development

Case study - 11 pages - Economy general

According to common perception among economists, the idea of institutional economics started with Ronald Coarse's article, “The Nature of the Firm” (1937) where the concepts of transaction costs and economic analysis were first introduced (Coarse, 1998, p. 71). Since then, the field...

08 Jul 2004

Corporate governance under English common law: The respective roles of executive and non executive directors

Thesis - 15 pages - Business law

The role of boards and its relationship to management must be clearly identified. The Companies Act provides that companies must have directors but does not define their functions. This is left to the articles of association, where the most undertaken practice consists of vesting the board of all...

29 Jan 2015

The Current Organization of the Local Government System in England

Case study - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The government of England has a complex pattern with quite an array of functions distributed according to the local governments. The government and public administration includes the central government and the civil service, devolved and regional government and the local government. The main role...

28 Jul 2015

Taxation limits on local governments; municipalities and school districts in the state of Georgia

Essay - 9 pages - Government finance

There exist a number of limits on taxation both statutory and constitutional that apply in the state of Georgia. The reasons for the existence of such limitations vary, but majorly they are meant to check county government expenditure, Ensure property taxes are maintained at reasonable and...

21 Jul 2022

English test - Translation and Essay writing: How did the Canadian government respond to the report on the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples?

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Political science

This document is a corrected English test made of a translation exercise, a fully written essay, and a rough draft of a second essay. How did the Canadian government respond to the report on the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples? Is Australia's origin as a convict colony important?

31 Jul 2014

Social and moral policies of government

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The 'Grapes of Wrath' is a film produced in 1940 based on Steinbeck's prize winning novel of the same name. The film kicks off with the release of the main character from the Oklahoma state prison. Tom faced charges of manslaughter, and after serving his four-year time, he finally faced...

31 Jul 2014

Why the government should increase taxes on fast foods?

Case study - 3 pages - Finance

Over the years, medical experts have been battling the fast food health related problems. Some of these health problems include obesity and weight-related health issues such as diabetes. However, this has not been a success for the Australian government. Relying on the food industry to control...

01 Jan 2024

Understanding Financial Concepts: From Government Bonds to Economic Booms and Busts

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Economy general

A government bond is a debt security issued by a government in order to support government spending and obligation. These can be paid periodically, and they are sold to investors to support government spending.

04 Sep 2014

Euphemism in Government- George Orwell

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

In the new global world, euphemism has been one of the most crucial current discussions in legal and moral philosophy. It has become increasingly difficult to ignore this. Therefore, the topic has raised heating arguments in many conferences worldwide. Webster dictionary defines euphemism as a...

24 Mar 2015

Why the Saudi Government Implemented Banning Exports of Cement?

Case study - 6 pages - Criminal law

In 2009, the ban was partially lifted following an upsurge in demand in the Middle Eastern countries. Other factor was the continued fall in country's GDP growth rate projections for the past 2 years forcing the adjustment on foreign trade policies to boost the balance of payments. The outlaw has...

20 Sep 2022

The System of Government and the Prime Minister

Presentation - 23 pages - Political life and election

This document tackles the British system of government and the role of the Prime Minister.

28 Jul 2015

Canada and the United States government

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

Canada and the United States have one primary similarity. They are both established as democracies. Additionally, they are both declared as federal states. However, there are numerous differences between the two. The primary difference is in the way the two conduct their government. Canada and...

27 Oct 2024

Social Media as a Strategy for Protest Movements in an Era of Government Control - Hong Kong And Sudan Case Studies

Dissertation - 11 pages - Sociology & social sciences

By facilitating instantaneous global communication among geographically dispersed audiences, digital media has fundamentally altered information production and dissemination processes. As a result, more people are able to access information and news, which may be a powerful instrument for...

06 Sep 2022

Counterfeiting - Business process and government response

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Economic politics

The creation of a fake replica to replace an original form of an object is illegal and referred to as counterfeiting. This action is often perpetrated to take advantage of the monetary gain by exchanging an object of greater quality with something of inferior quality. Counterfeiting has been...

07 Jul 2015

Tunisian government

Case study - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

According to Stefan Prins Sottiaux and Dajo, "it might have been better to make the first condition less strictly, so that only callers political parties systematically make use of illegal means can be prohibited." The Court E.D.H. talking serious violent offenses and refers to jihad. In...

09 Mar 2015

Public Administration - Possibility of good regulatory government

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Public administration follows the bureaucratic model. The implication is that there are hierarchies that influence the decision making process in public administration. Therefore, the decision makers in public administration are at the top of the bureaucratic models (Croley, 2008). However, there...

25 Jul 2006

Can we have a world government?

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

To answer the question “Can we have world government”, we must understand two questions: one is “What would be the use and necessity of a world government”; the other one is “In what extent would it be possible?” “A government is a system, form or organization...

13 May 2008

Internet Access and the Government

Essay - 5 pages - Educational studies

Internet availability has much improved since its inception. Accessing the Internet has gone from requiring military clearance to traveling to a local library and hopping on a computer. The importance of the Internet has also subsequently risen as more people gained access to it. The Internet is...

25 Jul 2006

Describe and analyse the different minority groups in PRC and how they interact with the main 'Han" government

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

“The greatest force is common blood. The Chinese belong to the yellow race because they come from the blood stock of the yellow race. The blood of ancestors is transmitted by heredity down through the race, making blood kinship a powerful force”, said Sun Yatsen in 1927. Today the...

20 Jun 2008

The Causes and Consequences of Divided Government

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

Divided party control of government occurs when at least one House of Congress is controlled by a party to which the President does not belong. Much of the most popular research on divided government was done prior to the 1994 elections, when the Republicans took control of the House of...

07 Jul 2008

How the Chinese government's control of the media impacts Chinese society

Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Introduction The role of modern media in Western culture had been well examined by social scientists. Media in this culture has been used to entertain, inform and, perhaps most importantly, persuade. While the pervasive presence of the media in Western culture may lead one to believe that this...

07 Jul 2009

The governments oversight and the misuse of surplus funds

Thesis - 12 pages - Government finance

This study will investigate the governmental oversight and exemptions that allow for the unchecked misuse of surplus funds within non-profit organizations. For the purposes of this study, surplus is defined as money not earmarked for future projects, or capital projects, unrestricted funds and...

31 Jul 2009

Government coercion through duress and contract modification

Thesis - 5 pages - Other law subjects

In Rumsfeld v. Freedom NY, Inc., 329 F.3d 1320 (2003), the government contractor was finally able to procure some relief after a 17 year struggle to rectify the shameful, bad faith tactics of the Defense Logistics Agency. The government's ACO, Marvin Lieberman, breached the contract by refusing...