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Theme : Globalization

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19 Feb 2015

The global financial crisis (2007/2008)

Case study - 6 pages - Business strategy

During the 2007/2008 period, the world experienced a financial crisis that rivaled the great depression experienced in the late 1920's. According to Turner, the total cost of the crisis undoubtedly exceeds trillions using any of the major currencies . The crisis resulted in the collapses of...

11 Feb 2016

Global oil market price

Essay - 2 pages - Economy general

This essay briefly describes the various principles of economics and economic theories that determine the price of the oil in the global market. It describes vividly the major reasons that have led into the decline of the oil substantially over the past 7 years. Therefore, the essay uses the...

08 Oct 2015

Comparative law in a global development context

Essay - 7 pages - Management

Globalization and the changes in different countries to ensure that the different laws formulated meet the policies and laws of other countries have been among of the issues witnessed in the present society. There are changes in the technology, systems, health care, education and all the...

28 May 2024

How is the nomination of Jerome Powell at the head of the US Federal reserve going to affect the global economy, especially on the issues of monetary policy and financial regulation?

Essay - 2 pages - Economy general

Federal Reserve Chairperson Janet Yellen is stepping down from her position in early February 2018. It is widely that her successor is going to be President Trump's selected nominee, Jerome Powell. In contrast with the last three Fed chairpersons, Powell is not an academic, though he has an...

15 Dec 2016

Global warming and climate change

Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

These are terms used to describe increased earth's temperatures. Human activities and natural occurrences are said to be the major contributors to this increase. Increase in greenhouse gases for example carbon dioxide result to the temperatures increase. The U.S. have been a major contributor...

30 Oct 2024

Recession and Stabilization (COVID Stimulus Globally)

Essay - 3 pages - International economy

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered the most severe world recession, upon which most countries resorted to numerous fiscal stimulus policies to restore stability and economic growth. The undertaken measures came in different sizes and designs, signaling different national capacities and economic...

31 Aug 2024

Technical Innovations and Human Management in Global Industry

Summary - 1 pages - Management

This document analyzes three documents based on the subject of the effects of technical innovations and the methods of human management in global industry.

13 Aug 2022

Global Business Economics and Finance - AmRest Holding SE

Case study - 13 pages - International economy

AmRest Holdings SE is a public limited company with operations in the global bar and restaurant industry. The firm's headquarters are in Madrid, Spain. AmRest enjoys market dominance in Eastern and Central Europe. It operates several subsidiary firms, including Burger King, Pizza Hut,...

27 Nov 2022

International operations management: global operations management strategies

Case study - 10 pages - Management

According to Witkowski (2017) innovation is an integral element in driving organizations' progress and modernity. Innovation's contribution to operational efficiency is premised on the fact that organizations have the option of pursuing different types of innovation that include product,...

26 Sep 2023

Paying for a Green New Deal with Modern Monetary Theory - Dean Baker (2019) ; Mixed Economies Today, Compared to Those of Antiquity - Michael Hudson (2019) ; The Green New Deal, Capitalism and the State - Rob Urie (2019) ; The Great Austerity Shell Game - Richard Wolff (2013) ; The crisis of globalization: interview with Mark Blyth (2019)

Case study - 5 pages - Economy general

Dean Baker offers in this column a critique of the Green New Deal (GND), a set of legislative proposals put forward by progressive (left-wing) members of the Democratic Party in the United States. The GND is an ambitious set of policies designed to revamp the entire American by making it less...

29 Oct 2023

What worries you the most concerning global warming ?

Dissertation - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

In September 2018, Nicolas Hulot resigned as Minister of Ecology, describing his time at the head of this ministry as an "accumulation of disappointment".

10 Mar 2022

Entry mode decisions, internationalization and global marketing - The case of French Cakes

Case study - 5 pages - International marketing

When companies enter foreign markets, they make decisions about what kind of marketing and organizational setup to choose - these are called entry modes decision. The process of internationalization begins with the choice of foreign markets in which the company hopes to enter. In addition to...

21 Nov 2014

Restricted Entry of Global Retailers in India

Case study - 10 pages - Management

Conducting sufficient analysis of the management issues facing organizations facilitates the identification of contextual tenets and cross-cultural factors affecting their entry ambitions in different territories. Blending the contextual analysis with adequate environmental scans generates vital...

19 Nov 2014

Global Developments Affected Marsh's Opportunities as a Woman

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

The experience readers obtain when interacting with the written adventure of great heroes and heroine brings imaginations to reality of the ordeals and accomplishments which various personalities encountered in their day-to-day activities. However, such experience is inseparable from the pieces...

02 Sep 2014

Global litigation and conflict of laws

Case study - 5 pages - Other law subjects

As clarified in the Tatry case, “It should be noted at the outset that the English version […] does not expressly distinguish between the concepts of ‘object' and ‘cause' of action. That language version must however be construed in the same manner as the majority of the other...

19 Feb 2015

International Relation - Winston Churchill Speech, Roosevelt, and the Global History

Case study - 4 pages - Literature

“The Sinews of Peace”, was the heading of a speech given by Winston Churchill. In the audience there was the noticeable presence of President McClure. It was one of his supreme speeches, Iron Curtain, given by him as a British prime minister (Reynolds, 2006, pp. 250-252). The setting...

19 May 2008

How Globalized are Cities in the Developing World?

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Economy general

Asking ‘how globalized' a city is quite a loaded question; to determine or quantify the degree of globalization within a city is quite a arduous task. Globalization isn't measurable in neat increments; it isn't a static characteristic nor does it comprise static components....

15 Jan 2009

Institutional Failures of the Global Environmental Governance

Essay - 42 pages - Ecology & environment

Despite a great awareness of environmental questions from developed and developing countries, there is a degradation of environmental issues and an appearance of new environmental problems. This aggravation of environmental matters is due to the inefficient state of the global environmental...

01 Apr 2009

Managing the global supply chain: A risk measurement perspective

Dissertation - 43 pages - Management

The end of the last millennium and the beginning of the new millennium has seen supply chain management emerge as a new management paradigm and a source of competitive advantage. This is especially true in a global marketplace where "getting the right goods at the right place at the right time...

16 Apr 2009

Marketing strategies of IBM Global Service India

Dissertation - 54 pages - Services marketing

IBM India's revenue is up 45% from a year ago, largely contributed to by a strategic approach and highly penetrative marketing strategy, and it keeps winning its share of large deals, such as a 10-year, $750 million contract it signed in 2004 with Bharti Tele-Ventures, India's No. 1...

05 Oct 2009

Problem solution: Global communications

Thesis - 10 pages - Business strategy

The ability of the people to coordinate their individual work effort toward a common goal is paramount for Global Communications. To settle issues in order to make the right decision all possible motives must be considered. The COMPANY must involve critical stakeholders in a strategy for...

29 Sep 2010

How companies develop global leaders?

Essay - 16 pages - Management

How companies develop into global leaders: Globalization has now invaded the world. Globalization means integrating each of the world's countries into a single unified society, where it is able to found great business opportunities by discovering new markets, new capital...

29 Sep 2010

What are the main obstacles to the provision of global public goods?

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

Global public goods are hard to define. Even though, there is a consensus about the definitions of public goods and collective goods, there exists different approaches. Public goods are supposed to be available for all and they are characterized by two principles: non-rivalry, which means that...

25 Jan 2007

Individual identity and global information. The global village (Mac Luhan)

Essay - 7 pages - Journalism

How is individual identity constructed in the environment of global information and media flows? How valid is Marshall Mac Luhan's global village concept in this environment? Nowadays, each of us is aware from the pattern of our everyday lives that there have been lots of changes linked with...

08 Feb 2008

Politics of Global Warming

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Political science

In the modernized lifestyles we live today, the consequences of this lifestyle seems to have finally caught up with us. Since 1994, the world's mean temperature has risen almost 1 degree Fahrenheit, and it is only increasing. This is believed to have been caused by excess gas and smoke emissions...

03 Jun 2008

The Urban Organic: Ecocities in Global Perspective

Essay - 11 pages - International relations

At every turn, the global city is faced with a set of challenges. How to compete cooperatively, how to expand stably, how to modernize peacefully—these and other contradictions check the unbridled enthusiasm of neoliberal planners, who have transformed Saskia Sassen's global city model from...

11 Jun 2008

How the mass media influences the global community

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Over the course of the last three decades, notable changes have taken place in the context of international discourse. Although many of these changes have occurred as the natural result of the evolution of individual countries, overall changes in the international community have been spurred by...

20 Jul 2008

New approaches to decisions on global warming

Essay - 16 pages - Ecology & environment

Former Vice President Al Gore generated tremendous global awareness and concern for the issue of global warming through his movie, “An Inconvenient Truth”. His activism won him a Nobel Peace Prize, and the issue has become a central topic of discussion for many of the world's leaders....

25 Nov 2008

The global and forest environment carbon cycle

Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

The forest environment carbon cycle can be viewed at a number of scales. Measurements can be made at the scale of an individual leaf or tree, stand-scale measurements can be made, and models can be developed that examine forest-level, regional, and global carbon cycles. The role of the forest in...

15 Jan 2009

Global marketing Basis

Essay - 4 pages - Services marketing

A company that engages in global marketing focuses its resources on global market opportunities and threats. Successful global marketers such as Nestlé, Coca-Cola and Honda use familiar marketing mix elements - the 4 PS - to create global marketing programs. Marketing, R&D, manufacturing and...