Themes in Miss Julie: Gender and class differences
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
August Strindberg presents, in the play Miss Julie, a scenario of women strengths in the society (Leckie 21). One of the major characters, Miss Julie, is recuperating from a broken relationship. Two of her servants Kristin and Jean are talking about her in bad light explaining how mad she is and...
Gender and family
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
In any given year there is an estimate three million runaways. Children run away from home for a number of different reasons; may be [they are] evading the law, suffering depression, or dealing with a personal crisis, most are running from a disturbed family or home life. (Siegel and...
A more neutral gender
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Life presents a multitude of choices. These vary from deciding what time to get up in the morning, where to attend university, or even what cake flavor one wants for one's birthday. These choices seem petty and society is not affected. Sometimes when an individual is presented with a choice, he...
Gender in the Musical "West Side Story"
Case study - 1 pages - Philosophy
There are very distinct opposites presented in this musical, between which there is clearly an atmosphere of competition. Of course, the main dichotomy of the film is the American Jets versus the Puerto Rican Sharks. However, there is also an us versus them mentality as concerns the...
Gender differences in duration of sleep
Case study - 4 pages - Psychology
Studies investigating gender differences in nighttime hours spent asleep have generated mixed findings. Some research has shown insomnia to be more common in older women. This trend has also been exhibited in college female populations (Voderholzer, Al-Shajlawi, Weske, Feige, & Riemann,...
Gender Identity
Case study - 2 pages - Psychology
Every person possesses a gender identity within their self's which nearly everyone match one's anatomic look. A person's gender indentify is either male or female or possibly something in between. This is a significant individual trait that adds to ones self-worth. It is the mode...
Why is the biological explanation of gender so popular?
Case study - 4 pages - Psychology
In a cover story published recently in The New York Times magazine, Daniel Berger, author of the book What do Women Want? Adventure in the Science of Female Desire, which is coming out soon, analyzes women's sex drive in the light of a new drug called Lybrido that is supposed to help...
Almost a Woman: Gender Expectations in Puerto Rican Culture
Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy
There is evidence that suggests that women of Puerto Rico may be more sexually assertive than women in other Latin American countries*. That is, they are more likely to insist that their partners use contraception, and less likely to tolerate infidelity on the part of the husband. Researchers...
Eating, substance abuse, sex/gender/sexual impulse and personality disorders
Case study - 2 pages - Psychology
Schizophrenia, psychosis, and lifespan development all hold a vital part of an individual's overall psychological wellbeing. If a disorder is handled quickly it increases the odds of a proper diagnoses and a better action of treatment. Disorders such as schizophrenia, psychosis, and lifespan...
Why did the U.S. refuse to accept Elizabeth Cady-Stanton's argument to abolish gender discrimination?
Case study - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Born to a wealthy family in 1815, Elizabeth Cady Stanton changed dramatically a number of social and political elements of the US. She was one of most influential early activists of the US woman's movement. The most important point in her career was her Declaration of Sentiments. This...
Critically analyse gender roles and other factors surrounding family businesses
Essay - 8 pages - Management
Family firms have played and still play a significant role in European economy. Most small businesses are family owned (Boissevain and Grotenbreg, 1987), and the importance of this type of business has experienced a significant development during recent decades. As Sampson (1982) indicated, the...
Gender inequality in the workplace: One of America's many workplace challenges
Case study - 4 pages - Psychology
What does the number 60,743 mean to you? Most people wouldn't be able to place this number off the top of their head. According to the author of The Face of Discrimination, by Vincent J. Roscigno, that is the number of cases of sex and racial discrimination cases of employment. (15). These are...
A Woman's "Complaint": Power and Gender in Andrew Marvell's "Nymph"
Case study - 17 pages - Literature
Andrew Marvell wrote numerous lyric poems throughout his life, but few of them were published until after he died. His contemporaries knew him mainly as a writer of prose and satire, and as a politician and member of Parliament under the governments of Oliver Cromwell and Charles II. Although...
Blacks, Jews, and Gendered Representations
Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy
The gendered representations of Blacks and Jews have caused them to struggle with their identities as people in American society. The stereotypes that have arisen from these representations have given two options to these marginalized groups of people:(1) either follow the predisposed vision the...
Archaeologies of Gender
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
Anthropology is a field which is constantly evolving and which constantly needs to be checked for proper procedure, language, interpretation, and ethics. In Socio/cultural Anthropology, essays are frequently written to aid anthropologists in remaining neutral and not reporting a biased...
Gender discrimination in the workplace
Thesis - 5 pages - Human resources
Even today, there is discrimination between men and women in the workplace. The salary for a man and a woman holding the same station is not the same. Women find it harder to reach senior positions in the organization. Since 1967, the participation rate of women in the professional field has...
Women in Judaism: An in-depth study of gender and religion
Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The role of women in Judaism is grossly misrepresented and misunderstood even as we shift into the 21st century. Until now, such a topic has never had as much stamina and opinion as it does today. People today have gone as far as stating that roles of women in Judaism are sexist; however, it is...
The gender gap in the ownership and control of property is the single most critical contributor to the gender gap in economic well-being, social status, and empowerment'
Essay - 6 pages - Economy general
Before the 1970s, women were practically invisible: they were relegated to the family and the domestic world. However since the middle of this same decade, the gender issue has become an increasingly theme within the development concern. Globalization not only affects men but women as...
A multinational study of gender wine preferences
Tutorials/exercises - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Wine has become an international business, and the difference in wine preferences based on consumer's gender and how these differences vary from country to country are important issues that should be considered in wine product development. We examined consumer's preference for the type of...
Compulsory heterosexuality, sexual autonomy and gender in Leslie Feinberg's 'Stone Butch Blues'
Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism
This passage from Leslie Feinberg's Stone Butch Blues is a good- albeit disturbing- summation of the concepts of Compulsory heterosexuality, sexual autonomy and gender that coexist within Feinberg's own engendered identity. Stone Butch Blues itself is the compelling first novel of Leslie...
How would a Restoration comedy production stage female gender in a production of The Country Wife?
Thesis - 12 pages - Arts and art history
This paper is a theatre research paper documenting the appropriate approach to staging the female gender in a restoration comedy production of William Wycherley's The Country Wife. The paper considers dialogue, staging, sound and costumes in addition to the historical context...
Evolutionary based gender differences in online mate selection
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This study was an attempt to determine whether or not men and women still pursue a romantic partner as influenced by evolutionary necessity. Thirty-six personal ads written by 18 men and 18 women ranging in age from 25 years old to 44 years old were read and coded. Results support an...
Does gender perception toward computing exist in Thailand? - A comparison study between Thai and the US
Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Number of studies show that computing has been long perceived as a male domain. With this perception, females may experience negative outcomes in the computing-related occupation or activities, such as discrimination, pay differentials and the glass ceiling effect. Does this...
Gender and Christian life in first Corinthians and first Timothy
Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy
Analysis of Biblical texts inherently involves examinations into issues of morality and behavior according to Christian doctrine. The Apostle Paul, whose writings are a major focal point of much of the New Testament, addresses these matters with a series of letters to Christian congregations as...
Gender roles with respect to the American society
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The gender roles, or the fundamental behaviors assigned to women and men in a society, have been changing more rapidly since the industrial revolution. Yet as much as these roles have transformed over the last several decades, conflicting expectations and pressures still exist within our...
Feminism and Gender Sensitivity in Reporting
Thesis - 1 pages - Journalism
There is no doubt a thin line between the concepts of feminism and gender sensitivity in reporting. Sometimes these two concepts are interchanged. It is our view, however, that there is a significant difference between these two concepts. This report aims to clarify this difference...
Gender in American English: How women are socially muted through speech
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This paper will explore the theory that women as a minority group are socially muted through the prevalent use of masculine and male created language in American English to describe common activities at home, work place and in the society. The research was started with the question, How...
Like the rich and poor together: Gender relations revealed through class differences in Italian American literature
Thesis - 2 pages - Literature
Since the early Italian American experience is largely polarized between the worlds of labor and the family, consequently, the role of class and gender are not easily avoided in Italian American literature. In the memoir Rosa, the Life of an Italian Immigrant, and Pietro DiDonato's Christ...
Global Relationship: Are Sexual Gender Roles Changing?
Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
As defined by the Encyclopedia, a role, in the sociological sense, is a set of connected behaviors, rights and obligations as conceptualized by the actors in a social situation. It is an expected behavior in a given individual social status and social position. Since the 18th century, the...
Race and gender as structuring factors of election: A typically American reality?
Worksheets - 1 pages - Political science
Does racism still prevail in the US? The last election in the United States was a forceful reminder that race and gender have always played a role in the American elections and, more generally, in the American society. It is only in 1920 that American women were allowed to vote and much...