A critique of the connection between gender and crime
Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Official statistics show that overall males commit or, are charged with, more crimes than females (Scottish Prison Service, 2002). However it has also been shown, that in certain areas of criminality such as theft and fraud, female offence rates seem to be rising faster than males. (Steffensmeir...
UK Education: An analysis of the significance of gender at key stage 5 and beyond
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
Recently it has been argued that the underachievement of boys has been happening for many years (Epston, Elwood ET. Al. 1999), it was simply the fact that female students were prevented from entering schools that enable this to go unnoticed for so long. During the days of the 11 plus it was well...
Feminism and Gender Sensitivity in Reporting
Thesis - 1 pages - Journalism
There is no doubt a thin line between the concepts of feminism and gender sensitivity in reporting. Sometimes these two concepts are interchanged. It is our view, however, that there is a significant difference between these two concepts. This report aims to clarify this difference...
Gender wage gap : Why is it that the median male wage earner earns 20% more than the median female worker?
Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The wage gap between men and women is a widely recognized concern in today's society. In this paper I will try to address the main reason for this difference. Why is it that the median male wage earner earns 20% more than the median female worker? While there are many suggestions out there for...
"Discussion about the limitations of liberal feminism with particular reference to the construction of gender and across class, race, ethnicity and religious belief
Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Feminist ideas and feminist politics have emerged because of the fact that in nearly all societies which divide the sexes into differing cultural, economic or political spheres, women are less valued than men (Robert Shoemaker and Mary Vincent 1998, 36-8). The current study will focus not on the...
A multinational study of gender wine preferences
Tutorials/exercises - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Wine has become an international business, and the difference in wine preferences based on consumer's gender and how these differences vary from country to country are important issues that should be considered in wine product development. We examined consumer's preference for the type of...
Book review on gender and higher education: A collection of essays edited by Becy Ropers-Huilman analyzed
Book review - 9 pages - Literature
This paper will provide a review of a collection of essays edited by Becky Ropers-Huilman entitled Gendered Futures in Higher Education. Critical Perspectives for Change. The book was published by the State University of New York Press, Albany, N.Y., in 2003. The paper will consider how this...
Global Relationship: Are Sexual Gender Roles Changing?
Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
As defined by the Encyclopedia, a role, in the sociological sense, is a set of connected behaviors, rights and obligations as conceptualized by the actors in a social situation. It is an expected behavior in a given individual social status and social position. Since the 18th century, the...
Scream: A Gendered Autobiography
Essay - 4 pages - Literature
One cannot discuss the concepts of gender without looking at the various frameworks in which it exists. In Paradoxes of Gender, Judith Lorber states that gender is a process of social construction, a system of social stratification, and an institution that structures...
The Gender Issue: Why this issue still poses enormous problems in the American and European societies at the dawn of 2010
Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
For centuries, numerous demonstrations by feminist movements have accompanied women's emancipation. Their profoundly in-egalitarian status has dramatically changed. Women broke into all sectors of public life. However, we still notice today a lot of inequalities in the American society....
Gender roles with respect to the American society
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The gender roles, or the fundamental behaviors assigned to women and men in a society, have been changing more rapidly since the industrial revolution. Yet as much as these roles have transformed over the last several decades, conflicting expectations and pressures still exist within our...
Divided We Fall:Gender, Androgyny, and the troubled union of Adam and Eve
Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Literature
The single most important question at the center of John Milton's Paradise Lost is the question of predestination. The poem hinges on the assertion that mankind has been created sufficient to have stood, yet free to fall (III.99); if we do not accept this assertion, and instead...
Does gender perception toward computing exist in Thailand? - A comparison study between Thai and the US
Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Number of studies show that computing has been long perceived as a male domain. With this perception, females may experience negative outcomes in the computing-related occupation or activities, such as discrimination, pay differentials and the glass ceiling effect. Does this...
To fight against any sort of discrimination, could and should all workers be treated equally?
Essay - 2 pages - Labor law
Gender, age, ethnic background, sexual orientation, religion, family life and private matters do play an important part at work although they should not. Recruitment processes, salaries, the daily routine at the work office, are all places where workers should be considered equals but are...
Doing gender: Reasserting masculinity
Thesis - 2 pages - Literature
Gender is a socially constructed status. Based on how others perceive us we are labeled as men or women, the only two genders recognized in Western society. Walking to class I notice everyone is doing gender,' or they display evidences of masculinity or femininity. I...
Women in Judaism: An in-depth study of gender and religion
Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The role of women in Judaism is grossly misrepresented and misunderstood even as we shift into the 21st century. Until now, such a topic has never had as much stamina and opinion as it does today. People today have gone as far as stating that roles of women in Judaism are sexist; however, it is...
The Female Gender Role in the Media An Analysis of Three Studies
Essay - 3 pages - Psychology
In the United States of America, the media plays a gigantic role in the life of every man, woman, and child. No one can escape the media, for our life has become based around it. Televisions are being built into cars, the internet is full of advertisements, the radio is constantly blaring - there...
Blacks, Jews, and Gendered Representations
Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy
The gendered representations of Blacks and Jews have caused them to struggle with their identities as people in American society. The stereotypes that have arisen from these representations have given two options to these marginalized groups of people:(1) either follow the predisposed vision the...
Why is the biological explanation of gender so popular?
Case study - 4 pages - Psychology
In a cover story published recently in The New York Times magazine, Daniel Berger, author of the book What do Women Want? Adventure in the Science of Female Desire, which is coming out soon, analyzes women's sex drive in the light of a new drug called Lybrido that is supposed to help...
Patriarchal ideology, gender and media
Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy
In a study carried out in the mid-70s, B. Miles (1975: pg.un) found that the proportion of men and women in situation comedies was nearly similar. However, the author points out that the gender roles and the humor could still be traditional and sexist'. Thus, what we need to study...
Reinventing Myth, Recasting gender: Myth in Morrison
Thesis - 12 pages - Literature
As an African American woman writer, Toni Morrison's relationship with myth is complex and multilayered. In an interview with Charles Ruas, Morrison calls myths the nourishing stories(115) that we are raised on. Myth educates future generations about values and strategies for...
Beyond Sissies and Tomboys: Atypical Gender Deviance
Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Psychology
Gender roles shape how a person interacts with other members of their society. Young children learn gender roles from many sources, and are strongly influenced by their parents and family, peers, media presentations and daily interaction with other individuals. Gender becomes...
Gender, sexuality and politics: masculinity - published: 29/09/2010
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
The art critic and author John Berger, known in particular for his introductory essay on art criticism Ways of Seeing , discusses a promise of power, which lies at the centre of a network of conventional masculine characteristics: authority, competitiveness, aggression,...
An evaluation of the contribution made by feminist and post-structuralist perspectives to the view of gender as socially constructed
Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences
A number of fundamental changes have occurred this century in relation to what it means to be male or female. They emphasize the notion that femininity and masculinity are not necessarily innate categorise which pre-exist in each person and focus more on the idea that they are historically and...
Compare and contrast gendered verbal communication and gendered nonverbal communication
Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Communication, in its most rudimentary form, has been described as a process whereby a message is sent by one individual and received by another. While this process as described here is quite straightforward overall, the reality is that this process occurs in both a dynamic and mitigated...
Exploring gender role construction and conflicts in Niebelungenlied, the 13th Century German warrior epic
Thesis - 10 pages - Medieval history
The position of women in the medieval German state in the 13th century is a complex one when viewed through an historical lens that looks at gender and sex (using feminist theory) to understand this past era. What are the factors that shaped gender dynamics, as trends from the end...
Gender socialization
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
From the moment a baby is born, he or she is forced into a world of gender socialization that is often rigid and limiting. Growing up in such a world has consequences for everyone, including how much money will be earned, how power will be divided in relationships, even how long and how...
The Gender Gap: A Brief Overview of the Theoretical Perspectives On Gender-Related Cognitive Differences
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In the fields of mathematics, engineering, and science a gender gap exists. Men still hold the vast majority of professional careers rooted in math and science in industrial countries. In the United States, for example, men account for more than three-quarters of all medical doctors,...
The Effect of Gender Roles on Relationships
Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
According to the Intimate Relationships, gender roles are patterns of behavior that are culturally expected of normal men and women. The most common and traditional gender roles imply that men are supposed to be masculine and women are supposed to...
Disgrace : Gender inequalities
Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Historically in most societies that exist or have existed in the world equality between the genders is a mere ideal. Even in the present world societies still have a strong element of patriarchy within them. In J.M Coetzee's novel Disgrace Coetzee depicts a South African...