Role of education in gender equality: stereotyping
Presentation - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages
Today, I would like to present you the emergence of the patriarchal social structure started approximately 12 000 years ago when ancient civilizations became agricultural societies. The structural aspect of societies led to an increase of power and professional skills among men that directly...
Literary Representations of Gender Issues
Course material - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Gender stereotypes and social expectations have persisted throughout history, and they may be seen in literature as both a reflection and a consequence of prevailing societal norms. This paper explores literary representations of gender problems, starting with naturalism and...
Gender Dynamics in Everyday Spaces: An Analysis of Drexel Campus and Popular Media
Case study - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Gender dynamics are a critical factor defining how we accord importance and interact within different spheres, like the Drexel campus and magazine and music media representations. This article discusses the presence of gendered space on the Drexel campus and reveals the ways the media...
Race Class, Gender, and Crime
Essay - 1 pages - Law's history and philosophy
Intersectionality refers to the theory developed by Kimberlé Crenshaw, which shows that identity is multi-dimensional and different systems of power and privilege impact individuals differently, thus affecting the way in which they experience the world. In the US, social structures, including the...
Fostering Gender Equality in College and Professional Sports
Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Professional and college sports have created a huge pay gap between male and female players. Despite their spectacular performance in their various fields, the women players are less recognized, and this makes them receive little or no financial compensation (Scarola 3). The underpayment or...
Role of Education in Gender Equality: Stereotyping - published: 04/11/2023
Presentation - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
This document is a guide summarizing the main concepts to be covered in a 15-minute presentation on the role of education in gender equality.
How do different media portray gender?
Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Gender bias has been a significant challenge in society for decades. It describes the unjust treatment or prejudice directed towards specific people or groups because of their gender (Llorens et al., 2021). Today's media greatly influences societal norms and perceptions...
Investigating if there is a correlation existing between the capacity and cost of a refrigerator, if the choice of the refrigerator is independent of gender or not and how a drink stays cold in the long run
Worksheets - 12 pages - Mathematics
Refrigerators are an accessory found in nearly every household, each household chooses the refrigerator they purchase based on their need (capacity) and budget (cost). Refrigerators in today's world are considered a necessity more than a luxury due to rising global warming, people need a...
David Copperfield - Charles Dickens (1850); The Rev. and Mrs. Palmer-Lovell with their two daughters - Augustus Leopold Egg (19th century); Billy Elliot - Stephen Daldry (2000) - To what extent does gender have an impact on education?
Text commentary - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences
This document tackles 3 documents : - Document 1 is an extract from the novel entitled David Copperfield written by Charles Dickens and published in 1850. It is a coming-of-age novel. - Document 2 is a painting by Augustus Leopold Egg realized in the 19th century. It pictures The Rev. and Mrs....
Gender, Ethnicity, and Culture
Essay - 4 pages - Culture, religion & civilization
'We are living in a modern world where a diverse American society is faced with both the benefits and challenges of diversity. Cultural diversity facilitates recognition of other cultures and frames connections between different cultures. At the same time, cultural diversity leads to...
Femicide and Human Rights: Understanding and Classifying Gender-Based Violence under E.U. Law
Thesis - 20 pages - Public liberties
In 2008, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, during the launch of a campaign intending to end violence targeting women, said that the only global truth is that "violence against women is never acceptable, never excusable, never tolerable". The statement was a revelation that society...
Gender inequality and work/life balance
Summary - 1 pages - Labor law
Individuals spend most of their time in the workplace; therefore an appropriate legal framework should be put in place to protect their rights but also quality of life, regardless of their sex. In this report, women's rights in the workplace will be tackled first, then the balance between...
Violence from a gender perspective and feminist perspectives in peacebuilding and conflict resolution
Case study - 8 pages - Sociology & social sciences
There are 2 cases and concepts discussed in this document : a. Define and discuss the concept of the continuum of violence and illustrate how it is relevant in understanding violence from a gender perspective. Use an example of your choice. b. Present and discuss at least three major...
Silicon Valley - Mike Judge, John Altschuler and Dave Krinsky (2014-2019) - Gender and society
Text commentary - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Gender has been an essential research issue in social sciences, with the studies conducted on the impacts of gender on various aspects of human expression and perception as well as the investigations of career and societal implications of gender and possible underlying biases...
Islamophobia, Gender and Migration
Presentation - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
This presentation is about Islamophobia, Gender & Migration. While Islamophobia can be thought of as the fear of those who are Muslims or assumed to be Muslims, this discrimination and fear have increased and often been justified since the events of 9/11. Migration, another aspect of my...
Marvels, Monsters and Miracles in Anglo-Saxon England - Genders and Feminine Monstrosity in Beowulf and Judith
Essay - 6 pages - Literature
Monstrosity has always been a recurrent topic in literature, especially during the Anglo-Saxon period, as people were fascinated by what was considered as abnormal, such as monsters, marvels and miracles. Definition of monstrosity is intricate and is profoundly associated with the viewer's...
Education and gender bias in accounting - Literature Review
Book review - 3 pages - Literature
In a workplace, managers, employees, and other workers are faced with different situations that require critical thinking and involving decision-making. Interactions and people's behaviors influence their perception towards each other. For example, gender issues arise from these...
Social construction based on the concept of sex and gender brings out the differences that are always seen between male and female
Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Social construction based on the concept of sex and gender brings out the differences that are always seen between male and female or rather men and women that are conventions in the society and creating the roles played by each gender. Also the differences that are between the...
Harmonization of gender based violence messages for use in IEC materials
Essay - 12 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Gender-based violence is a global pandemic and human rights violation that hinders both individual and societal development. Furthermore, the prevailing socioeconomic and political inequalities between the sexes ensure that women and girls are most susceptible to violence. Global surveys...
Gender Stereotypes- Gender status and its effect on work dominated by different sex
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
Over the years, various generalizations have been made about the roles that each gender plays in society. Such ideas have been introduced into children's lives from the point in time they are born, they also passed them down over the generations (Chodorow, 2004). Such generalizations...
Gender sexuality and nationalism in the Early 20th Century in China
Essay - 2 pages - Modern history
In the early twentieth century the world was changing with urbanization becoming one of the main changes that the world faced in this period. There were more people that were moving to the urban areas and this was accompanied by changes in the beliefs and also some of the customs of the people...
Gender journalism
Case study - 7 pages - Journalism
To Cremilda Medina, belief in Journalism is "[...] the fact commented and evaluated on a demonstrative argument" (MEDINA, 1988 p.70). The author proposes a mood board where points as categories of journalistic production information, expanded information and opinion expressed, considered more...
Banning convertion therapy for the transgender youth
Essay - 6 pages - Psychology
Convertion therapy, which can also be expressed as convertion therapy tries to convert lesbians, gay, bisexual as well as transgender persons from same gender sex to heterosexuality by means of prayer as well as other efforts. The basis of reparative therapy is that the gender...
Gender, sexuality and politics: masculinity - published: 29/09/2010
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
The art critic and author John Berger, known in particular for his introductory essay on art criticism Ways of Seeing , discusses a promise of power, which lies at the centre of a network of conventional masculine characteristics: authority, competitiveness, aggression,...
Gender Commercial Analysis- Examples of Gender bias and stereotypes in television adverts
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
The main purpose of advertisements is to make people change their behavior. In many cases, people are influenced by the model because they aspire to have the same trends. Therefore, the presentation of commercials tells an interesting story about gender roles in popular culture. Due to the...
Embracing Love to Overcome Gender Differences, The female search for love by Bell Hooks
Case study - 2 pages - Economy general
The conception that men and women are from different planets keeps recurring in most discussions that relate to the gender differences. Nevertheless, there comes a time when actuality sets in, and individuals realize that men and women share several aspects one of them being the need for...
Psychology and Gender
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
In this study, the researcher, a self-declared feminist therapist, looks at the confluence of psychology and the study of gender. She starts by explaining how study in that field is not very popular, everyone knows about psychology but psychology and gender? Everyone feels that that...
Gender, Management and Leadership
Case study - 6 pages - Human resources
Contemporary business environment requires offering magnetic leadership to assist the subordinates follow in the footsteps of their leader and choose the appropriate strategies to deliver the corporate objectives. While it is certain to illustrate appropriate leadership through the success...
Race, sectionalism, and gender in America
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
John C. Calhoun and George Fitzhugh had very little in common especially regarding where they came from; Calhoun was a leading statesman in the south and managed to reach the helm of the senate and vice presidency while Fitzhugh was a lawyer. They, however, shared the same views about slavery....
Maasai gender relations during the colonial period: A patriarchal transformation
Case study - 15 pages - Political science
The imposition of colonial power in Africa disrupted all aspects of indigenous society. Not only were Africans robbed of political independence, but pre-colonial social structures were also destroyed or transformed based on the mercy of certain colonial powers. The Maasai, a pastoral people in...