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Theme : Gdp gross domestic product

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15 Dec 2022

Foundations of Economics and Sociology Foundations of Economics

Course material - 25 pages - Economy general

It is within the multiple and different enterprises, which together define to a large extent a national economy, that the observation of economic and social facts is the most extensive and undoubtedly the most visible. The company is a reality that weaves its way through our daily lives because...

14 Jan 2014

Marketing Plan of New Innovative Product: Morgan Life car

Case study - 10 pages - Services marketing

Morgan Life car two is a product from Morgan life Car Company which is located in Malvern, Worcestershire. The company was started by Harry Frederick Stanley Morgan in 1910, and it was operated by its founder until his death in the late fifties (the company has since been then been run by...

01 Mar 2022

How does the phenomenon of unemployment impact Brazil both economically and in its development?

Essay - 5 pages - Micro-economy, job-unemployment

With an area of 8,514,876 km², Brazil is one of the five largest countries in the world. It is located in Latin America and borders seven countries, some of which are Argentina, Bolivia and Uruguay. Brazil is also the eighth-largest country in the world with a GDP of 2054 billion...

16 Jan 2009

Microeconomics, main concepts for an economy study: capital formation, production, consumption, employment, credit multiplier, money demand, money supply, prime rate, Keynesian transmission mechanism, exports, imports and government expenditures

Essay - 7 pages - Economy general

Financial investment and interest rates have a positive relationship. Financial investment represents investment in bonds or shares or money saving in the bank. If the interest rate increases, the return of investment will be better. You will get more return on shares (or bonds) and earn more...

23 May 2024

Interpreting macroeconomic signals

Course material - 46 pages - Economy general

As an economist, what you need to forecast is not so much the end value of the economic indicators. Indeed, markets already have some believes and price in those expectations. What is important to forecast is what the markets are going to change their expectations and when this will occur. To be...

06 Oct 2023

Measurement of Development

Course material - 11 pages - Economy general

There are at least four good reasons to measure development: - For policy making organizations (international organizations, governments, NGOs), we need to verify how the actions are making any progress. The point is to know is something if effective to change things. That requires tracking...

25 Apr 2022

World Trade Business Game - Austria, Malaysia, Bolivia - Gas, Timber

Tutorials/exercises - 16 pages - Business strategy

This document is a comprehensive analysis of 3 country potentials in terms of international trade globally, and specifically in the timber and gas markets.

21 Apr 2009

Comparison between traditional products and ULIPS in ICICI

Case study - 90 pages - Finance

With the largest number of life insurance policies in force in the world, insurance happens to be a mega opportunity in India. It's a business growing at the rate of 15-20 per cent annually and presently is of the order of Rs 450 billion. Together with banking services, it adds about 7percent to...

29 Sep 2010

Business Cycles Analysis; The outlook for real GDP growth

Essay - 35 pages - Economy general

Nowadays, the real GDP growth seems to be the prevailing worry for every economy. We are going to analyze real GDP growth and employment in France in 2006-2007, in the context of the international economy. Our overall objective is to understand and to interpret growth forecasts for...

31 Dec 2023

How does the Netherlands establish itself as a leader in the world agricultural market and food industry?

Case study - 7 pages - Business strategy

Agriculture is one of the most strategic sectors in the world today. In addition, the current circumstances linked to global warming require us to question ourselves more and more about new ways of farming to adapt to such a situation that none of us have known before. In addition to agriculture,...

31 Dec 2010

The productive forces of United States of America

Thesis - 32 pages - Economy general

The GNP of United States is the highest in the world, at $10,946 billion in 2004, substantially higher than the EU-25 ($9449 billion, including $1523 billion for France) and two and a half times higher that of Japan ($4390 billion). The GNP per capita remains the fourth highest in the world, with...

06 Oct 2023

Development as Growth: Macro Theories of Economic Growth

Course material - 10 pages - Economy general

Why do some countries have much higher levels of income per capita than others? Why do some countries grow (in terms of their output or income per capita) faster than others? From a public policy perspective: what are optimal policies to promote growth? Growth depends on two processes: the...

06 Oct 2023

The Spirit of Development: Dreams and Projects

Course material - 7 pages - Economy general

A framework frames the vision of an environment, and in the case of development, the framework also has implications on what to do about what we are seeing. The word development has multiple meanings and understandings and there are different theories about how we bring development about. We need...

16 Apr 2009

Sales and distribution of the products of Hyundai and Tata Motors

Dissertation - 28 pages - Services marketing

The automotive industry is an extremely reliable indicator of economic growth; quite obviously, its growth boosts the economy's performance. The automobile industry grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22 per cent between 1992 and 1997, industry that was licensed, controlled and...

24 Jun 2022

Country Risk: Fiscal Policy and Public Debt

Course material - 6 pages - Economic politics

Governments refer to (elected) people who form the administrative body of a country. They are important because they take into account externalities and finance public goods (which the private sector would not want/manage to finance). Their objectives are : education, national defense, low crime,...

31 Dec 2024

Policy brief: The future of the dollar

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - International economy

Economic sanctions have frozen a large part of Russia's $630 billion in foreign reserves. Cutting Russia out of the global financial system raises questions about the future of the dollar as the reserve currency. Russia will likely strengthen its relations with China and could increasingly...

31 Oct 2023

The State of the Questions Regarding Human Rights and Development in Chile, a Developing Country

Case study - 8 pages - International economy

As part of our research, we undertook an in-depth study of a specific subject that captivated us and aroused our keen interest. This research turned out to be an exciting exploration, as it enabled us to deepen our knowledge and develop expertise in a Chilean particular field. Chile represents...

19 Jan 2009

Business plan for exporting RedGreen Danish chic sportswear products to Japan

Business plan - 13 pages - Business strategy

Where do we see fashion in 2007? Are people becoming more fashionable? We believe that fashion enables people to become a part of a culture and differentiate themselves regardless of the color of their skin and background...or identify themselves with a particular group. In the world of...

31 Dec 2024

Moldova economics and foreign policy

Case study - 5 pages - Economic politics

Moldova's economy remains vulnerable because the Moldovan administration is weak and corruption is an endemic problem. (...)

02 Feb 2025

Business ethics - Canada's oil sands: "the most destructive project on Earth" or "ethical oil"?

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - International economy

This document contains a business ethics case study that provides answers to the following questions : 1. Which actors have a stake in deciding whether the oil sands are an ethical source of oil, and why do you think they differ so much in their assessments? 2. How would you go about conducting a...

01 Jan 2024

Understanding Financial Concepts: From Government Bonds to Economic Booms and Busts

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Economy general

A government bond is a debt security issued by a government in order to support government spending and obligation. These can be paid periodically, and they are sold to investors to support government spending.

28 May 2009

An empirical study of the Scottish attitude towards mobile phone product and services

Tutorials/exercises - 44 pages - Business strategy

Vodafone Essar is a cellular operator in India that covers16 telecom circles in India .the name of the company ,the marketing brand used is simply Vodafone .its offers both prepaid postpaid GSM cellular phone coverage through out India and is especially strong in the metros. Vodafone Essar...

15 Jan 2009

Business plan on exporting redgreen (Danish chic sportswear products) to Brazil

Business plan - 7 pages - Business strategy

Brazil has become one of the most promising emerging countries besides China and India and counts a very large population, whereby extreme poverty and extreme wealth coexist. In this context Redgreen, a Danish company specializing in high end and high quality sportswear outfits considers...

27 Jul 2006

Knowledge, growth without scale effects, and the product life cycle

Dissertation - 260 pages - Economy general

For several reasons, knowledge cannot be treated like any other commodity. One of these reasons is the nonrivalrous nature of knowledge, which means that one person's use of certain knowledge does not diminish another person's use of the same knowledge (at the same time). This important property...

29 Sep 2010

Why does the Canadian productivity lag behind that of the US?

Essay - 8 pages - Management

"Productivity is our economic destiny," says Andrew Sharpe, Director of the Centre for the Study of Living Standards in Canada. Productivity is indeed important because it is related to the level of living standards (defined as GDP per capita) and the economic well-being of a specific...

02 Mar 2023

Central Bankers and Interest Rates

Course material - 9 pages - Finance

Inflation was a major problem in the 1970s. The 1971 collapse of the Bretton-Woods agreement gave governments latitude to alter their currency exchange rates. The previously locked exchange rates had the effect of taming inflation. There were also "oil shocks" in 1973 and 1979, which caused oil...

22 May 2024

Macroeconomics Theory

Course material - 57 pages - Theories and economic notions

A confusion is often made between the level of GDP and the growth of GDP. The growth of GDP is the slope of the blue line while the level of GDP is the relative position of the GDP curve to the trend curve. It's entirely possible for a country to experience...

10 Dec 2023

Economic Growth in Nigeria and Its Impact on Human Development

Dissertation - 51 pages - Economy general

Despite its significant economic growth and status as a major economic power in Africa, Nigeria faces numerous challenges. Over-reliance on the oil and gas sector, corruption, and poor resource management have prevented the country from fully realizing its economic potential. In terms of the...

28 Mar 2022

Country Report - Indonesia

Case study - 20 pages - International economy

With a population of 273 million and a gross domestic product (GDP) 1 of approximately 1 050 billion, Indonesia is the fifteenth largest economy. Indonesia is currently relying on economic openness and free trade to catch up economically. It is aware that it has fallen...

15 Apr 2009

Analysis of the Indian banking sector

Dissertation - 38 pages - Finance

This project focuses on the recent scenario of the Indian banking sector. To analyze the industry's growth and position, we have divided it into three sections. In the first section we have studied the Indian economy; second section is on banking industry in India; and the third section is the...