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Theme : French economy

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19 Nov 2013

UK and French legal system : structural and conception differences

Case study - 6 pages - Civil law

The governing laws and its legal system in France and the United Kingdom have major differences, as each of the legal systems have and are based on various views. France is governed by the Constitution of 1958. All the French laws are based on this text. In the United Kingdom, the laws are...

15 May 2009

The evolution of Chinese and French women since the nineteenth century: Differences and similarities

Thesis - 17 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In the two last Centuries, French women and Chinese ones have realized, little by little, their emancipation. What are the matrixes which have participated to the positive evolution of the condition of the Chinese and French women? Under which form has it taken place, and at which...

17 May 2009

Communatarism" in Great Britain and the "French Republican model" of integration: With which method should the public policies be controlled while dealing with a multicultural society

Thesis - 4 pages - Political science

The issues of national identity, citizenship and multiculturalism are definitely in the middle of nowadays debates. In his work, John Rex develops the approach that the development of multiculturalism policies might diminish tensions between dominant and minority groups within a contemporary...

29 Sep 2010

A Dutch-French comparative corporate cultures survey through the study of the financing structures of two key-sectors multinational companies: KPN v. France Telecom; Royal Dutch Shell v. Total

Dissertation - 36 pages - Finance

The main cultural assumption in this research paper is about, the French corporate culture once being Latin-like and the Dutch one having been German-like, both the corporate culture of France and the Netherlands firms are converging towards the Anglo-Saxon model. In order to confirm or...

29 Sep 2010

When Skype Enters the French Market...

Market study - 12 pages - Services marketing

Over the years, technology has made an amazing progresses. The computer equipment rate gets higher everyday and Internet has become an essential tool. With the globalization phenomenon, professionals have invaded the web, in order to enlarge the offer and to respond to a growing demand. With the...

12 Jan 2009

"The major parties of the Federal Republic of Germany provide better models of the 'catch-all party' (Kirchheimer) than do those of the French Fifth Republic and post-war Italy." Discuss

Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

The Post war period was characterized by move towards spreading secular and mass consumer-goods societies. This note is valid in the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Fifth Republic, and post-war Italy. This major turn in societies had to be understood by political parties and...

10 Jul 2013

How valid were Third World criticisms of international economy between 1945 and 1991?

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

With the end of the Second World War in 1945 came the reconstruction and development of the global economy via such pillars of multilateralism as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). At this point I must specify...

28 Feb 2007

Describe and explain the varying significance of the Far Right in the French Fifth Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

April 21st, 2002, the first round of the French Presidential election, was a clap of thunder in the political landscape. Jean-Marie Le Pen, candidate of “National Front”, the Far Right leading party, won a staggering 16.86 % of the votes, eliminating from the run-off the outgoing...

09 May 2009

Enterprises direct from other countries and the Indian economy

Thesis - 25 pages - Business strategy

The notion of control implies the ability to direct an enterprise and determine its strategy. This ability can be exercised by an investor with a majority shareholding (more than 50%). The aggregate “nationally-controlled enterprises” includes enterprises controlled by the reporting...

14 Oct 2010

China in the global economy: A fast growing export country

Thesis - 4 pages - Economy general

The economy of China is particularly interesting to look at, because China was still over two decades ago a very poor country, whose planned economy didn't allow any improvement for its citizens' standards of living. But after a series of reforms oriented towards the market and...

03 Mar 2011

The emerging triad in the new global economy

Essay - 7 pages - Economy general

Since 1980, the third technological revolution has been booming; a revolution based mainly on new information technologies and brand firmly established as a "new economy". With the help of these technologies, particularly the Internet, the information economy itself is now seen in...

19 Feb 2007

Globalization in Russia: The challenge of the transition to the world economy

Essay - 12 pages - Economy general

Fifteen years ago, the Soviet Union was a socialist authoritative country, tightly isolated from capitalist countries. Nowadays, its direct heir, Russia, is one of the most quickly growing markets of the world, strongly open on the global economy. During the 1990s, Russia underwent an...

15 Jan 2009

Multinationals, Asian success and the global economy

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

For more than thirty years, Asian countries have known an amazing period of growth, and have now a real and consequent influence on the economic world. However, these countries, like all other developing countries have to face the problem of funding resources in order to develop their economic...

03 Sep 2013

International marketing plan for a French car manufacturer - published: 03/09/2013

Case study - 28 pages - Business strategy

First, I think that the most important motive is the opportunity offered by the American market. Indeed, even if I can't find any numbers of that, I'm sure that there are more cars per capita in the US than in France. This specificity of the North-American car market offer a great...

29 Sep 2010

The results of the "lisbon agenda" - the attempt to make europe the world's most successful knowledge-based economy - are generally thought to have been disappointing. what steps should be taken by the european union, and by national governments - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

In March 2000, the Lisbon Strategy was launched to overcome a series of weaknesses in the European economy: long-term structural unemployment, a poor employment rate, and under-development of the service sector. In an often-quoted sentence, it has therefore assigned the EU "a new strategic...

14 Dec 2010

Feasibility study of the Primark company in the French market

Case study - 10 pages - Business strategy

Primark, subsidiary of Associated British Foods, is a well known retailing Brand in clothing founded by Arthur Ryan, actual chairman.First headquarters were located in Ireland, where the brand was born as Penneys. The first store opened in 1969 in Dublin. 1973 opened the first store in UK....

29 Jan 2014

The French ADEO group: Case study

Case study - 100 pages - Business strategy

Just a few volumes have been dedicated to private labels and all of them focused on the marketing side only. A brief part of this work also aims at describing the way private labels are marketed in DIY retail stores. Here, the description of the marketing side is a simple link to get to the real...

20 Apr 2007

The results of the "Lisbon agenda" - the attempt to make Europe the world's most successful knowledge-based economy - are generally thought to have been disappointing. What steps should be taken by the European Union, and by national governments

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

In March 2000, the Lisbon Strategy was launched to overcome a series of weaknesses in the European economy: long-term structural unemployment, a poor employment rate, and under-development of the service sector. In an often-quoted sentence, it has therefore assigned the EU “a new...

10 Jan 2011

Electronic Commerce and the Purchase Behavior of a French Consumer

Dissertation - 99 pages - Economy general

The purchase behavior of an individual can be broken down into several stages, which are determined by the purchasing individual, the product and the purchase situation. When the consumption pattern is weak, the perceived risk will be high. e-commerce also falls under the same framework. The...

30 Jul 2021

Sustainable Tourism in Croatia - How Does Croatia Operate its Shift Towards a More Sustainable Economy Through Tourism?

Thesis - 24 pages - Tourism marketing

In 1800, there were 900 million human beings on earth. In 2020, the Earth is home to 7.8 billion people. This strong population growth is accompanied by an increase in demand for goods and services and production methods that cause environmental and social disorders. In the 1970s, many experts...

12 May 2009

Does culture need to be protected from the effects of globalization? An essay with the French example

Thesis - 25 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Today the word « Globalization » is on everybody's lips. From the company who goes abroad because of cheaper costs to the “junky food” that we like to eat, Globalization seems to be the perfect scapegoat for every international phenomenon. Globalization seems to be THE trendy word that...

29 Sep 2010

Marketing plan for the French fashion house 'Caroll' who are aiming to enter the growing 'middle market' in China

Market study - 16 pages - Services marketing

To build a marketing plan, this is necessary to understand the business we are talking about. In this document, we will present recommendations to the Caroll brand, which will help expand its clothing business in China to target the middle market. Thanks to the different tools and matrices we...

17 Dec 2022

Exercise: Senior Operations Manager, Rider Operations

Case study - 10 pages - Business strategy

The COVID-19 outbreak led to a decline in the organisation's earnings. Some companies have subsequently considered divesting their non-core products. Divesting non-core products can be risky, complex, and may affect an organisation's future competitiveness. The French...

25 Feb 2011

Philip Morris International's global strategy: Comparative cases of French and Chinese market

Thesis - 22 pages - Business strategy

In 1954, the US Tobacco company Philip Morris started to develop its sales activities overseas by choosing an accessible market not so far from USA by creating an affiliate society in Australia. In 1955, PM Overseas was born and was established as an international division. Today, Philip Morris...

27 Jul 2023

Early Modern History

Worksheets - 21 pages - Modern history

Contrary to the contemporary definition, the cities of the early modern era were not defined only according to a threshold of number of inhabitants, continuity of buildings, or command functions. During the Old Regime, a city was certainly a densely populated space, but it was also surrounded by...

30 Jul 2022

Towards a European Confederation? From de Gaulle's Return to Power to the Milan European Summit (1958-1985)

Course material - 6 pages - Modern history

After the failure of the federal concept and the more prudent approach of the Rome Treaties, for about 30 years, the European Economic Community (EEC) seemed to develop more along the concept of a European Confederation, not a Federation, as envisioned by the Founding Fathers, Robert Schuman or...

07 Jul 2022

Creating a business in France : laws, processes and forms

Dissertation - 3 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

Every year, many businesses are created in France. In 2020, despite the health crisis, more than 800,000 businesses were created. That is an increase of 4% compared to 2019. However, creating a company is not as simple as that. Indeed, there are many regulations to respect. We will see in this...

10 Dec 2023

Greater Lebanon

Course material - 6 pages - Modern history

Greater Lebanon was a political entity that was established in 1920 and included parts of modern-day Lebanon, Syria, and Israel. It was created by the League of Nations as a mandatory territory for the French Empire following the fall of the Ottoman Empire after World War I. The area was...

15 Jan 2009

Is there a French Affirmative Action Policy?

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

Affirmative action was born in the United States. It was originally designed to favour Black people, whose ancestors where slaves. Then, such programs extended to other underprivileged categories of the population: the disabled, the women, the Latinos. The first to use the phrase...

15 Jan 2009

The role of e-commerce within the global economy

Essay - 3 pages - Economy general

Nowadays, the business world is driven by two economic trends: globalization and the adoption of information technologies. Those changes are entirely linked. “Technology is both driven by and a driver of globalization, as both forces continually reinforce one another” (Bradley et al.,...