Introduction to economic principles and terminology
Course material - 20 pages - Theories and economic notions
Economics is currently in a phase of uncertainty: economics is not an exact science. There is a rising trade war between the US and mainly but not only China. The US also has trade disagreements with the EU and its partners in NAFTA (North American Free Trade...
The United States in the Economy
Course material - 25 pages - International economy
Globalization is a contest content, it can have a negative view; responsible of outsourcing, massive unemployment (Europe), positive view; eliminate discrimination, global general culture, universalism. A complex reality, positive & negative sides. Is a process of interaction and integration...
Global trade relations: Opportunities and challenges for direct investment in Brazil
Tutorials/exercises - 9 pages - Business strategy
Brazil is the largest and most populous country in Latin America, and the fifth largest in the world in both area and population. The country possesses a developed agriculture as well as mining and manufacturing resources, Brazil also has a large service sector forces like the banking sector,...
The United States and the World: A New World Order?
Course material - 7 pages - Political science
We remember George Bush's optimism in 1990: he had announced "A New World Order", resting on the promotion of liberal democracy and free enterprise everywhere, resting on the UN (at last again effective due to the end of the Cold War) and on American benevolent hegemony. One could have...
Phrases (Peace - Defense - Disarmament) and... bases - Viktor Govorkov (1952) - Relations between the United States and the USSR in the early 1950s
Artwork commentary - 2 pages - Modern history
On March 12, 1947, the President of the United States, Harry S. Truman, announced his concern about the "Communist threat" before Congress. He thus establishes the American doctrine: "I believe that the United States should support free peoples who resist attempts at enslavement [...]. I...
History of the British economy
Course material - 2 pages - Modern history
After WW2, to give Britain the chance to rebuild itself economically and socially, the Labour government established the Post-War consensus based on the principles of the Beveridge Report from 1945 up to 1979, the two main political parties Labour and Conservative agreed to follow the...
Understanding Brexit
Course material - 9 pages - European union
Since 1998, there has been no physical border between Ireland and Northern Ireland = this has been a condition for peace between the two. When Brexit happens, this border will reappear, but people from both sides of the border are against it. The EU proposed a "backstop" = if the UK leaves...
Was there a Thatcher revolution (1979-1990) ?
Course material - 3 pages - Modern history
Britain's situation in 1979 : had been ruled by consensual politics effectively since 1945, with cross-party agreement on the welfare state. It was relatively prosperous in 1950-1960s, yet the 1970s saw Britain face economic and social difficulties, the "Winter of discontent." Thatcher was...
Financial globalization
Course material - 3 pages - Finance
The term financial globalization refers to a free movement of finance across national boundaries without facing any restrictions. Financial globalization requires the introduction of a worldwide single currency managed and regulated by a single international monetary authority. The first...
Supply Chain Management: The Main Groups in the Transport/Logistics Sector
Case study - 9 pages - Logistics
In all liberal economies based on the free movement of goods, people and capital, the transport and logistics sector is essential. The logistics sector is also one of the most dynamic in France, representing 10% of French GDP and generating nearly 2 million jobs. For several years, the...
The United States and the World: The Sources and Tools of American Foreign Policy
Course material - 8 pages - Modern history
There is undoubtedly an American exceptionalism: the US considers itself since the 18th century to be different from Europe. It has seen itself from the beginning as a universal model: the American way of life (linking most strongly liberal democracy and free enterprise, two...
Term Paper: GPS Phone Case
Business plan - 28 pages - Business strategy
Nowadays, mobile phones are indispensable for communication, work, and trade, even on the other side of the world. There are more than 5 billion mobile users worldwide, representing 67% of the population. We are with our phone every day, whether it is in our bag or our pocket. We are...
Mars Inc. and Nestlé Purina in the Pet Care Sector
Case study - 13 pages - Business strategy
For a few decades, the international trade has been in constant expansion, with the exchange of goods rising by more than 8 per cent per year. Thanks to globalization, companies operate more and more outside their home nation and start to reinforce their international strategies in order...
Foundations of Economics and Sociology Foundations of Economics
Course material - 25 pages - Economy general
It is within the multiple and different enterprises, which together define to a large extent a national economy, that the observation of economic and social facts is the most extensive and undoubtedly the most visible. The company is a reality that weaves its way through our daily lives because...
Support Network for French SME's : a help to international expansion
Dissertation - 35 pages - Business strategy
Currently "No one can ignore his neighbor". The current means of communication have finally erased borders. The "far away" countries no longer exist. Economic globalization is now a fact and companies, whatever their size, cannot refuse the fight, otherwise they will disappear. Large French...
Brexit's Impact
Summary - 1 pages - International relations
The skepticism of the European Union became increasingly widespread in the United Kingdom following the financial crisis of 2008. Since then, the euro zone economy has increased and the perception of the European Union has deteriorated due to an increase in regional immigration and a large influx...
How is the nomination of Jerome Powell at the head of the US Federal reserve going to affect the global economy, especially on the issues of monetary policy and financial regulation?
Essay - 2 pages - Economy general
Federal Reserve Chairperson Janet Yellen is stepping down from her position in early February 2018. It is widely that her successor is going to be President Trump's selected nominee, Jerome Powell. In contrast with the last three Fed chairpersons, Powell is not an academic, though he has an...
Anatomy of the Russian disinformation campaign: understanding the complexity of a covert network as part of state policy and a military tool against Europe
Tutorials/exercises - 73 pages - Journalism
About two decades ago, it was impossible to imagine that foreign disinformation could actually affect the policy decision making or disturb social cohesion and solidarity in European countries. Back then, media outlets such as television, radio stations and newspapers enjoyed munificent funding...
Management and cultural aspects
Course material - 25 pages - Management
Human beings have needs in order to survive and the purpose of economic activity is to satisfy these needs by providing people with what they need. Such needs will vary from person to person because each person seeks different things at different times. Those who are poor would like to satisfy...
Management in the public sector
Course material - 10 pages - Management
In the public sector, business organizations do not exist to make profit but to provide services for the whole nation. The public sector is made up of organizations which are controlled by the government, the state or the local authorities. They can be divided into 3 categories: - Public...
Advertising, Sales Promotion and Retailing
Course material - 6 pages - Communication
Sales promotion is an essential feature of modern business. It consists of all the activities used by firms to maintain and increase their sales. If companies want to be successful, then they must make potential customers aware of what they sell. Also, they must provide reasons for customers to...
The United States and the World - Russia and China
Course material - 7 pages - Modern history
At the beginning of his first term, President Bush neglected Russia and considered China as the next major geopolitical adversary. At the same time, American analysts were quite confident that Washington would be able to manage the "Geostrategic Triad" between Washington, Moscow and Beijing to...
How did Anthony Lake's ideas shape US strategy in the context of the immediate post-cold war period?
Presentation - 5 pages - Political science
This document is about Anthony's Lake contribution in US strategy post-cold war.
The Implications of the Internet for Collaboration with Customers on Product Decisions
Essay - 7 pages - Marketing theories
Web 2.0 is opposed to web 1.0 (appeared in 1990) which was defined as a 'static web' where the user was passive and simply consume the information that came to him without intervening. The origin of the term Web 2.0 was introduced by Dale Dougherty of the company O'Reilly in 2004 and...
Brexit - latest agreements, consequences, related laws
Essay - 3 pages - European union
At the end of World War II, six states met to form the European Economic Community (EEC). Over the years, the EEC has become the European Union (EU) which included some other areas than the EEC did not address. In fact, the EU expanded its intervention and its application in other fields such as...
Principles of Finance
Worksheets - 3 pages - Finance
This document proposes a list of formulas to know for a finance exam.
Efforts to Decolonize: The Royal Museum for Central Africa
Essay - 6 pages - Art history
Decolonizing museums and colonialism have been major subjects of conversation, and the Royal Museum for Central Africa, commonly known as AfricaMuseum in Tervuren, Belgium, has been at the centre of both. The museum was created in 1898 with the intention of presenting the history, culture, and...
PESTEL Analysis - Vodacom
Case study - 5 pages - ICT marketing
The company is based in South Africa and was created since 1993. It can be considered as an extension of Vodafone in South Africa, DRC, Lesotho, and Mozambique. In fact, the Vodafone group has almost 64.5% of Vodacom. The latest operates in the telecommunication service industry. When it comes...
Are regionalism and globalisation compatible or contradictory trends?
Essay - 5 pages - Economy general
Nowadays, it is paradoxical to see the development, in a global world, of several types of regions. This process began after the Second World War, with the development of the international trade flows between economies. The creation in 1957 of the European Economic Community, by the Treaty...
Business appropriateness in the Mexican food market
Thesis - 48 pages - Economy general
The 12 presidential elections that took place in Latin America have attracted considerable media attention this year. Indeed, in addition to informational interest, a considerable change is looming on the American continent and a new socialist trend creates a major part of Latin America. Outside...