Competitive Advantage of Wine Industry in France
Thesis - 10 pages - Economy general
According to Michael Porter, any economic analysis should consider non-quantifiable data. He criticizes the lack of comprehensiveness from the the majority of today's economists regarding the evaluation of competitiveness of industries (Porter, 1990). The Diamond Model of Michael Porter for...
Competitive Advantage of France in Haute Couture
Market study - 10 pages - Business strategy
What does "Haute Couture" mean? "Haute couture" is a French term, which means high fashion. This expression refers to the elegance and taste of clothing (P. Paccaud, 2004). France - and particularly Paris - can be considered the birthplace of fashion. It is the largest fashion center of...
Structural analysis of Air France
Case study - 5 pages - Services marketing
Founded on July 3, 2005, Air France-KLM was formed as a result of a merger between Air France (founded in 1933) and KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines founded in 1919). It has a capital of 2,289,759,903 euros, divided into 269,383,518 shares at 8.5 euros each. The Air France-KLM...
The sector of colas in France
Market study - 2 pages - Services marketing
We represent a Canadian firm specializing in marketing Cola beverages solely in Canada. We wish to extend our sales and therefore launch our products on the French market. For this, we will analyze the characteristics (threats and opportunities) of the French market using the hexagon sector....
Analysis of the Scooter market in France
Market study - 8 pages - Services marketing
The market for scooters was originally launched by Italian Vespa in 1946 and has been present in France for many years. It is a fashion accessory, a practical means of transportation and a fun mode of transport. Today, the sales from this sector have increased by over 30%, and it operates...
Sales Promotion of Red Bull in France and China
Case study - 14 pages - Services marketing
It seems interesting to analyse Red Bull, as the company uses unique methods of marketing. The brand relies on buzz marketing and word of mouth. The company, which is already established in 144 countries worldwide, launched its famous beverage in France. Most of Red Bull consumers are...
How were the 2006 labor protests seen in France and abroad?
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
On 9 December 1905, a law was passed in France separating the church and the state. However, today in the United States of America, the President takes an oath on the Bible to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. To the French, it may...
Comparison of HRM models in two different countries: France and China
Essay - 6 pages - Human resources
Raymond Miles introduced the term ?human resources' in 1965 after the evidence that human beings and human relations were changing in a professional environment. Human resources are considered as an ?umbrella' gathering several different approaches rather than a single theory. All these...
Internship report at a pharmacy in France
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
A pharmacist is a healthcare professional with a mission of public service. The following paragraphs will give you a view into the life of a pharmacist. These details are compiled from an induction course conducted at the Central Pharmacy Boonefaes-Cadiou, located at Courrières. The goal of this...
Air France: The group and its strategy
Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy
I do not want to discourage you from investing in the airlines one day - quite the contrary - but it is true that when prosperous margins remain low, the average net result of our industry generally does not rise more than that of a 2% turnover. Jean Cyril Spinetta, lecturer at the...
Establishment of the Swedish organizational model in France
Thesis - 9 pages - Business strategy
IKEA, a growing multinational firm (present in 44 countries), is characterized in its presence abroad by a desire to maintain some organizational model to enhance one's home environment. With globalization and increasing competition, companies must renew their organization to become truly "human...
France in World War II
Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history
France's lack of preparation for World War II led to 4 years of harsh occupation and memories that rather be forgotten. The French were ignorant in the years leading up to the war and the result was a quick victory by the Germans. The speed and ease in which the French were conquered and...
Outline of "de Gaulle's "vision of France's international role and discuss the ways in which his foreign policy sought to realise this vision.
Thesis - 7 pages - Political science
General de Gaulle is one of the most distinguished political figures of the twentieth century. Often known as l'homme du 18 Juin, Charles de Gaulle was a hero of the French Resistance during the Nazi invasion of France, and later became the President of l'Hexagone'. This...
Arbitration in France, the Czech Republic and at the international level (2006)
Thesis - 11 pages - International law
Aristotle wrote, "For an arbitrator goes by the equity of a case, a judge by the law, and arbitration was invented with the express purpose of securing full power for equity." Arbitration is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution, specifically, a legal alternative to litigation whereby the...
Family Law: Comparison France Vs. China
Essay - 20 pages - Other law subjects
During the last century, the Chinese government decided to abolish the old family system and establish a new family idea: the socialist family system (the Marriage Code of 1950). This marked a turning point in Chinese common law and the beginning of a new family way of thinking. With this new...
Strategic management of EDF - Electricité de France (in 2010)
Case study - 35 pages - Management
From production to distribution, Electricite de France (EDF) is one of the world's largest producers of electricity. Its story has naturally propelled the company as a leader on the French market through a monopoly related to nationalization. Indeed, the law of April 8, 1946 regarding the...
Air France-KLM Marketing Study: Becoming More Competitive in Front of The TGV
Case study - 11 pages - Services marketing
Today, AIRFRANCE-KLM is the largest airline company in the world in terms of total operating revenues and passenger-kilometers. The company's CEO is, since January 1st 2009, Pierre-Henri Gourgeon. With a turnover coming close to 24 billion Euros as on 31st March 2009 and having taken over 74...
The social aspects of corporate restructuring in France
Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy
The company has a special reference in social law. It is the framework within which the employment relationship operates. The activities of the staff, management and capital components constitute business. The purpose of this article is to study the effect of the changes of these components on...
Marketing and the promotion of Bordeaux Wines in France and abroad
Thesis - 60 pages - Services marketing
In the past few years, there has been a new phenomenon known as the "French Wine Crisis". This industry of French wine previously known as unique and untouchable is nowadays confronted by an international competition that was able to adapt its products and features to a new kind of consumer and...
Hypermarket's struggle against the development of hard discount in France
Essay - 9 pages - Services marketing
This dissertation is directed towards the retail world of France. The study is undertaken for the final term of this academic year's research project. To make the topic of study as dynamic and interesting as possible, I have presented a suitable title for the dissertation. Hence, at the...
Being black in France and in the United States : a comparison
Essay - 18 pages - Social, moral & civic education
"Penser et agir par nous-mêmes et pour nous-mêmes, en Nègres..., accéder à la modernité sans piétiner notre authenticité". That is how the famous thinker of the "Négritude", Leopold Sendar Senghor, described the challenge that fell on black people in the whole world at the dawn of the 21st...
Men's luxury ready to wear clothes in France
Market study - 6 pages - Services marketing
The Haute Couture and the luxury ready to wear clothes account for a worldwide turnover of 20 billion. This activity is characterized by a multiplicity of actors and strategies. The weight of the fashion industry in the French economy represents a sales turnover of 10 billion (17%...
The launch of Toyota green car in France: The Prius
Case study - 22 pages - Services marketing
The automobile market is facing a serious crisis, and Toyota must keep its share of the market and develop new products to reach new customers. The Toyota Prius is a fully hybrid electric car developed and manufactured by the Toyota Motor Corporation. It was sold first in Japan in 1997 and is...
Strategic analysis of Microsoft France
Thesis - 7 pages - Business strategy
Today, the market share for Windows is 93% of the number of positions in the world, against 4% for Mac OS or Linux 1%. The Microsoft group, which sells the Windows operating system is the group known in the global market for computer software. Thus we will examine the strategy of this global...
An analysis of how France could be branded to sustainability attract Chinese tourists
Case study - 37 pages - Services marketing
To underline the importance of the brand image for branding a destination, this report follows an analysis of France's images and stereotypes as a destination. Where it has been defined that France benefits from a largely positive and attractive image, it has been seen that some...
Sustainable development in the electricity sector - the examples of France and Great Britain
Market study - 24 pages - Ecology & environment
It has been put in evidence that 85 percent of the energy consumed by humans comes from fossil fuels. This statement pointed out one of the most important problems currently faced by humans. The generation of energy depends on the use of fossil fuels. The problem which appears is that these fuels...
Air France : Marketing and communication report (2006)
Case study - 37 pages - Services marketing
As part of the Marketing Communication project, a team comprising Antoine Cadoret, Nicholas Dawson, Charlotte Fouquet and Stephanie Mazel decided to conduct a study of the communication mix of a European leading airline company: Air France. The purpose of this project is to explore and...
A Dutch-French comparative corporate cultures survey through the study of the financing structures of two key-sectors multinational companies: KPN v. France Telecom; Royal Dutch Shell v. Total
Dissertation - 36 pages - Finance
The main cultural assumption in this research paper is about, the French corporate culture once being Latin-like and the Dutch one having been German-like, both the corporate culture of France and the Netherlands firms are converging towards the Anglo-Saxon model. In order to confirm or...
How far did the fair value principle contribute to accelerate the credit crisis in France?
Dissertation - 46 pages - Finance
The IFRS or the International Financial Reporting Standards are one element of the globalization of the world economy. The stated objectives of the IASB or the International Accounting Standards Board are: (a) "to formulate and publish in the public interest, accounting standards to be observed...
The Euro: Costs & Benefits for France
Essay - 3 pages - Economy general
On the 1st of January 1999, the euro went into circulation as a common currency for eleven of the fifteen European Union countries, with Greece joining in 2001. France joined in 1999. The ratification of the Maastricht treaty in November of 1993 provoked the creation of the European...