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Theme : Forms of power

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02 Jun 2009

The power over and of the media

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Today we live in an “Age of Information”. The emergence of the internet and the development of media technologies has not only increased the availability of information, but also the speed at which it is distributed. The combination of high-speed and widespread access to information has...

11 Mar 2010

Women's voices, women's power

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

Women's Voices, Women's Power provides insight into the life of Logoli women of Western Kenya. In the book, Abwunza clarifies the lifestyle of the tribe and its traditions, the role women play, and the intricacies of gender relations. Logoli women belong to a patriarchal society; however,...

06 Apr 2010

Lighting is the most powerful tool in the hands of an able photographer

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Control and play of lighting becomes the most powerful tool in the hands of an able photographer. It can be put to a variety of uses to create beautiful images. The ability to see, control and try innovations can only be matched by one's imaginative skills. There can be different types of...

10 Jan 2011

Will China be the economic power of the 21st century?

Thesis - 15 pages - Economy general

It all began in 1980 after Deng Xiaoping came to power and China had moved gradually from being one of the poorest countries in the world to what is commonly called the "world's factory".Taking advantage of abundant and cheap labor, many companies decided to settle down in this country...

20 Oct 2014

The incorporation of a company limited by shares as a form of corporate business organization

Case study - 15 pages - Accounting

There are a number of different business forms for each individual trader to hold and operate. However, the company limited by shares is the most popular form of business organization. A propriety company limited by shares may be a propriety (private) company or a public company...

15 Jan 2009

The Chinese century, the rising economy and its impact on the global economy, the balance of power, and your job, Oded SHENKAR, 2005

Essay - 7 pages - Economy general

China is at the heart of the present-day economic debate. China is indisputably booming economically. Its enormous growth rate attests of this evolution; all economists agree on this assertion. What seems more debatable at the moment is the impact this rise could have on the global economy, and...

05 Feb 2009

The White House Iraq Group (WHIG): The high powered White House organization behind the marketing of the war in Iraq and at the heart of the Valerie Plame affair

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The White House Iraq Group (WHIG) is a high powered and controversial group comprised of some of the most powerful and influential people in the White House in the time leading up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. WHIG originates from a White House task force set up in August 2002 by White House...

07 Dec 2007

Dialect as a Form of Identity

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Linguistics & languages

Every time a person opens his or her mouth to speak that person is speaking not only a language but a dialect of that language as well. It is a common misconception that only certain people whose pronunciations vary from what is considered Standard American English, speak a dialect. In fact,...

01 Apr 2010

Review essay on "Soft Power"

Book review - 2 pages - Political science

Joseph Nye's book titled, “Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics,” heavily showcases the terms hard power and soft power. By Joseph Nye's account, hard power defines itself as being a term in which everyone is familiar with. Hard power,...

08 Apr 2009

Critical evaluation concerning the belief that Japanese forms of operations management are inappropriate to Western organizations

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

I would like to start by pointing out that I strongly disagree with the statement above. In this essay, I am going to give evidence to support my view. I will define some major Japanese forms of operations management and discuss their advantages and disadvantages to organizations in order...

05 Apr 2010

The impact of power on relationship commitment in supply chains

Thesis - 11 pages - Management

While power-relationship commitment theory in relationship marketing area has been established well in the west literature, few studies examine the robustness of it in the Chinese context with a different culture. The generalization of power-relationship commitment theory in supply...

20 Apr 2007

Discuss the shift away from the conglomerate form in the advanced industrial countries, and its persistence in most emerging markets performance?

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

Western business strategies are often held as models for emerging countries. Despite General Electric being the largest worldwide conglomerate, such success stories have become rather rare nowadays in the United States and Europe, although this is not true in Japan for cultural and historical...

31 Jul 2007

Power and Independence of Hmong Women in Laos and America

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The Hmong are an ethnic group indigenous to the Southeast Asian peninsula. They typically live in the mountainous regions of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. They are rice farmers who are well known for their embroidery and the color of their dress, which gives its name to the different Hmong clans....

08 Aug 2007

Power and Difference: A Derrida and Foucault Encounter

Thesis - 10 pages - Literature

The works of Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault discussed here explore relationships of power in Western language and social structures. These relationships can be difficult to detect and are thus often overlooked, even when one searches rigorously. We will find that such relationships...

30 Aug 2007

Marking the body as a form of appropriation and power in Waiting for the Barbarians by J.M. Coetzee and "In the Penal Colony" by Franz Kafka

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

In Waiting for the Barbarians by J.M. Coetzee as well as “In the Penal Colony” by Franz Kafka, the marking of or writing on the body as a form of power or appropriation takes place on many levels. In both works, we have the inhumanly cruel military officials of the...

13 Sep 2007

Keeping the Masses in Line: Critical Studies of Media, Propaganda and the Powers of Normalization

Essay - 5 pages - Literature

According to author Toby Clark in Art and Propaganda, Saliger's paintings, as well as those of other German artists who adopted similar themes, represent “qualities of Aryan superiority . . . [and this] supposedly superior physical beauty was held to be the ultimate evidence of natural...

04 Jun 2008

Power and Sexuality in "Leda and the Swan" and "Goblin Market"

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

Duality and opposition are forces that play beneath the surface of both William Butler Yeats' “Leda and the Swan” and Christina Rossetti's “Goblin Market”, two poems that focus on sexuality while incorporating animal figures as holders of power, both sexual and...

03 Oct 2007

The Form and Function of Sufi Mystical Visions

Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy

Experience of direct union with God is most often reported to be of an ineffable nature that transcends any means of description. Mystical visions, however, afford the subject of such experiences the ability to interpret, through the hermeneutics of religious symbolism, what might otherwise be...

17 Jul 2008

Book review of America's right turn: From Nixon to Clinton and a book review of America's right turn: How conservatives used the new and alternative media to gain power.

Essay - 6 pages - Medieval history

The book is a logical presentation of the historical development of the Republican's success in campaigning for wedge issues. Wedge issues have been instrumental in the campaign of Republican's since wedge issues like gay marriage, illegal immigrants, abortion are very appealing to the emotions...

04 Sep 2008

The road to nationalism: Self-Defeating colonialism and the power of high culture

Essay - 8 pages - Political science

In his book The Dynamics of Global Dominance, David B. Abernethy proclaims that imperialistic colonies are, by design, inherently “self-defeating enterprises.” That is, historically as a colony grows and progresses according to the design of its ruling nation, the volatility of that...

25 Sep 2008

Leadership and personal power in organizations

Essay - 5 pages - Human resources

Leadership is a heavily studied element of organizations. Every organization has leaders, after all, but what can and what do leaders actually do to achieve results? Can these results be replicated, or is individual charisma and various other sources of power and success ultimately simply...

25 Nov 2008

Delusions of Soviet power and the American military-industrial complex

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

The Cold War period for the United States and indeed, the world was one of turbulence and uncertainty. The conclusion of World War II saw the clash of two major world powers, each replete with the awesome capability of nuclear weapons. For the first time in history the human race...

12 Jan 2009

What is the function of representation in Hobbes conception of political power as presented in the Leviathan?

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

The notion of Representation is a key feature in democratic regimes. More stable than the direct participation of the people into political life, it supposes that the institutions of the State reflect the composition and the wishes of the people. A simple look at the title of the book-the...

13 Jan 2009

Power of pre-colonial Southeast Asian state and peasantry with respect to colonialism

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

Southeast Asia is not an homogeneous region. That is why it can hardly been analysed as a whole and therefore must be divided into several groups. Concerning the issues related to the relations between the state and the peasantry, South East Asia countries belong mainly to two groups. According...

16 Jan 2009

Evaluating supermarket power: Carrefour promodes

Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy

In recent years, large buyers that had previously been in fragmented industries have increased their purchasing power through mergers and acquisitions. This change has placed more importance on the topic of limiting bargaining power and preserving free competition in the market. As...

01 Nov 2024

Why Hackers Win: Power and Disruption in the Network Society - Patrick Burkart and Tom McCourt (2019) - Evolution of hacking's perception

Book review - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Why Hackers Win: Power and Disruption in the Network Society, written by Patrick Burkart and Tom McCourt, looks deeply into hacking as a central factor in creating what is referred to as the Network Society. The authors break away from the older images of hacking as a wholly unjustified...

12 May 2009

An evaluation of the role played by the early Tudors in the growth of England as a super power

Thesis - 12 pages - Ancient history

The Tudor period in English history refers to the period between 1485 C.E. and 1603 C.E. that coincides with the rule of the Tudor dynasty. The five monarchs who ruled England during this period were Henry VII (1485 C.E. to 1509 C.E.), Henry VIII (1509 C.E. to 1547 C.E.), Edward VI (1547 C.E. to...

28 May 2009

Heat pipe based air preheater for thermal power plants

Dissertation - 54 pages - Computer science

Modern day thermal power plants try to utilize more & more heat available from burning of coal. In the process reducing the heat loss to the surroundings and increasing the efficiency. Devices like economizer and air preheater are manifestations for the same purpose. Most of the...

25 Mar 2010

Solar energy as a viable commercial and industrial power source - published: 25/03/2010

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In almost all nations of the world, save for a few oil rich regions in the Middle East and Northern portions of North America, energy has to be purchased and imported. This is a system that leaves many countries without self-sufficiency and will likely bankrupt their governments. The needs for...

01 Apr 2010

Integrated essay on the empire in the West, France and England as powerful states, the medieval period and Black Death in Europe

Thesis - 5 pages - Literature

Charlemagne's coronation as emperor at St. Peter's Basilica heralded a new era for the West and for the Byzantine Empire. Charlemagne became the strong leader at the helm and his missi dominici kept a watchful eye on territories that were far away. The governments of France and England could not...