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05 May 2009

A study on the Indian leisure industry and its importance in the business world

Thesis - 23 pages - Business strategy

The concept of leisure, and the freedom to choose individual pastimes and leisure pursuits, is a 20th century development for the mass population. Historically, only the wealthy could divide up their time to engage in activities of their choosing. The working classes had neither the time nor the...

29 Sep 2010

The Sportswear Industry : Boom or Gloom ?

Market study - 50 pages - Management

The sportswear industry has witnessed a transition phase in the past few decades. Indeed, the beginning of the 1970s saw the athletic sportswear evolve from specific product lines striving to target and migrate the small and unique markets into mainstream fashion products. The distinct...

22 Nov 2010

The French luxury industry in China

Thesis - 45 pages - Services marketing

China with a huge population of 1.3 billion opened its market to economic reform following the death of China with a huge population of 1.3 billion opened its market to economic reform following the death of Mao Zedong in 1978 and the subsequent accession to power by Deng Xiaoping. Based on the...

15 Jan 2009

The tobacco industry

Essay - 7 pages - Business strategy

The origin of tobacco is quite old, and it became an industry when European discovered it. But the future of this particular industry is uncertain. Tobacco is not really an innocent product, since it has been proved to be addicting and to favour diseases such as cancer....

09 May 2009

A comparative study of the market potential of different cardiovascular drugs in the pharmaceutical industry

Case study - 56 pages - Medical studies

A sample size of 20 hospitals and 33 chemists was chosen from the region. The survey method chosen was pharmacy to pharmacy by conducting personal interview, the data collection was extended for over 45 days and 20 pharmacy in-charge and 33 chemists were interviewed and asked questions regarding...

09 May 2009

Market strategy in the service industry of India

Thesis - 19 pages - Services marketing

The Objective of this project report was to analyze the marketing and other related strategies of three hotels in the past 3 years. The 3 hotels taken all come under the 5-star segment. They are Radisson Hotel, Hyatt Regency and Vasant Continental, all based in Delhi. The Hyatt Regency operates...

29 Sep 2010

Haribo: keeping competitive in the candy industry

Case study - 16 pages - Business strategy

When we target the European audience, particularly the French one can commonly relate to them through a Haribo. Well the questions that now boil down is about knowing and tasting a Haribo sweet. A hypothesis is drawn with respect to the French in particular who are well versed with the taste of...

03 Mar 2011

Switzerland and the watch making industry

Market study - 40 pages - Services marketing

For decades, Switzerland has been one of the most economically dynamic countries in Europe. Despite its persistence to stay on the outskirts of the European Union, it took advantage of several sectors such as banking and financial sectors and was more focused on the luxury market of Swiss watch...

23 Jun 2008

A review of the gas station/convenience store industry

Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy

Consumers who purchase gasoline often choose suppliers based on both location and cost. While this combination ensures that many gas stations/convenience stores remain profitable over the long-term, some organizations operating in this industry have significant difficulty maintaining...

11 May 2009

An analysis of the current use of inter-organizational information Systems in the Irish grocery industry

Thesis - 4 pages - Business strategy

The population for this survey consisted of all Irish-based food & drink suppliers, who directly supplied to one of the five major retailers in the Republic of Ireland. Of the 350 or so companies which qualified for this survey, almost 1/3 responded to the mailed questionnaire; a further...

16 Jan 2009

The Bhopal Disaster: A tragedy in the Indian Industrial history

Essay - 18 pages - Modern history

The Bhopal disaster happened in the early hours of the morning of December 3rd, 1984. It is one of the most terrible industrial disaster or maybe even the most terrible disaster that ever happened. It took place in Bhopal which is the capital city of an Indian state called Madhya Pradesh. The...

05 May 2009

Market analysis and study of the Indian airline industry in relation to the environmental (internal & external) factors

Thesis - 19 pages - Business strategy

Overview & Scope of the project and Methodologies used - What business does an airline industry participate in? This is a fundamental question which needs to be answered before a marketing analysis on the industry is presented. To a layman the airline industry means carrying...

21 May 2009

Sensitivity analysis of the fertilizer industry

Tutorials/exercises - 71 pages - Business strategy

Crude Oil is one of the most important sources of energy for a country. The prices of crude oil depend on many factors like Supply restrictions by Oil producing nations, demand for oil, uncertainties like war in the middle east and also the stability of US Dollar, in which crude oil is priced....

21 May 2009

Impact of FDI on the industrial development in India

Tutorials/exercises - 39 pages - Economy general

Foreign direct investments (FDI) are investment of foreign assets into domestic structures, equipments and organization. FDI reflects the objectives of obtaining a lasting interest by a resident entity in one economy (Direct Investor) in entity resident in an economy other than that of the...

07 Jun 2009

A study on the origin and effect of the industrial revolution in England

Thesis - 12 pages - Economy general

The Industrial Revolution refers to the first breakthrough from a rural handicraft economy to a urban machine driven manufacturing economy that took place in England around 1780 C.E., and which, in the course of the next one hundred years, spread and established itself over much of Europe and...

18 Jun 2009

Global marketing strategies for iron and steel industry

Thesis - 20 pages - Services marketing

Marketing planning helps you decide what products or services are required in your market, then how to sell them and what price to put on them. There are two primary methods of making steel, differing in terms of the process and raw materials used: the blast furnace route (BF) and the electric...

29 Sep 2010

The Swiss chemical and pharmaceutical industry

Market study - 6 pages - Business strategy

In the beginning, pharmacists developed new products in their back shop. Industrialization started a century ago, with the universal exposition where scientists wanted to find new processes and develop their market. Moreover, the two World Wars led to significant growth in this particular market....

29 Sep 2010

Environmental issues in the air transport industry

Case study - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

The air transport industry uses air craft to transport people, cargo, and mail. Civil aviation includes two major categories; first one is the scheduled air transport, which includes passenger and cargo flights operating on regularly-scheduled routes; and general aviation, including all...

31 Dec 2010

E-Branding in the Swiss hotel industry

Thesis - 25 pages - Management

This research studies the evolution of traditional branding to e-branding within the context of the Swiss hotel industry. From a study of the database of 2448 hotels in Switzerland, this research explored the various domain names in use among them. This is based on several criteria such...

31 Dec 2010

Strategic issues in the European beer industry

Thesis - 7 pages - Business strategy

The beer market is now undergoing major changes. The alcoholic beverages market is growing; alcohol-based products increased from 182.084 million liters in 2000 to 204,361,000 liters in 2005, by volume growth of 2.7%. These figures seem to favor the brewers. However, if there is an increase in...

27 Jan 2011

Customer relationship management in the pharmaceutical industry

Dissertation - 35 pages - Management

This document examines issues and approaches to various business strategies focused on different clients of French pharmaceutical laboratories. The idea was to reconcile two opposing stances: the industrial way of working opposed by a need to strengthen the image that the public has of the...

03 Mar 2011

Evolution of the ski market from 2000 to 2006: Industry of winter sports and Alpine skiing

Dissertation - 73 pages - Services marketing

The main objective of this study is to trace all the developments experienced by the alpine ski market between 2000 and 2006. The underlying objectives often are of one general point of view: To present a thorough analysis of the characteristics of the alpine ski market and its trends. Thus,...

24 Nov 2009

A report on how an outbreak of disease can affect the tourism industry

Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general

FMD is a viral disease affecting cloven-hoofed animals such as cattle and sheep. It is considered one of the most infectious animal diseases spreading by direct or indirect contact with infected animals. It is not a fatal disease (most recover within two weeks) and poses no threat to human...

08 May 2009

A look at the small scale industries

Thesis - 22 pages - Business strategy

Small scale industry is widely recognized as a powerful instrument for socioeconomic growth and balanced sectoral development. One of the distinctive characteristics of small scale sector is that the development of these industries would create broader employment opportunities assisting...

27 May 2009

A study on export performance, challenges and prospects of IT industry in India

Tutorials/exercises - 32 pages - Economy general

My dissertation titled “A study on Export Performance, Challenges and Prospects of Information Technology Industry in India” mainly deals with exporting performance Information Technology industry in India. It also deals with various problems faced by the IT...

22 Feb 2007

Radio frequency identification implementation in the supermarket industry

Essay - 6 pages - Services marketing

This paper discusses the implementation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in the supermarket industry. RFID is based on the transmission of radio frequency waves by RFID tags to RFID readers. The RFID tags are attached to products or pallets and can be embedded with a wide variety...

08 Oct 2008

Do we live in a post-industrial society?

Essay - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Contemporary society has increased in its complexity over the past three and a half decades. The labour market as we know it differs rather immensely from what was experienced at the turn of the century. Labour has evolved so dramatically that some prefer to say that we have entered a new age,...

15 Jan 2009

An analysis of the structure of the canadian retail industry - published: 15/01/2009

Essay - 9 pages - Management

A common theme of the Canadian retail industry is that it is evolving at a rapid pace. External factors, such as the growth in the relative purchasing power of the Canadian dollar; increasing competition from discount rivals such as Wal-Mart; shifting consumer trends; and the emergence of...

01 Apr 2009

The impact of the US sub prime crisis on the Indian economy with specific reference to the service industry

Thesis - 21 pages - Economy general

The main objective of the project is to study the ripple effect of the sub prime mortgage crisis in US and its impact on Indian service industry. The paper includes a study on sub prime, causes for the sub prime mortgage crisis, effect of the crisis on the American economy accompanied by...

28 Aug 2009

The 5 star hotel industry in India

Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy

The Indian hotel industry has been in the limelight during the past three years. It went through a bad phase during the period 1997 to 2002. Varied reasons led to the poor performance of the hotel companies during this period, with the major being the nuclear tests carried out by India in...