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Theme : Food industry

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31 Dec 2023

How does the Netherlands establish itself as a leader in the world agricultural market and food industry?

Case study - 7 pages - Business strategy

Agriculture is one of the most strategic sectors in the world today. In addition, the current circumstances linked to global warming require us to question ourselves more and more about new ways of farming to adapt to such a situation that none of us have known before. In addition to agriculture,...

29 Sep 2010

What is the impact of service in the fast food industry? (A comparison between McDonald and Burger King in Bergen city)

Case study - 16 pages - Services marketing

Through our course “Service Marketing and Management” at NHH, we got the idea of doing our own study to figure out the major differences of McDonald and Burger King in Bergen by examaning customers' different perceptions, expectations, satisfactions and loyalty towards them. We tried to...

14 Dec 2010

Food Industry and Obesity: A study

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Obesity and the growing trends of unhealthy lifestyles have penetrated the U.S in epidemic proportions. Two-thirds of the adult population is overweight, of those, one-half is diagnosed as obese. U.S citizens are becoming increasingly vulnerable to excessive weight gain consequently from poor...

29 Sep 2010

The fast food industry

Thesis - 2 pages - Services marketing

Fast food restaurants represent one of the largest segments of the food industry with more than 500,000 restaurants implanted all over the world and their number does not stop growing, particularly in industrialized countries. Fast foods are characterized with a short...

29 Sep 2010

Business ethics Moral issues facing a company involved in the fast food industry

Essay - 5 pages - Management

Contrary to Friedman's theory which claims that corporations only aim at increasing profits and shareholders revenues, companies have moral responsibilities. Indeed, shareholders are not alone in a firm and have to compromise with the interests of the other stakeholders. According to Freeman...

04 Apr 2012

Sensory marketing- What can we learn from food and beverages industry

Essay - 5 pages - Services marketing

The use of sensory approach to communicate brands' identity is on the rise. For example, it's been said that scent marketing- the use of smell to enhance sensory experience- is now a multi billion dollar business. Companies devoted to perfume creation and scenting solutions flourish all over the...

31 Jan 2011

Impact of loyalty programs on consumer purchase behavior in the UK food retail industry

Essay - 6 pages - Services marketing

According to Huddlestone (2004), to survive in today's competitive food market, food retailers must develop and maintain a loyal customer base. This study explores the impact of loyalty programs on the customer purchasing behavior in the United Kingdom food retail...

29 Sep 2010

Comparative analysis of the strategies of implantation and expansion of Danone and Nestle (food and beverage industry) on the Chinese market

Case study - 9 pages - Business strategy

The two firms, Danone and Nestle are on the same segments of the food and beverage industry, they both produce dairy products, bottled water and biscuits. They also cracked the Chinese market at the same time in 1996 but not through the same market segment, which forced Danone to...

01 Sep 2022

SWOT Analysis - The organic food marketing strategy

Case study - 10 pages - Services marketing

The rising awareness concerning organic food substances among individuals across the globe has been one of the critical factors driving the accelerated growth of organic products within the global market. Additionally, rising concerns from potential consumers regarding the use of harmful...

10 Dec 2023

Nutrition policy in South Korea - Hye-Kyung Park (2008); Kenya's push to promote traditional food is good for nutrition and cultural heritage - Patrick Maundu (2022); How Korean food philosophy can help us reconnect - WP Creative Group (2021) - Nutrition in South Korea and Kenya

Case study - 4 pages - Nutrition, alimentation and dietetic

I decided to take an interest in the all-important subject of nutrition and the innovative policies put in place to address this global problem. As obesity problems increasingly affect the whole population, we need to find keys to return to a healthier and more normal situation. This is the issue...

20 Oct 2021

SWOT Analysis - Kraft Foods

Case study - 5 pages - Distribution marketing

"The spirit of a start-up, the soul of a powerhouse": created in 1980 under the name of Kraft Foods Global, the company was initially based in Delaware in the United States before relocating to Virginia, with it should be remembered a change of name in 2012, to become Kraft Foods...

19 Apr 2024

A huge breakthrough for both the planet and people : edible (or biodegradable) food-packaging

Creative writing - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages

Have you noticed how it's been getting harder and harder over the years to avoid excess packaging when shopping for everyday items ? The sad reality is that France is the EU state that generates the highest amounts of packaging waste per head of population ! All inventions are based on new...

01 Oct 2021

PESTEL Analysis - Kraft Foods

Case study - 4 pages - Distribution marketing

"The spirit of a start-up, the soul of a powerhouse": created in 1980 under the name of Kraft Foods Global, the company was initially based in Delaware in the United States before it relocated to Virginia in 2012. This move coincided with the company changing its name to Kraft Foods...

29 Sep 2015

Does displaying nutritional information in fast food restaurants impact consumers ?

Essay - 22 pages - Medical studies

In Western societies food is usually readily available, but poor nutritional choices have been linked to poor health as well as to such things as diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Often these choices involve fast food. (NHS Choices, undated):- The observed association between...

31 Jul 2014

Why the government should increase taxes on fast foods?

Case study - 3 pages - Finance

Over the years, medical experts have been battling the fast food health related problems. Some of these health problems include obesity and weight-related health issues such as diabetes. However, this has not been a success for the Australian government. Relying on the food...

27 Jan 2015

Kraft Foods Marketing

Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy

Kraft Foods incessantly continue building on the successes it has achieved by dealing with childhood favorites such as Kool-Aid, Jello, or Mac-n-cheese. This product line has been taken to this 21st Century through the provision of varied recipes that are usually accompanied with...

10 Aug 2022

Technology Industry in India

Case study - 5 pages - Economy general

To begin with, we will talk about the history of India but without going too far back in time because what we are interested in is the part of the history that still has a significative impact on the current socio-economic situation which leads the Technology Industry in India including IT...

20 Apr 2015

Agro-industrial in Santa Catarina

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

The agricultural industry is one of the main segments of the Brazilian economy, which are both important in the domestic supply as the export performance of Brazil. Agribusiness is synonymous with value addition, adequacy of raw materials, protection and food safety, development...

28 Dec 2021

Sustainability in the Fashion and Apparel/Consumer Products Industries

Essay - 4 pages - Fashion and ready to wear marketing

Sustainability in global industries such as Fashion & Apparel, Consumer Products, and Food & Agriculture is a major subject of society. All of these industries face major sustainability-related problems and challenges that they need to overcome to protect the planet. Among these...

10 Dec 2023

A responsible use of food should be encouraged through financial incentives (taxes or fines and discounts) - Opinion essay

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The exercise instructions are the following: Read both articles, take notes and decide where you stand as regards the statement. An essay in English does not have to present both sides. So you can totally agree or disagree with the statement and write the essay on this theme if you wish. You just...

24 Oct 2024

Obesity: Exploring the Role of Locus Coeruleus GLP-1 Receptors in Food Intake, Nausea-like Behavior, and Autonomic Physiological Responses

Case study - 6 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

Obesity has become a global health epidemic, affecting people of all ages and contributing to numerous chronic diseases and health complications. Despite the widespread awareness and efforts to combat this issue, effective and well-tolerated anti-obesity drugs remain scarce (Trapp & Brierley,...

28 Jul 2020

Brand image analysis - Whole Foods Market

Case study - 2 pages - Distribution marketing

In today's society, which is becoming more and more aware of environmental problems and of the need to be more environmentally-friendly, Whole Foods Market is at the center of attention with its offer of local, organic, healthy food. Making it one of the leaders on the market....

03 Nov 2014

The impact of the food we consume

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Varieties of plants and animals make up our planet. These plants and animals provide man with a variety of food to choose from in order to survive and reproduce. However, the type of food available in a certain part of the globe depends on environmental, economic, and ecological...

06 Nov 2014

Chilean Wine Industry

Case study - 11 pages - Business strategy

In today's globalized economy, international competitiveness in the international market is a growing concern for all stakeholders including government and firms. While the corporate leaders embrace dynamism to cope with the changing business climate, strategies of the firms are subject to the...

29 Sep 2016

Genetically modified foods: a feeding system in need of improvement?

Essay - 4 pages - Medical studies

Genetically engineered food has become a very controversial topic over the past few decades, and the issue continues to gain importance as more companies are producing genetically engineered/modified foods. The process of genetic engineering involves taking food products,...

20 Dec 2021

Transportation and Retail Industries - The Sustainability Issue

Essay - 4 pages - Green marketing

Sustainability in global industries is a very important subject to focus on. All of these industries are facing different sustainability-related problems and challenges that they need to overcome to protect the planet for future generations. As part of the problems, we can find greenhouse-gas...

11 Oct 2021

Example of a competitive benchmark - Fast food restaurants

Case study - 8 pages - Marketing theories

Marketing and competitor analysis play an increasingly important role in the life of businesses. Indeed, regardless of the sector, they are subject to very strong competition, and it is necessary to adapt to obtain the best results and always be more competitive. But developing effective...

18 Apr 2018

The German Automobile industry: case study

Case study - 23 pages - Automotive marketing

The main content of the essay concerns the Automotive industry. The essay is divided into three sections. First, section one is concerned with the German Automobile industry, combining with PEST and Porter's 5 forces analysis tool, which measuring the competitiveness of the...

05 Aug 2021

Development and performance of the purchasing function within the pharmaceutical industry

Dissertation - 34 pages - Purchasing & supply chain

Since its introduction, the Purchasing function faced major changes and is taking on a more strategic role in many organisations. It was also shown that strategic purchasing leads to positive savings performance. Showing that the purchasing function is at an equal level of importance with other...

25 May 2021

The COVID-19 Impacts on Tourism Industry - The Japan's Case

Thesis - 13 pages - Tourism marketing

It is within the frame of the Master of Applied Foreign Languages in English and Japanese at Jean Moulin Lyon III University that I did a two-month-internship in the DMC EXO Travel Japan. This Japanese office is part of a bigger group: EXO Travel. It was within the MICE team in Tokyo that I had...