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16 Feb 2011

Study of standards of IAS (International Accounting Standards), of an international dimension, and comparison with principal rival of the US GAAP

Dissertation - 93 pages - Accounting

The last modification date of the French accounting plan was in the year 1999. This change has increased the rigor given to accounting in French companies. The (International Accounting Standards or the IAS are developed by members of the NCC with transparency. In Europe, the Commission...

31 Dec 2010

De Beers: A Study of Strategic Marketing

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

The diamond industry has built its enduring benefit by being present in major countries worldwide with a homogeneous offer. In global industries, competition in a country depends on the competition taking place in another country; the competitive advantages are transferable from one country to...

20 Apr 2015

The inflationary goal schemes and its impact on Brazilian consumption

Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy

In June 1999, after a sharp devaluation of the real and the consequent abandonment of the pegged to the dollar exchange, Brazil formally adopted a monetary policy framework based on inflation targeting. In this work we try to emphasize to what extent and in what manner the inflation target regime...

30 Mar 2011

The future of nuclear energy: The European Energy Policy

Case study - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

It is hard to forecast with any certitude what the 21st century will hold for nuclear power. Still, the issues that will form its future are slightly clear. The goal of this paper is to study the possible role of nuclear energy in the formation of sustainable development in Europe, on the basis...

23 Mar 2011

Market research: Godefroy Diffusion, Denmark (2007)

Market study - 10 pages - Services marketing

The company Godefroy Diffusion wants to enter the Danish market for cosmetics and hygiene. To this end, the company manager Alain Thibaux is attempting to understand the structure of this market in two ways: - conducting a study of the Danish cosmetics market. Prospecting the demand of insurance...

16 Dec 2013

Spain economy: An empirical analysis

Case study - 5 pages - Economy general

Spain is one of the largest economies in Europe with a GDP over 1.3 trillion USD. They experienced an economic boom in the early 2000's as most industrialized nations did. However, with an increasing trade deficit, looming of the housing bubble about to burst and the worldwide financial crisis in...

12 May 2002

Information technology industry in Singapore

Presentation - 41 pages - Business strategy

The International Data Corporation's Information Society Index 1999 ranked Singapore as the 4th most dominant information-driven economy and society in the world, after the US, Sweden, and Finland. The World Teleport Association named Singapore the 1999 Intelligent City of the Year. The...

13 Dec 2011

Greek crisis concerning social justice

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Greece has been in a serious economic downfall since early 2010. Riots and protests began on May 5, 2010 and continue to today. This protest in early May was one of the largest protests in Greece's history where three people were killed. This led to more anxiety and unease about the economy and...

16 Dec 2024

A ban on combustion engines in favor of electric motors: is 2035 too ambitious a deadline?

Dissertation - 29 pages - European union

The purpose of this work is to study the consequences of the EU's 2022 agreement on the end of combustion engines in new cars from 2035. Indeed, in the midst of an environmental crisis marked by global warming and following the 2015 Paris agreements, consecutive to COP 21, the EU launched a...

06 Dec 2024

Marketing Case Study - Nokia

Case study - 15 pages - ICT marketing

Nokia is one of the significant pioneers in the telecommunications industry. Since its beginning in 1865 as a single paper mill operation, Nokia has established itself as a force of change in the telecommunications, cable, consumer electronics, and computer industries. It began making...

20 Jan 2009

A Nordic identity in the European security structure?

Essay - 10 pages - European union

The 3rd and 4th December 1998, the President of French Republic Jacques Chirac and the British Prime Minister Tony Blair met in Saint Malo. Both maintained the necessity to give Europe the ability of autonomous action concerning security and defence. This statement comes within the framework of...

13 Jan 2009

Is Intercultural communication possible across the Baltic Sea Region?

Thesis - 8 pages - Sociology & social sciences

“The meaning behind intercultural communication is to try to bring different world views and meaning attributions closer to each others through and with the help of verbal and non-verbal interactions” . Here is a definition of intercultural communication by Niina Kovalainen that reveals...

23 Nov 2009

Report on Vodafone's success strategy in Europe

Tutorials/exercises - 59 pages - Business strategy

Following the Schumann declaration (1950) the European Economic Community (EEC) or Common Market, of six nations was established by the Treaty of Rome in 1957. Since this time, the number of member states has increased to fifteen, and successive treaties have gradually strengthened the degree of...

24 Oct 2024

Decriminalization of Responsible Drug Use - Annotated Bibliography

Litterature review - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The document briefly comments on bibliographic references, then gives an outline on the subject of decriminalization of responsible drug use. Excerpt: 'The problem of decriminalization of responsible drug use requires policy reform as a solution to fight drug-related harms by focusing on...

12 Jan 2009

Pornography in the Finnish context

Case study - 3 pages - Film studies

Since 1970s, some changes have been made in the Swedish and Finnish pornography market. The consumption of pornography has increased in terms of supply, variability, and accessibility. Pornography and pornographic material for a variety of tastes can be obtained in convenience stores, (sex)...

20 Jan 2009

Marketing plan of a Spa hotel

Essay - 20 pages - Services marketing

In the hotel, there are 6 concepts of restaurant : from buffet to cuisine à la carte, Thai cuisine, and a gourmet restaurant on the Yacht. A dancing diner has been proposed. A good wine cellar (with wines) is to come up all over the world. Naantali boasts of a long tradition as a Spa town : the...

12 Jan 2009

The European North: Historical Geopolitics and International Institutional Dynamics

Thesis - 8 pages - International relations

A “brave political experiment” calling for “unconventional decisions” promoting sub-regional cooperation that ultimately might develop into “a common European social and economic space” : this is how the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Viktor Khristenko, identified in...

27 Apr 2009

Evaluation of the national child benefit act: Critique and policy suggestions

Thesis - 10 pages - Constitutional law

Introduction - This research paper will present an evaluation of the 1997 Federal National Child Benefit Act. The NCB was introduced as a way to aid poor working families which include children override income disparities which exist between them and families in higher economic brackets. Research...

21 Jun 2010

Electronic commerce in the European union: The case study of Premier tours ltd

Tutorials/exercises - 23 pages - Business strategy

Electronic commerce has emerged with the development of the new information and communication technologies, the Internet and the World Wide Web. This paper addresses the theoretical issue of the electronic commerce by introducing the main theoretical issues and summarizing the few literary...

28 Nov 2012

Human resource management in context of change management

Case study - 8 pages - Human resources

Multinational Corporations operate in more than one country. They have production facilities in different countries around the world. Often they operate in countries which have entirely different culture than the culture of their home country. This impacts the company's human resource management...

08 Oct 2010

The changing meaning of luxury in Europe

Essay - 50 pages - Business strategy

No longer reserved for the selected few, luxury is now within the reach of a much larger consumer segment. In this analysis we ask Europeans what constitutes „luxury? in their everyday life. As the prospects for obtaining a certain level of material wealth is fulfilled - or it is within...

26 Oct 2012

Environmental, economic and social impacts of Cruise ships in Stockholm

Case study - 20 pages - Management

Sweden is a country located in the Northern Europe. Its capital is Stockholm. The city is situated near the Baltic Sea therefore it is accessible to holiday cruise liners as well as other maritime traffic making the port one of the busiest in terms of traffic among other Scandinavian cities....

18 Aug 2008

A critical examination of current law of divorce and the need for change

Essay - 9 pages - Other law subjects

“There is no one branch of the law more important, in any point of view, to the great interests of society……than that which regulates the formation and the dissolution of the nuptial contract. No institution indeed more nearly concerns the very foundations of society….than...

13 Jan 2009

How has the nature of war changed? Has it changed the way of making peace?

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

“War appears to be as old as mankind, but peace is a modern invention” . This quotation of Sir Henry Maine seems obvious: wars have been a common feature of mankind history. On the other hand, implementation of durable peace, and not only end of the war, is a more intricate notion. The...

29 Sep 2010

Denmark: National Plan for Tourism

Case study - 18 pages - Economy general

The Kingdom of Denmark, commonly known as Denmark, is a country located in the Scandinavian region of Northern Europe. It is the smallest and the southernmost among the Nordic countries. Greenland and the Faroe Islands are autonomous provinces of the Kingdom which are governed by domestic rules....

15 Jan 2009

Gender equality and employment in the European Union

Essay - 29 pages - European union

Gender equality is among the fundamental principles and the common values of the European Union. In the 2nd Article of the Treaty of the European Community, it is even mentioned as a “task” to perform for the Community, and again in Article 3(2) TEC. But two questions already appear:...

15 Jan 2009

Why did communism become established in Eastern Europe after the Second World War? - published: 15/01/2009

Essay - 7 pages - Modern history

On the 25th of April 1945, shortly before the official end of the Second World War, American and Soviet soldiers meet at the Elbe river. But to reach the Elbe river, the Russian troops had to come all the way across Europe, and so across Eastern Europe. By the end of the same year, seven states...

10 May 2009

A closer examination of the phenomenon of globalization and its affect on India

Tutorials/exercises - 117 pages - Economy general

The term "globalization" has acquired considerable emotive force. Some view it as a process that is beneficial—a key to future world economic development—and also inevitable and irreversible. Others regard it with hostility, even fear, believing that it increases inequality within and...

11 May 2009

The European employment strategy - published: 11/05/2009

Thesis - 21 pages - European union

The European Union is the most accomplished multinational organization in the world. Since it's beginning in 1950, with the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Union has been integrating more and more, becoming a unique. The European Union was at first, based on economic performances....

17 May 2009

Economic consequences of the last European union enlargement

Thesis - 20 pages - Economy general

The idea of a united Europe was once just a dream in the minds of philosophers and visionaries. Already in 1620, the Duke of Sully imagined "a body politics of all the States of Europe which could produce between its members an unalterable peace and a perpetual trade". In The 19th Century, Victor...