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Theme : Financial crisis

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21 Mar 2012

Financial analysis report: Adidas vs. Puma

Essay - 20 pages - Business strategy

Europe will be hosting two major sports events in 2012: the UEFA European soccer championship in Poland and Ukraine as well as the Olympic Games in London. Consequently, with the end of 2011 approaching, there might be a current window of opportunity to invest in European manufacturers of...

16 Apr 2009

A look at financial derivatives in India

Dissertation - 53 pages - Finance

The derivatives markets has existed for centuries as a result of the need for both users and producers of natural resources to hedge against price fluctuations in the underlying commodities. Although trading in agricultural and other commodities has been the driving force behind the development...

07 Feb 2011

Organizational Development: Motivation through financial and non-financial incentives

Case study - 7 pages - Management

Nowadays, salary and non-financial incentives constitute part of the methods that companies and managers use to motivate people. Through the study of different theories of motivation and needs, we explain the most important catalysts of motivational behavior. There are no doubts that all...

27 Sep 2011

The identification and management of financial risks

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Finance

Financial risk exposure to adverse events that erode the profitability of the company and may in, extreme circumstances,lead to the collapse of the case. They may be doubtful, unfavorable changes in exchange rates, dependence on one supplier, the loss of a major customer, the loss of...

16 Jan 2009

L'Oreal crisis scenario (2006)

Essay - 19 pages - Management

This summary has been provided to allow top managers and executives at L'Oreal a rapid appreciation of the content of this report. Those with a particular interest in the crisis scenario management and communication may read the report to take advantage of the more comprehensive...

12 May 2009

The sub-prime loans crisis and the recent turbulences in the credit markets (2008)

Essay - 6 pages - Finance

The Russian economist Kondratiev has shown, in his theory of the cycles that in the economical life periods of economical recession followed periods of growth, and then followed by another period of growth, in an infinite cycle. The start point of these periods of recession is usually a great...

01 Apr 2009

The impact of the US sub prime crisis on the Indian economy with specific reference to the service industry

Thesis - 21 pages - Economy general

The main objective of the project is to study the ripple effect of the sub prime mortgage crisis in US and its impact on Indian service industry. The paper includes a study on sub prime, causes for the sub prime mortgage crisis, effect of the crisis on the American economy...

21 Jun 2010

The global economic crisis and its impact on economy of Finland: The case of Nokia corporation

Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general

The global economy is experiencing the impact of an unprecedented economic downturn which began in the United States and spread all over the world. This paper provides an overview of the impact of the global crisis on the economy of Finland in 2008 and 2009. The course work analysis the...

24 Oct 2024

The Border Crisis in Texas

Case study - 4 pages - International relations

The Texas border constitutes approximately half of the border between the United States and Mexico, extending from the Gulf of Mexico to El Paso. The border crisis, encapsulating security concerns and exacerbated-illegal immigration from Mexico is causing strenuous relationships between...

29 Sep 2010

Eleven years after the Asian crisis, what are the policy lessons?

Essay - 4 pages - Economy general

Year 2008 is remembered, in History books, as the year of a major economic crisis throughout the world. As most papers put it mentioning as, “The worst since the great depression”. But as the world suddenly pays attention to its economic system and its (present) prominent...

19 Feb 2013

The UN and France in the Ivorian crisis

Thesis - 20 pages - International relations

The “oldest daughter” of France did sink in the chaos following the events which have occurred in the night from September 18 to September 19, 2002 simultaneously in Bouake and Abidjan. We need to understand such a complex conflict where there is not enough retreat to seize all the...

17 May 2009

The African Union and the Darfur crisis: Stakes, results and prospects

Thesis - 11 pages - Political science

Since the independence of Sudan in 1956, Darfur, situated in the western part of the country, has been confronted with numerous and violent conflicts. The actual crisis in the region began in February 2003 and opposed originally the non-Arab rebels of Darfur against the forces of the...

26 Aug 2010

Avoiding and preventing financial crises

Thesis - 4 pages - Economy general

Better safe than sorry is an old adage that few can argue with. Rather than suffer the disastrous consequences of financial crises, it would be better to prevent their occurrence, thus preventing the formation of bubbles and slowing their spread. Schumpeter considered the economy as a...

22 Feb 2024

Responsibility for the Climate Change Crisis

Course material - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

Beginning in the Industrial Revolution era, developed countries particularly in the European Union have contributed to a greater part of the heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions. Developing countries have a significantly lower footprint but they bear an equal or greater brunt of the forest...

31 Dec 2010

Has a third oil crisis emerged? (January 2007)

Thesis - 13 pages - Economy general

Within a time span of twenty-seven years between 1973 and 2000, the global oil market has been shaken by two major unexpected “shocks”. In this context, it is worth recalling the definition of an oil shock, that is often confused in the minds of the public. This phrase has been used to...

16 Feb 2011

Improving the Tunisian financial market by adopting the international reference frame in terms of reporting with the aid of IAS/IFRS

Dissertation - 45 pages - Finance

The deterioration of the reputation of major players in financial markets (banking, insurance, financial institutions) has created a crisis of confidence without precedent with lasting consequences for all economic actors today and they are difficult to measure. In this...

29 Nov 2010

Crisis management: mattel (2008) - published: 24/11/2010

Case study - 5 pages - Management

Mattel has been regarded as the undisputed leader in the global toy market. However, the company had experienced several problems during the second half of 2007, which led to the image of the company being tarnished. Many toys were recalled and this incident was widely reported by the media....

15 Jan 2009

Financial markets in Emerging Economies: Comparison with developed economies

Essay - 12 pages - Economy general

The financial markets of emerging economies have seen a huge growth in the last few years. These markets are attracting large investments from the developed world, especially because of higher expected return. At the same time; investments in emerging markets are considered to be riskier...

10 Jan 2011

Crisis management: mattel (2008)

Case study - 5 pages - Management

Hitherto regarded as the undisputed leader of the global toy market, Mattel experienced problems that tarnished that image in the second half of 2007. In fact, the various toy recalls which were widely reported by media, made an impact both on its relationship with consumers as well as its...

29 Sep 2010

Crisis Management: a Report on Pfizer and the Trovan Crisis

Case study - 14 pages - Management

We decided to study the Trovan crisis that affected Pfizer as we found it particularly interesting. If one delves into the circumstances which contributed to provoke the Trovan crisis, it is indeed an intriguing story. We also thought that it would be quite enriching to analyze how...

29 Sep 2010

The European Stability and Growth Pact in the International Crisis

Essay - 3 pages - European union

The European Council created the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP), an agreement among the 16 members of the European Union who take part in the Eurozone, to facilitate and maintain the stability of the Economic and Monetary Union. The pact was adopted in its Amsterdam session on 17 June 1997 in...

30 Jun 2011

'It all comes down to the oil crisis of 1973' - Is this an adequate explanation of the global recession of the later-1970s and 1980s?

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

The historian Eric Hobsbawm's assertion that ‘any historian who puts major change in the configuration of the world economy down to bad luck and avoidable accidents should think again' provides a useful theoretical objection to the contention that the economic crisis years of the...

09 Jan 2009

How can the "crisis" of the Welfare States affect the policy of fight against poverty?

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

Since the end of the XVIIIth century, the disastrous consequences due to the Industrial Revolution and to “savage capitalism” on working conditions has been underlined through the rising resentment of the working class. That is why, in order to avoid social implosion and to control...

15 Jan 2009

The classical realist and structural realist theories applied to the Kosovo crisis in 1998-1999

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

Kosovo is mostly known as a region in the former Yugoslavia where, in 1998 and 1999, there was growing violence between the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), which sought independence from Serbia, and the Serbian army and police, which were randomly attacking the province of the indigenous Albanian...

28 Jul 2010

Crisis management: Michelin's crisis management during the Indianapolis Grand Prix

Thesis - 6 pages - Services marketing

Crisis management forms an important part of the communication process of a company, government and organizations. It is necessary to understand the ways and means on managing a crisis and communicate effectively during critical moments. This will play a role in the brand image of...

29 Sep 2010

The Darfur Crisis

Essay - 12 pages - International relations

Since February 2003, Sudan's western province of Darfur has been the site of an extremely violent conflict between the province's nomadic Arab tribes, supported by the government in Khartoum, and the native African settled peasant tribes. Fighting among various factions has killed...

15 Jan 2009

"What accounts for the success of Silvio Berlusconi in Italian politics since the political crisis of the early 1990's?"

Essay - 8 pages - Political science

As the most dominant Italian politician of his time, Silvio Berlusconi has introduced important innovations in many fields of Italian politics: new ideological approaches, new coalition strategies, new campaign methods and a new leadership style and language. All of these innovations have had a...

28 Jun 2012

The Turkish-Syrian crisis in 1998 and the Adana Agreement

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

In October 1998 the Adana agreement was signed between representatives of the Syrian and Turkish governments, ending an intense escalation of tensions between the two nations throughout the 1990s. This essay aims to discuss this period of escalation and show how both sides attempted to use...

15 Jan 2009

Crisis? What crisis? Darfur

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Is there a crisis in Darfur? This question looks at first sight rather provoking; everybody is aware of what is happening there. It is one of the main international hot spots. All the more so as the horrible events in Darfur are everything but new. However, this conflict takes place while...

12 Mar 2009

The alleged 'crisis of the welfare state' and the failure of the traditional defenders of the welfare state to respond to the New Right's critique

Thesis - 9 pages - Political science

Nowhere do competing theoretical, ideological and political views rage more fiercely, than in the debates surrounding the existence and organization of the modern welfare state. For some, the welfare state stands as a testimony to human achievement and social progress, it represents a refusal to...