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Theme : Financial crisis

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16 Jan 2009

Macroeconomic events before and after Argentina's 2001-2002 currency crisis

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

In practice economical balance is unachievable. Stabilization conditions that many scholars and economists claim are but fleeting status of the economy. Some of the major crises around the world including the US stock market collapse, Asian financial crisis, Latin financial...

21 Jun 2010

The global economic crisis and its impact on the German economy: The case of Strabag AG

Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general

The world economy is going through a very difficult period. The global economic crisis which began in the USA with the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market, spread to the rest of the world. After the US, Europe was the first to experience the negative impact of the crisis. This...

15 Jun 2009

Effect of global crisis on the Indian economy

Thesis - 8 pages - Economy general

India a fastest developing country, also not excluded from the list of affected economies from the global crisis. Before 3-4 months everything was all right even our growth rate was reflecting the story of our growth, but suddenly major developed country so called super power nation U.S...

27 Jan 2011

Michelin and its communication during a crisis

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

Our society is experiencing many crises: economic crisis (oil shocks), financial (financial crisis), technological crisis etc. Yet these crises are not unique to the macroeconomic sphere. They affect businesses at a micro level. This was the case with many...

15 Jun 2009

Indian economy and how it has managed the global crisis

Thesis - 11 pages - Economy general

“Money which is the source of unlimited benefits, becomes the cause of calamity and unhappiness if not controlled” - Robert Shan The above quotation by Robert Shan exactly describes the reason of current global financial crisis. The current global financial crises...

30 Mar 2011

Proposals to face the Euro crisis

Thesis - 4 pages - Economy general

During a certain period, the funny abbreviation “PIIGS” was to be found everywhere in the news; this referred to Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain, the five European “sick men”, endangering the survival of the Eurozone itself. While their situation still remains...

15 Jun 2009

Global crisis and its impact on the Indian economy

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

After a long spell of growth, the Indian economy is experiencing a downturn. Industrial growth is faltering, inflation remains at high levees, the current account deficit is widening, foreign exchange reserves are depleting and the rupee is depreciating, these features can related to the current...

18 Jun 2010

Wealth management: Economic and financial challenges

Thesis - 4 pages - Finance

According to an official report titled ‘Challenges in the banking industry', the industrialization of services has helped to automate the banking activities to some extent. The increasing role of marketing banking services, ATMs and security measures accelerated the turnover of CRO's...

13 Dec 2011

Greek crisis concerning social justice

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Greece has been in a serious economic downfall since early 2010. Riots and protests began on May 5, 2010 and continue to today. This protest in early May was one of the largest protests in Greece's history where three people were killed. This led to more anxiety and unease about the economy and...

12 Jul 2010

The concept of economic rationality and its place in the economic crisis

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

Economic rationality is talked about when the behavior of individuals corresponds to their interests. Agents are expected to act in a way that maximizes their well-being. This well-being is often calculated with a utility function that takes into account the income and leisure time. The...

29 Sep 2010

Financial Analysis of Southwest Airlines and United Airlines

Case study - 14 pages - Finance

The airline industry has significantly changed over the last few years of this century. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the attacks on Madrid and London, the Iraq conflict and the increase in fuel prices have resulted in losses for airline companies since 2001. Some of them declared...

29 Sep 2010

Did the subprime crisis affect the hedging market?

Essay - 5 pages - Finance

The aim of this paper is to analyze if the financial crisis has changed the use of hedging techniques. Forecasting is the process of estimation of unknown situations. Forecasting is use to estimate a risk. It can be exchange rates risks, economic exposure, translation exposure, etc....

29 Sep 2010

Financial Management : EADS

Case study - 9 pages - Finance

The European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company or the EADS was created by the combined will of several states to be competitive in the space and aeronautics sector. Yet, at the beginning of the 1990s, many concentrations were developed on the American market like Northrop and Grumman which...

22 Nov 2010

Danone company analysis Financial Statement Analysis

Thesis - 6 pages - Finance

The history of the group was based on an external growth, a successions of sell and acquisitions, indeed, if we follow the major step of the company, we could see that, the first step was the merger between BSN and DANONE-GERVAIS in 1973 this merger was the beginning of the future group and...

29 Sep 2010

How far did the fair value principle contribute to accelerate the credit crisis in France?

Dissertation - 46 pages - Finance

The IFRS or the International Financial Reporting Standards are one element of the globalization of the world economy. The stated objectives of the IASB or the International Accounting Standards Board are: (a) "to formulate and publish in the public interest, accounting standards to be...

31 Dec 2010

An analysis of the crisis in US economy

Thesis - 33 pages - Economy general

Until the early 21st century, developments in America seemed to contradict the thesis of "decline". The most famous example is that of Paul Kennedy, who predicted in 'Rise and Decline of Great Powers' (1987), the end of American hegemony. However, the early 21st century is marked by...

22 Feb 2011

Financial Analysis - Vinci & Bouygues

Thesis - 20 pages - Finance

The following report presents the financial statements of two leading French construction groups: Bouygues and Vinci. With the help of several economic and financial metrics, we will analyze and assess the companies' strengths and weaknesses and give an objective opinion to...

27 Oct 2009

The U.S. economic crisis and possible solutions

Thesis - 10 pages - Economy general

The U.S. economic cycle was due to many factors that had roots for over a decade. Much of what has been seen was due to the high levels of confidence built over the years as a result of healthy and fast growing economy, and to the improper steps taken by many of the financial institutions...

25 Aug 2010

The recurrence of financial crises

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

Financial crises have multiplied in the 1990s successively affecting the so-called emerging countries. The crisis experienced by Mexico in 1994, Asia in 1997, Russia in 1998 and Brazil in 1998 and 1999 are still fresh in the memory of economists and people in these countries. The...

08 Mar 2013

Financial management: BIC

Case study - 20 pages - Finance

The year was very important for BIC Group, with an increase in the challenges of the global economic, from raw material price increases to currency fluctuations. BIC is actually gaining market share in highly competitive categories. And also, it launched the first disposable phone in France. That...

24 Aug 2010

A comparison of today's economic crisis to the Great Depression of 1929-1939

Thesis - 2 pages - Economy general

Today we are faced with an economic crisis that has affected the United States of America and reached out to shake economies the world over. Stock markets, nationally and internationally have hit all-time lows. The housing market, banks and other financial lending institutions, the...

28 Jul 2008

Economic crisis in South-east Asia

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

In order to fully appreciate the nature of the economic crisis in south-east Asia, it would be necessary to have at least some insight into the nature of these economies prior to the financial problems they experienced1. Before the onset of the Asian crisis, the south-east...

29 Sep 2010

Analyzing financial STATEMENTS: Christian Dior (2007)

Case study - 30 pages - Business strategy

In a short span of time, the Christian Dior group achieved its main objective: to make LVMH the world leader of the luxury industry. This accomplishment was achieved despite the risks of the prevailing economic situation. Thanks to a rigorous financial management and the purchases made by...

29 Sep 2010

The impact of the Suez crisis on Britain, Egypt and Israel

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

The Suez Crisis of 1956 has been commonly seen as a turning point in post war world history, the moment when Britain's pretension to world power status was stripped away, and when Egypt became the leader of the Arab world, an event which triggered a radical change in the relations...

25 Aug 2010

The 1929 crisis in Latin America

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

Herbert Hoover, when assuming the office of the President of the United States, said in March 1929: "I have no fear for the future, it shines with hope." Unfortunately, Thursday, October 24, 1929 is also called the "Black Thursday", the world economy plunged into the chaos as Wall Street, the...

16 Feb 2011

Financial statement of the Nestle group

Case study - 14 pages - Finance

A financial analysis aims to make an assessment of the financial position, market position and performance of a company in order to analyze the possible problems, make recommendations and to inform both the internal (staff, manager) and external stakeholders (investors, general...

12 May 2011

The link between financial reporting and capital markets: Evaluating the extent of development and use of International Accounting Standards

Essay - 4 pages - Accounting

“As capital markets play an increasingly central role in today's modern economies, policy-makers are confronted with the question of how to assure the continued effective functioning of these markets and, in particular, how to develop a sound financial reporting...

15 Jan 2009

Corporate finance: Financial analysis of Ford and BMW

Essay - 9 pages - Finance

This report will deal with the financial analisys of two main competitors of car market. Effectively, Ford and BMW (Bayerish Motoren Werke AG) are two important car manufacturers in the world. Even if they are competing on the same market, we can't say that these two manufacturers are...

29 Sep 2010

Financial analysis of Coca Cola Company & Pepsico Incorporation

Case study - 10 pages - Finance

In that report, we will analyze two major American companies principally functioning in the beverage market: Coca Cola and PepsiCo Incorporation. Even if sodas are now considerate as non healthy products, people do consume them. As Coca Cola's activity shows, more than 35% of their revenues...

29 Sep 2010

Accor financial statements

Case study - 15 pages - Business strategy

Accor is a French group which specializes not only in hotels and services to corporation, but also catering and leisure. The company is the European leader and a major global group in hotels. It is also the global leader in providing services to corporate clients and public institutions. It...