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Theme : Feminism

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02 Apr 2007

Gender, sexuality and politics: masculinity

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

“Somehow we need to be able to acknowledge the power that men have in society without thereby feeding a myth that all men feel powerful in their individual lives…we also have to recognize our inherited sense of superiority in relation to women…” (Seidler, 1997, p.51-53).

28 Jul 2008

Domesticity and the siege of Leningrad

Essay - 20 pages - Modern history

One of the most tragic and at the same time heroic episodes of the Second World War, or as it is referred to in the Soviet/Russian context The Great Patriotic War, is the Siege of Leningrad. The siege itself, although not a key strategic event on the Eastern front, holds an important place in the...

25 Mar 2010

Surrogacy: Liberating or limiting?

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Does surrogacy turn women into “reproductive vessels? ” Does it liberate women to use their body as they choose, or are women becoming pawns in a scientific experiment? In the essay, Surrogate Motherhood: The Challenge for Feminists, the author, Lori B. Andrews, looks at the conflicting...

18 Dec 2008

The Dixie Chicks: Political musicians from here on out?

Thesis - 9 pages - Journalism

The source for the controversy that has been surrounding the band, the Dixie Chicks, and has forever changed the image and role of this band in the music industry, possibly for the rest of their careers, can be pin-pointed to the date of March 10, 2003 when the group performed at Shepherd's Bush...

10 Oct 2008

The Peanut-Crunching Crowd and the Rubber crotch: How Sylvia Plath's legacy has suffered by the hands of sexism, over-eager feminists, schadenfreude, and gender politics?

Essay - 8 pages - Literature

O'Rourke goes on to say that although poems like “Daddy” or “Lady Lazarus” seem “crudely self-involved,” the majority of Plath's poetry is abstract, symbolic, and in general quite distant from the confessional poets with whom she is grouped. Despite this, Plath's...

09 Jan 2009

Patriarchal ideology, gender and media

Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy

In a study carried out in the mid-70s, B. Miles (1975: pg.un) found that the proportion of men and women in situation comedies was nearly similar. However, the author points out that ‘the gender roles and the humor could still be traditional and sexist'. Thus, what we need to study in order...

12 Jan 2009

Feminist perspectives : The contribution of Ann Ticker to the revision of the concept of security

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

As a searcher in international relations, Ann Tickner was firstly stroke by the law number of women working in the field. She then realised that not only were women excluded as researchers, but also as subjects of study. That was the first step of her carrier as one of the main feminist authors...

13 Jan 2009

In every mind, women have more chances to suffer from mental illness. Hence, discuss the notion of normativity within the issue of mental health care

Essay - 6 pages - Psychology

In all societies, women have always been perceived as, physically but also mentally weaker than men. For a very long period, and even today in some parts of the world, women have not been considered as rational as men, but were rather seen as a “permanently subversive force within the...

22 Apr 2009

From Cagney and Lacey to Law and order: Women in the workplace as seen on TV

Thesis - 8 pages - Film studies

“Do you have kids, Detective Benson?” asks the pleading face of a father, guilty of murdering his son's rapist. Detective Olivia Benson's eyes glaze over with a familiar look of longing, and the audience sees her softening to the man, letting out a breath while muttering “No.”...

30 Apr 2009

Book review on gender and higher education: A collection of essays edited by Becy Ropers-Huilman analyzed

Book review - 9 pages - Literature

This paper will provide a review of a collection of essays edited by Becky Ropers-Huilman entitled Gendered Futures in Higher Education. Critical Perspectives for Change. The book was published by the State University of New York Press, Albany, N.Y., in 2003. The paper will consider how this...

18 May 2009

Globalization and the women's movement in Chile

Thesis - 9 pages - Political science

Globalization, namely the neoliberal economic policies and democratic decentralized market oriented state, is considered to be both a positive and negative development. Globalization intends to improve the conditions of developing countries so that they may experience all the benefits of...

07 Jul 2009

Transphobia from transliberators

Thesis - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education

After beginning a course devoted to sexual identities, and seeing the breakdown of each on the syllabus, I noticed one omission from the standard group of letters I'd been accustomed to seeing. There was the ‘L' for lesbian, ‘G' for gay, ‘B' for bisexual, and even a ‘Q' for...

04 Sep 2009

Usage of anabolic steroids for cosmetic reasons

Thesis - 14 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The purpose of this study is to determine if anabolic steroids are used for cosmetic reasons. A thorough survey was administered to 144 willing participants. Participants were asked about their steroid use, their reasons for use, and what attracted them to androgenic anabolic steroids. The...

28 Dec 2009

Beyond patriarchy

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

For many people who live in the modern world, the oppression of women is something that they would like to think of as something that is a thing of the past. Most members of the public would prefer to believe that being female doesn't necessarily mean that someone can expect to receive fewer...

25 Feb 2010

Modernism and the odor of Chrysanthemums by D.H. Lawrence

Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy

The modernism model challenged pre-existing socio-cultural norms and was exemplified by the discussion of social relationships in early twentieth century literature. This paper examines the interrelationship between D. H. Lawrence's Odor of the Chrysanthemums and modernism and submits that D.H....

03 May 2007

A New Set of Tools

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In Audre Lorde's article, “The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House”, the title of the article frames her main argument. The motivation for this article was Lorde's experience at a humanities conference, at which she was one of two black women invited to speak. Lorde...

12 Oct 2007

The Purpose of Purpose: Aesthetics and the Unity of Context and Form in Third-World Literature

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

All literary texts are both political and aesthetic. Words in and of themselves are innately sensual, inseparable from the emotions they evoke in a reader. They are also political, pieces of language steeped in history and theory. However, writers often plan toward one extreme, selecting their...

12 Oct 2007

The Serpent Underneath: A Lesbian's Defense of Lady Macbeth

Essay - 9 pages - Literature

“Dyke,” hiss the schoolboys, to the girls with grass-stained knees and dirt-streaked cheeks. To the girls who run faster, throw further, tackle harder than the prides of fatherhood manifest. A word, but so much more a performance. A stereotype, but so much more an expectation....

30 May 2008

Menstruation Suppression, Seasonale, and Women's Bodies in the 21rst Century

Case study - 8 pages - Medical studies

For many women, a menstrual cycle is an inextricable part of being a woman. From the onset of menarche, through childbirth, and into menopause, a woman's feminine nature is defined by menstruation, a uniquely female experience. In the twenty-first century, women are becoming aware of the option...

17 Jun 2008

Compare and contrast gendered verbal communication and gendered nonverbal communication

Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Communication, in its most rudimentary form, has been described as a process whereby a message is sent by one individual and received by another. While this process as described here is quite straightforward overall, the reality is that this process occurs in both a dynamic and mitigated...

16 Jan 2025

Development of Complex Sales: Which Strategy Should Airport Systems Integrators Follow to Develop Their Sales in Saudi Arabia?

Thesis - 79 pages - Business strategy

This subject comes from Automatique & Industrie Company, which is airport sytems integrator for ground, terminal and control tours. The airport market involves exportation of activities for systems integrators companies. The MENA region is full of potential markets. Overall, Saudi Arabia Kingdom,...

10 Aug 2023

Femicide and Human Rights: Understanding and Classifying Gender-Based Violence under E.U. Law

Thesis - 20 pages - Public liberties

In 2008, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, during the launch of a campaign intending to end violence targeting women, said that the only global truth is that "violence against women is never acceptable, never excusable, never tolerable". The statement was a revelation that society...

21 Aug 2008

Pornography and evolutionary psychology

Essay - 6 pages - Psychology

How one judges an aspect of modern culture is really based upon their perspective. The perspective of an individual filters how the information received is understood. Pornography is an area of modern culture that is hotly debated; however, these debates can never be resolved because they are all...

12 Jan 2009

Is heterosexuality "natural"?

Essay - 3 pages - Psychology

The most common definition of heterosexuality is that of a sexual identity of somebody who is sexually attracted to the opposite sex. According to Richardson, “[Heterosexuality] is constructed as a coherent, natural, fixed and stable category; as universal and monolithic.” But what does...

15 Jan 2009

New opportunities for women in France: The case of Ségolène Royal

Essay - 8 pages - Human resources

Throughout the history of France, it seems that women have always appeared to be inferior to men, at least since the settling process in the Gallic period. The dominant religion, Catholicism, has intensified this state of mind as it considers God as superior to men, and men that are superior to...

15 Jan 2009

Ikea culture

Essay - 6 pages - Services marketing

Power Distance Index (PDI) focuses on the degree of equality, or inequality, between people in the country's society. In Sweden, the low Power Distance ranking indicates that in this society, there is no difference between citizen's power and wealth. In these societies equality and...

16 Jan 2009

Aung San Suu Kyi

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

To understand Aung San Suu Kyi, we must first understand the country and the circumstances in which she fights. Aung San Suu Kyi was born in Burma. Burma lies between Bangladesh and Thailand; it was a province of India until 1937 when it became a self-governing colony, its capital is Rangoon. In...

18 Mar 2009

An evaluation of the contribution made by feminist and post-structuralist perspectives to the view of gender as socially constructed

Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

A number of fundamental changes have occurred this century in relation to what it means to be male or female. They emphasize the notion that femininity and masculinity are not necessarily innate categorise which pre-exist in each person and focus more on the idea that they are historically and...

10 May 2009

The use of borders in Richard McCann's "My Mother's Clothes: The School of Beauty and Shame"

Thesis - 12 pages - Literature

Carroll Knolls—the setting of Richard McCann's “My Mother's Clothes: The School of Beauty and Shame”—is a world defined by borders; it is divided by property lines, lot spaces, fences, gates, doors, and all other manners of boundaries and barriers. The author infuses the...

31 Jul 2009

Honor killing in the United Kingdom

Case study - 31 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In recent years there have been a spate of killings in the UK characterized by the family members killing their own daughters or one of the female family members. These killings have one theme in common: a female member is generally killed by her family brutally for transgressing family code....