Gender equality: Women and the law
Thesis - 5 pages - Civil law
The United States, among many other Western countries, has been a beacon for women's rights. Many women in the world cannot teach, work, show their ankles, vote, hold public office and sometimes are not allowed to think much less. Here in the United States, women have the opportunity to do all...
Welfare and Ideology by Vic George and Paul Wilding
Book review - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Political debates are often driven by what we call ideology. Nowadays we refer to ideology as a set of values and beliefs which influence individuals, politics, groups or even societies as a whole. The critique of existing socio-economic systems, [ ] a view of the world, [ ] a...
Maasai gender relations during the colonial period: A patriarchal transformation
Case study - 15 pages - Political science
The imposition of colonial power in Africa disrupted all aspects of indigenous society. Not only were Africans robbed of political independence, but pre-colonial social structures were also destroyed or transformed based on the mercy of certain colonial powers. The Maasai, a pastoral people in...
Women in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
Essay - 6 pages - Literature
In The Canterbury Tales, women appear either as storytellers or as part of the tales themselves. We must therefore make a clear distinction between the women of the pilgrimage and the characters mentioned in the tales. The former are supposed to belong to the real life, if we agree to play the...
Improving women's condition
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
Introduction Each year, on march 8th , the media speak about women's condition insofar as it is « The International Women's day », a kindly initiative in a world where they represent the half of the population. Nowadays, women are still discriminated against : inequalities at work or...
Exploring Caliban in Shakespeare's the tempest in the context of post-colonialist theory
Thesis - 7 pages - Literature
The character, Caliban, from Shakespeare's play The Tempest, is one of the most widely discussed individual characters in Shakespeare's entire canon, especially in relation to issues of the way that Europeans represent (or mis-represent) non-white peoples, historically, in literature and in...
Phallocracy in Alan Moore's "From Hell"
Book review - 8 pages - Literature
Alan Moore offers a diagnosis of reality that portrays misogyny, homophobia, racism, classism, and governmental tyranny as demonic forces. Moore uses the graphic narrative medium as a means to communicate the demonic nature of these systems of power. In Moore's work on Swamp Thing, he created...
Koren Zailckas' Smashed: Review
Book review - 2 pages - Literature
I had seen a recommendation for this book along with an interview of the author more than a year ago in a magazine. It had always looked interesting to me as I am interested in a career in addiction medicine, so when I recently saw it in a store I jumped to buy it. This is the memoir of a girl...
Democracy, globalization and emerging/declining media
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
An important question, right now, according to a recent Globe and Mail article, as well as chatter heard recently while riding the grid-lock streets listening to a taxi driver's radio, is if daily newspapers collapse, is this a sign that democracy is in trouble? Is the increasingly globalized...
Domination and submission in Jane Eyre: An essay on power play
Essay - 3 pages - Literature
In a manner of speaking, Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre reinvents the concept of romance. One hardly expects a sordid tale of domination and submission from a sickly country girl, yet Bronte dabbled experimentally with the idea of feminism and power play in her hugely successful first...
Integration of parenting in HR policies: A challenge
Thesis - 6 pages - Human resources
In France as in most industrialized countries, major issues such as stress and equality between men and women highlight the difficulty in reconciling work and family life. This is particularly because of the emergence of new forms of organization of work and the increasing feminization of...
Levi's: The marketing strategy
Case study - 11 pages - Services marketing
Jeans symbolize America: initially, it represented the hero of the conquest of the West, the cowboy. It then joined another American myth: that of the cinema. Youngsters were fascinated by the jeans toting character played by James Dean in Fury of Living. Jeans were exploited thereafter by...
Dove advertising campaign
Case study - 18 pages - Services marketing
In the modern days, media is everywhere. Communication is not only essential, it has become a necessity. Media includes the choice of advertising channels, for example, television, radio, newspaper, direct mail, and to be recognized, it is important to stand apart from the others. The creative...
"The Second Sex", Simone de Beauvoir (1949) - is the woman an accomplice to her own oppression?
Book review - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The second Sex, by Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) was published in 1949, at a time when women were considered inferior to men. In her book, Beauvoir argues that women have historically been considered abnormal and deviant, and have been refused control over their own existence, and...
Case of the Nickel Company
Case study - 29 pages - Business strategy
Like women, men are increasingly aware of the importance of their bodies and their image. According to the reports in 1995, 65% of men thought that, it is "important to take care of their skin and it was seen that, 19% of men used their partner's skin care products. In 2004, there was an...
Advertising and women: how advertisement has been directed to the US women
Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy
Prior to the Civil War, the life of most US women were influenced by what history commentators refer to us the Cult of True Womanhood. ( Industrialization and other developments generated a shift in work customs, which saw men leaving...
Diane de Prima and Jack Kerouac's effect on the beat generation
Case study - 3 pages - Literature
The time in America following the confusion of World War II resulted in a great identity crisis for the thinkers of the country. Creators suddenly found them in a world resisting change for it felt it had experience enough in regards to the devastation of war. The country implemented strict...
Violence from a gender perspective and feminist perspectives in peacebuilding and conflict resolution
Case study - 8 pages - Sociology & social sciences
There are 2 cases and concepts discussed in this document : a. Define and discuss the concept of the continuum of violence and illustrate how it is relevant in understanding violence from a gender perspective. Use an example of your choice. b. Present and discuss at least three major contemporary...
Men and Masculinity
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
In as much as there is a lot of relevance in the relationship between men and masculinity, it is imperative to evaluate the issue in the context of gender balance. Masculinity may be described to be the aspect associated with how much benefit a well-built individual becomes to the society. It may...
Social theories
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
Generally, social theories comprise a number of basic rudiments. These include epistemology, ontology, historical location, and a set of prescriptions. Epistemology seeks to respond to particular issues such as the ways and manner in which individuals recognize, identify, and make out the things...
Disputes and protest movements in the United States of 1960 to 1980
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
In 1968, Richard Nixon proclaimed:''If I could choose a time and a country to live in, I would choose the United States of America in 1968.'' The United States enjoyed a peaceful period in 1968; this economic superpower does not have to worry about its industry, its services or...
Career management: Women and the Glass Ceiling
Thesis - 27 pages - Human resources
There has been an increase in the participation of women in the professional world today. They are becoming increasingly qualified and skilled. However, this increase in opportunity has not led them into illusions and they do not consider themselves lucky. They do not compare their situation to...
Women in Film: African Filmmakers and Female Identity in African Cinema
Case study - 5 pages - Film studies
tradition from generation to generation. This is an essential part of how powerful the medium of film can be in Africa; it is more effective in societal change than books, literature, or anything involving literacy. African film goes beyond its function in western culture; it serves a greater...
A clash of civilizations in France?
Case study - 10 pages - Political science
Huntington's influence in international relations (Graham 2004) necessitates a deconstruction of his, and question whether it is still applicable today. However, it is essential to define Huntington's civilization: the ...highest cultural grouping of people and the broadest level of...
Controversy Within
Essay - 2 pages - Film studies
In the last century alone, the United States of America has witnessed dozens of equal rights movements. Some of the most significant rights Americans currently enjoy have come out of great struggle and controversy. Whenever a group of citizens protest the way their society views them,...
How do the international conferences participate in resisting the globalization movement?
Essay - 5 pages - International relations
Globalization is a phenomenon that appeared in the early 20th century. It refers to an increase in the interdependence of the economies, societies, cultures and politics. Globalization has disrupted the face of the World since its apparition. Indeed, international relations are now dominated by...
Banning convertion therapy for the transgender youth
Essay - 6 pages - Psychology
Convertion therapy, which can also be expressed as convertion therapy tries to convert lesbians, gay, bisexual as well as transgender persons from same gender sex to heterosexuality by means of prayer as well as other efforts. The basis of reparative therapy is that the gender identity or sexual...
What is queer theory and how does it help explain the production of knowledge about sexuality?
Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology
The term queer is slang for homosexual. It is also a synonymous of odd, curious or suspect. It is also the most recent in a series of words that have constituted the semantic field of homosexuality. But queer is not simply the latest example in a series of words that...
Why did not French women obtain the right to vote before 1944?
Thesis - 10 pages - Modern history
France was the first country to establish male universal suffrage but one of the last Western states to institute Universal Suffrage: French women were not granted the right to vote before 1944. Many historians have pointed out this apparent anomaly and have used the idea of le retard...
A wife's role in marriage
Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
A wife's submission to her husband is important to a successful marriage. When two people are bonded together to form one union, there are bound to be trials and disagreements. However, when there is a head of a household, the marriage runs more smoothly. The man should be the head of the...