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Theme : Feelings

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03 May 2007

Contemporary "Othering"

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

A few weeks ago, I joined a protest on the quad against the “Conservative Coming Out Day”, which was organized by the Orange and Blue Observer and a conservative student group on campus. The conservative group held a “coming out day” because the members say they feel...

10 May 2007

The Presence of Walt Whitman in "A Supermarket in California"

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

Allen Ginsberg's poem “A Supermarket in California” is a vivid depiction of the contrast between a lighted, populated American supermarket and the dark, solitary streets outside; a contrast between the youthful American generation and the aged, solitary Walt Whitman who is contained...

19 Feb 2008

Book review: An analysis of the narrative voice in Richard Ford's "Wildlife"

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

In Wildlife, Richard Ford employs Joe, a sixteen year old boy unsocialized and unfamiliar with the world around him, to tell the story of his parent's marriage. Having moved to Great Falls, Montana after living in four other towns, Joe is forced to navigate through a new town, as well as through...

16 Apr 2008

The Parent-Child Dynamic: Ernest Hemingway Vs Winesburg

Book review - 6 pages - Literature

Ernest Hemingway's first collection of stories, In Our Time, published in 1925, was heavily influenced by his then friend Sherwood Anderson's 1919 collection Winesburg, Ohio. The most notable difference in the times in which the stories are set is Winesburg, Ohio is set before World War I, and...

22 Apr 2008

Marketing in Major League Baseball

Case study - 6 pages - Services marketing

Even before the Boston Red Sox won the World Series, people were religiously collecting their merchandise. Now, with the onslaught of newly marketed “2004World Champions” merchandise, there are even more t-shirts and hats to go around. Yet, this obsession goes beyond apparel. In the...

17 Jul 2008

Musicality in movies

Essay - 3 pages - Film studies

The journey to self-discovery is a highlighting period for many young adults. Many filmmakers utilize those coming-of-age experiences to express the reality and pains of growing older. One contemporary example of this genre is Garden State. Released in 2004, this film transcends beyond the...

26 Sep 2008

Validity of the Beck Depression Inventory

Essay - 16 pages - Psychology

The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is a widely used instrument in the measuring of depression and its severity. BDI is a simple instrument: there are twenty-one multiple-choice items; the respondent answers according to his or her feelings as remembered over the past two weeks. The BDI...

30 Sep 2008

"Text Messaging and Instant Messaging : Aid or hindrance?"

Essay - 7 pages - Journalism

As is the case when many technologies emerge, the debates that spring forth tend to fall to one side or the other. Moral, ethical, social, and religious concerns arise. However, there is one type of concern that I find not only interesting, but in a way disturbing. That is, the fear of the...

04 Nov 2008

Conflicting Zionisms in the context of George Orwell's "Notes on Nationalism"

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

I begin this essay with an anecdote: when I read the headline announcing the resignation of Fidel Castro, I asked several American friends their instinctive reaction to Castro, regardless of their views on his forty-nine year rule. While the reactions were not as visceral as one might expect...

11 Nov 2008

Understanding children with Asperger's Syndrome through visual art

Essay - 5 pages - Medical studies

It is believed by many that art is one of the most basic ways that people communicate their inner feelings, thoughts and values with the world outside themselves. This is particularly true of children, who are often times painfully honest in expressing how they see themselves and others by...

21 Nov 2008

Media portrayal of Midwesterner's

Essay - 7 pages - Journalism

Media influences the way people think and behave. What media says about anyone/thing becomes the norm. It influences simple things such as what people talk about on their lunch breaks to more complex belief systems. Media frames depict people from geographic areas in stereotypical ways; this...

28 Nov 2008

Just vengeance or righteous follies; which Hamlet did you see?

Essay - 8 pages - Literature

William Richardson describes Hamlet's character as one “moved by finer principles, by an exquisite sense of virtue, of moral beauty and turpitude.” (Hoy 147) Richardson goes on to say that a man like Hamlet “will find [his sense of moral excellence] a source of pleasure and of pain...

18 Dec 2008

The morality of drug use and dealing

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

Everyone in America wants to live the American Dream. They want to make a lot of money and be happy. Life is not easy though, and it is difficult to successfully live out the American Dream. Some people are fortunate enough to be born into families who are financially well off and everything in...

12 Jan 2009

Terror and Horror in the Fantastic Novels: Walpole's The Castle Of Otranto, Shelley's Frankenstein and Stoker's Dracula

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

The concepts of terror and horror are key factors in the Fantastic and Gothic novel. This literary genre appeared with Walpole's The Castle of Otranto in 1765 and then flourished until 1830; it mainly developed during the historical period of the Enlightenment and can be seen as an alternative to...

15 Jan 2009

When the Japanese moved into Southeast Asia in 1941, local reactions to the occupying forces differed greatly. Evaluate the motivations that fueled these varying responses, taking into consideration particular local situations and periods of the war

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

Raising the question of the reactions to the Japanese takeover in Southeast Asia is very delicate and original for many reasons. Firstly, Southeast Asia is a broad region and it is most likely that the reactions of locals will differ greatly from one place to another. Secondly, there is not one...

15 Jan 2009

Nationalism and Regionalism in the era of the making of a common European identity

Essay - 5 pages - European union

The year 2000 will be and have already been pivotal for the European Union. Ten new countries became full members of the Union and Turkey is on his way to the membership. But the 2005 failure to make all the countries sign the project of European constitution asks legitimate questions about the...

15 Jan 2009

The Australian Strine

Essay - 17 pages - Philosophy

Having spent my eight-month-stay between Sydney and Brisbane, respectively State capitals of New South Wales and Queensland, sharing Australians' life, and having also travelled a bit to other cities and States of the East Coast, I feel I must share my affection for this vast, exciting...

20 Jan 2009

The motivation of sales personnel

Essay - 10 pages - Human resources

Companies do not exist without the people who work there. The main objective of the surroundings is to obtain the best productivity from it's staff as well as maximum quality. These expectations require adequate abilities, an irreproachable organization, but more importantly the motivation of all...

20 Jan 2009

Cultural differences in management

Essay - 31 pages - Management

As we have come to a world of economic globalization, more and more companies are working in an international approach. Globalization incites a multitude of situations and intercultural relations. The company is therefore faced with an assimilation of a lot of knowledge on the countries where it...

27 Jan 2009

Guide to becoming a top supervisor

Essay - 4 pages - Management

Many people have the misconception a manager is only responsible for taking care of unhappy customers and watching over his or her team. While this fallacy is usually the thoughts of customers, employees can also hold similar ideas. Often employees feel management is an easy job where all that is...

20 Feb 2009

Race Poverty and the Underclass by Christopher Jencks

Book review - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In his book, Race Poverty and the Underclass, Christopher Jencks formulates a thesis that is aimed at revealing the short-comings of popular social policy remedies. He addresses options that are based on political ideologies which do not fare well in recognizing the reality of social problems in...

15 Apr 2009

Bob Marley: A Little Island, A Big Voice

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Bob Marley was a Jamaican singer, musician, and activist born February 6, 1945. He died on May 11, 1981 and during his short tenure of life he composed and focused his energy on his ability to communicate to the masses, through music, his ideology of non-violence and peaceful resistance to the...

16 Apr 2009

The study and research of different fields of certified financial planning

Tutorials/exercises - 22 pages - Finance

Every body has dreams, dreams for themselves, dreams for their families, To fulfill these one needs to back up earnings by investing wisely. Most people work hard and earn money but when it comes to financial planning and actually going ahead with it they don't care much. Every one is different,...

26 Apr 2009

Exploring the relationship between happiness and well being

Thesis - 7 pages - Psychology

We live in a culture where we are told every day in the media, from TV shows to advertising in magazines, that in order to be really happy we must have a lot of things: cars, homes, appliances, stereo equipment, fancy computers, and money to go on tropical cruises and so on. The happiest people...

05 May 2009

Six case studies on usage of technology in relation to the philosophical, social and ethical factors in modern education system

Dissertation - 71 pages - Educational studies

The following are the case studies discussed in this paper. 1. The misuse of e-Mail technology has created ethical problems. Some critics think that technology tends to remove students from the moral implications of technology. Issues at stake include respect for privacy, the proper use in...

07 May 2009

What is depression and how is it looked after?

Thesis - 2 pages - Psychology

There are several types of depression, but we will only discuss the major depressions. We will try to understand this disease, by analyzing its symptoms, causes and possible treatments. The clinical depression is more than a feeling of bad day's blues. It is an intense state...

17 May 2009

Lyrical ballads by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge or the birth of a new literary movement during the Industrial Revolution

Case study - 4 pages - Literature

Industrialism, expansion, profit, production and individualism were the feelings which took place during the period of the Industrial Revolution in England. People in Great Britain were led by the streams of progress, but the modernizations in technology had some important consequences on...

17 May 2009

How George Frederick Handel composed the "Hallelujah" Chorus

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

The text is a collective prayer to celebrate the resurrection and the future of our world. The kingdom of Earth is becoming the kingdom of the Lord; in other words the domination of God has to take the place off the domination of Men. The word Hallelujah means “the Lord be praised”: it...

17 May 2009

How (if at all) do you know that you are not dreaming?

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

One big philosophical question is to know whether we know anything or not. Knowing in a sense is quite different from its everyday use. As a matter of fact everyone claims to know various things all the time, but the conditions that are required to say that we know in everyday life are quite...

23 May 2009

Differences in communication between men and women

Thesis - 4 pages - Economy general

“Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” touts the cover of an American bestseller. The instant success of this book (over 14 million copies sold) hints at a polarized population eager to bridge the gender gap. Yet some readers feel that it is writing such as these that exacerbate...