Football, Mead-Halls, and Bards: Perpetuated Gender Roles from Anglo-Saxon Literature
Essay - 2 pages - Literature
In modern times, men and women in America are divided by their stereotypical gender roles. Women are inferior to men; they are interested in domestic issues and should make the men in their lives happy. Men are chauvinists; they enjoy nights with the guys and feel a stronger...
Adelina's character in The Queen by Pacheco
Essay - 4 pages - Literature
We live in a society where many people are seen as outcasts. The majority of our society sees themselves as superior and try to suppress those not like them. In Jose Emilio Pacheco's The Queen, Adelina is seen as an outcast and is tormented by those around her. Her family and...
Role Analysis: our link to our day to day life
Essay - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The roles that a person plays in circles in society, in a family, in the workplace, or even while driving on the road are linked to each other and can have positive or adverse affects on each other. One situation or role where a person is encouraged behave in a negative manner can alter or...
An Exploration of Diversity and Self Monitoring
Case study - 4 pages - Psychology
Today we live in a world that undeniably diverse, especially in the United States of America. We strive to have a peaceful coexistence of diverse ethnic groups, as we embrace our similarities yet still hold our differences close. Historically, the United States has had to deal with many issues of...
Post impressionism in To the Lighthouse
Case study - 5 pages - Literature
Very little endures in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse; by the third book most of the characters have died tragic and largely overlooked deaths, or they have disappeared almost without mention. Only two characters, the neurotic philosopher Mr. Ramsay and the lone artist Lily Briscoe are...
Arresting the alienation of foreign college students in the United States
Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies
College life in itself is proven to be a challenging time. There are quite a number of factors that can inhibit college success. Some of these factors may be financialsuch as the demand of scholarships, the inadequacy of monetary support from the parents, or the need to look for a part-time...
Trip down memory lane : Hallucinogens and its effects
Essay - 3 pages - Medical studies
Taking hallucinogenic drugs can be a trip down heaven or hell. Hallucinogens are a type of drug that distorts or alters the way a person perceives the world. Taking hallucinogens is like entering into a completely different world which simultaneously became part of the human world. The emerge of...
Thinking through Jung
Essay - 5 pages - Psychology
This essay is radically Post'-Jungian. As with other essays that I have written it can only exist due to the immersion within Jungian psychology. But in effect I am working through Jungian psychology. Hence one is indebted to Jung but nevertheless, most definitely post-Jungian. Carl Jung...
Client consultancy project: Leeds Metropolitan University Student' Union Elections
Thesis - 29 pages - Political science
This report carries out extensive background research to the election process of Leeds Metropolitan University Students Union (S.U.) and the attitudes of students attending the University. The findings show that students do not feel there is an effort to engage them in the S.U. election process...
Sensory marketing - using the 5 track senses
Essay - 15 pages - Services marketing
Almost our entire understanding of the world is experienced through our senses. Our senses are our link to memory and can tap right into emotion. A bright fresh spring day has a particular smell to it. Manufacturers try to bottle this feeling of life's renewal. Then the marketers use...
The corporate culture
Essay - 9 pages - Management
Today, companies need to create and develop their corporate culture to transmit an image and identity. It permits to build a stimulant and attractive environment in the company and the employees feel the affiliation to a group. In this way, firms are more effective, productive, efficient and...
Suicide at work in France and Japan
Essay - 15 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Bad working conditions can affect people and lead them to commit suicide. For example, in France between 300 and 400 suicides per year are directly linked to working conditions. Through poor working conditions we mean three major trends, which exert a bad pressure on the way people work. The...
What is 'Emotion Marketing'?
Thesis - 7 pages - Services marketing
Emotion Marketing is a new theory, which will soon capture the attention of all marketers. It is about how a business can use emotion to sell its products or services, to enhance brand loyalty, and to build lifelong customers. The core idea of Emotion Marketing is to create and implement...
Understanding quality of work life
Tutorials/exercises - 38 pages - Human resources
Human resource management is concerned with human beings, who are the energetic elements of management. The success of any organization or an enterprise will depend upon the ability, strength and motivation of the persons working in it. The Human Resource Management refers to the systematic...
A study of Franco-Manitoban cultural identity
Thesis - 7 pages - Educational studies
I have opted to focus my attentions on Manitoba's French Canadians for the purposes of this assignment. I was able to interview Pete Vandal , a 51 year old father of three, about his thoughts on Franco-Manitoban culture and identity. As this cultural group is one of considerable importance in...
An analysis and study on stress management and its implementation
Thesis - 20 pages - Management
Only recently has stress been seen as a contributory factor to the productivity and health costs of companies and countries. As studies of stress-related illnesses and deaths show, stress imposes a high cost on individual health and well-being as well as organizational productivity. There are...
Sociological accounts of social movements
Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Contemporary sociological accounts of social movements are mainly influenced by the new American paradigm' (crossley) arguing that social actors are rational calculators. According to these sociologists, emotions associated with irrationality are opposed to knowledge linked with...
Education and the disabled
Case study - 18 pages - Social, moral & civic education
From everything I have been exposed to this semester I feel that I have a good understanding of what is necessary to achieve excellence in teaching. The teacher must be attentive to the needs of the students, be able to relate to them in some way, be willing to dedicate extra time and energy to...
Je hasarde une explication: écrire, c'est le dernier recours quand on a trahi.' (Jean Genet - epigraph to La Place) Is this the case for Annie Ernaux's narrator?
Thesis - 2 pages - Literature
In Annie Ernaux's La Place, the theme of betrayal is so prevalent that one could say it is the basis of the book. I think it would be fair to say that écrire, c'est le dernier recours quand on a trahi when looking at Annie Ernaux's narrator. The narrator feels that she has betrayed...
Can the European parliament ever break out of the cycle of failing public interests and legitimacy?
Thesis - 5 pages - European union
In one of his speeches, Pat Cox, the President of the European Parliament said Turnout across Europe [in 1999] was higher than in the last US Presidential Elections, and I do not hear people questioning the legitimacy of the presidency of the United States.'. Since 1979, indeed, the...
Examining the security motivation model of obsessive-compulsive disorder
Thesis - 10 pages - Psychology
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is condition marked by persistent and intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and the repetition of relatively stereotyped behaviors despite the recognition that they are irrational (compulsions) (Szechtman & Woody, 2004). Individuals with OCD experience a high need...
Juno: What's good for you?
Thesis - 7 pages - Film studies
Sex, sex, sex, and more sex. We're so egotistic in this country. I remember my adolescent issues teacher in high school raising a question to the class that still resonates with me: Does the media dictate the people in society, or do people in society dictate the media? Sitting in her...
Mimetic rivalry in 'Envy' and 'Safe conduct'
Thesis - 8 pages - Literature
Mimetic desire is the desire of an object, not because of a rational choice to fulfill one's own needs, but instead because that object fulfills the needs of a rival subject. It is meta-desire, desire of someone else's desire. Mimetic desire develops out of an attempt to imitate the rival...
Drug error in a practice placement
Thesis - 7 pages - Medical studies
For this summative assignment using a reflective model of my choice, I am going to critically reflect upon an aspect of my professional development which has been chosen from my professional portfolio. Reflective writing is considered a key component of portfolio assessment because it provides...
The psychological keys to success
Case study - 11 pages - Psychology
Do you feel grateful for what you have? There are good reasons that you should. Research has found that being grateful for what you have has positive effects on numerous areas of health and well-being, including, Higher reported levels of the positive states of alertness, enthusiasm,...
Healthy and stress free living
Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Everyone needs a healthy body and a healthy mindin fact everyone aspires for a healthy combination of a fit mind in a fit body. In order to have a stress free and healthy lifestyle one has to follow certain principles and they are quite simple to adopt if one is really determined to live...
Vegetarian and vegan: Living without meat
Thesis - 24 pages - Medical studies
Being vegetarian or vegan is nothing extraordinary, what is difficult is to take the step to have the energy, strength of character to stand out from the current majority and fulfill the daily difficulties associated with their choice. The difficulties are not, contrary to what many may think of...
Alienation in characters and in ourselves
Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism
Human beings are by nature social creatures. We need to be raised by others, bred by other, and also to live with others. More than one short story this semester dealt with a theme that is the opposite of community- alienation. In the three short stories Cathedral, The Man...
"Flying Carpet", Steven Millhauser - "flying up to the sky"
Book review - 4 pages - Literature
Steven Millhauser is a writer of realist fiction. However, his work cannot be limited by labeling it only realistic. Another dimension is added to his short stories. They are full of interpretations. In Flying Carpet, though the story seems to be quite casual, even banal - a child trying to reach...
Conflict management
Case study - 8 pages - Human resources
We are confronted daily with situations of conflict. Indeed, tensions arise in the workplace as well as within the family. These disagreements often are due to more secret reasons and not conscious and it is sometimes difficult to terminate. After identifying the origins of conflicts, we will...