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Theme : Feelings

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19 Mar 2014

'To succeed in creating a convincing character, the write needs to give the audience a sense that characters have inner thoughts and feelings'. To what extent, and in what ways, does this statement apply to 'The Handmaids Tale' and 'The House of

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

Both ‘The Handmaid's Tale' by Margret Atwood and ‘The House of Bernada Alba' by Frederico Garcia Lorca are stories that focus on the development of character, rather than the development of action. In order to make these characters convincing, the author could express the characters...

17 Nov 2013

Feelings of Confinement within William Blake's "Infant Sorrow"

Case study - 1 pages - Literature

William Blake's “Infant Sorrow”, is a reflection of the speaker's discontent as an infant. Initially, the poem describes the speaker's birth, and then proceeds to discuss the subsequent actions and feelings of the infant. Predominately, Blake's literary work provides a negative...

21 May 2012

"The UK economy looks battered. People don't like the outlook. They are showing their feelings by selling the Pound." Strategist Jeremy Stretch quoted in the Sun. Explain this quote. Does the exchange rate matter? Can and should the UK government do

Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy

The current UK economic climate is uncertain. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), used as a measure of National Income has only recently in the fourth quarter of 2009 inched out of the negative and into positive growth of 0.1 per cent. This is after a long recession which began in the first half of...

09 Jan 2009

To what extent can the Spanish model of citizenship be used for the European Union? Examine the rights and duties of the citizen under the Spanish Constitution as well as the conciliation of various regional aspirations and feelings. In what way is this

Essay - 5 pages - Constitutional law

According to many commentators and journalists, the European Union would be challenged by some crisis, each of them having different natures: for instance, European regions, whereas they could be a good complement for European governance, are increasingly perceived as a threat for the European...

01 Sep 2021

Does technology play a role in making people feel more isolated?

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

When isolation can be defined as the lack or absence of quality and quantity of social contact, technology on its side is the application of the knowledge and usage of tools (such as machines) and techniques in order to control an environment. As it is very well known that social isolation can be...

22 Aug 2023

To What Extent Does the Expression of Emotions Influence Relationships?

Dissertation - 3 pages - Psychology

Emotions play an important role in our daily lives, they are affecting everything from our behavior to our decisions, and contribute to the construction of our own- identity. So they represent a crucial part of the communication between humans and relationships are based on communication,...

09 Dec 2024

Human behaviour

Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Everyday's life

Defining who we are, alone and without an external point of view could be difficult, at least and maybe impossible. However, the exercise here does not wait for us to be objective and perfectly honest. There is an objective of introspection, which will permit a better comprehension of our...

21 Mar 2022

Maggie, A Girl of the Streets - Stephen Crane - Maggie is impossible to weep over

Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature

Individuals are determined by heredity and their social category (which covers the place they live in and their standard of living). Maggie, the protagonist of Stephen Crane's novel Maggie, A Girl of the Streets published in 1896, is modelled, shaped, and ultimately determined by her...

15 Aug 2022

Reflective entrepreneurial report: UK alcoholic industry

Market study - 11 pages - Catering marketing

For an entrepreneur to be successful in establishing a startup, it is important that they identify viable business opportunity/ies. The business environment is characterized by numerous business opportunities. All that an entrepreneur needs to do is to identify the business opportunity (Agbim,...

22 Dec 2022

Is the Reality of the Subject a Certainty or an Illusion?

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

"Cogito ergo sum. "I think, therefore I am'. This Latin locution, uttered by René Descartes, philosophers of the Enlightenment, gives an unmistakable type of view of human consciousness. Since I have the will and the consciousness to think, I am, I exist. My thought, which I observe, refers...

17 Dec 2024

Review of the MORA Website and the Video "Have the Conversation about Organ, Eye, and Tissue Donation"

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Medical studies

Human organ transport has become incredibly important with the rising irreversible organ failure. Nonetheless, the donors and the recipients may face both psychological and sociological challenges upon returning home. Postoperative care of patients at home is critical in enhancing their quality...

16 Aug 2022

Jane Eyre and the struggle to reconcile societal expectations

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

In the Victorian era, the essential aspect of a woman's life revolved around her family's domestic sphere and the home she came from. Women from the Middle class were raised to be innocent and pure, sexually undemanding and tender and obedient and submissive. They were presented in this manner to...

06 Apr 2022

Building Effective Workplace Relationships for Career Growth

Practical guide - 3 pages - Human resources

Relating with your colleagues at work may prove stifling. In a formal setting, where everybody tries to maintain professionalism and respect boundaries, communication may become mechanical and uninteresting. Without time to banter each other, ask thoughtful questions that may or may not be...

07 Sep 2012

Nietzsche and Freud on the "Oceanic Feeling"

Essay - 8 pages - Philosophy

It is indisputable that Nietzsche was a major influence on Freud's theories on psychoanalysis. Specifically within Freud's Civilization and its Discontents, and Nietzsche's essay “Schopenhauer as Educator,” there are clearly shared opinions on, for example, the necessity of examination...

29 Nov 2006

The European identity issue: what most determines the European "we feeling"?

Essay - 11 pages - European union

“You don't fall in love with a common market” (EU Commission President Jacques Delors in The European, 3 November 1994). Here emerges one of today's most challenging issues for the European Union: the prevalence of market integration has created a political vacuum and so-called...

28 Jul 2015

How we should think of homelessness

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Our nation is plagued with an array of issues. Some problems are foreign, but many are domestic issues. With domestic issues come the possibility for domestic solutions. In other words, you and I can help solve these problems. Homelessness illustrates the potential we have of solving domestic...

26 Mar 2009

Whereas the crucial importance of freedom of expression/freedom of the press cannot be in dispute, some feel that the development of the "Reynolds defence", has gone too far in relegating the role of libel laws to a position of secondary importance

Essay - 4 pages - Public liberties

In most areas where the tort law exists, the concentration is mainly with regard to the protection of personal safety against harm caused by physical interference. The tort of defamation is however concerned with protecting the claimant from harm caused by harsh words (harm caused verbally)....

18 Dec 2008

Thinking through Jung

Essay - 5 pages - Psychology

This essay is radically ‘Post'-Jungian. As with other essays that I have written it can only exist due to the immersion within Jungian psychology. But in effect I am working through Jungian psychology. Hence one is indebted to Jung but nevertheless, most definitely post-Jungian. Carl Jung...

16 Jan 2009

On the way to a successful integration on a US Campus. How can a French student succeed his integration?

Essay - 23 pages - Educational studies

What makes 600 000 young people from all over the world come to study in the United States? Is it the reputation of the US degrees? The efficient teaching methods or the life on campus? Studying in the United States is a myth for a large number of students in the world. A lot of movies and series...

07 Dec 2020

The Tangible Sight: The Haptic Experience in Film

Dissertation - 20 pages - Film studies

The following essay concerns audio-visual representations of the sense of touch in cinema, with a focus on contemplative and experimental cinema, and the affect it has on a general audience. To explain what happens physiologically and psychologically that allows us to feel, I've studied the...

16 Jan 2009

The effectiveness of guilt appeal in the fashion business

Essay - 9 pages - Business strategy

Guilt and its mechanisms are a relevant way to understand consumers' behaviour towards fashion luxury purchases. Fashion is a huge industry, which proposes products based on subjective and personal affects. Clothes have to fit, to make people feel comfortable and good looking and not just to be...

21 Apr 2009

A study on stress management

Dissertation - 67 pages - Management

Stress is usually defined in terms of the internal and external conditions that create stressful situations, and the symptoms that people experience when they are stressed. STRESS MANAGEMENT is a very vital aspect of every organization. Stress management can be linked to our day to day...

08 May 2009

On the way to a successful integration on a US Campus as a French student

Thesis - 14 pages - Educational studies

What makes 600,000 young people from all over the world come to study in the United States? Is it the reputation of the US degrees? The efficient teaching methods? Life on campus? Studying in the United States is a dream for a large number of students in the world. A lot of movies and serials...

08 Oct 2015

The wellbeing of afghan refugees in Sweden

Dissertation - 65 pages - Psychology

It is traumatizing to become a refugee, not in the sense of insane, frantic or deranged, but in terms of feeling out of place, misplaced or a being cast off. The identity of refugee is narrowed to an Immigrant, delineated by the term category. The reality of a refugee is inverted the...

03 Aug 2009

East London love story

Thesis - 112 pages - Literature

They were both children of poverty, born into the dark slums of East London. Yet their worlds could hardly have been more different. Eric De Milo blessed with a loving Italian family and an artistic gift that gave him a chance for a better life. On the other hand, Helena Whitman who knew little...

18 Apr 2012

Notes from Underground

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

Dostoyevsky crafted Notes from Underground in a way that upon reading the first section, one is filled with confusion and many conflicting ideas. Yet as the second part of the story unravels, the confusion and conflict start to become clearer and it becomes apparent how the experiences of the...

17 May 2013

'The vulnerable human in his extremity meets the indifferent but infinitely varied forces of nature.' Compare and contrast the ways in which the authors of your three chosen texts use presentation of setting and its significance in the texts to underp

Case study - 9 pages - Literature

The various setting, natural environments and resultant social pressures that are presented by our three writers, are shown to have serious consequences and effects on the physically vulnerable or emotionally sensitive characters presented by Hardy, Fowles and Wordsworth. Hardy presents Tess as...

15 Sep 2010

An everyman's primer to the control of regret

Dissertation - 15 pages - Arts and art history

Regret is usually defined as an emotion experienced by humans when they are unhappy with events that are beyond their control. This paper deals with man's ability to control his feelings of regret. Because of the complexity and irrationality of the human brain people often experience...

07 Oct 2009

Teacher empathy and its impact on bullying in schools

Thesis - 23 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Bullying has been a difficult term to define, particularly before state legislatures began to define bullying in precise language for the purpose of law-making. Oftentimes, it was left up to teachers, or individual students, to express their own qualitative and subjective definition of the...

29 Sep 2010

The effectiveness of guilt appeal in social marketing

Thesis - 20 pages - Services marketing

The goal of our project is to develop an affective approach to Attitudes and Persuasion. Indeed, we want to understand and explain the role emotions can play in the evolution of people's attitudes towards a topic, a product, a cause, an advertisement, or a company for instance. Of course,...