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26 Sep 2011

Diesel - redefining fashion for the US

Market study - 10 pages - Business strategy

Diesel has been redefining the world of fashion in the American market for quite sometime now. The entry of Diesel into the United States of America was a bit late when compared to its entry into the other peripheral markets. This can be attributed to the fact that the USA (United States...

09 May 2009

Risk management in the asset management industry (risk measurement techniques): An evaluation of 'value at risk' tools

Tutorials/exercises - 112 pages - Finance

This Report is divided into two parts. Part I is introductory in nature containing brief profiles of global and Indian mutual fund industries, risk and the mutual fund industry, theoretical aspects of risk management process and various concepts associated with measurement of risks...

08 May 2009

A look at the small scale industries

Thesis - 22 pages - Business strategy

Small scale industry is widely recognized as a powerful instrument for socioeconomic growth and balanced sectoral development. One of the distinctive characteristics of small scale sector is that the development of these industries would create broader employment opportunities assisting...

13 May 2009

The tourism industry in India: A general overview

Tutorials/exercises - 40 pages - Journalism

Tourism is a very complex industry due to its multiple activities that satisfies the need of the tourist. Tourism includes transportation, accommodation, food, catering, tourist attraction as well as organizers like tour operators and travel agents. Moreover, a tour consists of different...

25 Aug 2009

An introduction to the hotel industry: An investigation of the departments

Thesis - 36 pages - Business strategy

To most people, the hospitality industry consists only of hotels and restaurants. However, the Oxford English Dictionary defines hospitality as the 'reception and entertainment of guests, visitors or strangers with liberality and goodwill'. Therefore, the hospitality...

17 Sep 2009

A study on the Indian automobile industry in relation to Skoda

Case study - 25 pages - Business strategy

If the business is all about finding or creating a customer, Indian Inc started developing a nodding acquaintance with this idea only around the1990s. In the last five years though the learning process has accelerated as competition intensified and the customer started slipping away from the...

18 Sep 2009

Understanding the working process of various departments in the garment industry

Thesis - 7 pages - Management

The Merchandising Department plays an important role in the garment industry. The merchandiser works as an intermediate between the buyer and the vendor. Merchandisers represent either the buyer or the factory. Merchandising is all about planning to have the right merchandise at the...

16 Jun 2010

Adidas women: The new trend in the sportswear industry

Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy

Sports have become an important part in the lives of men mainly due to the modern changes in the sporting arena. To meet consumer needs, sporting brands offer a wide range of products in the sportswear market. Today, Adidas is one of the biggest brand in the sportswear industry. Found in...

28 Apr 2009

Marketing of the hotel industry

Case study - 36 pages - Services marketing

The good times that began for the hotel industry, with the opening up of the economy at the start of the decade, seem to have ended. The industry has had its ups and downs and come a full circle in the last ten years. As with the broad economy (until this fiscal), the hotel...

05 May 2009

A study on the Indian leisure industry and its importance in the business world

Thesis - 23 pages - Business strategy

The concept of leisure, and the freedom to choose individual pastimes and leisure pursuits, is a 20th century development for the mass population. Historically, only the wealthy could divide up their time to engage in activities of their choosing. The working classes had neither the time nor the...

03 Mar 2011

The toy industry and the study of Jurassic Toys

Market study - 3 pages - Services marketing

The dominant strategy of manufacturers of Jura is the ability to create toys that cannot be easily copied by Asian manufacturers. To accomplish this, they play on several criteria, including the size of the toys. Indeed, the import of toys is carried out by sea, and transport containers can be...

28 May 2009

Future of tobacco industry post tobacco ban

Tutorials/exercises - 40 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Americans spend an estimated $51.9 billion on tobacco products in 1997, or just under 1% of their disposable income. Of this amount, $48.7 billion (or 94%) was spent on cigarettes, $2.2 billion on smokeless and smoking tobacco, and $0.9 billion on cigars. Cigarette production in the United...

11 Aug 2009

The anthropology of dresses: Clothing industry analysis

Thesis - 5 pages - Business strategy

Rugby Ralph Lauren, the newest division of Ralph Lauren Clothing, was established in October of 2004. At just four years old, the branch boasts ten locations across the United States. The oldest of these stores is located on Newbury Street in Boston while the New York City location pulls in over...

13 Jan 2009

Strategy Analysis on the gambling industry with the example of MGM Mirage

Thesis - 64 pages - Business strategy

We selected the gambling industry as a group because we thought it would be interesting, challenging and because the industry has recently felt a new impulse with the internet. The gambling industry is not one of the most recent industries though, and to understand it fully...

25 Nov 2008

Delusions of Soviet power and the American military-industrial complex

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

The Cold War period for the United States and indeed, the world was one of turbulence and uncertainty. The conclusion of World War II saw the clash of two major world powers, each replete with the awesome capability of nuclear weapons. For the first time in history the human race intentionally...

15 Jan 2009

An analysis of the structure of the canadian retail industry - published: 15/01/2009

Essay - 9 pages - Management

A common theme of the Canadian retail industry is that it is evolving at a rapid pace. External factors, such as the growth in the relative purchasing power of the Canadian dollar; increasing competition from discount rivals such as Wal-Mart; shifting consumer trends; and the emergence of...

20 Feb 2009

Polythene industry of Europe

Essay - 38 pages - Business strategy

Polythene is one of the most widely used materials today. It has permeated practically every aspect and walk of life. From the positive to the negative its always there, the positive being some of the products made from it that uphold essential functions in various industries and the negative...

05 Mar 2009

Study and analysis of the impact of implementing ERP solutions on large industries

Thesis - 38 pages - Management

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are the most ambitious, sophisticated use of information technology (IT) by businesses to date. Managers must compare the massive investments of resources and time to be committed to an ERP implementation against the significant benefits that may be...

03 Apr 2009

The Indian television broadcasting industry

Market study - 43 pages - Business strategy

The Indian Entertainment and Media Industry has out-performed the Indian economy and is one of the fastest growing sectors in India. It is rising on the back of economic growth and razing income levels that India has been experiencing in the past years. This is significantly benefiting the...

06 May 2009

Chocolate industry in India

Dissertation - 49 pages - Business strategy

Chocolates began during the times of the Mayas and the Aztecs when they beat cocoa into a pulp and made bitter frothy chocolate out of it. They first became popular in Europe in a highly unrefined form. Then the Hershey Food Company was the first to bring out chocolates in the currently popular...

28 Oct 2009

An overview of the Indian four wheeler industry in relevance to Maruti Udyog limited (MUL)

Thesis - 14 pages - Business strategy

The automobile revolutionary era in India started with the commencement of foreign collaborated establishments like Maruti Suzuki, Daewoo, Ford, Opel, Hyundai, etc. the old concept of Fiat and Ambassador which prevailed in India for about half a century is now virtually wiped off. The revolution...

10 Mar 2010

Britain's industrial revolution: Social consequences and the plight of the working class

Thesis - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The late 18th century was a period of revolutions, which is why for many it was a time of change and uncertainty. The American colonists had achieved their independence from Britain and the French had overthrown their monarchy and the nobility during this time period. In Britain however,...

29 Sep 2010

International business strategy: The Japanese Car Industry

Market study - 24 pages - Business strategy

The Japanese Car Industry is aiming to expand its market share across the world. The major manufacturers operate on all continents with production facilities spread all over the world. They have expanded throughout the past 20 years with a combination of Greenfield Investments, Joint...

29 Sep 2010

An analysis of the structure of the Canadian retail industry

Market study - 9 pages - Services marketing

The Canadian retail industry is evolving at a rapid pace. External factors, such as the growth in the relative purchasing power of the Canadian dollar, increasing competition from discount rivals such as Wal-Mart, shifting consumer trends, and the emergence of the retail industry in...

29 Sep 2010

Business ethics Moral issues facing a company involved in the fast food industry

Essay - 5 pages - Management

Contrary to Friedman's theory which claims that corporations only aim at increasing profits and shareholders revenues, companies have moral responsibilities. Indeed, shareholders are not alone in a firm and have to compromise with the interests of the other stakeholders. According to Freeman...

29 Sep 2010

Haribo: keeping competitive in the candy industry

Case study - 16 pages - Business strategy

When we target the European audience, particularly the French one can commonly relate to them through a Haribo. Well the questions that now boil down is about knowing and tasting a Haribo sweet. A hypothesis is drawn with respect to the French in particular who are well versed with the taste of...

29 Sep 2010

Comparative analysis of the strategies of implantation and expansion of Danone and Nestle (food and beverage industry) on the Chinese market

Case study - 9 pages - Business strategy

The two firms, Danone and Nestle are on the same segments of the food and beverage industry, they both produce dairy products, bottled water and biscuits. They also cracked the Chinese market at the same time in 1996 but not through the same market segment, which forced Danone to...

01 Dec 2010

The car industry in China (2008)

Thesis - 32 pages - Economy general

In the current context of significant economic growth of China, with 2008 being a year when Beijing hosted the Olympic Games, it seems wise to focus on the country. Indeed, it officially aims to give way to a spirit of conviviality around sports, but does not forget to attract as many people...

28 Feb 2014

Key success factors in retail industry

Case study - 28 pages - Business strategy

The retail industry is today a huge market where competitors are a lot. In order to overview the market of the retail industry, we will list the main actors in the world: Wal-Mart, Carrefour, Ahold, Kroger, Metro group, Target, Albertsons, Kmart and Tesco. However in order to seize...

31 Dec 2024

The Future of the Cosmetic Luxury Industry in the Chinese Market - Elixir

Case study - 6 pages - Luxury marketing

We chose to work on the fictional French luxury skincare brand: Elixir, founded in 1991 and bought by the Estée Lauder Group in 2002. Elixir's bestseller: the Vitalixir Moisturizer is a Hollywood skin care staple, costing 340 EUR for a 100 milliliters jar. Elixir's success has been...