Catholic workers: The family life
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Working parents are often faced with the daunting challenge of balancing their time between work and family. As providers, they have to work to support their family, but as parents they have to spend time with their children. Now imagine the plight of Catholic Worker parents. Just...
Theories of family counseling/therapy
Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology
I was introduced to John Gottman, Ph.D. by Phil Donahue during the summer of 1995. At that time, Dr. Gottman was promoting the paperback edition of his book, Why Marriages Succeed or Fail?And How You Can Make Yours Last (Gottman, 1995) on the Donahue show. Also at that time, I had taken a break...
How one childhood condition can affect the normal growth and development of a child and family: The possible intervention to alleviate these issues
Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology
This report will aim to look at diabetes, its causes, symptoms and treatment in children. Commonly thought of as a mild' condition, the seriousness of diabetes is often not recognized; therefore this report shall attempt to illustrate the potential risks involved, whilst raising awareness...
American marriage and family: The final
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In The Mommy Tax, Ann Crittenden discussed the fact that, unlike countries like France, America has no real infrastructure to protect women workers. While some countries view producing good children as a contribution to the nation, America doesn't measure things that way: France...
Advanced clinical techniques/family centered practice with populations at risk (aging)
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
On April 29, 2006 at about 5:30 a.m., May C. fell in her kitchen in a rural area 10 miles west of Yakima, Washington. As she fell her right leg was thrust back while the rest of her body fell forward, resulting in a compound fracture of her right femur. May called her LifeLine service for help...
"The root of all chaos stems from the family". Discuss the dynamics of family conflict in two works you have studied
Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Aristotle based his famous works on tragedy on the analysis of what he considered to be the perfect, paradigm of tragedy- Sophocle's carefully Crafted Oedipus the King. The myth of Oedipus has been studied, analysed, spread worldwide and widely used by writers, even philosophers such...
Dorothy Day and reinventing the Catholic Worker Family
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
When Dorothy Day began establishing hospitality houses as a branch of the Catholic Worker movement, many of the movement's supporters took care of the houses and lived in them along with the regular borders. Many of the hospitality houses were established in desolate and often dangerous...
An overview of family planning
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Knox women will soon have access to more affordable reproductive care near campus, as a new contract is drafted between the college and Family Planning. The new deal is the product of months of administrative confusion and mis-communication. In the past, Knox had an agreement with...
Comparison and Contrast Between Two Different Theoretical Frameworks of Family: Dual Employed Parents and Multicultural Families
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Throughout the course of the twentieth century, the breadwinner/homemaker model of family structure has pervaded both cultural and sociological discourse. Interestingly, however research now demonstrates that this model is not as typical as what many laymen believe. This...
Family law - Problem question assignment
Essay - 4 pages - Other law subjects
Maria and Homer are not married and in order to apply for a protective order Part IV of the FLA Maria will have to come within the definition of associated persons as prescribed by the FLA (A Diduck., & F Kaganas., 2006). Section 62 of the FLA defines associated persons...
A Review of Same-Sex Family Medicine
Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Same-sex couples and families face many additional challenges in the United States, whether it be from cultural views on their lifestyle or any number of legal barriers that interrupt the function of their daily lives. This paper seeks to focus on one particular legal hurdle that homosexual...
The Absent Wife and Mother as the Source for the Downfall of a Family and Kingdom in Shakespeare's King Lear
Essay - 6 pages - Literature
In King Lear, Shakespeare incorporates a theme that is prevalent in many of his other works, that of family structure, specifically, absent wives and mothers. The nonexistence of King Lear's wife and his daughters' mother also implies the absence of a Queen and a female political figure...
Sociology of the family: global advances and challenges
Essay - 8 pages - Biology
Sociology of the family as a field of research, education and action faces many challenges and critics, both within academic institutions and in the larger society. This paper focuses on recent developments in international family sociology in the context of the discipline of...
The Right Medicine: Same-sex Family Law
Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Other law subjects
Currently in the United States, same-sex couples face many discrepancies in the law compared to heterosexual married couples, many related to taxation, discrimination protection, and other benefits. Of particular importance are the barriers that same-sex couples and larger families face when...
Making the Family in Monsoon Wedding
Essay - 8 pages - Film studies
Many a novice viewer of Bollywood movies has offered the comment that they are all the same. Such comments, of course, may be the result of an othering Gaze that, by paying attention to stylized ritual and ceremony, does not perceive subtle but important differences. On the other...
All in the Family: The Economics of Interpersonal Relationships in the Gulag
Essay - 3 pages - Literature
The synopsis on the back cover of Alexander Solzhenistyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich claims that it is the harrowing account of one day in the life of a man who has conceded to all things evil with patience, dignity, and enduring strength. Like so many others, the author...
Feeding the American Family: Feminism and Food
Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Due to the multiplicity of duties and roles families play in American society, women with families face the increasingly difficult task of managing food preparation and providing nutrition for their families at once. Women with full-time careers must both conduct their own lives and care for...
African American family: The two models of such families
Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This essay aims to reinforce both afrocentric and revisionist models of the African-American family. An integral part of this argument will be to deny cultural deficit theory, and instead to focus on how African cultures blended together with each other and simultaneously adapted to New...
A testator's disposal of property and providing for the family, cohabitants and dependants
Essay - 8 pages - Constitutional law
In our courts, wills are contested and challenged every day. Despite the best intentions of the testator, or author of the will, there is no such thing as a will that cannot be contested. Still, it is important to remember that a will is designed to protect the wishes of the testator after they...
The Corleone Family: Portrait of an American Dream
Essay - 3 pages - Film studies
Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola's trilogy of organized crime masterpieces, collectively known as The Godfather trilogy, have impacted America unlike any movie since. Rather than filling the movies with hours of bloodshed and unnecessary gore like so many mafia-oriented movies, Puzo and...
Nurturing Positive Childhood Experiences: Initiatives Empowering Families Facing Adversity
Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Social disadvantage comprises numerous issues caused by poverty, discrimination, or lack of resources. It can also be induced by generational marginalization. Insufficient food or shelter, family stress and trauma, poor educational and medical facilities, and environmental contamination...
What is television doing to us? - Jack Gould (1949) - The Impact of Television on Families in the 1950s
Text commentary - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The invention of television in the 1950s is no doubt one that brought a significant social change more so within the family context. In his introductory statement, Gould (1949) is concerned about the impact of television. He is keen to point out that at the time, the issue of the future of...
Comparative law trust tools to protect familial patrimony
Course material - 3 pages - Business law
When there is an issue about finding which national law has to be applied, the civil code identifies, depending on the case who is the competent court and which law will be applied. Comparative law aims to have knowledge and discover new models and methods to solve some subject matters in other...
Review of Sarah B. Pomeroy's Book: Families in Classical and Hellenistic Greece: Representations and Realities
Book review - 3 pages - Literature
The study of social history is not a new phenomenon, but some of today's leading historians are shedding some new light on the history of the family. Such is the case with the social history of classical and Hellenistic Greece. Many historians have devoted their time to the issues...
African American families and military service
Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Considering that African-Americans have been soldiers in every war that the U.S. has ever fought, it should be no surprise that sociologists take great interest in the relationship between the U.S. military and the African-American Family (Billingsley 1992). Following Allen's theoretical...
Families make a difference
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Research suggests that adolescent delinquent substance abuse is one of the more prevalent social problems in the United States. I chose this topic because I have seen it among my own peers. Substance abuse is a problem regardless of race, class, ethnicity or gender among adolescents. In a study...
The quotidian interrupted: The fantastic in the everyday and its familial consequences in Franz Kafka's 'The Metamorphosis';
Book review - 4 pages - Literature
"In front of this monstrous creature I refuse to pronounce my brother's name, and therefore I merely say: we have to get rid of it [emphasis mine]?All you have to do is try to shake off the idea that that's Gregor" (47), cries Grete to her father as tempers and patience flare at the end...
Why do many British families of South Asian background prefer arranged marriages?
Thesis - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The tradition of Arranged Marriages was practiced by kinship groups in the South Asian sub-continent centuries before migration to Britain took place during the 1950's. Initially, migrants came to Britain to earn wages (Shaw; 2000;13), However, the tradition of arranged marriages has remained...
How offenders and their families deal with imprisonment and reentry
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
More than half of America's inmates are parents of young children; thus, children are the most severely affected family member in such situations (Travis, et al. 2005). Many of these parents are repeat offenders which results in a very unstable relationship and overall life for young...
Familial construction in Christopher Carrington's 'There's no place like home'
Book review - 2 pages - Literature
In Christopher Carrington's No Place Like Home, the author tackles the very difficult question of what comprises a family. The question posed, liking a thread throughout the book as it attempts to be answered, is what are the issues facing gay and lesbian parents as they choose to...